About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. That video suits the “Forward” meme, it’s right out of the Bolshevik play book, Uncle Joe himself would have loved it. I think it would have played slightly less well in Ukraine, though.

    It’s hard to believe that the Obama campaign is unraveling as fast as it is, therefore we need to be watching for…

    A new wag the dog war.

  2. I think at this point a “wag the dog” moment is going to have to involve less foreign war, and more “drug/poison the opposing candidate with an old KGB umbrella.”

  3. hahaha, this video is so freakin GAY!

    Between this and the one with the lesbian-lookin woman talking about her “first time” with Obongo……ah, if only SNL would do a couple of skits!

  4. Someone with a video editor needs to dub that gay ass song over the”precious” movie trailer. Or “gay niggers from outerspace” (yes it’s a real movie)

  5. Between this and the one with the lesbian-lookin woman talking about her “first time” with Obongo……ah, if only SNL would do a couple of skits!

    MAD TV should do a skit with Lorn Michaels talking about how un-funny anything remotely having to do with the zero is while all kinds of zero hijinx go on in the background behind him. The heavy-breather Putin ad with the dyke chick, the “off the record” on the record interview, Virginia/battleships/bayonets, the gay rock video, etc.

  6. Ooh, and segue into a blind Jew segment where the interviewer keeps pointing out stuff behind Lorn, and Lorn turns around but pretends not to see anything.

  7. Then they could do segments on jug-eared Will Smith and his open marriage and status as one of Hollywood’s Holy Trinity of House Negroes, and then on Brad Pitt for marrying a woman serially cuckolding him with 3rd world orphanages, and finally address the whole letter to that bitch Chris Rock, who recently pretended there was nothing to make fun of in the jug-eared, white-nerdy-talking, gangly, 130lbs soaking wet, purple-lipped, Elijah Muhammed-channeling, cigarette-addicted SWPL AA candidate probably downlow homosexual bastard from Hawaii.

  8. Hahaha! I’ve got a skit for SNL right now!

    Desperate to rescue the election, 0bama grabs the manacles from the desk and approaches Michelle. “Okay, I’m gonna put these on you,” he begins, only to be startled aback by a roar and murderous look from the wookie. He hands the manacles to Joe Biden, who approaches her confidently, “don’t worry Michelle, I think I know what he has in mind”…

    Later, Obama-wan tries a jedi mind trick on the press, “you don’t know I lost the election. I can go about my business. Move along.”

  9. I do think we’ve reached Peak Negro, and they are receding from their status as Pet Darky of the White. I think Whites are beginning to be interested in Being White. Finally. At last.

  10. Svigor brilliant.

    Next thing Obama is going to do is release a porno video with him and Snoop Dog going at it with Oprah.

  11. Next thing Obama is going to do is release a porno video with him and Snoop Dog going at it with Oprah.

    Oh yeah, an Obama sex tape. That’s about the only thing missing in the kenyan’s repertoire of nog degeneracy.

  12. I was undecided. But like when I saw that commercial, I was like omg! Those blonde backup singers and fat lady empowerments, like omg!

  13. “It’s hard to believe that the Obama campaign is unraveling as fast as it is,”
    Except it isn’t unraveling…Obama is gaining support lately in the northern states where the election will be decided. Soviet style propaganda works with them.

    Forward, yankees. Finish what you started.

    Forward! To the West!

    Our wars are fought on the basis of “wag the shekel” not “wag the dog.”

    Deo Vindice

  14. They don’t show the bit when Coriolanus confronts the mob and sneers:

    What’s the matter, you dissentious rogues,
    That, rubbing the poor itch of your opinion,
    Make yourselves scabs?

    That would stop them cold.

    In dumbed down English:

    What’s the matter you losers?
    You are like a rash that turns into
    A scabby disease.

  15. That this Nigger ever got elected still troubles me. Politics is too much to bear lately but I’m rubbernecking on OD. Immerse yourselves in white subcultures: sports, religion, cultural, etc. I’ll be doing the Time Warp at a midnite theatre near you. Ride the tiger.

  16. The proof is in the staggering number of blacks 95-97 % voting for Obama.

    They cannot possibly agree with him ideologically in such a lopsided way. It’s all race.

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