About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. A little early to do a retrospective, but recall the impact of Obama on the attitudes of Southerners since 2008: they didn’t vote for him, but they had to live with him. That pushed many to join “tea parties” and saw an upsurge in white nationalism, and even calls for secession.

    What would another Obama victory spur?

    Imagine if Obama loses the popular vote on the back of 90-10 margins with white voters in the South, but wins the Electoral College based on smaller but still significant loses among Northern whites?

    A Perfect Storm: a crippled Presidency without a mandate, but whites in the south and great plains and southwest facing four years until they can run another dud from the Country Clubs. I predict white civil disobedience over taxes, and the health insurance mandate. I predict growth in the white nationalist sub-culture, and in the partitionist sub-sub-culture. Can the economy limp along for four more years based on the Fed’s money printing and trillion dollar federal debt-stimuli? Could a white boycott or general strike pull headline GDP back into recession?

    Each day, the American population gets a little more non-white. Same with the globe as a whole.

    What happened to Libertarianism, by the way? A harvest of souls awaits us!

  2. Golden Dawn, right now, represents Greece’s last chance to remain Greek.

    This election is the last chance for Whites in the United States to turn back the tide without massive amounts of violence. If the Dreamers are sent home, Whites have a chance. If not, expect balkanization as Whites form and defend small enclaves, and the looming threat of widespread violence.

    And it serves us right for allowing the situation to detiriorate thus far.

  3. Peppermint -your post, up above – it’s what I’ve bene saying all along, in so many other words…

    Meanwhile – Merle’s back, and more darling than ever….!

  4. “This election is the last chance for Whites in the United States to turn back the tide without massive amounts of violence.”

    We are past that point. It is too late. The tide won’t turn itself back.
    Our so called “leaders” have been AWOL for a very long time. They remain so.

    Exhibit A: The Diversity

    Exhibit B: The Wrong Guy

    Fasten your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.

    Deo Vindice

  5. I think it is inevitable at this point and it scares the heck out of me, because Romney is going to sell Whites down the river, just like every Republican has ever done. Its just a matter of it happening sooner, or a little later on.

  6. Jamie, don’t worry your head too much. As much as I personally would saver seeing the WASP beat the overhyped mediocre mulatto, Obama still has the advantage in the electoral college.

  7. The last chance to turn back the tide was 1860 and the yankees said no to peaceful separation. Since then we’ve only become more genetically, culturally and politically separate

  8. How on earth is a Romney-Ryan— a “WASP” ticket.

    There is nothing “wasp” about them.

    MORMONS do not consider themselves Protestant and Romney is from MEXICO.

    Why do so many people seem (in the face of reality) to want to call Romney-Ryan something to do with WASPS.

    They are not WASPS and they are an embarrassment to WASPS.

    Definitely, they do not seem connected with Northern Europe, either, in any way. Maybe Ryan in the celtic genetic way of the Irish-Catholics.

    Irish Catholics are not WASPs (lol)! Mexican Mormons are not WASPs.

    Eventually more (real) WASPS are going to start freaking out every time assertions appear trying to connect foreigners to their population, mark my word.

  9. Romney-Ryan—- is an Irish-Catholic/Mexican-Mormon ticket. This has nothing to do with WASPs!

    Also—since there are connections, possibly, with the 1830’s Jesuit-creation of the “Mormon” faith (a very strange and political animal, indeed—- sort of like the “Westboro Baptist Church” started by CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEY, Phelps, lol)— which all calls into question who the Mormons really front for, anyway.

    Romney-Ryan—- mostly likely ANTI-wasp, and in the direction of organizational catholic-run strict fascism (as Mussolini defined it: Militarist-Corporatism). That is NOT a southern-wasp system, for sure.

  10. They have REALLY deep-sixed any questions as to WHO STARTED the political entity of “Mormonism” (finding those weird “plates”) in 1830—- just in time to rally for that old Civil War… right.

  11. Eventually, a natural alliance may form with real WASPs, (not catholics and mormons, as those are not protestants), the ex-colonists (who are all basically ex-pats in “their own country” nowadays), along with the southerners (also ex-pats in “their own countries). This is the Northern Europeans (the anglo-saxons., protestant germans, etc.)—-

    —all the people who have been assaulted for a century: the southern, the germanic, the northern europeans, the “flyover country” folks, the boers and other northern european colonists around the world— the ‘northern european protestant diaspora”

  12. Dixiegirl, I’m not going to address the more insane portion of your posts but I’ll address the Mexican question you’ve raised. The Romney’s are Anglo Saxon but Mitt’s grandfather left the US and went to Mexico in order to remain polygamous. Romney isn’t a WASP. But he is a white Anglo Saxon.

  13. “This election is the last chance for Whites in the United States to turn back the tide without massive amounts of violence. If the Dreamers are sent home, Whites have a chance. If not, expect balkanization as Whites form and defend small enclaves, and the looming threat of widespread violence.”

    Even though DixieG thinks not, I am voting Anglo-Saxon. Massive, clear issues protesting of Mitt, once the Obongo is dead (politically speaking, you understand) that he RULE as WE see fit, and NOT the Rapture bunny crowd, are how you take a country back.

    First, remove the foreign ethnarch.
    Then, the restoration. In that order.


  14. Jamie, don’t worry your head too much. As much as I personally would saver seeing the WASP beat the overhyped mediocre mulatto, Obama still has the advantage in the electoral college.

    If by “electoral college” you mean polls, then you’re right.

  15. The campaigns are both moving into Minnesota and Pennsylvania.

    Let’s say that again: Minnesota and Pennsylvania. I guess the campaigns trust their own lying eyes over the polls, too.

    Then there’s the zero’s ad strategy, which is looking more like a caricature of “I give up on the independent vote” every day.

  16. He’s a blood relative of George Romney society Portraitist. Nelson, Emma Hamilton, some Yanks too. The family is from Lancashire. Which is heavily Irish too. He couldn’t be much more Ethnic if he recited Beowulf in Old English.

  17. PS, the battlegroundwatch.com guy has been predicting Minnesota going red in this election since before I started reading him, which was 2 weeks ago. I didn’t pay much attention to it, and he seemed to admit he was speculating pretty heavily, but now that the campaigns are moving into Minnesota, I figured I’d give the guy kudos for at least being somewhat prescient.

  18. PPS, It was fun to watch that bandwagon gelding McAmnesty hit the president harder in this election (over Benghazi) than he ever did in the 2008 campaign. What a pussy.

    It was also fun to watch freepers tear him a new one over his suddenly-discovered gonads.

  19. Bush went into election day in 2004 at 49 percent in the polls. Romney is at 51 percent in the Gallup poll with a 16 to 20 point lead with Independents. Obama has been underwater with Independents since 2009.

    BTW, the fact that Minnesota and Pennsylvania are being contested is reminiscent of McCain losing Indiana and North Carolina in 2008.

  20. The polls which show Obama ahead are assuming a 2008-style Democrat turnout on election day which is absurd.

    Since 2008, Obama has lost Independents. He is down 5 points with White voters. Hispanics and young people are significantly less interested in the 2012 election.

    Daily Kos even has Obama winning Florida. Yet he is barely winning Miami-Dade! He is losing Cubans by a landslide.

  21. So what does a Confederate do as Romney looks to be a shoe-in?

    Providing an unfailing loyal base isn’t going to cut the mustard for the RNC.
    Nasty racist whites will be double punished now.

  22. BTW, there has been a realignment in Virginia since 2008. The last Jacksonian Democrats in SW Virginia in Coal Country have shifted heavily against Obama. The polls are assuming a 2008 electorate in VA though!

    In VA, Boucher, Perrillio, and Nye all lost their seats in 2010 from Tidewater to Appalachia. The Republicans have those seats locked up this year.

    Just last year, Democrats lost seats in the VA legislature and control of the the VA Senate because of their weakness in NOVA.

  23. “Since then we’ve only become more genetically, culturally and politically separate”

    Actually the exact opposite is true and I’ve seen it come about in my lifetime.

  24. “So what does a Confederate do as Romney looks to be a shoe-in?”

    – You aren’t a Confederate, you’re British. So you need not worry.

  25. “You aren’t a Confederate, either Chris..”

    – No, I’m an American. Thank God.

    “..so shut the hell up and…Have a Dixie day.”

    – What does that involve exactly? Crying about the Civil War for a few hours, and then go and cheer some nigger buck running up and down a field clutching a ball like a stolen car-stereo?

    Romney 2012! Yankee Pride!

  26. Romney 2012! Yankee Pride!

    I’m sure the Yankees will all be full of pride for voting lockstep for the zero mulatto and delivering all of their EVs to the non-white party.

    ‘Cept New Hampshire and maybe northern Maine; they won’t get to be proud.

  27. You aren’t a Confederate, either Chris. So shut the hell up and…

    That’s why people hate Yankees. They come to your house and show their ass. No manners.

  28. It must be really galling to yankee pride to know that Romney wouldn’t have a prayer were it not for the Confederate States of America.

    Yankee pride depends upon Southern votes. HAW!

    Deo Vindice

  29. @Apuleius

    You mean the same “Confederate States of America” that you claim is so intrinsically different from America? Huh. So why are all your countrymen supporting American Yankee Mitt Romney so enthusiastically? Why are they even choosing to vote in an American election, you know, being “Confederates” and all? And if the imaginary “Confederate States of America” is so vital to Romney’s chances, then why is this election being decided entirely in the upper Midwest? Idiot.

  30. “why are all your countrymen supporting American Yankee Mitt Romney so enthusiastically?”

    Because he’s white. Duh….

    Why are yours so conflicted? I think they are about to reelect the mulatto messiah.

    Without the South, Romney loses. Even with the South, he will probably lose.
    All you have to do is count. You can count, right?

    We haven’t and we won’t see the Midwest go from blue to red. Indiana is red already, and Ohio is the only Midwest state really in play. Everything else is election hype. Obama will certainly carry your state of Michigan. Michiganders loves them some negroes, after all.

    I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that you wound up voting for Obama again at the last minute in solidarity with your people. Yankee pride, after all.

    Deo Vindice

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