About Hunter Wallace 12401 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @ Hunter

    They both blew it. Or both blew Israel depending on how you see it. The only competition was over who supported Israel more.

    As mentioned on ABC News:
    Israel mentioned 34 times
    China 4 times
    Russia 2 times
    Mexico 0

  2. “Whereass Mittens has the perpetually shifty look like you just missed him masturbating in the closet by just that much. ”

    At least he was probably thinking about a woman while he was in there.

  3. Norman Mormon is catchy, Dixiegirl, but outside OD who would understand?

    Robin Hoods and Hereward Saxons chafe under the Norman yoke and resist it.

  4. Gotta admit that there is a big difference in the facial expressions of both Mittens and Obongo.

    Obongo has the steady gaze of a silverback buck looking at a bit of lice or a NutHouse Negroid off itz meds about to attack some White Debbil. I’ve seen both expressions both on Animal Planet and In Real Life with congoids too far gone for pretense.

    Whereass Mittens has the perpetually shifty look like you just missed him masturbating in the closet by just that much.

    So Silverback vs. Lying Jack-off Whigger.

    So you hafta ask, “What’s best for whiggers?”

    Jesus Pastor, you’ve got to put a warning label on that shit. I fucking just laughed uncontrollably for waaay too long. I haven’t been taken by gales of laughter like that for a looong time. You know, when you can’t control yourself fully anymore? And every time you think it’s over, you start laughing uncontrollably again.

    GD that was fucking funny. You’re out of your mind batshit crazy, but that was some funny ass shit.

  5. The most worrisome and telling scene was the bipartisan (= stupid + evil) and intraracial laughing, hugging and backslapping session that took place on stage right after the debate.

  6. Per my wild-eyed theorizing and zagging when the herd’s zigging, a couple of comments I saw at battlegroundwatch (pundits via twitter) that highlight what I’ve been selling the past week:

    Jon Ralston ?@RalstonReports “Attacking me is not…” Rehearsed Romney line. Used a few times. That is a frontrunner’s line. #gallup

    mike murphy ?@murphymike Obama really acting like he feels behind. Interesting…

  7. CNN Poll:

    Obongo won: 48%
    Mittens won: 40%

    Truth/Sanity lost: 12%

    Now that the DVD disk is full/fool, I’ll change channels back to MSNBC and see what that jew bull-dyke Rachel Mad-sow says and dream of punking her out to Esther-kikess, and then over to Faux jews to look up the short skirts of whatever bottle-blond whiggress with big tits they have yapping tonight and hope for a Sharon Stone Basic Instinct I/Britney Spears no-panties, gaping-beaver revelation.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  8. 0bama drops in Minnesota anecdote. Makes sure to throw auto-industry sops to Ohioans.

    0bama’s spending money in the wrong places if he’s confident about winning.

  9. depth. Second, he projected an optimistic, positive and dignified demeanor. In short, he won by looking more presidential than the president. Never mind Obama’s attacks. They looked petty and won’t win over undecideds. People now know that Romney has the temperament and the brains for the job. That’s all he needed to do tonight.

    I’d say he furthered his lead in looking more presidential, but that quibble aside, that’s pretty much what I said he was going to do. A good theory has predictive power.

    Could I be wrong? Sure. I’m just going on the data available to me.

  10. Big Bird, Binders and Bayonets.


    That’s Obama’s Epitaph.

    Brought to you by the letter B and the number 160,000,000.

  11. Whups, cut off the first part during copy-paste, my bad. A comment from BGW:

    Two big things Romney achieved. First, he went head-to-head on foreign affairs without looking shallow or out of his depth. Second, he projected an optimistic, positive and dignified demeanor. In short, he won by looking more presidential than the president. Never mind Obama’s attacks. They looked petty and won’t win over undecideds. People now know that Romney has the temperament and the brains for the job. That’s all he needed to do tonight.

    I’d say he furthered his lead in looking more presidential, but that quibble aside, that’s pretty much what I said he was going to do. A good theory has predictive power.

    Could I be wrong? Sure. I’m just going on the data available to me.

  12. Obama really looked pissed off.

    A Steve Sailer commenter remarks:

    Watching Obama reminds me of David Icke’s reptilian conspiracy theory.

    He looks like an alien lizard.

  13. Hunter wrote: “Obama blew it.”

    Really? Most others think he did very well.

    You really DON’T think his recently implanted invisible debate teleprompter was functioning? (Background: The “teleprompter deficit” theory was replaced by the Invisible Teleprompter Implant Theory.)

  14. Only 48 reckoned he won. That’s only one more than 47.

    Obama was a nasty fool.

    Also Romney simply needs to say he’ll build subs, carriers and whatnot. Jobs for the boys.

  15. That’s Virginia wrapped up. Every steelmill and bauxite smelter plant, mining operation etc .

    Obama kisses the industrial sector buhbye!

  16. “Romney simply needs to say he’ll build subs, carriers and whatnot. Jobs for the boys.”

    But that goes without saying, John. The more unrighteous Amerika becomes, the more weapons will be relied on (instead of God) and the more boys’ lives must be wasted.

    Oh yes, John, we need MUCH more of those lucrative waste projects for foolish boys, which also happen to lead to more coffins and prosthetics for the boys.

  17. Every aircraft carrier is a ship. The Nimitz has 100,000 tons of displacements. That’s shitload of steel and aluminum. Pennsylvanian mills and Ohio mills could do with the work couldn’t they?

    Every sub is also a ship. It’s also tonnes of metal. Romney is right. Build ships nigger.

  18. Right Honorable Pastor M – you are the rightful Heir Apparent to Tom Robbins. You are dead on target about the Nigger Stare. The Hubster hails form an Uber White background; he was perplexed by the Moon Cricket’s relentless stare. I told him that is somethng that Niggers do, and nothing else. and the the mongrel was on some of meds. Those close-ups caught just a few moments of drugged up Nigger Eyelid Droop. Ya have to know what you are seeing, but essentially – Nigger is trying to stare down White Suburbanites, returning home on the subway fomr some downtown sports/music venue. Parking was too much of a hassle, so Suberbanites decided to be daring, and take subway. Trip to event not eventful – but now all the Darkies are out. Nigras try to pick the easist mark, for an attack/robbery – but are stoned. They do the Ominous Nigger Game Face – but the drugs cause eyelids to droop. Niggers are like wild beasts – smell fear. One must mentally project “Fuck off you Nigger Beast – I AM a White Racist and I’ll slit your animal throat, in 5 seconds, and watch you bleed out with no emotion what-so-ever. and the sick-of-Niggers-for-GOOD White cops on this beat won’t do squat if you DIE on the train, so move along”. So they do. But White Suburbanites don’t know that. That’s the face ONigger wore on TV tonight.

    Porter – thank YOU!

    This thread is so much more entertaining than the “debate”.

    The Hubster and I…watched….wrote posts…hung the fabulous Halloween decoration he gave me for the Natal Day gift, fed housepets…and .uuu…hhh…watched the…uuuuh…debate.

    I wish they would have just hit each other. Then Mittens would have shown the little homo Jaboon up for the bitch punk it is.

  19. There’s nothing wrong with shipbuilding. Apparently Aircraft carriers and subs ate not ships. Not part of the navy somehow.

    A big fleet is security. Security on the cheap.

  20. “A big fleet is security. Security on the cheap.”

    Naval-minded enthusiasm. Remember Xerxes’ fleet, and the Armada.

  21. “That’s Virginia wrapped up. Every steelmill and bauxite smelter plant, mining operation etc .

    Obama kisses the industrial sector buh bye!”

    Moron, VA vote isn’t based on smelting/mining. NoVA is largely MIC, seaboard is largely military, inner cities like Richmond, Charlottesville are largely minority. These are the determining factors.

  22. Maxx, what are ships built with?

    The steel and aluminum is milled in places like Pennsylvannia and Ohio. I’m not sure about this but there are shipyards all over the coasts as well.

    Are you that litterally minded?

  23. Giants crush Cardinals 9-0, advance to World Series vs. Tigers.

    Presumably, Tamer will be rooting for San Francisco, because he loves the city of San Francisco. Really, really, loves the city of San Francisco.

  24. “How about all that unrestrained hugging and backslapping on stage afterwards?”

    It’s not like they forgot the cameras were on.

  25. One must mentally project “Fuck off you Nigger Beast – I AM a White Racist and I’ll slit your animal throat, in 5 seconds, and watch you bleed out with no emotion what-so-ever. and the sick-of-Niggers-for-GOOD White cops on this beat won’t do squat if you DIE on the train, so move along”

    Sadly, this is true. When in Negro territory, or when outnumbered by Negroes, one has got to deactivate one’s default OS (i.e. Hughbeaumont ’55) and boot up Aryan Warrior 1.0 if one wants to survive. This does not mean one must adopt the Nazi ideology, of course. What it means is that one must assume a facial expression, body language, and demeanor that say “Blitzkreig” in no uncertain terms. When in Zombie Country, every breath one takes, every move one makes had better be saying “don’t fuck with me”, or one is in trouble.

    And there’s no faking it. If one does not really, truly believe for that moment that one is a superior white man with no fear of Negroes, the pose will be obvious and the desired intimidation will fail.

    Don’t try to be the Man; be the Man.

    If Trouble comes, fight wisely — in other words, viciously.You ill almost certainly be fighting alone against a large number of semi-savage people. Negroes almost never attack one on one. If confronted by a Negro, one must assume one’s assailant will have access to nearly-unlimited amounts of “blackup”. Once the confrontation begins, one may rest assured that every Negro in the vicinity will join in against you. Yes, that kind-looking little old black lady in the seat nearby. Yes, the dapper Morgan Freeman lookalike standing to the right. Yes, the cute little girl in pigtails. One must also assume that any Whites in the vicinity will fade away the minute the fireworks begin — and it’s hard to blame them for it. White people who get involved in fighting jeopardize family and property by doing so. After all, if Joe Sixpack jumps into a street fight on the side of his fellow White Guy, he will most likely receive a beating for his trouble, followed by jail time and extensive (and expensive) legal hassles thereafter. If he does nothing, howver, he gets to go home and watch the game on TV. Tough choice.

    Blacks, on the other hand, generally have no families or wealth to lose, and will seldom stop to reckon the potential liabilities of a given act in any case.

    And if one does somehow manage to kick all one’s attackers’ asses? One should prepare to become a celebrity — a celebrity racist. The news media will fill the pages and airwaves with tearful stories of how innocent members of the community were savagely beaten by a neo-Confederate Klansman out to bring back lynching. One should expect police, FBI, and Homeland Security attention immediately thereafter.

    When fighting Negroes, a White man loses even if he wins. Bearing all this in mind, the chances of even the toughest White guy surviving a Negro attack are relatively low.

    The goal, therefore, is to never allow oneself to be put in a position where Negro attacks can occur. Simply avoid contact with Negroes to the degree possible and the problem vanishes. When contact with Negroes cannot be avoided, the adoption of a cultivated Tough Guy attitude can do much to compel potential attackers to choose easier prey.

    America is a prison. As in any prison, a White person had better mentally “klan up” if he or she wishes to survive.

  26. Obama blew it because he failed to put Romney away who acquitted himself well. Romney was almost in victory formation tonight. He wanted to get the debate over. He didn’t want it to be memorable and it wasn’t.

  27. I agree, he gave Obama nothing tonight. Obama needed a big win, not Romney.
    Obama definitely looked high on drugs. Very bad form and childish.

  28. “Every sub is also a ship.”

    Actually, it is naval tradition that submarines are usually referred to as “boats” rather than as “ships”, regardless of their size.

  29. Boats or ships they are still part of the navy.

    If china us a looking threat it’s obvious that you need plenty of ships and boats. Obama curiously seemed to classify aircraft carriers as something other than naval.

  30. “Mosin, he didn’t say: let’s replay Galipolli!”

    Gallipoli, John. You must have been tired at that point, and I had signed off.

    Again, we must OPPOSE — NOT cheer and encourage — the global war machine bleeding us more to build more weapons of ANY kind. They would not be “good jobs for boys,” but immense, unsustainable waste! No government spends more on war than this one.

  31. Is this a British, seafaring thing — wanting an ever-greater navy?

    Build more floating brothels for the boys (and girls) and sail them off to the Gulf and the eastern Mediterranean to support Israel — and also “begin shelling Benghazi” — and that will be improvement?

  32. On the other hand, sending the mercs everywhere else to do “nation building” keeps Them preoccupied and too busy to do as much nation building HERE as They might like.

  33. “Obama blew it because he failed to put Romney away who acquitted himself well.”

    Overstatement, and perhaps a correction of overstatement on the second debate. You are getting used to the implanted internal teleprompter now, not awed by it any longer.

    Obama performed just as well as he did in the second debate, which he was said to have won, where he also failed to put Romney away who acquitted himself well.

  34. On the naval argument, I like Obama’s vision but not for the reason he thinks. Fewer ships, less development money means less force multiplier. So….the next Israeli war breaks out then more niggers can be shipped off to fight it!

    Seriously, does anyone wonder why white enrollment in the “pointy end” has been so high? Maybe it was because of 9/11 and Bush II, who for all his faults didn’t come off as a pussy, was CIC?

    Lets say Obama gets word from Jerusalem that the Iran invasion is on. Would Obama be able to muster the patriotic sentiment that Bush did post 9/11?
    I’d like to think many many whites, weary of endless tours in the sandbox, would want to sit that one out. And without all the ships, that means more troops on the ground. SO maybe, just maybe, Obama would need to call up his base to do the fighting.

    Daydreaming I know but it’s fun to think about.

  35. Sea power was the weapon used by the union to actually defeat the Confederacy. forget Sherman, Grant, Sheridan. The US Navy settled the strategic situation long before the clashes on land took place.

    Ships quite literally translate into security and power. (Of course females should not be on board if that’s the brothel reference). It’s got nothing to do with British Seapower. Without a massive Navy you have no strategic flexibility. The Falklands war was triggered by decommissioning a supply ship and announcing that a Nuclear Sub was on its way(rather than already on site). the ship is both a Symbol and a weapon.

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