About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yeah.

    They were brought here on a Dutch ship that hijacked a Portuguese ship en route to Mexico. So what?

    Blacks were a small minority in Virginia until the late seventeenth century. The overwhelming majority of slaves that were brought to America came on English and Yankee ships in the eighteenth century.

    As early as the 1640s, Yankees were sailing to Africa to bring slaves to Barbados.

  2. Woopty doo, Hunter. And I’ve been engaging in Shotokan karate and olympic lifting since I was 14. It doesn’t change the fact that Southerners have always believed that labor is beneath the white man. You’ve even admitted as much on here.

  3. Here we go again…
    Some people can’t see the forest for the trees.

    Only a sadist would take delight in his injury. Ideological consistency be damned.

    HW and PalmettoPatriot have it right. Anti-white whites created the current mess.
    Don’t blame negroes for being negroes. They are what they are.

    None of this was their idea, for sure.

    Deo Vindice

  4. Sorry Chris, but I distinctly recall emancipation, civil rights, integration, and miscegenation being yankee ideas. Remember, there was a war and all that…

    Slavery was and still is a black idea. The only one they ever had as far as I can tell, if you exclude cannibalism, rape, and magic joo-joo, of course.

    Deo Vindice

  5. The negro injured himself. His big chance in life is probably over. He might be just a nigger, but you could have a heart.

    You’re just a softie after all, aren’t you, Apuleius. That’s sweet.

  6. “He might just be a nigger, but you could have a heart.”


    So when Lincoln and “the Yankees” free the niggers from Southern slavery, they are evil tyrants. But if a Northerner doesn’t give a happy damn about some STD-ridden nigger gang-banger getting hovelled, all the sudden he “doesn’t have a heart”, eh?

    Behold, the hypocrite Southron in all his glory.

  7. If you don’t hate niggers it simply means you hate white people.”

    LOL, But if it is a nigger that runs around a court or a patch of grass with a ball, that doesn’t apply.

  8. “Only a sadist would take delight in his injury. Ideological consistency be damned.

    College football, staffed with Blacks, ought not be played. There’s good, non-sadist reasons to be GLAD this happened: Here’s hoping this person’s terrible injuries result in the END of college football (played by blacks).

    Were the bazillions spent on this modern gladiator spectacle NOT spent, those funds could be used to give full ride scholarships to smart White boys.

    YOU are the sadist, because

    There are a whole lotta beautiful minds going to waste in all those smart White boys who can’t afford the excellent colleges they could benefit from, because that money gets spent recruiting, and keeping happy (and out of jail) violent, stupid blacks whose only talent is the ability to run real fast.
    What about the big chance in life all those non-rich White boys didn’t get?

    And don’t try the shuck-and-jive that college football “makes money” and that that money it supposedly makes funds smart-White-boy scholarships. College football, except for rare cases, does NOT make money.

    AND, if making money for scholarships for smart White boys WAS the goal (it’s not) a casino is a much more cost-effective generator of income, anyway, with no physical risks to anybody (well, maybe a few bouncers).

  9. Football is popular all over the country. Most people like it, or, if it’s not their cup of tea, they don’t have a psychological need to mouth off about it.

  10. Professional sports are controlled/owned by jews, played by niggers and consumed/funded by Whites.

    But, if one enjoys fawning and worshipping criminal ferel niggers running around with a ball then enjoy yourself. It is beyond me what enjoyment they get from it.

  11. Sean’s comment is mainly exaggeration. Most NFL owners are not Jewish. The vast majority of blacks who play the game are not criminals. Most of them stay out of trouble. Many give money to charity. There are many White players. The people with most visibility and public name recognition tend to be White (the QBs and head coaches). No one fawns and worships anyone. That’s nonsense.

  12. Not really, Lew. The jew media promotes the hell out of it. Basically paying your hero niggers through advertising.
    The chairman of the NFL is a jew, pretty sure the chairman of the NBA is too.
    Something like 80% of pro sport niggers are bankrupt within just three years of their “retirement”.

  13. No one fawns and worships anyone. That’s nonsense..

    Yes, nonsense indeed. I guess all the young White kids emulating their negro heros by way of wearing jerseys and air jordans is not worship.
    The anti White media doesn’t show your afletes as heros.
    Didn’t the protocols mention something along these lines?

  14. Even though I’m an evil racist, that doesn’t mean I’m for cruelty to animals.

    There ain’t any “beautiful minds” going to waste anywhere in Amurrica today, so you can spare me the liberal cant about lost opportunities, barb.

    Smart white guys make it on their own without handouts. Always have.

    Stop adopting a nigger mindset and think like a white person for a change. White people don’t whine (women and effeminate yankees excepted, of course). We solve problems.

    Freeing them and granting them equality was the mistake. I know it, you know it, and they even know it. Childish fantasies about the magical disappearance of negroes or catty remarks about negroes in the football industry are silly. They are only in the game now because your fathers and grandfathers wanted them to be in the game.

    Cruelty to animals is not a very becoming trait.
    I’m not a big football fan myself, but it is a free country last time I checked.

    You all should really lose that unattractive and disgusting yankee trait of trying to police other people’s opinions. It is uglier than homemade sin.

    Deo Vindice

  15. I’m with Sean on this one. Modern professional and college sports are bread and circus’, distractions, pointless amusement.

  16. Sean says:
    October 29, 2012 at 2:18 am
    ‘Yes, nonsense indeed. I guess all the young White kids emulating their negro heros by way of wearing jerseys and air jordans is not worship.
    The anti White media doesn’t show your afletes as heros.
    Didn’t the protocols mention something along these lines?’

    Nothing more disgusting than seeing a White family proudly wearing jerseys of their favorite afletes on their backs.

  17. You all should really lose that unattractive and disgusting yankee trait of trying to police other people’s opinions.

    A single adjective would have done, Apuleius. You’re trying too hard.

  18. “The Yankees here should channel all this productive energy into restraining themselves from voting for Obama.”


  19. Obama is showing some weakness in Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota. Surely, Romney can win New Hampshire or Iowa and at least one other Northern state?

  20. We can take the ribbing about SEC football down here

    Yankees only elected a nigger president to run the entire country! After everything he is done they still can’t decide whether to throw him out too!

  21. Giants crush Tigers to win World Series in a 4 game sweep. My respect to the Giants, as they played absolutely exceptional. Truly the better team won tonight.

  22. The Yankees here should channel all this productive energy into restraining themselves from voting for Obama.

    I personally won’t be participating in this political atrocity at all, Mr. W. I long ago realized that the only thing your British forebears were able to come up with by putting their heads together was a Constitution that allows everyone to vote everyone else’s money into his pocket. That, I realize, is what most whites want; not I.

  23. “There ain’t any “beautiful minds” going to waste anywhere in Amurrica today, so you can spare me the liberal cant about lost opportunities, barb.”

    Is that so? Really? I know three, myself. White boys who face either missing out on uni or going into lifetime debt peonage.


    What I find truly fascinating is the savage defense of their drug by football fanatics.
    Merely suggest that college football is foolishness and watch them snap their fangs.

    Honestly, what rationale, in a sensible universe, is there that training for professional football ought to be done by universities — universities, which have as their raison d’etre, educating minds? They shouldn’t. Football is entertainment. Like exotic dancing.

    Universities don’t teach pole-dancing.

    Yet, universities DO recruit, at great effort, uneducable young black thugs to perform the physically dangerous, yet ultimately pointless, mission of carrying a leather ball to and fro ; create and fund, so these dimwits can be euphemistically called “student athletes,” dumbed-down classes especially for them, since they’re not capable of doing real intellectual work, and bail them out when their criminal tendencies get the better of them; and build staggeringly costly stadiums and pay their coaches a million bucks a year, all at taxpayer expense. Not football-fan nor NFL-owner expense, mind you, but taxpayer expense.

    HOW is any of this any sort of reasonable activity that universities ought to be engaged in?

    Universities are taxpayer-funded because of the possibility of return-on-investment to all of us, that one of the beautiful minds we’ve educated will pay us all back, and then some — perhaps by, I dunno, developing the next form of cheap energy, or something.

    Football doesn’t pay back society at large. It’s entertainment. And it’s entertainment only for those who like it. For those of us who don’t, we are still forced to pay for it.

    Football shouldn’t be taxpayer-funded, and universities shouldn’t be involved with it.

    You who love your football addiction, so be it. But the burden of training up the next cohort of pro footballers rightfully ought to be placed where it belongs: on the owners of the professional teams. Like it’s down in baseball with farm teams.

    And the money currently spent on college football ought to be diverted to full-ride scholarships for smart White boys — to study the thing universities were created to teach: academics.

  24. So, HW, the south is again getting beat. Although I don’t enjoy seeing it, the south should stop looking backwards, as so many of you seem to do and begin dealing with the here and now.

  25. No Hunter, whether you are capable of comprehending it or not, there were indeed plenty of true-blue Southrons who willingly pulled the lever for Obama in 2008 and might it again. Stop imagining that you people are somehow any different than the rest of America. It’s just getting silly anymore.

  26. We can easily break Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia down to the county level and show that the areas dominated by Yankee transplants like Central Florida, NOVA/Hampton Roads, and Asheville/Research Triangle are the areas that tipped those states to the Democrats.

    The same transplant effect can be seen out West in Nevada and Colorado where liberals from California have put down roots in recent years. Even within Georgia, Texas, and South Carolina, the same transplant effect can be seen.

    Remove Yankee transplants from Florida, Colorado, Nevada, North Carolina, and Virginia and Obama wouldn’t have a chance at winning those states. They are competitive only because of Yankee transplants allying themselves with blacks and Hispanics in the Democrat Party.

  27. The only way Romney is going to lose this election is if Obama succeeds in preserving his Yankee firewall from Pennsylvania to Iowa. Florida and North Carolina are gone for Obama.

    I’m sure Romney will win Virginia because it has trended Republican in the 2009, 2010, and 2011 elections. Republicans have won the governorship, three House races, and the Virginia Senate since Obama was elected. Several of those victories in the state legislature were in NOVA.

    If Romney wins Nevada and Michigan, Obama won’t be returning to the White House. In order to pull that off, Yankees have to resist voting for their nigger president.

  28. Romney will win Nevada. Many, many rural Mormans in the back areas here.
    I doubt polls even count them, but they will ALL vote.

  29. RCP has Obama winning the electoral college with 290 votes. Obama takes Nevada, Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire. Romney wins the Confederacy.


    Nevada has 6 electoral votes. Michigan has 16 electoral votes. If Romney wins the RCP No Toss Up states (248) and wins Nevada (6) and Michigan (16), he wins the election with 270 electoral votes to Obama’s 268.

    Romney can also win with Colorado and Michigan. He can win with Colorado, Nevada, Iowa, and New Hampshire. He can win with Colorado, Wisconsin, and New Hampshire. He can win with Colorado, Nevada, Iowa, and Maine’s 2nd District.

    His best shot is probably Ohio and Colorado or Ohio and Iowa or Ohio and New Hampshire. He can’t win though unless the Midwest gives up something other than Indiana … unless he wins Pennsylvania.

    Pennsylvania and New Hampshire or Pennsylvania and Colorado or Pennsylvania and Iowa or Pennsylvania and Nevada would do the trick.

    This election is now totally in the hands of Yankees.

  30. Wouldn’t it be embarrassing if the whole South voted for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, but they lost the election because Yankees voted to reelect Obama? That’s exactly what the RCP No Toss Up Map is predicting!

  31. 313piss, no property or public records search I’ve done has shown you living at the address you provided. In fact the I’ve not seen your named listed for the city of Detroit at all.

  32. If Southrons were lazy, and slavery a poor economic system, why was the South the economic engine of colonial america and the early republic? And if those things are false, why did northern colonies make their own attempts at starting a slave economy? The answer of course is the assumptions are wrong and remember 313piss ancestors were slave owners too. Its hostile is reserved for Southron slave owners and not its own kind. Hypocrite. Ignorant hypocrite too and there is no point in using facts with 313. It conveniently ignores any fact it doesn’t like and lives in its own world. A strange world where there are no mud sharks in Detroit, where my fore fathers meant for us to live in a nation where the govt dominates our life and where the union will be perfect once the anti White romney is elected.

    PalmettoPatriot , I think paternalism toward negros was the proper view toward negros when negros were in their proper station in life. However, that changed once yankees set them free and used them as a weapon against our people. True a negro is only a tool used by yankees against our people, but it doesn’t absolve the animals form their actions.

  33. @Stonelifter

    I suppose I should be flattered that you’re obsessed with me enough to try and go through my tax records (or so you claim). I assure you, that I am who I say I am, and I do in fact live where I told you I live. And, for the millionth time, I’m ready and waiting for you and your big, cowardly, Southron mouth to show up, anytime.

  34. Chris, you are just part of an isolated white remnant living among the ruins. In many ways most likely unbeknownst to you, this makes you very Southern in outlook.

    Your yankee empire in which you are so proud no longer exists. It is an empire run by and for negroes, not your kind. You are a white man, are you not?

    Once you leave your denial and delusions behind, you will find a significant degree of kinship with Southerners both during Reconstruction and now. Southerners have a long experience of life among the ruins.

    Nevertheless, if it pleases you, by all means continue to keep your head firmly ensconced in your ass. If you sometimes feel you don’t know what you’re talking about, it’s because you don’t.

    Deo Vindice

  35. Southerners have a long experience of life among the ruins.

    My–isn’t that poignant, Apuleius, you self-pitying eunuch.

  36. @Apuleius

    Sorry, but you’re wrong. I’m not Southern in outlook. Unlike you, I’m not forever staring into the distant past with teary eyes. I’m using legal, realistic methods to sieze control over the present, and living for a future which I intend to form with my own hands.

  37. No self-pity there. I deeply admire my people for their continued survival despite repeated attempts at genocide by the yankee occupation government. You rust belt dumbasses might want to know how to survive the mess you have made someday.

    Nah, you’ll probably just quit your increasingly crime ridden area and retire to Florida, safely away from the ruins you left behind. Being a deracinated people, it doesn’t matter much to any of you whatever place you wind up in the end. No legacy save destruction. That’s the yankee way.

    I’ll be more than happy to see your kind disappear from the face of the earth. I am willing to do anything I can do to speed the way for all of you locusts.

    I clear my nose on you! I fart in your general direction!

    Deo Vindice

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