About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Bickering makes us invincible.

    The EU and peace has been a disaster. What was that Irwin Welles line? Switzerland? 500 years of democracy and brotherly love? What did it give us: The cuckoo clock!

  2. John has a strong point. Germans honed their blade on Poles. Anglo folk, on Irish. But the schechita is for non-whites; at least it should be.

    To continue an earlier thought about Anglos being so far removed from Negroes: consider the “JQ”. Jews are in every way the antipode of Negroes and far removed from them intellectually and physically. As a result, Jews despise them without being able to consider them and the – very real – threat they pose, seriously. Much to the detriment of avg IQ caucasians and asians.

  3. I have always held the Irish to be on a lower rung than even the Poles and that’s low in my book.

    Growing up in Boston, I have seen many, many Irish women on the arm of a nigger or a Puerto Rican.

  4. People actually pay attention to what the average Irish citizen says these days in a MSM article? They’ve let their leaders chain themselves to the EU. The MSM is not going to interview the ones who voted against it but the ones who love socialism and thus the magical dark one across the sea. They sure seemed to welcome capitalism when it brought them US tech companies like Intel, fleeing taxes in the USSA.

    Perhaps if those Irishmen had told the EU to bugger off and gone the Iceland route, they’d have more shops on mainstreet still open.

  5. When you consider Irish immigration policy is dumping nogs into Ireland faster than you can say “Jack Robinson.” Make that “Jackie Robinson.” Move over Sweden, I think we have finally found the most ethnomasochistic white people ever.

    According to Wikipedia, the person responsible for “the [Irish] government’s asylum strategy and development of the national immigration policy” is the Minister for Justice and Equality, who is presently a Jew, Alan Shatter. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minister_for_Justice_and_Equality and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Shatter

    There was a time when Hilaire Belloc could remark that, in Ireland, the Jew is nobody; of course, that was a time when, in Ireland, even the Irishman was a nobody. Anyway–things seem to have changed.

    See also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kw13poup3Wc (“Vile Antisemites Attack Jew Alan Shatter).

  6. The anti-Whites must be laughing their asses off observing all this inter-ethnic bickering and resentment on a “pro-White” website.

    Apparently John and others don’t believe you should take allies wherever you can find them. Better to alienate an entire ethnic you group you don’t like.

    Divide and conquer. The anti-Whites couldn’t have done it better.

  7. “John says:
    October 21, 2012 at 3:09 am
    Bickering makes us invincible.

    The EU and peace has been a disaster. What was that Irwin Welles line? Switzerland? 500 years of democracy and brotherly love? What did it give us: The cuckoo clock!”

    Better that Europeans had honed their battle skills over the dead bodies of non Europeans, as then we would have lost only one side of the causality list, instead of both sides.

  8. There’s no causal relation between ww2 and third world migration to Europe. Napoleon war, Seven Years war and the 30 years war were proportionally terrible.

  9. Too off topic but there was a clear relationship between the left winning WWii and hordes of non Europeans being allowed to colonize Europe.

  10. There’s this:

    In order to compensate for the fake narrative of the Holocaust, whites decided to become antiracist. Entirely avoidable if the leadership had not been seduced by the bullshit.

    The superstructure narrative of freedom and “war without hate”(largely an American ideological contribution) is what did it. Not the war itself.

  11. Mr. W —

    Just to let you know: I’ve twice posted a comment that was held for the moderator, probably because it contained links. First, I posted it in the present thread, about Tagg Romney and Lawrence O’Donnell; then, when it seemed to have disappeared, I posted it in your next thread, about Romney’s pulling away in Florida. It seems to have disappeared there, too. Because the comment contained nothing, as far as I can see, that would have led you to delete it, I’m wondering whether its disappearance is a sign OD is under attack.

    Anyway–I’ll post the comment again, below, without the links. It’s simply a response to the following remark from Aupleius:

    When you consider Irish immigration policy is dumping nogs into Ireland faster than you can say “Jack Robinson.” Make that “Jackie Robinson.” Move over Sweden, I think we have finally found the most ethnomasochistic white people ever.

    I’ll just mention that Ireland’s Minister for Justice and Equality, who, according to Wikipedia, is responsible for “implementation of the government’s asylum strategy and development of the national immigration policy,” is a Jew, one Alan Shatter. (See Wikipedia’s entries for “Alan Shatter” and “Minister for Justice and Equality.” See also, among other things, a brief YouTube clip headed “Vile Antisemites Attack Jew Alan Shatter.”)

    There was a time when Hilaire Belloc could remark that, in Ireland, the Jew was a nobody; of course, that was at a time when Ireland was no place. Things seem to have changed a bit.

    I don’t know these subjects well; but sometimes I get the impression that, during the 1990s, Ireland morphed from a Catholic country to a leftist country. Those who would once have gone into the priesthood now join NGOs.

  12. If the Irish, like other whites, have allowed Jews to take over their country and dictate policy to them, then they have no one to blame but themselves. I wouldn’t blame the Jews, who are only doing what they are well known for doing. Blaming them would be like blaming the niggers for Lincoln’s War against the Southern people.

    Besides, why is the Irish response to the invasion of their country by niggers so feeble. These are the same Irish who had no compunction with employing terrorism against the white English. From what I understand, even the stupid bastards in the IRA are just fine with the mongrelization of Ireland.

    Don’t blame your enemies for your defeat if you are too weak to fight for your own.
    Such complaints are pathetically effeminate and unworthy of any true white man.

    Deo Vindice

  13. Don’t blame your enemies for your defeat if you are too weak to fight for your own.
    Such complaints are pathetically effeminate and unworthy of any true white man.

    I agree with you on that, Apuleius; I’m just providing the information.

    The IRA and Sinn Fein are communist.

    This may burst some bubbles but Gerry Adams is a commie.

    I didn’t mean to suggest commies were not to be found in Ireland before the 1990s, John. It just seems that something changed there, circa the ’90s. Leftism finally went mainstream or something. There was that woman–maybe a member of Ireland’s parliament–who denounced Dublin’s St. Patrick’s Day parade as “fascist.” Not sure when that was–early 2000s maybe. There’s a 2000 book that probably treats this subject–Goodbye to Catholic Ireland.

  14. PS I happen to have a letter that’s from an Irish genealogical service and is dated 2004. The envelope seems to embody the transition of which I’m speaking. Though the stamp features a traditional representation of St. Patrick, the postmark reads, as I recall it: “Smoking Kills.” The ban on smoking in Ireland’s pubs was passed not long after I received the letter. The envelope, as I say, seems to embody the transition from Catholicism to political correctness, for lack of a better term.

    I gather, similarly, that Aer Lingus used to name each of its planes after a Catholic saint. In the time since I received that letter, Aer Lingus announced it would no longer do that–or so I’ve been told.

    Around the time I received that letter, I saw a comment, somewhere on the internet, about souvenirs that were on sale at the Cliffs of Moher. As far as I could tell, the commenter was Irish himself–an Irish native, I mean; but he made some wiseguy, yuppie-ish remark in disparagement of the souvenirs, which, as he characterized them, were like the kind of Irish bric-a-brac one would find in the least sophisticated Irish-American home. It was just amazing to me: even the Irish, I thought, are now looking down on the Irish.

  15. I don’t understand what changed. PIRA was communist, so knee capping whites was a okay. There are plenty of middle aged men who were tortured by Sinn Fein and had their kneecaps blown out for little more than joy riding or selling drugs. Basically teenage kicks.

    Keeping nigs out, thats rayciss. Alan Shatter is the new Ireland.


  16. The teenagers around Northern Ireland were vastly better behaved than Detroit nigs. However infractions of rules by catholic boys normally meant that the IRA would cripple them. Harsh insanity really. However they were hard bigotted men. They are soft now.

  17. In 2002, John Derbyshire had a column on this subject; that’s where I learned of Goodbye to Catholic Ireland (though I’m not sure I read the column at the time it was originally published). Google “johnderbyshire.com” with “All Eyes to Ireland.” Derbyshire quotes “an Irish friend,” who, he says, had then-recently remarked to him about the position of the Catholic Church in Ireland: “The process of secularization, which in England took 150 years, we have gone through in 15.”

  18. I’m Irish (and Catholic, sort of) and I’m staunchly pro-white. This bickering is typical of whiteness. It is our biggest problem. And, not all Irish are sellouts. There are plenty over there that do not like what is happening.


    Just like in America, they are brainwashed. And, most of their water is fluoridated. Connect the dots.

  19. The Irish have long been nigger lovers. Irish coaches have deified black ball players and done everything to welcome and attract nigger athletes to their colleges and universities up to and including offering them white girls for sex. The Irish brag about bringing nigger ball players into “bigoted” white towns and cities to infuriate blue collar whites.

    The Irish march in parades today in support of and in coalition with mestizos. And of course there is no need to rehash the strident advocacy and support offered up by the Irish Catholic Church for Mexican invaders.

    Irish bars are hotbeds of miscegenation where drunken men, impotent from booze, hoot and cheer as niggers take home white women they themselves cannot service. This is, once again, especially true concerning nigger ball players–whom the Irish men have usually brought to the bar to show off to the available women. It is not uncommon for the sports fanatic to offer up his own daughter or wife to a nigger in the hope that the nigger will sire a good ball player. While this is going on, the famous Irish temper and drunken fighting lust will be directed at any non-Irish white man who tries to seduce a woman, unless the woman is non-white.

    In the old days, Irish beat cops would routinely rough up white men who braced niggers out on the street. These Irish cops were often as much the voice and hand of anti-racism, Civil Rights movements as federal forces were in later years.

  20. @Brutus
    Funny, I know an Irish pro white, that says exactly the same, about the English upper classes. Could it be whites of all kinds, have a white anti-white problem?

  21. Well, Brutus, please explain Bull Connor, the most famous Irish cop of them all. You’re full of shit. Any Irish cop I knew, while growing up in NYC, was virulently anti-black, brown, and Jew.

  22. Probably so, JamieG. It certainly looks like a lot of whites have a ethnicmachosism problem.

    Snowwhitey, so what? All DWL’s say that all minorities they know are good. But as a group, minorities are just as we on these sites describe them.

    I happen to know a guy who, back in the late 70s, blew a man’s head off with a shotgun after getting his as beat. The guy did six years in Michigan City and got out in the early 80s. Since then he has never been in trouble and it is the general opinion of everyone that knows him that he is a friendly and good guy, well liked. Does this mean, then, that every convicted murderer who blew someone’s head off and did time in a hardcore prison is actually a good guy? Must be, right? All the ones I know are.

    I’m sorry, and I know a lot of people fawn over the Irish, but it is a fact that too many of the Irish can be described just as I and some others on this thread described them. That goes for the English upper classes, too. And quite a few other white ethnics, evidently.

  23. Yeah, it seems Lawrence O’Donnell is an habitual oil-driller. He was screwing Kerry Washington a number of years ago.

  24. People like O’Donnell are paid very large sums of money to promote divide and rule.

    Some people do it for nothing.

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