Live Thread: Second 2012 Presidential Debate

New York

As expected, the story of the second debate proved to be Crowley’s role as the moderator. We knew going in that Crowley had vowed to break her contract and insert herself into the debate on Obama’s side:

“This is a scandal; a total and complete media scandal committed by a woman who promised to violate her contract and to insert herself into the debate. All she did for weeks was brag about how she intended to grab the spotlight — and boy did she ever.

…We’re done with the second presidential debate, but it was apparent 45 minutes in that between the questions Crowley chose and her handling of who was allowed to speak and when, that this debate was a total and complete setup to rehabilitate Barack Obama. “

Update: CNN and CBS have declared Obama the winner of the second debate.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I disagree Mosin. He claimed the dead contractors were one of his own. He couldn’t give a flying _______ about those boys. One of our own? These niggers never shed a tear over whiteboys.

  2. “John says:
    October 17, 2012 at 3:42 am
    Undecided voters appear to all be Jewish or Black or Hispanic. Which seems incredible to me.”

    Oy vey! Location location location dahlink…Joo Yawk. Never forget.

    “JamieG says:
    October 17, 2012 at 4:10 am

    My prediction:
    The Goldman Sachs approved candidate will win.”


  3. “Obama came off as an idiot”: But “appearance” is everything for most viewers. Truthfulness and logic, or falsehood and idiocy are irrelevant.

  4. I’m sure the higher ups at Goldman are laughing at the rubes across the country doing post-mortem tonight like it matters.

  5. The white devil was in rare form tonight. The enemy couldn’t even gets his lies straight. The arch evil-doer doesn’t know the difference between telling a myth and making himself like some rambling, comatose, sociopathic, idiot savant. There’s only one way to truly get rid of the arch enemy. Hitler was definitely a man ahead of his time.

  6. John, the way WE see it (that Obama was worse, more wrong than Romney in the debate) is one thing, but I have been expressing what I am trying to see through THEIR eyes.

  7. @John

    Romney and the GOP want to send those same white soldiers and contractors you care so much about to die in the desert fighting Iran and Syria (and God knows who else) for Israel. And they are going to borrow 2 trillion dollars from the Chinese to do it. So in other words Romney will send you or your kids to the middle east to die for Zion and borrow from foreigners (in your name) to do it.

  8. You mistake saber rattling for belligerence.

    Romney is more like Stanley Baldwin than Churchill. I don’t think he’s a warmonger. Here’s why. He actually looks at the bottom line. Like Palmerston, who seemed warlike and blustering but was careful to avoid war. Reagan avoided real wars.

    Obama uses lives like chips in a poker game. Biden would send men off to die and ha did with the IWR. Obama uses white boys to set up Islamicist regimes. I know my shit Gottfried.

  9. If Bonzo the Chimp is declared the winner of the Election, it will probably be the LAST ELECTION any of you ever see. With hundreds of thousands of troops coming back from Afghanistan if Bonzo wins, they’re not going to like the outcome.

    The Hymie Commanderats will probably be fragged, and there will be a Military Coup. Why not? Bonzo re-elected by fraud makes the USA look like a Banana Republic – so a Military Coup seems most Appropriate!

    Four more fears of Bonzo goes to Hell, and the Entire White Nation will Revolt!

  10. John says:
    October 17, 2012 at 3:59 am
    ‘Crowley just admitted she’s wrong!’

    Crowley’s False Fact Check Saves President, Derails Debate – UPDATE: Crowley Backtracks

    ***UPDATE 4: Politico’s Dylan Byers: “After the debate, even Crowley seemed to acknowledge that she had erred.”

    ***UPDATE 3: Even Politico’s Mike Allen is questioning Crowley’s call.

    ***UPDATE 2: Even Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler says Crowley got it wrong: Obama “did not say terrorism.”

    ***UPDATE: After the debate, Anderson Cooper was the first member of the CNN post debate group to question whether or not Romney really got the Libya issue wrong. They then brought Crowley on and after all the damage she had done during the debate, she finally admitted that Romney was “right” but “picked the wrong word.”

    Romney “picked the wrong word!” And for that sin the the referee ran onto the field and tackled the other guy!

    This is a scandal; a total and complete media scandal committed by a woman who promised to violate her contract and to insert herself into the debate. All she did for weeks was brag about how she intended to grab the spotlight — and boy did she ever.

    Absolutely disgraceful.

    We’re done with the second presidential debate, but it was apparent 45 minutes in that between the questions Crowley chose and her handling of who was allowed to speak and when, that this debate was a total and complete setup to rehabilitate Barack Obama.

    If these are truly undecided voters, they’re apparently undecided between Obama and the Green Party. Moreover, as I write this, Obama’s already enjoyed four more minutes of speaking time than Romney. In a ninety-minute debate, that’s a big deal.

    The lowest and most dishonest part of Crowley’s disgraceful “moderation” was when she actually jumped into the debate to take Obama’s side when the issue of Benghazi came up. To cover for his and his administration’s lying for almost two weeks about the attack coming as the result of a spontaneous protest over a YouTube video, Obama attempted to use as cover the claim that he had called the attack a “terrorist attack” on that very first day during his Rose Garden statement.

    Romney correctly disputed that.

    Crowley, quite incorrectly, took Obama’s side and the crowd exploded.

    Here’s what Obama said that day:

    No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for.

    Context matters and the context here is that Obama connected this “act of terror” to … a mob action over a YouTube video — not a deliberate terrorist attack. Obama was using the term generically and it would be almost two weeks before he used it again.

    Let’s not forget that Susan Rice said declaratively on the five Sunday shows four days later that it was NOT an act of terror.

    And during those two weeks the Obama administration lied like a rug. For Crowley to step in and attempt to correct Romney on a statement that is at best arguable, was completely out of line. The debate over this debate has only begun.

  11. The RNC ought to put up ads up on the Benghazi question. Rice, Obama at UN.

    No attention on this issue hurts Romney. I’m getting vibe that as soon as Obama has a second term he will end up bombing Iran. Much more likely than Romney. Here’s why, Obama is essentially as big a whore as Biden. These two dumbo’s are quite happy to break up a Shiite nation.

  12. “You mistake saber rattling for belligerence…..”

    Great point, I had never looked at it like that. Reagan was indeed attacked for being a “warmonger”, but he sent fewer Americans to die than any other President in the past 60 years.

  13. I do not get the sense that Romney is a warmonger.

    Otoh Obama’s obfuscation over the Ambassador and the Video, is interesting. He has claimed that they thought it was a protest. Biden at one point said it was a protest and that intel was wrong. But also said he thought it was terror attack.

    Well which is it to be? The shark in Romney nailed him on this. Obama was claiming two incompatable things and still is. What did he know? When did he know it?

  14. The admin is all over the map on Benghazi.

    He claims at various times that they didn’t know it was a terror attack on sunday, then that they knew. That’s why Romney wanted than on record. Why if he knew did he send out Rice to lie on TV?

    Don’t let this one go because it shows how easily Obama is going bamboozle us into war with Iran.

  15. One More point here. Obama is now asserting that he knew that this was a terrorist assault Sunday morning.


    Obama and Biden claimed that they learned new stuff as intel evolved.

    This confirms that the video was a deliberate smokescreen originating from the whitehouse to deflect away from the revived Al Qaeda force in the middleast.
    Romney wanted to get Obama to deny that it ever was about the video. And Obama just did.

  16. Yup, great points both of you. I’m off my game these days. Obama got all “ind-nig-ment” about how he did state it was a terror attack the day after. If that’s true than why did he insist it was a protest up to two weeks later?

  17. “Benghazi was a protest.” “No, Benghazi was a terrorist attack.”

    It’s a floor wax! It’s a dessert topping! It’s a floor wax AND a dessert topping!

    What difference does the etiology really make? (btw, it was clearly an attack — not even a ‘terror’ attack, but a military attack by an enemy force). The real issue is this: there was an armed attack upon a US embassy, which is literally an act of war, and our people were killed. The only correct response was to send a carrier and a battleship group to ride at anchor off the Libyan coast, and to instruct the people of Benghazi that they had 36 hours to evacuate their city, because it was going to be shelled into rubble.

    The only question is not, Who are the culprits and what were their motives? The only question is, Why was not Benghazi immediately shelled in retaliation?

  18. Who cares about Bengazi? Do you really expect a known slacker, AA Prez-i-dunt to be involved in the daily tempo of security for every shit-hole place the U.S. has a presence?

    It’s just a bunch of “gotcha” politics. Did either “canidate” (chuckle) address anything of substance? About the fiscal cliff our country is about to go over, about the fed induced structural problems in our economy that need to be corrected? I doubt it.
    Or was it all about getting more goodies to more worthless eaters?

    I doubt anyone here gives two shits about Bengazi but I also doubt the average “undecided voter” does either. It’s all about who’s give-aways are more attractive. Free ice-cream or free skittle-shitting ponies is how the mouth-breathers in this Banana Republic frame it.

  19. Romney was a fool to agree to a debate hosted by a CNN moderator and to those rules. They don’t call them the Communist News Network for no reason. Obama would never agree to a debate hosted by Fox and moderated by Brit Hume. The Stupid Party delivers again.

  20. Obama has a weird cadence. His answers are very memorized, and it’s as if he’s reading the script from his mind’s eye. He’ll have a weird pause, but then the way he picks the sentence back up…it’s not like he’s grasping for the general thought, it’s like he’s grasping for the specific word.

  21. “Obama has a weird cadence. His answers are very memorized, and it’s as if he’s reading the script from his mind’s eye. He’ll have a weird pause, but then the way he picks the sentence back up…it’s not like he’s grasping for the general thought, it’s like he’s grasping for the specific word.”

    “Internal teleprompter implant theory” may be expected to replace or reinforce “teleprompter deficit theory” and other “theories.”

  22. oscar the grinch says:
    October 17, 2012 at 9:09 am
    “Benghazi was a protest.” “No, Benghazi was a terrorist attack.”

    What difference does the etiology really make? (btw, it was clearly an attack — not even a ‘terror’ attack, but a military attack by an enemy force). The real issue is this: there was an armed attack upon a US embassy, which is literally an act of war, and our people were killed. The only correct response was to send a carrier and a battleship group to ride at anchor off the Libyan coast, and to instruct the people of Benghazi that they had 36 hours to evacuate their city, because it was going to be shelled into rubble.

    The only question is not, Who are the culprits and what were their motives? The only question is, Why was not Benghazi immediately shelled in retaliation?

    Jack Ryan responds:

    Very well said. And OD readers should know that the battle song of the US Marines includes a passage about “To to the Shores of Tripoli – we will fight our countries battles as the United States Marines”.

    But this song was written beforce touchy, feely Liberals/Libertarians from the 1960s became obsessed with “root causes” – as in “what are the ROOT CAUSES” that mobs of Arab Muslims, Black Africans, Black African American gang members want to assault, rape, kill White Americans”

    Ron Paul thinks the “root cause” of Arab Muslim anger is the US having military bases near Saudi Arabian holy sites (Which now apparetly includes a Saudi financed Mosque on Ground Zero in New York City, Mega mosques in London/Londonstan, Cologne Germany, Constantinople etc.

  23. Hoping for a bicoastal subway series.
    At this point it’s about putting Detroit in their place – g-d forbid we fail. Supporting whichever nine can do the job is important. Any victory of Detroit would be a propaganda coup for their Negrified ruling class. Scruffy Negroes like Prince Fielder are a disgrace.

  24. ” ‘The only question is, Why was not Benghazi immediately shelled in retaliation?’ Jack Ryan responds: Very well said.”

    Yes, absolutely! That is the ONLY only question that needs to be asked! “Shelling” anti-Zionist Arabs at every opportunity is VERY inexpensive, just, and beneficial to our lives here in the states.

    “Ron Paul thinks the ‘root cause’ of Arab Muslim anger is the US having military bases near Saudi Arabian holy sites”:

    Let us digress further now on the subject of the very OLDNESS of Ron Paul! Always a favourite theme on OD.

  25. Shell Benghazi? The city we just “liberated”? Our hope for order in post Ghadaffi Libya?

    Damn that’s cold!

    A minor party conducted the attack, most likely as a neocon funded October surprise. You don’t lash out and hope to build any credibility.

  26. @Tamer

    Something’s in the air… ah yes — it’s the smell of bloody pinstripes. I remember it from last year.

  27. “A minor party conducted the attack, most likely as a neocon funded October surprise. You don’t lash out and hope to build any credibility.”

    May the U.S.A. let the Libyans and other Arabs alone, or they’ll invade us back with more of their “refugees”!

  28. The US was clearly up to its eyeballs in the Libyan event. The intel was there, clear as day. Word is it was meant to lead to a kidnapping, where Obama saves the day. An anti-Obama contracting unit bought out the intel and used it against him.

    Yeah, we have no clue what’s going on in Libya. Even though Stevens knew he was in shit.

    Muslims can live anywhere. How many “terrorist acts” have there been in Portland, Mufreesboro or Detroit? No, I don’t want them here either. But all a terrorist is is someone who wants their country free from NWO influence. As long as you don’t mind bending over and taking it when the CIA comes along, you can kill, rob and maim all you want. As the CIA and Romney funded Contras.

  29. “You don’t lash out and hope to build any credibility.”

    I’m not interested in credibility. I’m interested in teaching shit-monkeys that they don’t get to ignore the laws of civilized humanity simply because they’re shit-colored and they happen to believe nonsense.

    White people need to start regaining a proper sense of contempt for shit-colored monkey-people; because the shit-monkeys have discovered that they vastly outnumber the whites, and therefore the contempt they have (and have always had, btw) for whites is growing and snowballing, day by day.

    If white people do not start to draw a line, the future is going to be monstrous.

  30. “I’m not interested in credibility. I’m interested in teaching shit-monkeys that they don’t get to ignore the laws of civilized humanity simply because they’re shit-colored and they happen to believe nonsense.”

    So then, bomb the Libyans, bomb the Iranians, bomb the Iraqis, and the Syrians, Pakistanis, et cetera. Yes, bomb them all of them, who happen to believe nonsense! Bombing is cheap, mercenaries are affordable, and we can pay easily for rebuilding of destroyed infrastructure and other reparations, and for all the “refugees” who come to live in our land, after each war.

  31. “Til Valhall!!!
    (Sorry Fr.John)” – UKn_Leo

    You don’t offend me, Leo. If a bunch of dummer Norskis fighting the jews’ war in Sandnigradom want to pretend their effort is noble (when it’s not) then, let them.

    Neither Valhalla nor Heaven awaits those who are traitors to their race; remember, the Romans praised the Nordic Teutons for their racial fidelity, and the Israelites, their brethren in this (as in most else) command that God’s Elect espouse righteousness by avoiding race admixture, as it clearly states:

    “Thou shalt not adulterate,” which is the exact meaning of the 7th Word of God, as fornication is already covered in the 10th (thy neighbor’s wife) – or the 9th (for RC’s).

    For, like Uriah the Hittite’s wife, David coveted, and therefore ‘did the dirty deed.’ He did NOT, however, adulterate with Bathsheba, (Solomon’s mom) for from her came Israel’s Messiah, the kinsman-redeemer, Jesus Christ; and Christ is not a mamzer bastard, the Talmud’s lies notwithstanding. It is the Jews/Idumeans/Khazarians (HA-R!) that are, and always will be, racial bastards, par dégénérance.

    This is a ‘duh’ Bible lesson, but it bears repeating….

  32. “If the “moderator” would have been fair, how would that have changed the outcome?”
    – Mosin

    Mo, if the moderator had been fair, we would not be in America.

    Denise et al., knows why- don’t you? Jews own the networks- totally. Obummer is having a firm in SPAIN (with ties to Jew Soros) count the votes. He’s already said ‘When I am re-elected’ on a number of videos I’ve read. Unless everyone votes for Mittens, one wonders how it could be any different.

    Of course, there are still options. Like buying canned food, ammo, and living in your retreat, as the video on this post notes we better be thinking about…. but then, the article as well offers a voice of ‘hope and change’- just out of the NFKAUSA (Nation formerly known as the USA).

  33. “So then, bomb the Libyans, bomb the Iranians, bomb the Iraqis, and the Syrians, Pakistanis, et cetera. ”

    You’re missing my point entirely.

    I don’t want to bomb people for being who or what they are, I want to forget all about them and have nothing to do with them, and I want them to forget all about us, and I especially want them to forget about ever coming here. However, step one towards that future world is for whites and the West to regain a proper sense of self-respect and a proper sense of mastery. And when these retards do things like attack our embassies, self-respect demands a fit reprisal, not an endless war. Bomb Benghazi and leave a note saying, We don’t hate you, but if you do it again, next time it’ll be worse, and leave it at that.

    The reason we’re stuck in this ridiculous endless pointless war in Afghanistan is that we no longer have any self-respect, and no sense of boundaries. Why the hell are we fighting the Taliban? They aren’t responsible for 9/11, all they did was give shelter to the culprits. We mostly punished and dispersed the culprits, the actual military job was done in the space of a few weeks, the rest of the global covert ops against AQ have to do with intelligence and espionage, not with brute military force. Why the f#ck are we still fighting the Taliban? Because they’re mean to women? Too bad; sucks to be an Afghan woman, not my problem, and not worth the life of a single American soldier.

    There’s only two plausible explanations for why we’re still in Afghamnistan (stet):
    a) cynical — it’s a low-grade war, and somebody thinks it’s worth keeping boiling as an excuse to maintain a lot of bases and hardware in Central Asia to keep Iran and Pakistan in check, or
    b) we really are that stupid — I find it hard to believe that anyone in top-echelon power really thinks that it’s worth American blood and treasure to rebuild and reform a country to whom we owe nothing except a kick in the teeth, but maybe our leaders really ARE that stupid.

    Like I say, the West has no self-respect, and this has got to stop.

  34. “Romney’s wife is Welsh. That’s a bloody good thing.” Good information. Thanks, John. Being Welsh on one side, I think I could sense that.

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