About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. There’s a reason why Obama’s Dept of Homeland Security says that retired military are suspected of terrorism along with the rest of its political opposition.

  2. With Catholics, Border Agents and SEALS speaking out against the international leftist regime infiltrating America, I just don’t see why we need the worthless basement extremists on “our” side. We need the credible, successful people on our side not the raging society dropouts. Let the international left have ALL the social and mental defective malcontenteds, the freaks and convicts, the keyboard extremists, and all the rest of the trash.

  3. 313chris, Drifter…

    Romney has Breitbart’s keyboard commando Shapiro, a real man’s man. Plenty of flotsam and jetsam on either side.

    The retread of “basement dwelling pajamahideen misfits” is a very innaccurate mid 2 thousands idea. Tweety Matthews was keen on it. iPhones mean you can conduct an argument while grocery shopping, at the gym or grading exam papers.

  4. I wonder if this is what happens when those who serve ask what ot is they are serving.

    Reminds me of a quote I read sometime in 2007 ot so….”people talk about America at war. But America is not at war. The marines are fighting a war. America is at the mall “

  5. It’s the return of Coriolanus isn’t it?

    These men are fighting for Obamaphone and EBT cards. It’s sickening.

  6. I respect Revolutionary and Dixie Northern Aggression war veterans to a higher degree than these veterans, a much higher degree. Afterall what were they fighting for?

  7. Whiskey as usual doesn’t know what he is talking about. No one cares about Benghazi, not a single person in the USA will vote one way or the other because of the Benghazi attack. Fox News has been trying desperately to make Benghazi into an issue people care about and they have failed completely. If you go to Free Republic I’m sure you could find some Freepers who are going to vote for Romney no matter what who will pretend to care deeply about Benghazi.

  8. The Republican Party is full of normal, successful people. The United States government and indeed, Governments and nations of the entire world are chock full of Normal, successful people. Yet here we are. Want to know why? Normal, successful people don’t really give a shit about their country or their culture. They care about being normal and successful. Which is why I think it’s so funny that many previously disinterested oligarchs are waking up and realizing oh shit, we’ve got a clueless black guy in the White House. They’ve been so busy being normal and successful that they don’t realize this is the net result of nearly 100 years of being consumed with being normal and successful. The world has shifted beneath them and the tools to change the entrenched ideologies are not even remotely within reach of the normal and successful toolkit.

    So I tell you what, Drifter, why don’t all you normal, successful people breaking your arms patting yourself on the back go off to an island somewhere and have a big circle jerk. And if by some strange occurrence in 60 years your eyes are cleared of goop and you look around and say “hey, wait a second, we’re covered in our own jizz,” please consider the irony when you’re convinced that it will be normal, successful people that will save the day for you.

    What a steaming pile of horseshit.

  9. Fuck you, Landshark. And fuck your condemnation of normal, successful, white people who work hard and manage to maintain a healthy, contented life in the REAL WORLD despite the odds stacked so high against them. Jealous prick. Just because the thanklessness, harshness and uncertainty of real-life is too much for you personally, doesn’t put a lie to everyone else who had the balls to push back and keep going.

    Why don’t you, and Harold Covington, and the rest of your pitful little clique of dysfunctional, Hitler-worshipping, anti-social degenerates go fuck off to an island and kill yourselves.

    “Northwest Republic”… THAT is a steaming pile of horseshit.

  10. Drifter says:
    November 4, 2012 at 12:44 am

    “Let the international left have ALL the social and mental defective malcontenteds, the freaks and convicts, the keyboard extremists, and all the rest of the trash.”

    The left and their trash people, have taken over every institution and your respectable conservatives, have been their willing gimps.

    It might be something to do with the fact, leftists repeat a word that respectable conservatives are terrified of. Call a respectable conservative a “racist” and they go into the fetal position.

    Perhaps if that word loses its power over respectable conservatives, they will stop behaving like terrified little girls in horror movies? Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

  11. White & Confederate says:
    November 3, 2012 at 11:30 pm

    “There’s a reason why Obama’s Dept of Homeland Security says that retired military are suspected of terrorism along with the rest of its political opposition.”

    I know they are not happy with the SEALs as they are, because they are “too white” and they must be made more “diverse”, ie LESS white.

    Unfortunately for our enemies they must lower SEAL standards, so non-whites can gain admittance and that means SEALs will become a tool they can no longer rely on. As usual, our enemy is busy painting themselves into a corner.


    God bless the hard working white people consumed with being normal and successful. Nobody knows how hard it is more than I. It’s fucking brutal. And that’s why they’ll never rock the boat, will always do as they are told, and are completely incapable of redeeming their own country. They can’t even close the borders. Their schools and universities are inundated with people who hate their guts and ideologies that consider them the vermin of the earth. And so has it been for 50 years. Their monuments are torn from under them, their sacred traditions demolished by the governments they created, their property confiscated by capricious mandate, their posterity slaughtered in meaningless wars. But by God, at least THEY’RE NORMAL AND SUCCESSFUL.

    By the way, I’ve here for over for 20 years. Long before Covington came along, as far as I know, and I’ve never been able to read one of his books. They make no sense to me.

    Nevertheless, if you think the normal and successful are going to save the world, you’re out of your mind. The normal and successful would be chipped, filleted, barbecued and served medium rare to each other. I speak truth because I love my people.

  13. “I speak the truth because I love my people.”

    – You don’t have a “people”. You’re a misanthrope.

  14. On misanthrope, what’s the saying?

    Liberals love humanity, yet hold people in contempt. Conservatives despise humanity, but love their people. Or something like that. It’s late.

  15. @JamieG, all certainly true. The Obama regime is trying to enrich the too white SEALS with diversity. But their suspicions of the retired military of terrorist sympathies go beyond the SEALS. They suspect all the retired military of terrorist sympathies.

  16. “And if by some strange occurrence in 60 years your eyes are cleared of goop and you look around and say “hey, wait a second, we’re covered in our own jizz,” please consider the irony when you’re convinced that it will be normal, successful people that will save the day for you.”

    Excellently sardonic comments, Landshark. The complacency of the normal and successful guarantees the continuation of the status quo. People sometimes complain about politicians selling us out, but the truth is the normal and successful have sold themselves and the rest of the country out.

    Maybe sacrificing everything for material comfort is not a good idea.
    Ex-military folks recognize sacrificing material comfort/existence for a nation without principles is bad idea. This makes them enemies of the state.

    Once again Chris the contrary seems destined to go through life pushing on doors marked pull. There is nothing worth defending in BRA.

    Our people are worth far more than BRA. Only a real misanthrope would disagree.

    Deo Vindice

  17. Uh, you guys realize that if it wasn’t for the majority of people just trying to live their lives there wouldn’t be a culture to fight for right?

    The problem seems to be sociopaths that go unchecked while everyone else is just trying to be left alone. Think about how much of you’re time it would take to
    Be informed about all the issues at every level of government. There would be no time for anything else……like growing food.

  18. Misanthropy is a dead end. I often fall into myself out of frustration, but misanthropic attitudes and expressions of contempt toward people who aren’t the problem don’t help.

    These SEALs lay bare the lie that blacks are better atheletes and superior physical specimens than Whites. The SEALs are a complete package: amazing physical specimens, psychologically strong, and almost certainly well above average intelligence. I would imagine they have to make decisions fast, under high stress and chaotic circumstances, with incomplete or no information, while executing complex military maneuvers. I doubt many Blacks have the smarts to cut it.

    The SEALs and these other elite units put the PC regime in a difficult spot. They can’t lower standards a millimeter without it being obvious to everyone, just like they can’t put a quota case on the math or physics faculty at an elite school without it being obvious.

  19. On a human, non-political level, everyone gets the benefit of every doubt. People as people deserve all the help I can possibly give them. I’m always there for my neighbors. I’m incapable of turning my back on anyone.

    However, as soon as things get political I’m going to assume you’re a pile of shit until proven otherwise. Politics is war by other means. Unless you want to wind up dead, don’t mix the milk of human kindness with party politics. These “normal and successful” fuckwits would whore out your mother if it maintained their status.

    “Normal and successful” has absolutely nothing to do with living and letting live. As douche nozzle Drifter so well points out, it has everything to do with grading people out to buttress your “normal and successful” pathology.

    Ryan Zinke, the Seal in that video who does most of the talking in that video, ran for Governor of Montana, and he is as clueless as they come. You no more want professional military running your country than you want professional bankers running your country. All of them serve lesser Gods than we deserve.

  20. A good point about old soldiers. Coriolanus is not exactly suited to be the top boss. But then again neither is Chris Christie or Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    Romney is a good well rounded man by the looks of it. this means he’s set to lose. It’s fascinating to see the Anglo population in the US slit it’s own throat at the ballot box.

  21. Why should we care about the opinions of idiots who fight in useless wars for a regime that, regardless of whether there is a Republican or Democrat in the White House, openly declares its highest goal in life is the physical extermination of their people? This is just more GI Joe bullshit designed to appeal to brainless Freepers. Fighting for those who are committing a Holocaust against your people is OK, but lack of trust from the genocidal murderers at the top is bad. . . right. And you really have to laugh when he talks about military voting patterns. Blacks and browns in the military are going to vote racially, they’re going to vote for Obama, only lying little Conservatives pretend that race isn’t an issue. To be fair however it should be said that whites wanting to vote racially are out of luck because there is no candidate that is even neutral toward whites, who doesn’t support the Holocaust, much less one that is pro-white. They just aren’t allowed in this so-called democracy.

  22. Their schools and universities are inundated with people who hate their guts and ideologies that consider them the vermin of the earth.


    I wonder if there’s a single un-PC school (from day care to postgrad) in the entire glorious USA? Do even the Amish schools use textbooks that deify MLK and glorify illegal mestizo immigration? I’ll bet that if any schools exist that are devoid of PC they must almost certainly be ultra-Orthodox Hebraic.

  23. Who’s the anti-social degenerate? The man who has made countless articulate posts or the puddle of piss who only gives us profanity laced rants?

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