About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. That’s a very queer sort of posturing.
    Queer as in gay.

    Who does this sort of stuff outside WWF theatrics? Dude needs to get in spandex and oil up. He’s going to fight on behalf of his Negro Boy.

  2. Mittens and his kittens and master Obumma donna need to do anything but look pretti to win Amurrican votes.

  3. Hunter Wallace bait at VDARE:

    Of course, one could argue that these Democrats’ shift to support liberal racial policies in the 1980s was opportunistic. But their initial support of segregation may have been equally disingenuous.

    The fact that these Southern Democrats had to preach segregation to get elected in the 1950s reveals the real issue: not that the Southern Democrats supported segregation—but that Southern voters supported segregation.

    Look at the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Overall, Republicans were much more likely to vote for it than Democrats. But if you control for region, Northern Democrats were more likely to vote for it than Northern Republicans. Southern Democrats were slightly more likely to vote for it than Southern Republicans.

    The real division: between North and South.

    Polls still show that, while white Southerners today do not explicitly support segregation, they are still much more likely to oppose Affirmative Action and to be concerned about anti-white racism.

    And there is a reason for this: Whites have rights too. Regardless of abstract justice, many Southern whites were materially disadvantaged by integration. They continue to be disadvantaged by Affirmative Action and by Obama-style racial socialism in general.


  4. What a disgusting excuse for a man O’Donnell is. This is the first time I could feel my blood pressure rising while watching a video of late.
    He makes me ashamed to be Irish.

  5. I’m from Boston-Southie Irish would only fight you if you were outnumbered. They’re famous for the sucker punch-just like niggers

  6. Don’t be ashamed to be Irish, Mary. Be Irish. Read the Irish Savant

    Ah, I am a regular reader of the Irish Savant Lynda, he is great.
    I have been sparring with a few Irish anti-Whites this evening and I guess this video just pushed me over the edge for a minute 😉
    The fight goes on……

  7. Was O’Donnell the bully of the school yard who always beat the crap out of the most defenseless or the most defenseless the bully of the schoolyard always beat the crap out of?

    Either way I can’t wait to see Dixiegirl’s remarks. This one is tailor made for her.

    Earlmundo may make an appearance too.

  8. He’s a Mick through and through. If you look carefully he’s badly in need of another whiskey. His hands are shaking.

  9. ODonnell faggotry really is emblematic of Northern Whites. The Southern States (plus Missouri) have set up a soft ball pitch that only ONE northern state needs to, bunt? Is that the word? Anyway, just ONE. A rising tide, a growing tsunami of white dissent and what happens?

    … your instinct is to pick a fight with a kid, to defend a nig.

    That’s ODonnell that’s the North.

  10. Joe Walker. Bingo. Jews probably sent him a little bonus for that clip spreading divide and rule among the goyim so nicely (Irish versus Anglo,wealthy versus non-wealthy,GOP versus democrat).

  11. “He is the embodiment of Irish.”
    The hell he is John…he’s a piece of yankee irish shit. Ive posted here under several names against dixiegirl’s nonsense. My Irish catholic great great grandparents immigrated from Ireland in 1835 and first settled in NYC, then had the great sense to move south to Mobile, Alabama. Their first son was born their in 1842..he fought with the 3rd Alabama Infantry Regiment from Malvern hill to Gettysburg…He was wounded at Chancellorsville where his regiment was in the lead of Jackson’s famous flank march. So all you anticatholic assholes here..post your dixie history

  12. I’m not anti catholic.

    Have seen what Odonnell says about Anglos? Have you any freaking idea? He’s a pointman for it. He among other Irish Media Whores is saturated with hatred toward Anglos.

  13. John..guess I would be a “mick”:..so what Confederate regiment did you ancestors serve with?? Tell us…

  14. Y’all,

    argue far more inter-ethnically than even actual Europeans do, who these days get along pretty good.

    It’s amusing.

    A little worrying in these dark times though.

    Naughty Americans. Pack it in!

  15. John’s ancestors weren’t involved in the Civil War at all. He’s not American. From what I can gather, he’s a liberal British national who used to hang out with nigger rappers in Los Angeles, but he’s recently had some personal revelation about niggers and decided that he’s now a self-proclaimed “Southron”, despite residing in the Union state of Missouri, and blindly agrees with everything Hunter posts on here throughout each of his many phases.

    John has been in this country all of five minutes, but he apparently feels that entitles him to disparage northern Americans and the North itself — a region he knows fuck-all about, as if he’s ever even lived a day here — and even have the nerve to say that America should be “partitioned” because it’s “too big”, while simultaneously (not to mention hypocritically) calling for the re-colonization of the Third-World. I almost feel sorry for him, since he actually seems to believe in the plausability of this secession horseshit.

  16. “ODonnell faggotry really is emblematic of Northern Whites. The Southern States (plus Missouri) have set up a soft ball pitch that only ONE northern state needs to, bunt? Is that the word? Anyway, just ONE”

    If Romney carries all the Southern states and Obama wins the tossup states in the West (CO, NV), then Romney still has to win more than one Northern state. Indiana is already expected to go to Romney, so in addition to Indiana he would still need 22 more electoral votes from the Northern states.

    The Northern tossup states are:

    Wisconsin (10)
    Michigan (16)
    Iowa (6)
    Ohio (18)
    Pennsylvania (20)
    Michigan (16)
    New Hampshire (4)

    Assuming these are the only states Romney has a real chance to win, here are the combination possibilities from this list of states that Romney would have to win in order to over the 22 vote threshold required:

    Pennsylvania (20) + any
    Ohio (18) + any
    Michigan (16) + Wisconsin (10)
    Michigan (16) + Iowa (6)

    I’m using the RealClearPolitics data for this analysis. I’m not sure what you are using. Maybe you were counting Colorado and/or Nevada for Romney, which obviously would change the situation outlined above. But even if both of those states go to Romney, he still needs ALL of the Southern states (Missouri included) PLUS Indiana just to TIE Obama at 269.

    So again, not sure what data you’re looking at, but I can’t imagine a realistic scenario where Romney gets into the White House with only one Northern state’s electoral votes. He has to have at least three (Indiana plus two more).

  17. I’ve not claimed I’m Southron either.

    Anyway, Southern white have provided a very stable platform for Romney to win. The problem is that Northern whites are just too damn good to go along with it.

    Indiana excepted.

  18. I was thinking about the western states. I suspect Romney will win them last minute. Mormons are thick on the ground there.

  19. It is astonishing how many Jewish troll pretend that they are Protestants on this board. They must really fear Hunter.

  20. It would be good if another member of the Irish press cohort took ODonnell to task with this psychotic display of southy-ness. He’s doing all this posturing ’cause of a crush on Obama.

    Sadly it’s how many of them act. Both the ostensible right like Hannity and Oreilly, and the left like Matthews and ODonnell.

  21. Southron Irish / Catholic equals righteous White man almost 100% of the time. There must be something in the yankee air/ water that fouls their thinking

    Sadly even the Southron catholic church has gone full on anti-White these days

  22. Lawrence ODonnell is only typical of a mind sick, anti-white. Nothing else! No white man or woman needs to be sick like this. Spread the mantra.

  23. Sad—- look at the Irish-Americans (very different from Irish-Irish) step forward and BLAME anglos AND jews for this guy. Next thing you know, they’ll go on about the potato famine (which got them into “union” uniforms) and need not apply signs and kiss Tarantino’s butt for making Django, etc.

    Except Mary— who takes responsibility like someone with some class:

    Mary says:

    What a disgusting excuse for a man O’Donnell is. He makes me ashamed to be Irish.

    It is true: The Irish have been a real mixed bag for America— from Irish banker Phillip Hart who opened the border to mexico, as Ryan or Biden do, to the Kennedy fiascos, to siphoning off Americans money for foreigners and themselves to step on, to disseminating the catholic church-created “Liberation Theology” through their Jesuits foundations, (with its incitement against anglos which has destroyed so many of them), in the persons of people such as “Father Plegar” (sp), and on and on.

    Which is why, in class, when the book by Ignatiev (sp) was mentioned (How the Irish Became White) somebody behind me whispered “when?”

    —– They need to wake up, please. They are fighting the wrong enemies, usually, and they are easily used. They hated the queen, rolled over for Rome—-

    Judging from Scorcese’s Goodfellows, the Italians (from whom the Irish often take their cues in the cities) are not interested.

    They’re starting to produce people such as G. Celente, Napolitano (not Janet), and so on. Pat Buchanan is an true exception. He also claims Confederate ancestry, which may be why— this places him in the country before most of the Irish (who are 1830s, as someone above mentioned).

  24. Oh, Mary—-

    The Irish can be great people. The Irish-Irish, in what’s known of them from ancient times are incredibly interesting.

    Remember Sinead O’Conner saying something once (regardless of what you think of her) about their gullibility. There’s that, seems like, and a huge chip on their shoulder.

    But that’s all.

    They’ve been a weak link for Northern Europe (“they look like us but have no loyalty to us”).

    —Can’t blame the Northern Europeans (protestants mostly—the few left) for trying to survive as a people!

  25. John stop being such a f#cking prat.

    You don’t have the vaguest clue what yer talkin bout, son.

    Now put a scone in it.

    There’s a lad.

  26. Jedediah says:

    Ive posted here under several names against dixiegirl’s nonsense. My Irish catholic great great grandparents immigrated from Ireland in 1835 and first settled in NYC, then went to Mobile…

    Many people had been in the country for 150-200 years by then. In a couple years, the Mexicans and Indians will be 5th generation. So, what is your point?

    The info on t.v. after the Gifford shooting was funny that way— she was “a sixth generation Arizonian,” as we’re told Ryan is “fifth generation Irish Catholic.”

    If there’s one thing Anglos-Scots-Germans have had shoved down their throat, it’s that the “longevity” argument cannot be used for feeling any form of legitimacy, or rights, or for being heirs to the country.

    The constitution preamble that says “FOR US AND OUR posterity,” is null and void.

    Wouldn’t that mean you, too, Jed?—

    Wanting to have it both ways, to suit yourself—- that’s a nasty piece of work.

    Either—- the Anglo-Scot-Germans of 1600-1865 have a place at their own table (or an area of separation based on their special people-ness) OR THEY DON’T.

    Millions of people came in the 1830— the Big Northern Money was gearing up for slaughtering the South, and like now, they brought people in daily.

  27. It’s an habitual feature of American journalism. Belligerant Irishman or woman tearing into Anglo or Brit. At a certain point the stereotype reveals a deeper truth.

  28. John says:
    Sadly it’s how many of them act. Both the ostensible right like Hannity and Oreilly, and the left like Matthews and ODonnell.

    What’s interesting is the increasing bowing out of the Italians. They’re producing the Celente’s, Napolitano’s (the guy), Cavutos who was pushing Ron Paul. And they are the ones airing Pat Buchanan, usually. (Also the ones now kicked off t.v.) Scorcese made Goodfellows, etc.

    It’s like the Italians don’t want to be associated with the strictly Irish baggage, giving the chance for the Irish to come forward as with this guy.

  29. —- the irish never figured out the Americans fought the English (for some things), a WHOLE CENTURY before they arrived. The American Revolution is simply not in their cosmology—not really. Since they weren’t around. Now, in a way, it’s like they insisted on re-fighting their hated “anglos” in the 60s—- (kennedy, philip hart era)— and now they cost everybody in europe the whole country.

  30. Remember that Bentson Zinger?

    You are no jack Kennedy? Why do you think the press love to replay that one? Kennedy was a philander, voter fraudster, a negrophile, weak on defense, the son of a criminal. His brothers much worse.

    Quayle should have said “damn straight Im not that dirty ginger taig. I’ve got actual standards. I’m no potato eater.”

  31. — Like that guy Mike Tsarion (sp)— the Irish occultist guy, talking about how “asleep” Americans are. He’s one of those ones who’ll always say —sounding mystified— the Americans fought the English, so why not now!! What’s wrong with them!!!

    In the subtext: The Irish want the Americans (anglo-scots-german) to fight the English NOW FOR THEM because they had a skirmish with anglos back in 1776!!!

    LOL. (If you listen, you’ll hear the source of Irish mystification is that Americans are supposed to hate the English the way they do, due to the fact they fought them in 1776)

    It’s actually very funny.

  32. Looted Bentson didn’t even know Kennedy either apparently. But that clip
    Never ever ends. It was a heavily broadcasted lie comparing a solid scandal free Presbyterian
    with high political and moral standards to a vicious social climbing thug.

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