White Democrats Disappear From Deep South

American South

We don’t even have to wait to election day … OD is confident enough to project that Mitt Romney will be elected president of the South in a landslide.

Romney has surged in the national polls in large part because he won over the Southerners who opposed him in the primary after he spanked Obama in the first debate. He is winning the South by 22 points. He is also doing surprisingly well in the Northeast because he has “a pseudo-home region advantage.”

In August, a PPRI study found a huge regional gap in White working class attitudes toward Romney. Back then, Romney was leading Obama 62 percent to 22 percent with Southern White working class voters, but only 46 percent to 41 percent in the West, and 42 percent to 38 percent in the Northeast.

In the Midwest where the pivotal swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, and Ohio will decide the 2012 presidential election, Obama was leading Romney 44 percent to 36 percent with White working class voters.

Forget Hispanics. Romney is actually doing better in Colorado, Nevada, Florida, Virginia, and North Carolina than the Midwest. It is the White working class voters in the Midwest who are the only force keeping Obama in the White House right now.

“There are a number of black Southern Democrats in Congress, representing districts that are substantially or majority black. But should Barrow lose, there will not be a single white Democrat left in Congress from the Deep South. Zero. Think about that for a moment.

In 2008, Barack Obama beat John McCain by 19 points in the Northeast, 17 points in the West, and 10 points in the Midwest. But McCain won the South by 9 points. This year, in a closer election, Mitt Romney will win the South by much more. Last week Gallup broke out their survey by region, and even though Gallup has been showing results more favorable to Romney than every other poll, it’s the relative differences that are striking: they showed Obama winning the East and Midwest by 4 points and the West by 6, but losing the South by 22 points.

In 2008, Obama got the votes of only 10 percent of whites in Alabama and 11 percent in Mississippi. John Kerry did nearly as badly with white Southerners; this isn’t just a story about race. But if Barrow falls, it may be a while before another white Democrat can win down in Dixie.”

Note: In 2008, John McCain also won the White vote in every Southern state. Even though he lost Virginia, Florida, and North Carolina, Obama only won (including transplants) 35 percent of the White vote in North Carolina, 39 percent in Virginia, and 42 percent in Florida.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Officially, Michigan is tied at 47% apiece. I believe, as I have all along, that Romney will pull off the upset here, and very likely in Wisconsin. Ohio is a toss-up.

  2. We shall see. If these numbers hold and Romney doesn’t win (fair or foul) its a great case for secession.

    Perhaps the GM workers, managers and suppliers know that the buyout was a bunch of bullshit better than most. Perhaps Ford people think GM was given an unfair assist. It would be great to break down the numbers and see the sources of income.

  3. Has anyone recently studied this voting group in any great depth in publications?

    They were a huge deal in the Democratic primaries as they kept Clinton alive in the face of Obama’s black and college support. West Virginia in particular seemed to be the embodiment of white working class hostility to Obama.

  4. The Perfect Storm is brewing: folks invested in this election, Obama will win.

    In several states, whites will vote against Obama 90 to 10 or more. In several more it will be 80 to 20, and so on. In no state will whites vote Obama more than they vote against him.

    If there was a third party spoiler, or if dittohead enthusiasm was low, maybe the Dead Enders would have plausible deniability that the end was here for electoral restoration. There will be no denying it now; only practical politics is ahead of us.

    Partition awaits; Texas is the key.

  5. It’s fair to say that the Democratic primary decided who would be president2008-12, rather than the Obama v McCain race. There’s a great deal that Romney has revived from Clinton’s failed bid. The Economy most obviously, but Romney has not attempted to pretend he is a working class man himself. He’s more ” jobs for the lads” and “gisajob” than pretending he’s one of them.

  6. If I were Romnsy’s strategist I’d be pouring over the language that Clinton used to in some of those primary battles. Edit the stuff that didn’t work.

  7. Clinton’s flaw in the Dem primary was expecting to get a significant nig vote. Romney has no problem with that demographic, he can be laser focused on the micro concerns of 100,000 odd easily identified working class whites.

  8. Another thing to contemplate is that as whites become politically polarized along racial rather than class lines, they cease to see-saw back and forth based on performance of the government, and become more insensitive to governmental performance, like the other races.

    To wit, in 2008 many Southern and Appalachian counties moved toward the GOP despite Bush being one of the most disastrous Presidencies.

    The damage that Obama has done will manifest itself in the future; health care, debt collapse, more non-white population growth. However, compared to Bush, he has done a better job on the economy, foreign policy.

    Many whites don’t care, and they are voting against Obama because they sense that things have gone too far; as Shakespeare said in Coriolanus: nature teaches beasts to know their friends.

    The trouble is, it already has gone too far. More anti-whites are born each day in America than whites. Immigration is lopsidedly anti-white, thus, without a Clean Break from the status quo, whites will be a permanent minority in America with one or two generations.

    Even the rally to Romney is a form of denial and cowardace; few want to admit that it already is over and that it is time to start anew. The last thing the rank and file white wants is to be displaced from his comfort zone.

    That lust for comfort spells our doom, thus I gleefully await the next 12 days, as there will no longer be a snooze button and the white nation can finally carve itself out of the rotting carcass of America.

  9. “Has anyone recently studied this voting group in any great depth in publications?

    They were a huge deal in the Democratic primaries as they kept Clinton alive in the face of Obama’s black and college support. West Virginia in particular seemed to be the embodiment of white working class hostility to Obama.”

    Yes, but it need not even be a recent study, one from fifty years ago will show the very same thing, except for one new development I will name shortly. This white, blue collar voting group consists of union members and their households. They vote for wages and benefits. Period. They view Republicans the same way Jews view Nazis. Period.

    Now, the exception and new development concerning blue collar whites that have broken loose from Democrats is coal. Those white workers in the coal producing states–WV, Southeastern Ohio, KY–have turned on Democrats because of their stand against coal.

    As I have said many times now on this site, it is all about Labor. Not gay marriage. Not pro nigger sentiments. Not pro-choice sentiments. Not gun control. Not immigration. Labor.

    These white blue collar workers in the North and Northeast make 25 and 30 dollars an hour and excellent benefits because of unions as opposed to their counterparts making maybe 12 bucks an hour and little if any benefits in “Right to Work” Republican dominated states. They get time and a half and double time wages after eight hours and ten hours of work respectively and all day on weekends. They get better pensions than most suit and tie wearing businessmen. Many of these white workers are unskilled or at most semi-skilled. Where many hourly wage earners in “Right to Work” states live in very modest houses or trailers, these Northern workers live in 100,000 plus homes complete with Harley Davidson’s, new four wheel drive pickups and SUV’s, inground swimming pools, fine furniture, everything money can buy. Plus they think nothing of 150 buck-a-night-out entertainment at least one or two nights each week. And there are a lot of people as young as 23 or 25 years old who have the very same lifestyles. They make as much as 70 or 80 grand a year and up working in plants and factories or on construction sites with nothing more than a HS diploma and, as I stated, maybe little or no skills. Moreover, they look forward to retiring at 55 or even younger–“thirty and out. ”

    OTOH, Republicans are telling them that if they do not own their own company, they should work for maybe 10 or 12 bucks an hour with little or no benefits. Work until the day they die. Work like a 20 year old on his first day on the job after 25 years or be replaced.

    The list goes on.

  10. “They get better pensions than most suit and tie wearing businessmen. ”

    Union construction guys–ironworkers, boilermakers, heavy equipment operators, etc–can draw pensions in excess of four thousand dollars per month and up. More than that in New York, Michigan and Chicago. I’ve heard of guys in New York retiring with as much as a million dollars in just their annuities and six and seven grand a month pensions. This is quite possible with their wage and benefit packages up there. This is all especially true if a guy has 35 years of service or more and has “banked” pension credits by having tons of overtime hours. I know guys who had nearly sixty credits when they retired. At $120 and more per credit, depending on their contracts, it get’s up there. That is what you get each month on your pension check. if you got forty credits, and at 120 bucks/credit: that is 4,800 bucks a month pension check. Then add on about $1,600 for SS when they are old enough to draw that.

    Not a bad deal.

  11. This is of course exactly what Obama is counting on.

    Perhaps the GOP will rethink stuff, who or what they represent.
    Essentially these workers on those wages are a labor aristocracy, voting with a welfare aristocrat every four years. The GOP will keep inching toward explicit whiteness or it will perish.

  12. “30 years from now the South will have a Latino majority.” – latino fertilty, both in the source countries, and here is largely over.

  13. ““banked” pension credits …”

    About two years ago they ended this. It used to be that you earned a pension credit for every thousand hours worked. Hours in excess of that were “banked.” I forget how many more hours you had to have to get another credit in that one year, I think it took more than another thousand, but a guy could end up with more than one credit per year. Guys who worked a lot of overtime and had 20 years in, for example, might have 25 or thirty credits earned. There were guys who by the time they retired would have a lot more than 30 credits, in other words.

  14. Romney is White. He’s a delusional We Are The World Jesus Loves the Liddle Chirrun Yankee Do Gooder. He is Above Race (he’s lived in such an esoteric milieu all his life – he doesn’t comprehend racial reality. For now. He will be gobsmacked by same IN HIS LIFETIME). He’s not Pro White. He’s not one of us…

    But he IS White.

    He is WHITE.

    He IS us.

    Whether he knows it yet, or not….

    General Order Whites have NEVER EVER had to think about Being White. This is changing. The Darker a regions gets – the more Unawakened Whites are FORCED to deal with their Race.

    Brutus – those noxious Labor bastards are the worst fools in the world. Worse than the Suburban Soccer Mom. Only the WORST, most selfish ideologue Soccer Mom vermin will allow her cubs to be culled by Diversity. The innate self-defense instincts eventually kick in; I’m SEEING this with young parents I know – who’s little children are suffering from their ideological sins. They still hate me, for being the Merciless Painfully Honest Racial Herald – but they are coming ’round.

    Those Labor Race Traitors will take us all down for thier Gibs Me Dat. They are TOO STUPIS to comprehend the FACT that THEY will be replaced BY Pedro/Hey-zus/Chico – by the Dems and GOP. I hope they ALL die horrible deaths.

    “John says:
    October 25, 2012 at 11:01 pm

    Perhaps the GOP will rethink stuff, who or what they represent.
    Essentially these workers on those wages are a labor aristocracy, voting with a welfare aristocrat every four years. The GOP will keep inching toward explicit whiteness or it will perish.”


    Click on your state. Contact your state HQ – tel them you are Voting Romney BECAUSE he’s WHITE.


  15. One more thing on this, despite all the critical talk and anti-union boilerplate, in my opinion and honest judgement these guys well earned their money. I’m speaking primarily of the construction trades and even “back in the day” factory and plant workers. This includes the auto workers. ANYONE who tells you an assembly line worker back in the day had it easy does not know what they are talking about. And it frankly did not get a lot better later. Most people who talk blithely and dismissive about plant and factory work have never set foot inside one. Yes, there were lazy people and those who did everything possible to shirk work, I well know this and it is true, but there were plenty who lived a dog’s life in those plants. Yes, there were people who had soft touch jobs. True, but there were many jobs that literally took the life right out of a man.

    Let no one make sweeping generalizations about white workers being “white niggers” like many do on the Right and even many racialist sites. You will alienate over half of white men and women who are otherwise in essential agreement and sympathy with pro-white issues. Any pro-white and racial movement or would be leader or organization that ignores labor will never get off the ground, let alone be successful. Period.

  16. “Brutus – those noxious Labor bastards are the worst fools in the world. Worse than the…Those Labor Race Traitors will take us all down for thier Gibs Me Dat.”

    You claim to be a loudmouthed, in-your-face, tell-it-all. You go out in front of a plant or construction site where hundreds of white men and women are coming off their shifts and tell them just what you wrote here, and get a video of it, and I will give you five thousand dollars for it.

    Don’t write back here telling me this or that, go make that video and we will make arrangements for payment. Don’t tell me, show me.

  17. I HAVE done that sort of thing. I’ve yelled at those Labor bitches for BEING Race Traitors. Feck you.

    You go make a video of yourself you retard.

  18. Brutus – I am NOT saying that those White workers don’t deserve every penny they earn.

    They DO.

    What I object to is the fact that they have NO racial feeling. I feel the same way about the Military Pension Whores, as well.

  19. “latino fertilty, both in the source countries, and here is largely over.” I do believe this is wishful thinking.

  20. I don’t need to make a video since I am not the one claiming white workers are all pro nigger “gibs me dat” white niggers. What would be retarded is if I did such a thing. What would happen is I would be beaten nearly to death and wind up in an intensive care unit. I or anyone else who showed up and made such pronouncements to hundreds of white workers coming off work.

    They do have racial feelings. That is why the vast majority of the towns, neighborhoods and countryside of the Midwestern states where these whites live is white as Nazi Germany. In many of these places, outside of the cites, there is no nigger problem and they have never heard of the ADL or Morris Dees, and only vaguely know what Affirmative Action is. According to the online sources I have looked up, there are two niggers in the entire township where I am living. And that greatly puzzles me, because no one I have asked knows of two niggers living in the area. 🙂

  21. I don’t get beaten up. I am cute White Lady of a Certain Age. I can get away with a LOT.

    I live an Uber Pro White area. My dear dear Comrade Aryan Goddess said that she had NEVER seen so many blue eyed people in one place, when she came to visit. And guess what? This crowd is the bloody WORST White demo in the world – since they only KNOW what Talmud Vision tells ’em about NAGAS and Orcs.

    FYI – every-one I know KNOWS my views. I just finished, right before I wrote this reply to you, telling a local GOP gal, who is desperately trying to get the Repubs to come out for an event on Saturday, that I’ll come – but I’m not flying the Red White and Blue. I’ll fly the Celtic Cross and the Golden Dawn flag, cause those are MY flags. iIm not Greek, but I LOVE the Golden Dawn.

    I’m awaiting her reply. Hee hee hee….

  22. “I live an Uber Pro White area. ..This crowd is the bloody WORST White demo in the world – since they only KNOW what Talmud Vision tells ‘em about NAGAS and Orcs.”


    You live in an Uber pro white area, but they are not pro white. I’m not understanding.

  23. Denise says:
    ‘Brutus – those noxious Labor bastards are the worst fools in the world. Worse than the Suburban Soccer Mom.’

    I agree. I’ve had it with those idiots. Two miles from my home is a union headquarters and the property is littered with Barack Obama and Tammy Baldwin signs. They lock arms with every ant-white, commie, homo, groid and
    democrat running for office. The teachers in Wisconsin are the worst, locking arms and singing ‘We shall overcome’ with Jessie Jackson and all sorts of riff raff.

    A neighbor two houses away is an assistant principal at a middle school. She knocks down 150K per year in slary and bennies, gets 3 months off in the summer and can retire with full benefits at 50.

    Most people would love to trade places with her, yet she acts like she’s an underappreciated martyr.

  24. “Brutus says:
    October 26, 2012 at 3:43 am
    “I live an Uber Pro White area. ..This crowd is the bloody WORST White demo in the world – since they only KNOW what Talmud Vision tells ‘em about NAGAS and Orcs.”


    You live in an Uber pro white area, but they are not pro white. I’m not understanding.”

    Sorry – i’m tired. I’m not concentrating. I should have gone to bed 2 hours ago.

    I live a a very very very White demographic region – but they are clueless about racial reality. They are not “Pro White”. They don’t knw they need to be.

    They will learn. ZOG is moving the Section 8 Orc troops in….

    I heard back from my Tea Party GOP pal, and she’s quoting Scripture. Gee-zuz will save her, and Amurrica. If we all pray hard enough.

  25. “Sam says:
    October 26, 2012 at 3:48 am
    Denise says:
    ‘Brutus – those noxious Labor bastards are the worst fools in the world. Worse than the Suburban Soccer Mom.’

    I agree. I’ve had it with those idiots. Two miles from my home is a union headquarters and the property is littered with Barack Obama and Tammy Baldwin signs. They lock arms with every ant-white, commie, homo, groid and
    democrat running for office. The teachers in Wisconsin are the worst, locking arms and singing ‘We shall overcome’ with Jessie Jackson and all sorts of riff raff.

    A neighbor two houses away is an assistant principal at a middle school. She knocks down 150K per year in slary and bennies, gets 3 months off in the summer and can retire with full benefits at 50.

    Most people would love to trade places with her, yet she acts like she’s an underappreciated martyr.”

    Fecking HELL. ZOG must DIE.

  26. Denise says:
    October 26, 2012 at 1:58 am

    Romney is White. He’s a delusional We Are The World Jesus Loves the Liddle Chirrun Yankee Do Gooder. He is Above Race (he’s lived in such an esoteric milieu all his life – he doesn’t comprehend racial reality. For now. He will be gobsmacked by same IN HIS LIFETIME). He’s not Pro White. He’s not one of us…

    But he IS White.

    He is WHITE.

    He IS us.

    Whether he knows it yet, or not….”

    White anti-Whites aren’t with me, a Pro White. They aren’t “with” anyone at all.

  27. I hate unions…all unions. If they really cared about labor they would be anti-immigration. They are not, they are low life scum.

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