About Hunter Wallace 12401 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’d guess that we will see breeds of ships that launch swarms of drones.

    Battleships are also used like siege cannon today. Enormous weapons platforms for missiles. In addition to that you need supply ships, minesweepers, ASW, the list is long.

  2. Equating ships with horses is absolutely asinine. Somali piracy requires ships to suppress. Same in other waters.

    I don’t want to get into the Bayonet stuff but a modern ship is not a big knife.

  3. “Ships quite literally translate into security and power.” More security and power, then, but for whom?

  4. There is a 100% chance Obama will be re-elected. Too bad as I was looking forward to the blacks rioting againt the SWPL types who join them in their election night Obama rallies.

    I know you guys do not really think Romney would have done anything for our people.

    Besides, the demographics are just too bad for the GOP. They need over 60% of the white vote to win and they ain’t getting it as they are too afraid to mention affirmative action and they support more immigration (as long as it is from the Third World).

  5. John says:
    October 23, 2012 at 1:21 pm
    Equating ships with horses is absolutely asinine. Somali piracy requires ships to suppress. ”

    Supression of anything requires the will to do so.

  6. “we will see breeds of ships that launch swarms of drones”

    Yes, John, we will see swarms of drones coming, by land as well as by sea. We might even see 1% to 10% more of them under a Romney figurehead than under an Obama figurehead, over the next four years. Let us cheer and encourage the building of more drones, as well as more ships to launch them, to result in the increase of THEIR (not OUR) “security and power”!

  7. It was Obama in the debate who said something about horses and bayonets. No one on this thread said that.

  8. I agree with Bernie.

    Too many niggers and spics for aromney to win. He needs 60% of the white vote. It looks impossible. Whites are still voting ideologically.

  9. I didn’t waste my precious time watching any of the “debates”! Gov. Gary Johnson already has my vote! As for the other two, if you put them both in a sack and shook it, both would fall out at the same time! We all know that the “One percenters” rule this country, and will continue to rule this country in spite of who gets “elected”! And to think that I was a republican for nearly fifty years!

  10. The OD temper swings again. In one, very brief stage last year, it was pro-Paul. Then it became very strongly Neocon (for Romney) right through the primary season. But Virgil Goode was floated as soon as Romney had enough to win the nomination! Then Romney was despised, and ABSTAINING from voting was favoured. But now there seems to be a general re-liking of Romney — though I haven’t noticed any withdrawal of the non-voting recommendtion — and his thought-to-be doomed candidacy is considered unbeatable.

  11. Just came back indoors.

    That was a lazy request. I get it now: biggest beast of land versus biggest of the sea. Land power versus sea power. Whichever is better, I still say we shouldn’t encourage them to increase their “power”!

  12. No, not at all! Rather I am exactly on point! Tell us WHY you would encourage Them to create more and better weapons — and why Global Hegemony should obtain more strength?

  13. The only good possible outcome of building Them more sea power would be to entice Them to do more of Their nation-building (-destroying) overseas, and less of it here.

  14. John says:

    “I agree with Bernie. Too many niggers and spics for Romney to win. He needs 60% of the White vote. It looks impossible. Whites are still voting ideologically.”

    – LOL, John. So now it’s back to the “Romney is finished” song & dance, huh? Why am I not surprised?

    See? It’s just like I said — your position changes with the wind.

  15. I decided after Paul Ryan got the VP nomination to morally support our Yankee friends in the final stretch of the race. The election is coming down to whether Romney and Ryan can win in the Midwest. Just like I thought.

  16. The GOP only needs the thinnest reed of support from the North to win the 2012 presidential election. The only thing keeping Obama in the race is the unwillingness of the Yankee states to break formation.

  17. http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/daily_presidential_tracking_poll

    The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows Mitt Romney attracting support from 50% of voters nationwide, while President Obama earns the vote from 46%. One percent (1%) prefers some other candidate, and two percent (2%) are undecided.

    Other than brief convention bounces, this is the first time either candidate has led by more than three points in months. See daily tracking history.

    Romney attracts support from 89% of Republican voters. The president earns the vote from 82% of Democrats. Among those not affiliated with either major party, the GOP challenger leads by nine.

  18. Listen Chris,

    Voters are predictable. Romney will be very lucky to get 60% of the white vote. He needs that many voters. Whites are stil ideologically driven. White naturally appear to split near to 50/50 anywhere you find them.

  19. You do have to wonder about the northern states. One breaks rank and Obama will meltdown.

    I don’t know what they see in the Nigger.

  20. Yeah, 0bammy was attacking Romney because he feels so confident. And Romney was playing the part of the president because he’s so scared of what he sees in the polls.

    Lol, funny how both men seemed to agree with me, and not OD’s “obammy be invincible” crowd.

  21. That 60% of the white vote is troubling. That’s the one thing that’s hard to see happening.

    I can see 3%-4% of blacks turning, though, believe it or not. Lately, I’m hearing a lot of average, hard working blacks say “this guy is nuts.” Funny.

  22. John says: “Them? That’s wierd.”

    That’s wEIrd — and it is unlikely that any regular OD’er or WN would REALLY think the expression “THEM” to be “weird,” bizarre or unfamiliar, or that it was used incorrectly in my comments.

    “Why risk getting hammered by a Chinese version of Yamamoto?” — Also why support strengthening the hand and sharpening the sword of the immediate, domestic Tyranny?

  23. “More Pastor Lindstedt, please.”

    That’s funny, I was thinking the exact opposite. Vulgarity, while necessary at times, is never the only coin of the realm, of a real man of God.

    And that’s all I read from this man- every time he pontificates: it is utter vulgarity, profanity, and huge verbal turn-offs, even when he’s not talking about negroes, hispanics, and asians. Gutter humor may have a place, but only gutter filth wallow in it, hourly.

    Perhaps some of your readers, HW, should stick to VNN and Stormfront, where such discourse is not only tolerated, but is virtually the only thing to be read there, 24/7.

    I thought this site was a notch higher than Linstedt- make that five notches higher. I was almost ready to refer those ‘on the fringe,’ after your stellar articles on Caribbean slavery models and the American South.

    But Lindstedt on this forum puts the kibosh on any legitimacy you may seek to engender with the disaffected right, who need your insights. He almost has the ‘curse of death’ on him, of the type of government “fifth columnist” like Hal Turner, whose vulgarity, vituperation, and invective he almost matches.

  24. Hunter wrote: “I decided after Paul Ryan got the VP nomination to morally support our Yankee friends in the final stretch of the race.” Thanks for calling some northerners friends, which some of us really and truly are, even if we would rather remain in our own land rather than migrating or “transplanting” into your states.

    Re: “The GOP only needs the thinnest reed of support from the North” and “the unwillingness of the Yankee states to break formation”: The truly rural sections of this northern state never joined those ranks in the first place, and the support is not at all thin: Right now you can see Romney-Ryan yard signs vastly outnumbering Obama-Biden signs, and many Ron Paul signs still stubbornly displayed (even a few placed recently).

  25. Fr John, thanks for your support of civilised white discourse. I thought using words denoting copulation and defecation at least once in every sentence was an African characteristic, but there are exceptions to the rule.

    Another issue is misusing the name of the Deity.

  26. @Fr. John+

    “Vulgarity”?? Bitch, motherfuckin’ pastor Lindstedt is motherfuckin’ hilarious. I crack the motherfuck up every motherfuckin’ time I read that motherfuckers crazy-ass shit. That motherfucker be on that Charlie Sheen. Buck up, Hoss. Everybody swears and talks filthy! This is America!

  27. Hunter, of course we noticed the abrupt change of “tone” after Ryan was announced. However, you still don’t seem to recommend voting, let alone active party involvement in support of Romney-Ryan, even in the critical swing states– or did I miss something?

  28. NOT “everyone swears and talks filthy,” Chris! Religious whites generally don’t, and “Social Conservatives” (or Traditional Conservatives, whatever you call them) are often against it.

  29. Mosin Nagant says:
    ‘Fr John, thanks for your support of civilised white discourse. I thought using words denoting copulation and defecation at least once in every sentence was an African characteristic, but there are exceptions to the rule.’

    I agree. Nothing turns normal people off more than a constant stream of vulgarity.

  30. @Sam

    “Nothing turns normal people off more than a constant stream of vulgarity.”

    – LOL, it doesn’t bother me one bit!

  31. Chris:“Vulgarity”?? Bitch, motherfuckin’ pastor Lindstedt is motherfuckin’ hilarious. I crack the motherfuck up every motherfuckin’ time I read that motherfuckers crazy-ass shit. That motherfucker be on that Charlie Sheen. Buck up, Hoss. Everybody swears and talks filthy! This is America!”

    You are wrong. Not everyone swears and talks filthy. It is a bad habit, and a bad way to write.

  32. A young Chris was running late to English class, having decided to take the long path to primary school. A ride in Father McCurdy’s van and some Jolly Ranchers sounded like a great offer.

    He’s still trying to work through the moment the rusty door slid shut and he realized there was no candy. We can try to fix him but he just isn’t ready for polite society yet.

    *Detroit Tigerism

    What else could explain his present condition besides persistent abuse?

  33. @crowley

    Normally I don’t talk or write like that — on here, or in real life. But when Fr. John+ goes into church-lady mode and makes an issue out of a non-issue like Martin Lindstedt’s purposefully over-the-top profanity shtick, then the temptation to bait him is just strong to resist.

  34. Most depressing thing about debate. America reduced to being Israel’s bitch. That’s a tragedy. No pol in the UK ever says stuff like O and R last night. They were practically fellating Moise and Solomon.

  35. “John says:
    October 24, 2012 at 2:57 am
    Most depressing thing about debate. America reduced to being Israel’s bitch. That’s a tragedy. No pol in the UK ever says stuff like O and R last night. They were practically fellating Moise and Solomon”

    Don’t worry, John. It’s winding down………the Ron Paul kids ARE the future. They know all about the Hebes. So do the Golden Dawn. Did you see the fun filled protests, in Greece, when Angela Merkel showed up, earlier this month, to promote “austerity”?

    Woo HOO!

    Death to ZOG, and all that ROT. Woo hoo!

  36. “Ron Paul kids ARE the future. They know all about the Hebes.” Yes, many of them DO know. They have also learned quickly in one electoral cycle how the system of the GOP works.

  37. @Flees Urinating from Niggers

    “A young Chris was running late to English class, having decided to take the long path to primary school.”

    – My grade school was seven miles from my house. I never walked. My mom or dad always drove us when we were little.

    “A ride in Father McCurdy’s van and some Jolly Ranchers sounded like a great offer.”

    – The priest at my grade school was West German, actually. And although Jolly Ranchers are OK, I like Super Sour Atomic Warheads better.

    “He’s still trying to work through the moment the rusty door slid shut and realized there was no candy.”

    – It would be very easy to turn this one around on you and burn you with it, but it’s nothing to joke about. When I was a little kid, there really was a rash of child-abductions & murders in the Detroit area, relating to some degenerate child-sex ring operating out of the Cass Corridor. So take your foot out of your mouth at any time, dumbass.


    – Yeah, and? I like Lincoln. He hated niggers, used to get into street fights with them while growing up, and he saved the Union.

    “*Detroit Tigerism”

    – Is your rectum still sore from the ALCS? It warns my heart to know that your beloved New York Nancy’s had their $200 million payroll shoved deep in their over-paid rear-ends. Maybe you can try and entice Mariano Rivera out if retirement?


    – FUCK you.


    – I’m definitely pro-choice, but I’m not sure if that qualifies as hard “feminism”.


    – That’s just not true. You don’t make me uncomfortable in the slightest!


    – Hell yeah! Deport those Limey bastards! And I piss on the Queen!


    – What, that time I snuck into that Rabbi’s house and turned his furnace and oven all the way up while he was asleep? That was just a prank! Get a sense of humor!

    “What else could explain his present condition besides persistent abuse?”

    – I dunno, Tamer… vans, priests, the suggestion of sexual abuse — are you trying to open up about something? Crying out for help? I would like to help, but well, fuck it, I actually wouldn’t:)

  38. “28 ships v 180 approx.”

    No. You are counting the troop ships and their covering force for the Midway invasion which did not participate in the battle. There was far more than luck involved in the American victory. Nimitz made the right strategic decision to place his ships to the Northeast of the island and the Americans were more aggressive than the Japs at every level. From the bomber attacks from the island, to Spruance’s decision to launch all out while still out of range, to the murderous single-mindedness of the American pilots and which were all met with dithering by Nagumo, the Americans were continuously relentless in their offensive strikes against the invaders.

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