About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Lattimore can’t be replaced. Carolina has some depth at running back, but Lattimore is one of a kind. Just when he appeared to finally be back around 100% from his last major injury this happens. I guess on the positive side we’ll see what Davis is made out of now because I don’t think Miles can carry the load.

  2. I stopped watching nigger ball about ten years ago. Don’t miss it at all.

    I don’t understand how any racially aware White person could watch a bunch of niggers run around with a ball.

  3. In my opinion, most negro “injuries” are fakes.

    They usually occur at critical points in a games resulting in extra long time-outs and the injury victim walking it off and being back in the game a play or two later.

    The Williams sisters of tennis were huge abusers of the injury time-out as a means of changing the tempo of the game.

    The “injury” time-out has become a giant weapon of minorities against sport and sportsmanship. If one is “so hurt” that they need immediate medical attention, they should not be playing after such incident at all. Use should result in removal for the remainder of the game.

  4. The SEC/HBCU is unwatchable as those teams are maybe 20% white and are headed toward only having whites as QBs, kickers and cheerleaders. The SEC/HBCU schools don’t even recruit whites anymore. So you will have white high school teams in the South win high school state championships over black schools, yet the only ones who get the scholarships are the blacks. The whites who defeated them are free to go to smaller schools or walk on and maybe make the practice squad.

    But watching BYU-Notre Dame a few weeks ago was fun as about 70% of players on the field were white. Same with Wisconsin-Michigan State yesterday.

    It would also be good if white QB Collin Klein wins the Heismann and leads his half-white Kansas State team to the national championship.

  5. SEC football is grist for the South haters, the image it projects is one of complete defenestration of the Southern male. The only thing lacking is a live sex show of a blonde Southern Belle being mauled at the 50yd line for halftime entertainment and the crowd of athletic department (and marxist supporting) contributors clapping wildly, and roaring their approval.

    “Go team”

  6. Bernie says: It would also be good if white QB Collin Klein wins the Heismann and leads his half-white Kansas State team to the national championship.

    I loved watching K State blow out WVU on October 20th. And I grew up in West Virginia as a fan of WVU.

    My post to FB and Twitter during the game: Smart money is on white, as it always should be. Go K State.

    Nobody got it. Or if they did, they were scared to acknowledge it.

  7. This is one thing I don’t really get about some White nationalists. There is a difference, I would say, between being pro-White and being anti-Black or anti-whatever. Recognising that there are major differences between the races and struggling to preserve our people – that is one thing. I support this. I’m very openly pro-White. I see the fight against White genocide as the most important movement of our age. However, I do not see this as necessarily entailing hostility towards others. When I look back at our Southern ancestors, for example, they very explicitly rejected racial equality. They were extremely pro-White. But most of them I have read about also rejected hostility towards Blacks. For example, William Porcher Miles was one of the strongest opponents of equality. He met any talk of abolitionism with calls for secession. He was a strong defender of slavery. But he also supported social efforts as Mayor of Charleston that provided for impoverished Blacks. He clearly harboured no hatred for Blacks, he just didn’t believe them to be equal to Whites. The same is true of Rhett. He was sold his first slaves by a British man when the UK ended slavery. The man was a friend of Rhett’s and sold him the slaves because he knew that Rhett was a kind master. Like Miles, Rhett rejected equality and defended slavery. But he was not a hateful man or someone who enjoyed seeing Blacks suffer. Anyhow, this is something I don’t expect most non-Southerners to understand.

  8. Lattimore is a great running back.

    He played Auburn a few times. He was supposed to go here before he committed to South Carolina. It is sad to watch someone’s career go up in flames like that.

  9. BTW, I think it is more significant that the University of South Carolina and every business in Columbia is integrated by law than the football team. Football is just a game. The same people who cheer for Lattimore in South Carolina will vote 9 to 1 against Obama in November.

  10. The only hatred I have is of weakness. Clearly SEC football is meant for psychic castration of Southern White men, and if cheered lustily by white men it is beyond an embarrasment.

    Really folks what would General Forest think?

  11. Yankees used the military to integrate Ole Miss and the University of Alabama. They voted 9 to 1 to integrate every private business and public school in the South. Their own football teams were integrated long before the SEC teams.

  12. Palmetto, I’m not a Southerner but I do understand what you are saying. Fighting for our race needn’t make you hate blacks. We’ve been offered a false choice by the anti-Whites: support segregation or racial separation and you are a “racist”, naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews; support integration, interracial “assimilation” and every other anti-White program and maybe we “anti-racists” will let you keep your job and reputation, for NOW.

    We forget, myself included, that the anti-Whites have used blacks very successfully as a genocidal weapon against us. Left on their own blacks could be controlled very easily. In a healthy White society blacks can only play a subservient role. In a healthy White society they can go back to Africa if they don’t like it.

    We must aim our anger at our true enemies: the anti-Whites, all of whom support programs and policies which end in the GENOCIDE of our race.

  13. Anyhow, this is something I don’t expect most non-Southerners to understand.

    Ah–isn’t that touching, Palmetto; and it must be awful to be so misunderstood. Maybe you’d like to discuss this whole subject with one of this blog’s other followers, Apuleius, who reguarly signs his posts with the South’s motto, Deo Vindice, and who recently wrote here:

    “If you don’t hate niggers it simply means you hate white people.”

    (You’ll find that among the responses to Mr. W.’s October 23 post headed “North Carolina Gone, Is Virginia Next?”)

  14. John Bonaccorsi, Philadelphia,

    I see this is as a cultural difference. I was not attempting to insult non-Southerners or to invoke pity. I was attempting to explain a cultural difference. In areas where there have historically been a very large percentage of Blacks you tend to find a great deal of racial awareness among the Whites as well as an ability to accept the Blacks for who and what they are. It’s a different mentality regarding them. I think it’s something we have in common with some parts of the Caribbean as well as certain places in Africa where there has long been stable White populations.

  15. More of the Same,

    Agreed. My focus, more than ever, is on the anti-Whites. Especially the White anti-Whites. They tend to be our most powerful and determined enemies. This is a focus that Bob Whitaker has helped me out with. My hatred is not for the Black or Mexican down the road. I’m aware of them. But my strong opposition is for the anti-White who has destroyed our social order and flooded my land with the Mexicans. If those people were effectively countered a more healthy social order could be rebuilt and the Mexicans could be sent home.

  16. In this thread, a bunch of pro-whites or proud self admitted racists talking about how much they love nigger ball. You know, instead of watching other men in skin tight clothing run around a field playing a game you did in grammar school, you could actually go out and play a sport yourself, especially one where 95+% of the other people are going to be white. Like International Defensive Pistol Assoc., International Practical Shooting Assoc., or any of the other run and gun leauges.

  17. It’s a different mentality regarding them.

    I quote again, Palmetto Patriot, your fellow Southerner:

    “If you don’t hate niggers it simply means you hate white people.”

  18. Excellent catch, Bonaccorsi.

    He seems to have your number, Palmetto. You Southerners are only “pro-white” when it is convenient for you — i.e. when you need need sympathy, or politcal support from similarly disaffected Northern whites. But as soon as someone points out an example of your hypocracy, you immediately play up the “we’re a different people; ya’ll just don’t understand our history” line of bullshit.

  19. Do you honestly expect me to agree with all other Southerners?

    No, I don’t expect you to agree with all of them, Palmetto Patriot, and I didn’t say I did. I do expect you to reflect on the validity of your initial post.

  20. 313Chris,

    lol… Figured you would jump in on this. Actually, this is a subject I’ve discussed many times with other Southern nationalists. It’s strange that you would read what I have written as anything less than pro-White. But, call it ‘bullshit’ if you’d like. It honestly does not bother me in the slightest.

  21. “Lattimore can’t be replaced. Carolina has some depth at running back, but Lattimore is one of a kind. Just when he appeared to finally be back around 100% from his last major injury this happens. I guess on the positive side we’ll see what Davis is made out of now because I don’t think Miles can carry the load.”

    What the fuck? Am I in the Twilight Zone?

  22. @John

    Your house is too crystaline for you to be throwing rocks, British citizen. Your entire country today loves niggers more than the American Midwest ever did.

  23. Mighty, it was a sports post. I happen to be a Carolina fan. I gave a sports analysis. Why does this amaze you? I don’t get all the attitude that one must shout ‘nigger’ and talk about wish bad things upon Lattimore to be pro-White.

    I’m bowing out of this conversation. Obviously I’m outnumbered on this post. If y’all want to prove your merit by using a bunch of racial slurs and professing how much you hate or don’t care about Lattimore, that’s your choice. But I don’t see the point of it.

  24. PalmettoPatriot says:
    ‘Lattimore can’t be replaced. Carolina has some depth at running back, but Lattimore is one of a kind. Just when he appeared to finally be back around 100% from his last major injury this happens. I guess on the positive side we’ll see what Davis is made out of now because I don’t think Miles can carry the load.’

    Oh, such a disaster! Sniff sniff. I hope y’all don’t lose too much sleep over the demise of of one of your beloved negro affletes.

    Most of those sub 70 IQ affirmative action dolts shouldn’t be anywhere near an institute of higher learning. They take the place of a more deserving Whites, cause incredible amounts of trouble and care only about inseminating White girls.

    Hideous situation.

  25. Negro worship among southern Whites is hilarious.

    Don’t worry guys, Im sure your injured nigger will be back in no time
    Then you can worship and praise him again.

  26. Sam said: Most of those sub 70 IQ affirmative action dolts shouldn’t be anywhere near an institute of higher learning. They take the place of a more deserving Whites, cause incredible amounts of trouble and care only about inseminating White girls.

    Can you imagine the horror if a sportscaster ever asked any of those SEC “student athletes” what the square root of 16 was?

    Square roots are for the most part learned by memorization, few people can actually calculate them, so for a “student athlete” to not know the answer would show that he was either not really a student and a complete failure of the educational system that passed him on to a SEC member school.

  27. I agree that it is unfortunate that Southern universities are integrated.

    Were it not for Yankees, they would still be segregated today like our hotels, restaurants, shopping malls, parks, buses, etc. In Tuscaloosa, there is a historic site where George Wallace stood in the schoolhouse door at Foster Auditorium to block the integration of the University of Alabama.

  28. Were it not for Yankees, Obama also wouldn’t be president. If he wins reelection in less than two weeks, it will be because his Yankee base thought he deserved four more years.

  29. Ok, I couldn’t resist commenting on this one.

    Sean said, ‘If southerners had have done their own field work, we wouldn’t have niggers.’

    Too funny, Sean. There was no problem with Blacks in the South until Yankees interfered. Even after Yankees interfered we managed to come to a decent sort of system that preserved our race and as well as social order.

    If Southerners had never bought African slaves Yankees would have eventually imported them anyhow. Look at how they insist on importing people from all over the world. People like Ted Kennedy gave us the Immigration Act of 1965, not people like George Wallace. Once again, the problem is not the non-Whites; the problem is the anti-Whites.

  30. “If Southerners had never bought African slaves Yankees would have eventually imported them anyhow.”

    – Keep telling yourself that. But it won’t change the fact that your ancestors were too lazy and too entitled to so much as fold their own clothes, let alone work their own lands. It won’t change the fact YOU brought the fucking niggers into this country in the first place, and here we are for it.

  31. Oopsies, looks like somebody took his high and mighty, holier than thou, sanctimonious yankee pill today. How do you feel about spooks, John B? You can be as duplicitous as you want to be about being pro-white, but your true nature comes out again and again.

    The negro injured himself. His big chance in life is probably over. He might be just a nigger, but you could have a heart. Try acting like white men for a change, instead of insecure eunuchs.

    John B, it might surprise you to know that I too remember a time of comparative amity between white and black Southerners. I wasn’t brought up to hate blacks. I know plenty of “good” blacks that I grew up with. I’ve seen and had run ins with lots of bad ones in my time, too. Too many to have not changed my perceptions forever.

    I don’t now and never will trust large groups of anonymous negroes (or yankees).

    Radicalized as they have been the past fifty years, blacks have become consumed with resentment and hatred of whites. There is no going back to a past that no longer exists.
    Good fences make for good neighbors. Segregation worked. Then the yankees came…

    Yankees are pathetic, boring, cheerless people…
    They have totally screwed themselves and everyone else they have ever come into contact with, then they have the temerity to feign innocence and begin their tiresome harangues…

    Get a life. Start a Northern independence movement. I will definitely support that.
    We need to get shed of you all.

    Deo Vindice

  32. 313Chris, are Blacks your only problem? They aren’t mine. The problem is not any single race of non-Whites. The problem is the anti-Whites and their control over the present system. And you should understand by now, after all the work HW has done, that it was not Southerners who brought this anti-White system on us. So, blame all your problems on the slave owners of old if you want or their descendants today – or the descendants of the slaves. None of that will get you anywhere.

  33. @Hunter

    The first boatload of niggers in this country pulled into Jamestown, Virginia — “The South” — in 1619.

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