Ultimate 2012 Weekend Pre-Election Thread


The floor is yours …

Update: My predictions are the same as Barone’s … no sign of D+8 electorate so far in early voting, Romney wins, and Obama makes history again by becoming America’s first one term African-American president.

Obama: Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada.

Romney: Colorado, Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Iowa, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio.

Update: Here are the closing arguments: President Barack Obama: My Vision for America and Mitt Romney: My Vision for America.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. My prediction:

    Obama: Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Nevada, Florida, Virginia, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, plus the traditional blue states

    Romney: North Carolina, plus what’s left

    Obama: 332
    Romney: 206

  2. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1112/83288.html#ixzz2BJ2WD7zr

    Sounds to me like Romney’s guru is more confident than 0bama’s. If Benenson, isn’t afraid to look like an ass on Wednesday, why isn’t he out there countering Newhouse?

    “Some people want to believe we’re living in a world where the electorate is going to have a partisan composition” like 2008, Newhouse told reporters last week on a conference call, citing the current political environment. “That’s a stretch.”

    The thing to remember here is that a lot of people are coming to the same conclusions independently. I’d never even heard of this Newhouse guy before today. I’m not basing any of this stuff on what Republican shills say.

    In a call with reporters last week, Newhouse dismissed a number of the public surveys for an inadequate screen of registered voters versus likely voters, saying they are not properly measuring who will actually turn out. He also pointed out that Romney has done well in with independents in a number of the Ohio polls, and cited the “intensity gap” that a number of Republicans have highlighted.

    This is exactly what I’ve been saying for 3 weeks.

  3. My prediction is based around scenarios.

    If Obama wins inspite of a Southern reinforced 57% white vote then I think secession is
    On the cards.

    If Romney wins we get to see the great chimpout as the monkeys see the bananas taken back by the keepers. This may well lead to municipal secessions and the abandonment of the plague of locusts.

  4. “If Yankees reelect Obama over two of their own guys after all the shit he has done, they will never be taken seriously again.”

    Agreed. I like to be hopeful about my people, but I really think the cancer is too deep. I do see hopeful signs in other areas, not in reanimating the corpse that was white culture, but in starting over with a new, non-utilitarian paradigm.

  5. An obama win will necessarily lead more whites to the conclusion separation is their only hope for real change. How many will reach that conclusion however, remains to be seen. I hope Stormfront has their back-up servers warmed up.

  6. Brutus said: They vote D for labor issues. Period. I also discussed the coal question and the associated jumping ship on the part of traditional D voters over the matter. Obama is no more popular in coal communities than he is at a Klan meeting. Ditto his liberal Democrat allies.

    Coal did not vote for zero in numbers in 2008, and it won’t vote for him at all this time around.

    For the person that said all many people on welfare want to work, yes some do, but others are discovering: In Entitlement America, The Head Of A Household Of Four Making Minimum Wage Has More Disposable Income Than A Family Making $60,000 A Year

  7. “If Obama wins inspite of a Southern reinforced 57% white vote then I think secession is
    On the cards.”

    You sound like you are still in high school. It’s going to take real shortages of food and electricity and a true economic collapse to precipitate overt secession.

  8. “The survey-taker, who helped build Public Opinion Strategies into the largest Republican polling firm…”

    I can’t help but note their initials are “POS”.

  9. One interesting thing that came into play in the Scott Walker recall, is many non-union blue-collar and farm workers were pushed by their employers to support Walker. Many people think this is what gave him the edge in the western counties that normally go Democrat.

  10. My prediction is still Romney 270. This is, in my opinion a bit on the optimistic side, but I’m sticking with my gut.

  11. My prediction: Romney wins by comfortable margin, upsetting Obama in a handful of Northern states.

    Niggers make all kinds of threats, but, frightened by the reality of a country full of pissed-off white people with guns and an excuse to use them, end up doing nothing but break a few windows in their own ghettos.

    “Partition” continues to be what it always was — a silly fantasy entertained by no one but a few anonymous internet pseudonyms.

    The Republicans make more gains in Congress, and next year return to doing what they always do when they get any power — make threats against Roe v Wade, and persecute homosexuals.

    Iran builds a nuclear weapon. The Israeli’s throw a fit, but don’t have the muscle to do anything else. America accepts the reality of a nuclear Iran.

    In two years, Americans will purge the current Congress once again, for a new set of the same parasites.

  12. Chris, add to that: In four years, the demographic shift will have advanced to
    PREVENT another white or Republican Presidency.

  13. ““Partition” continues to be what it always was — a silly fantasy entertained by no one but a few anonymous internet pseudonyms.”

    De facto partition already exists. How do you explain Oakland County, Auburn Hills ?

  14. The white working class is worthless, brainlessly bringing about the destruction of its own kind. Northerner though I am, I know Leonidas Spratt had that bunch pegged.

    Deo Vindice (That’s for you, Apuleius. Sorry, Chris.)

  15. I’m giving Northerners the benefit of the doubt. I’m assuming they are not going to side with the Jews, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, gays and so on while the South comes out in a landslide for two Yankees.

  16. Jews are smart. They don’t care what you’re color is. All they care about is what you can do for them. The consensus of the Jews is that they’ve gotten all they’re going to out of Obama.

    That makes him a more attractive candidate over the long haul, for me. But for immediate gratification I’ll be happy to celebrate a Romney victory.

  17. Netanyahu deserves some credit. He is tough on immigration. He can say no to the Black Undertow. He can even build concentration camps for them and fly them back to Africa.

  18. Romney is the last Anglo who could win without carrying a sizable nignog/Hispanic vote.

    The last American. après Mitt La Deluge.

  19. Yep, we can learn a lot from the Jews. Nationalism is on the rise. Jewish nationalism, Iranian nationalism, Japanese nationalism.

  20. CNN has a final D+11 poll that shows the race tied, 49 to 49. The electorate in 2008 was D+7.

    In other news, the Democrats fear they will LOSE House seats in 2012. That’s the strangest electoral contradiction I have ever seen – a projected D+8 to D+11 year in which Democrats might LOSE House seats and governorships.

    So we are to believe that Obama is heading toward a bigger landslide in partisan turnout than 2008, one which mysteriously has him tied in the national popular vote, and yet we must simultaneously believe that he has no electoral coattails in Congress!


  21. Portraying a Romney victory as a victory for white people, good lord. Only if you have a memory going back only a couple of years.

  22. I’ve noticed a weird boomerang effect among the vanguard this election cycle … niggers suck, Jews suck … but let’s side with the awful Jews and niggers when the chips are down.

  23. @Gottfried

    Then what *is* a victory for white people, if not a white challenger defeating a hated nigger incumbent?

  24. A victory for white people would be true border security on our Southern border, (using the US Military , fencing, walls, drones, cameras etc.)

    Another victory for white people would be enforcing the immigration laws on the books (in other words no Amnesty or Dream Act)

    Another would be a moratorium on legal immigration (like Pat Buchanan proposed) to let the historic majority of the USA catch up to the run away immigration since 1965.

    Yet another would be a new federal laws similar to the ones in Arizona targeting illegals. (Using law enforcement and profiling)

    How about enforcing our labor laws on the books, how about a beefed up e-verify system which would actually prevent illegals from getting jobs.

    What about laws making immigrants ineligible for welfare benefits of any kind.

    A good victory would be an end to the Racial Spoils Laws (Affirmative Action) in hiring and college admissions etc. (Although I suppose Romney could appoint judges to the SCOTUS whoch could help end it)

    An end to the Civil Rights laws of the 1960s and early 1970s would be nice. A return to true Freedom of Association would be a great victory.

    How many of these will Romney fight for?

    “a white challenger defeating a hated nigger incumbent?” Is no sort of victory, it is at beat a cosmetic victory.

  25. I didn’t mention putting large scale businessmen who are serial hirers of illegals in prison. Another victory.

  26. Looks like a comfortable win for Romney. CNN 49-49 poll with a +11 D handicap.

    Obama might as well pack his bags now.

  27. U ppl are amazing. No wonder all u Southerners suck. U listen to ur white leaders till you all lies and believe the bullshit they shove down ya gin soaked gulletts. None of that crap Romney talks about will happen. Just like the rest of the white Republicans. U crackers fall for it everytime. LOL. And hunter Wallace. The biggest Bigger is you. Read a book for the definition of that word.

  28. The only thing that matters long-term is the speed at which 80% of white people start voting tribally. This is the inevitable end-result of balkanization but obviously the sooner it happens the better. I didn’t think there was any chance of progress in that regard with Romney but if HW and Svigor are right maybe i was wrong.

    “What does this Walsh woman say is the matter with white people?”


    “Far and away the main reason WNs pay such careful attention to crime stats is their total conviction that more non-whites simply MUST eventually lead to some sort of armaggedon of violent crime”

    The truth about violent crime is the single best example of concerted and conscious anti-white media manipulation.

  29. Silver, people become more fascist and fundamentally religious as their economic and physical security worsens, and vice-versa. Thus it’s not much of a stretch to assume that the browning of America will play into WN hands. Brown = lowered economic and physical security for whites.

    It’s not a stretch at all. But it’s very much an issue of degree. Just how much worse things stand to get is really an open question. You’ve surely been around long enough to be aware of the WN tendency to assume maximal catastrophe is at hand. It’s this tendency I was poking fun at.

    Also, that’s complete horseshit. We pay attention to crime stats because they’re exhibit A in HBD realism.

    You’re referring to making the case for race. And you’re right. But I had in mind those already converted to hard versions of WN (I don’t like the conflation of racial realism with “WN” and its fascistic connotations). Surveying the landscape for signs of the imminent doom that is part and parcel of their worldview is just what they do. I think it stems from a need to confirm (and reconfirm) to themselves that the reasons they adopted such a resolute racial stance remain valid. (“Remain,” that is, assuming they ever were.)

    These posts aren’t an attempt to discredit racialism or positive white identity or the desire for an ethnostate. Indeed, they’re an attempt to shore up those positions, because those positions are eminently defensible even if “The Collapse” never occurs, even if crime isn’t exploding, even if one doesn’t disfavor consumerism, even if one lacks all desire to despise or hurt racial others, even if the Vietnamese stop eating dogs, even if… etc. The goal is for basic racialist principles to achieve full spectrum dominance.

  30. Silvio/Silver, are you a sophomore in college? If not, you surely can pass for one with your sophomoric posts.

  31. I predict a Romney upset. Yohanan Danino and Ray Kelly are forced to work closer than ever before to develop internal security solutions after devastating race riots. In time, due to fiscal realities and security enhancement Negroes learn their place. Beaners continue to do the jobs whites won’t.

  32. My prediction: Those who CONTINUE discussing possible election results here won’t do ANYTHING practical and influential — like working outside the polls, poll watching, door knocking, calling, hauling — and that some won’t even vote!

    My advice: Get to work now. Discuss later.

    I’m offline until tomorrow night.

  33. A victory for white people would be true border security on our Southern border, (using the US Military , fencing, walls, drones, cameras etc.)

    Better yet… quit paying their inflated pensions and stupid salaries, so they can sit around moralizing about how great they are and what saviors for the human race— and buy your own damn guns. Keep them out of the Arizonians back yards. They probably cost more than mexicans.

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