Ultimate 2012 Weekend Pre-Election Thread


The floor is yours …

Update: My predictions are the same as Barone’s … no sign of D+8 electorate so far in early voting, Romney wins, and Obama makes history again by becoming America’s first one term African-American president.

Obama: Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada.

Romney: Colorado, Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Iowa, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio.

Update: Here are the closing arguments: President Barack Obama: My Vision for America and Mitt Romney: My Vision for America.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. If Obama wins, it’s the Oprah effect. Northern whites know he’s done poorly, but he’s their imaginary black best friend, damn it, and he deserves another chance.

  2. “On ABC I saw lies repeated. They said whites vote one way and blacks, Hispanics, Asians etc vote another. ”

    Forgive a stupid question, but how could anyone say something so obviously false? I understand the nature of the Ministry of Truth, but even they can’t say 2+2=5 yet. Or so I thought.

  3. Crap like that is designed to turn out the Magnanimous White Vote.

    “I’ll prove ’em wrong and vote for the black fella, show how much better a person I am than my fellow white folk!”

    There is nothing northern whites like better than feeling superior to other whites.

  4. They are pushing a false idea that the GOP is the white party, that all whites vote GOP.
    Romney is struggling to get 57% of the white vote. He will end up with 55% if it goes badly. But the press are promoting the idea that whites are engaged in an adversarial voting pattern with blacks.

    It’s only blacks who vote as a weaponized bloc at the Federal level.

  5. We are hip deep in BRA. That episode of Stephanopoulos This Week was shocking in the way that a massive lie was perpetuated. It was an astounding mischaraterization of
    How Obama depends on 45% of gullible whites.

  6. The problem in PA is not merely the Killadelphia Nigs. It’s the hordes of elderly White Lever Pullers – Dem Apparachiks – who have sucked off the now dwindling tax base their ENTIRE lives – who have NEVER lived around actual NAGAs.

    I hate THEM far, far more than I despise the NAGAS.

  7. Sam,

    And it has now been shown that violent crime has dramatically spiked! Silver, if you are reading this, have you seen the recent stats?

    No, I’ve haven’t really been paying attention lately. “Spike” can mean many different things. What are the actual numbers and for what region? Honestly, I’d be surprised if it’s dramatic as you suggest, and I wouldn’t put much stock in it anyway, since there have been numerous “spikes” during the long-term decline.

    Far and away the main reason WNs pay such careful attention to crime stats is their total conviction that more non-whites simply MUST eventually lead to some sort of armaggedon of violent crime, very similar to their conviction that non-whites simply MUST lead to economic “collapse” — at which point, the thinking seems to go, white racial consciousness will spontaneously erupt, a miracle will occur, and a white ethnostate will emerge. Well, WN is such a political fantasy sport anyway, I guess you can’t blame WNs for allowing their imaginations to run wild.

    PS – Hunter, what happened with October unemployment? BLS cooking the books again?

    PPS – Parrott, very telling video you link to. All those shopping bags, TV screens, electronic gadgetry, all that consumption, polluting the environment with waste, people making merry with alcohol, in short, doing anything and everything except being solemnly, devoutly White. Horrifying stuff.

  8. Ethnic nationalism has emerged in exactly the same scenario you just described. Germany in the 30s, Greece right now. It’s not “white nationalism”, but it is nationalism by white people.

  9. At any given time, in any given white country, about 1/3 of whites are traitors to their own people’s self interest. About another 1/3 doesn’t care, and the remainder is marginally to actively aware of racial realities. The anti-white whites are THE problem. A permanent solution for them will eventually be needed, and I doubt it will be political.

  10. http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=11352

    I think this post says it all. Those who are from the South, (Hunter?!) who say they are voting for no one- or are voting ‘third party,’ are not TRULY Southernors at all.
    What they are, if this post means anything, it that these folks are subconsciously, all Operational YANKEE SUPREMACISTS….

    in that they are acting as if they cannot vote for the ‘purest’ of them all, they won’t be ‘tainted’ by voting for Romney or Obama.

    In essence, they are PURITANS. Damned Yankees. Not Cavaliers, who would have never NOT voted a Nigger out of office, if given the choice. Or else they are all Rhett Butlers. And you know how Ms. Mitchell wrote him as- a mere opportunist, and little more.

    We can’t escape from it, folks. As Americans- even Southern Americans- we’re all Yankee Supremacists. We’re all Puritans, twice removed. We crave the Election of God, and are mad that we can’t have it incarnated in our politics, every four years!

    At least those of us with grace enough to realize it, are acting as ‘gentlemen.’ We are voting for Romney, simply because he’s the only White Man who CAN win….

    Have a nice day, ‘y’all.’

  11. “[T]heir total conviction that more non-whites simply MUST eventually lead to some sort of armaggedon of violent crime, very similar to their conviction that non-whites simply MUST lead to economic “collapse”…”

    It may be true that WN are practicing fantasy politics, but as far as EVERY piece of datum that can be collected clearly shows, they are right in the above convictions you mention.

    Likewise, ALL data available clearly shows that white liberals and people like silver are also practicing fantasy politics. These white people have an unshakable conviction that an ever increasing non-white population will NOT lead to higher crime rates and economic collapse and in fact will very soon reach a level of equilibrium with that of historically predominantly white societies. In fact, they believe non-whites, specifically black and brown skinned people, will SURPASS the achievements of whites.

    Nowhere is this in evidence.

    It is pure fantasy. No amount of pseudo-intellectual wrapping can obfuscate the reality down here on the ground on planet earth.

  12. It is “cold” here where I live today.

    (Since so many apparently believe that putting quotation marks about certain words somehow negates the truthfulness of those words, especially if you do so on Internet discussion boards and editorial type essays, I thought I would begin running experiments to see if anything happens when I try it.

    Nope, still cold outside.)

  13. http://www.nationaljournal.com/whitehouse/team-obama-preening-romney-camp-eye-rolling-frayed-nerves-for-both-20121104?page=1

    If preening made a sound you could hear it from President Obama’s reelection headquarters all across the land.

    And if eye-rolling could be heard it would reverberate from Mitt Romney’s Boston headquarters and deafen legions of unsuspecting citizens.

    Obama’s team preens because it is certain it will win. Top advisers seriously entertain a question about how early Tuesday night Obama’s victory will be declared, demurring only that precision eludes but, in the words of campaign manager Jim Messina, Chicago hopes it will be “as early as possible.”

    By its own determination, Obama’s team believes it will have banked so much early vote in key states as to make Romney’s Election Day vote deficit virtually impossible to make up. Messina contends Romney will need to win by the following percentages on Election Day to overcome Obama’s projected early vote lead: 65 percent in North Carolina; 59 percent in Iowa and Colorado; 58 percent in Nevada; 55 percent in Florida and Ohio and 52 percent in Wisconsin and Virginia.

    Despite these fulsome statistics, Messina wouldn’t predict victories yet in any of these states. But he said Obama’s efforts to register 1.8 million new voters (28 percent of whom have voted early – 345,000 in the top six battleground states) and 125 million calls or face-to-to-face interactions with voters will turn the tide for Obama. “Some campaigns believe in quantity over quality when it comes to voter contact,” Messina said. “We do not. This is a people-centered, data-driven effort.”

    Chicago airily dismisses comparisons with 2008 turnout, which will undoubtedly be, at least by percentage tallies, smaller for the president and larger for his GOP foe.

  14. Who can blame working class whites for “re-nigging”? The alternative is a GWB clone. People remember tax cuts mainly for the super-wealthy, a big expansion of medicare and two Zionist neocon wars, all unpaid for. They remember GWB trying to push through amnesty. This a horrible choice for white working class people. They will have to choose the candidate who will spit on them the least, and by every metric that matters that would be Barack Obama. It’s why Obama will cruise on Tuesday. The GOPs anti-middle/working class economic program will drive the white working class into the Democrat coalition again.

  15. No. He not a gwb clone. He is extremely bright. He’s also not going to have the freedom to act that gwb had.

    Niggers simply rape murder and destroy property in the US. Another 4 years of them in the upper echelons of government will cement this destruction.

  16. If anyone think Obama is better for white people needs his head examined. He may ACCIDENTALLY be better due to some twist of fate, but explicitly better? How?

  17. Silver, people become more fascist and fundamentally religious as their economic and physical security worsens, and vice-versa. Thus it’s not much of a stretch to assume that the browning of America will play into WN hands. Brown = lowered economic and physical security for whites.

    Just look at the south, where proximity to large nigger populations has kept the population well to the right of the rest of the country. Eventually, we’ll all be southerners.

  18. What would Romney and Republicans do to bring the nigs into line? My guess is nothing. Republicans don’t speak out when blacks rape and murder.

  19. Denise, my mom’s from an “Alabama Pennsylvania” family. We used to visit them every summer when I was a kid. One year, in my late teens, they visited us in Georgia instead. The looks on their faces as they encountered larges numbers of Georgia blacks in Wal Mart was absolutely priceless. I imagine people seeing Martians for the first time would be less shocked and agog.

  20. Far and away the main reason WNs pay such careful attention to crime stats is their total conviction that more non-whites simply MUST eventually lead to some sort of armaggedon of violent crime

    Also, that’s complete horseshit. We pay attention to crime stats because they’re exhibit A in HBD realism.

  21. In essence, Jim, garden variety Marxism coming from a black face is probably far less negatively transformative for White people than neocon Zionism coming from a White face.

    Nevertheless, if Romney wins I’m going to party like it’s 2000.

  22. The blunt truth is, and this is despite my somewhat strident defense for the Northern white working class, the truth is they have had DECADES to rectify this situation of having to vote pro-nigger politicians, labor leaders and policies in in order to have decent wages. working conditions and retirement and benefit packages. But they have instead got off work and stopped at the bar and relied exclusively on someone else to do the brain work required to steer and guide them instead of taking some time and putting in a little effort to keep up with current events in the world.

    The truth is most of the white Northern working class men are worse than wash women for relying on idle and false gossip for their news and information. Even concerning mundane things they only get information from the guy sitting next to them at the bar after work or from some blowhard at work that knows little or nothing. That is precisely why they ALWAYS are going for the pro-nigger candidate and policy instead of what they should be going for. Quick and sensational soundbites and drama that can be picked up between rounds or during a two minute lull at the break room is about all they get. The rest is from some in-house political organ that has been saying the very same communistic garbage since Kennedy was president.

    Then there are the more than a few who go for the “we’re all in this together” BS and similar liberal produced philosophical one-liners more befitting of children than grown adults raising families. White people need a swift steel toed boot up the rear in the worst possible way. For far too long have they neglected serious matters in favor of fanatically following sports and the latest pop craze sweeping the land. Anything but minding the store, someone else will do that, the mentality goes.

    Too many whites are still back in about 1950.

  23. Hope springs eternal Brutus. Nothing will change until the rich white elite realize politics are a hopeless proposition, and that there’s nowhere else to run. All these “change comes from the bottom” stories are bullshit. They all had a wealthy benefactor.

  24. BTW, we are going to have a lot of fun after the election analyzing the results, particularly the White vote.

    THIS. Regardless of how it turns out, I’m looking forward to digging into the numbers, particularly, as you say, the White vote.

    Tried to post a comment (with only one link) four or five times with slight variation, yet nothing has appeared so far. I hope they don’t ALL appear sometime later. If so, I’m sorry. I give up trying for now.

    I had the same problem last night trying to post the Nate Silver agrees with Sharon Angle link. I put it in like 3 times but it never showed up.

  25. “Just look at the south, where proximity to large nigger populations has kept the population well to the right of the rest of the country. Eventually, we’ll all be southerners.”

    Liberalism is a lark, so is mainstream liberalized conservatism. It’s like sky-diving. The ride can only last so long.

  26. It’s starting to look like Field Marshall Romney swinging around behind 0bama’s Maginot Firewall doesn’t tell the whole story.

    It’s starting to look like the troops manning the Maginot Firewall are defecting to the Reich.

  27. I had the same problem last night trying to post the Nate Silver agrees with Sharon Angle link.

    Nate Silver seems to be taking a real beating these days, here at OD, at BGW and elsewhere.

    NEW YORK—As part of his continued effort to torment the 34-year-old statistician and blogger, feared New York Times bully Derek Kriesel reportedly slapped a stack of opinion polls from Nate Silver’s hands Friday, scattering the surveys across the floor of the organization’s newsroom. “Pick them up, you little fuckin’ dweeb,” said Kriesel, who eyewitnesses confirmed kicked the papers down the hallway before Silver could gather them up. “Hey, Silverdork, I got a poll for you. It says there’s a 90 percent chance that I’m going to beat the shit out of you, what do you think of that?” At press time, sources said Silver was hiding in a supply closet and analyzing the latest electoral data as a menacing voice from across the hall called out, “Oh, Silver! Where are you, Silver?”


  28. I read Lew’s comment above.

    Then I turned on Hardball With Chris Matthews. Chuck Todd is on Hardball right now talking about how the centerpiece of Obama’s electoral strategy is diminishing the White working class vote by relying on black and Hispanic turnout.

    OTOH, Romney is utterly and increasingly dependent upon White working class voters to win Ohio and Pennsylvania. :/

  29. Nate Silver seems to be taking a real beating these days, here at OD, at BGW and elsewhere.

    Wait till the mulatto is sent packing on Tuesday. Libtards are going to be hanging him in effigy. He’s probably waking up in the middle of the night from dreams about being torn apart by howling mobs of NYC Jews on election night, LOL.

  30. It’s going to be funny to hear all the “OMG the wookie is sooo gorgeous and stylish” media gasbags go silent on the topic of First Lady Attractiveness, too.

    Can you say, “First Lady upgrade”? LOL.

  31. Brutus,

    We’re about to see if Northern Whites are going to renig on Obama. That’s what OD suspected in August and September. I’ve given Yankees the benefit of the doubt in October and November. I’ve been trying to show moral support and take their side and encourage our Northern readers.

    Regardless of what happens, I can’t wait to break the White vote down every which way and contrast the data with 2008. If Northern Whites renig on Obama a second time, and the South goes for Romney in a landslide, then we’re going to have an even more powerful case for Southern nationalism.

    Remember, we’re setting aside our normal skepticism here about Northern Whites always taking the nigger side. We want to believe our Northern friends will come to their senses and stop supporting Obama and Eric “My People” Holder. If it turns out that Northern Whites take the nigger side again after all the shit Obama has done, you’re never going to hear the end of it.

  32. Victor Davis Hanson on the Democrat paradise, California:


    California’s multidimensional decline—fiscal, commercial, social, and political—sometimes seems endless. The state’s fiscal problems were especially evident this past May, when Governor Jerry Brown announced an “unexpected” $16 billion annual budget shortfall. Two months later, he signed a $92 billion budget that appears balanced only if voters approve an $8.5 billion tax increase in November. According to a study published by a public policy group at Stanford University, California’s various retirement systems have amassed $500 billion in unfunded liabilities. To honor the pension and benefit contracts of current and retired public employees, state and local governments have already started to lay off workers and slash services.

    Not just in its finances but almost wherever you look, the state’s vital signs are dipping. The average unemployment rate hovers above 10 percent. In the reading and math tests administered by the National Assessment of Educational Progress, California students rank near the bottom of the country, though their teachers earn far more than the average American teacher does. California’s penal system is the largest in the United States, with more than 165,000 inmates. Some studies estimate that the state prisons and county jails house more than 30,000 illegal aliens at a cost of $1 billion or more each year. Speaking of which: California has the nation’s largest population of illegal aliens, on whom it spends an estimated $10 billion annually in entitlements. The illegals also deprive the Golden State’s economy of billions of dollars every year by sending remittances to Latin America.

    Meanwhile, business surveys perennially rank California among the most hostile states to private enterprise, largely because of overregulation, stifling coastal zoning laws, inflated housing costs, and high tax rates. Environmental extremism has cost the state dearly: oil production has plunged 45 percent over the last 25 years, even though California’s Monterey Shale formation has an estimated 15.4 billion barrels of recoverable oil, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Geologists estimate that 3 trillion cubic feet of natural gas sit untapped as well. Those numbers could soar with revolutionary new methods of exploration (see “California Needs a Crude Awakening,” Summer 2012).

    Between the mid-1980s and 2005, the state’s aggregate population increased by 10 million Californians, including immigrants. But that isn’t the good economic news that you might think. For one thing, 7 million of the new Californians were low-income Medicaid recipients. Further, as economist Arthur Laffer recently noted in Investor’s Business Daily, between 1992 and 2008, the number of tax-paying Californians entering California was smaller than the number leaving—3.5 million versus 4.4 million, for a net loss of 869,000 tax filers. Those who left were wealthier than those who arrived, with average adjusted gross incomes of $44,700, versus $38,600. Losing those 869,000 filers cost California $44 billion in tax revenue over two decades, Laffer calculated. …

  33. I’ve decided to stop defending them if they renig. Though I will say that it is obvious there will be plenty of blowback up here against the white Obama/nigger supporters over this from those who don’t. It is pretty close to coming to blows now from what I see. Friendships are ending or already have–I’ve seen at least a few of this first hand and hear of much more.

    It will have to sort it own self out as far as my involvement.

  34. The Ivy Leagues put out a human product that believes everything that is anathema to white self-interest. Yet education is highly valued in Yankeedom.

    The commies knew exactly what they were doing when they took academia. It’s hard for me to believe that after all this time there has not been a single successful concerted effort to retake it.

  35. “Friendships are ending or already have–I’ve seen at least a few of this first hand and hear of much more.”

    – That’s where I was four years ago. There are a few former life-long friends who I literally have not seen or spoken to since the lead-up to the 2008 election. That was an ugly time, and I have a feeling it was only the beginning.

  36. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1112/83288.html#ixzz2BJ2WD7zr

    Neil Newhouse, Mitt Romney’s campaign pollster, suddenly finds himself in an unfamiliar place — out on a limb.

    The survey-taker, who helped build Public Opinion Strategies into the largest Republican polling firm and has a solid reputation among operatives and colleagues, is growing increasingly vocal with reporters and Romney supporters in the campaign’s closing days about what he sees as examples of flawed public polling, and his sense of the race — particularly in Ohio — as basically even.

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