About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Porter says:
    November 7, 2012 at 4:26 am
    niggers dancing in Kenya

    No, those are all disadvantaged pre-Americans.”

    HAHAHA!!! Exactly.

  2. Oh – by the by – I’m already “in” in Dixie. It’s just a matter of packing up the boxes. Really. It is.

  3. Le Raciste – try to get an older weapon, form a good dealer. Newer weapns are CRAP. Even new Glocks are bad. Be careful

  4. suffrage is another yankee “gift” to the South

    I doubt obama will go after guns. Much of it won’t fly because of rural yankee voters and the left knows they will win the gun control debate as america because less White and less masculine. I think they will spend their political capital on other issues, like more free shit for niggers, beaners and women

    Don’t have a crystal ball, just my guess

  5. @ I feel heartened by the fact that this is at the top over at FR:

    The first post blames the Nordics, and says the u.s. is going nordic and that’s the problem. The next post says the u.s. is turning into the pisshole of south europe (greece, italy, spain). North and south europe should never be forced to live together, either.

  6. Chris – I beleive in you and I trust you. I know you wil do your best. Just be careful You are now completely on their turf. They consider that they have an absolute MANDATE now. And they do. The hold the reins of power.

    For now.

    I will continue to pray for your well-being.

  7. The civil war started a decade after the famine/48 wave from Germany and Ireland, which upset the balance if antebellum America.

    Latinos and Africans are the New Irish and Germans. They are going to take everything away. Everything will be taken away.

  8. I really wish people would “chin up”; The Moment is happening for tens of millions of whites right now.

    Remember OD before the first debate (where Obama took a dive?)

    We were talking about the chance to really escape from racial doom.

    A key element was Obama’s win, a racial 9/11.

    Well, we’ve got it, and it is having the predicted effect.

  9. Feh, I turned it off a while ago, right after Romney lost Michigan. I’m not going to willingly subject my memory banks to that obscenity.

  10. Thanks Denise. I can’t say I’m religious in the traditional sense anymore, but I’ll pray for the safety of your relatives who are still in harms way.

  11. i second stonelifter, o’nigger doesnt need to take our guns, tonight was an example of why, my yankee-niggercockloving-faggot liberals will go black, every liberal up here is relieved that they will not have to “move to canada”, faggots don’t realize that they are both the fucking same regime, both are gonna fight iran, both hate the middle class, they are just anti-white braindead cattle, romney helped create socialized health care, liberal morons. the whites in the north at least are willing to vote nigger, that means open borders, at least conservitards want closed borders, even if romney wouldn’t do it.

  12. As much as I try to convince myself, deep down I know where this ends–rivers of blood in the time of our children or grandchildren.

  13. No no no, it’s not Liberals! Don’t you fucking understand that the north is a very particular and peculiar and perverted culture!

    Look at Chris Christie! He’s a cocksucker.

  14. “jews doesn’t explain yankee behavior; yankees have been doing these kind of things before the jews showed up in numbers”

    If the media told the truth to white people living in 98% white communities then they’d vote for David Duke. You’re right about the past – radical universalist morality without personal experience of racial reality – but the primary reason in the *present* is media control deliberately hiding the racial reality to achieve a political goal – the displacement of whites.

    However this argument will eventually be moot when Jewish pundits are all over the media openly gloating so at least we can look forward to eventually not having to argue about it anymore.

  15. it was the yankees, pretty much free of jews not telling the truth about negros and the South in the 1800’s. Nothing has fundamentally changed only the technology

  16. Everything about that map can be explained by a Yankee v Soutron split.
    It’s alarming. Even the close Florida, Virginia thing is evidence of a cultural invasion by Yankees and their brown pets.

  17. I’m laughing. laughing, laughing at all the republican secretaries of state who actually carried O’s water and fought to keep him on the ballot and thwarted the efforts of real patriots. In some of these cases O didn’t even appear! Republican secretaries of state by themselves actually fought to keep O on the ballot! Romney’s camp must have been telling these asshole traitors that he had it in the bag! Make your peace with the Almighty because the O voters sure are tempting Him! They voted for him even though part of his plank was to corrupt their white daughters! A pox on them all!

  18. White folks can’t get a fair hearing in the media because of Jews. Jews are in the vanguard of demonizing Southerners. We have two anti-Southern movies coming out soon: Lincoln and Dejango Unchained. Oh, and who fought to open the floodgates to for the rising tide of color that caucuses with the White Northerners and the transplants in places like Florida. Make no mistake. Jews are have been the tip of the Northern spear for 100 years. Not earlier, but definitely for the last 100.

  19. No Lew,

    No excuses now. Obama was by any objective measure sucks the sweat off a dead man’s _____s and northern whites kept on sucking.

  20. detroiters will survive this, don’t you worry, o’nigger won’t mau-mau them, this election again proved dispite folks who can see and want to make a difference, there are enough braindead whites up here to keep it niggerloving (and zionist friendly) forever , but now of course we get to reap the sweet harvest of inflated negro narcissictic behavior not to be seen on planet earth, dey bout to be out dere fingerbangin on top of cars hooting and hollering. off to niggermaina, oh and i apologize to ‘john’ the englishman, im sure in the real you are a cool race realist old dude, who i’d like to listen too . vague internet personalities are pointless and we gain nothing by flaming each other, im gonna fuck off this site forever now im a white nationalist yankee nihilist and im done trolling and whatever this is gonna be the best four years ever for me, im gonna convert so many disgruntled white boys to race realism, but im gonna get them to stay away from “the homo and the negro” white nationalism.

  21. “You could forgive some of them who voted for “Change” then, “who knew not what they do” — but NOW “they are without excuse” for they CHOSE the greatest darkness AGAIN.” – Mosin

    Gentlemen (and ladies) of the South.

    Unbelievable. They are not my people. I don’t know whose people they are, but they are no longer my people. They have chosen the Antichrist.

    It is now up to you. The South MUST secede, at all costs, by all means, or this nation will be forgotten by history.

    To arms. Death to Tyrants. Death to Obama.

  22. Yeehaw, I hope I can ask chrissy313 what did you do exactly? Also I love that song(though some parts I do not agree with). I want to say “Give Me Freedom or Give Me Death!” May the South, West and South Africa rise again Yeeeeehaw!

  23. Fox called ohio with a 600 vote difference. Then it showed the poll workers “counting” votes and it was all bored, empty-eyed niggers. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that there was just a tad bit of cheating there.

    Fox is now showing obama HQ celebration and it’s sickening. Niggers, Beaners, Jews, Hipster-Schlubs and dorky white twinks. Good god those niggers are head-bobbing with the whites in their midst looking slightly uncomfortable.

  24. Fr John,

    No threats.

    This is going to result in racial war. There are no other examples in history of a people being eclipsed without a knock down drag out fight.

  25. “it was the yankees, pretty much free of jews not telling the truth about negros and the South in the 1800?s.”

    Fair enough, say that’s all true. In the past a certain kind of yankee idealist censored the media that existed at the time and prevented the majority from getting a true picture of racial reality but now it’s Jews doing it or Jews and yankee idealists if you like – although i think most of the idealist types have gone from the media and been replaced with paid shills.

    (There’s still some left in academia though like Warren.)

  26. Watch your remaining rural enclaves now! Multicultural nature hates a vacuum. They’re coming your way!

  27. White folks can’t get a fair hearing in the media because of Jews. Jews are in the vanguard of demonizing Southerners. We have two anti-Southern movies coming out soon: Lincoln and Dejango Unchained….

    Doris Kearns is Irish immigrant stock. Tarantino isn’t jewish, I don’t think.

    Maybe Kearns couldn’t get Lincoln made without Dreamworks, ok. But the catholicizing of the u.s. will be dealt with somehow. That opened the south border.

  28. “While Britain claim’d by laws our rights to lead, And faith was fetter’d by a bigot’s creed. Then mental freedom first her power display’d and call’d a MAYHEW to religion’s aid. For this great truth, he boldly led the van, That private judgment was the right of man.”

    Boston, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, San Jose, San Diego, Columbus, Detroit, Seattle, Denver, Washington D.C., Milwaukee, Portland, New York City and yes, even the mutants in Philadelphia, prevail over the undead hordes that teeming underground and throughout the countryside of the US of A. You should revise your battle plan. Next time, send someone who isn’t a heretic of the golden plates to do battle with our righteousness. At least then you’ll have a chance to fool us and subjugate our will to your deception.

  29. Along with Lady Gaga and Madonna, but no one will ever call them out on the gains they make with cultural warfare.

  30. I’m not really arguing with you test I agree jews in the media (and anywhere else) is a problem. However I am 100% sure we’d have the same problems jews or no jews given the yankee pre jew track record

  31. “North and south europe should never be forced to live together, either.”

    We’re doing just fine together in me, thank you very much. Not so much force as circumstance and the accident of birth.

    Remember, if it wasn’t for Greeks and Italians, you’d still be a pagan savage covered with woad tatoos living a nigger like existence in some frozen shithole. Rome civilized you brutes. Don’t ever forget it.

    Deo Vindice

  32. Chris -thanks.

    My Fam, like tons of other Whites, do not want to deal with what is happening around them. They like their town. They like their homes. Thing is – it’s not their town anymore.

    My Dad is a poll watcher. All the poll workers know each other. It’s very clubby. I stopped in. I helped Dad close the place. (He’s old. Spry – but old. I didn’t want him to get….intimidated, or anything. So I helped him lock the doors at 8PM. I left – I’m not a poll worker. But I wanted to make sure he was OK). The tone was very friendly – it’s still a lovely town – but it’s browning FAST. Lots of NYC Darks moving in. ZOG pays their rent, etc. Well – YT does. My town was White on White when I was growing up.

    The stragglers I saw tonight were half White – and half NYC Brown.

    If I get Dad at least situated, before he checks out – thet’ll be OK. Him, and some young uns, in the Fam.

    My Hubby – he’s doing nothing wrong with his business. It’s the Rules and Regs being implemented by the Commie Commissariat that are strangling him ,and others ’round here. That – and he’s too honest. My company shot itself in it’s foot, w/ business choices. My field, however, makes me highly adaptable.

    My Fam never lived as White Minorities, under Orc Rule. I have. They have a very high learning curve to climb. All the Yankees round here do.

    Now I am NOT a Yankee Doo Gooder -and never have been. I’m an American Celt – and I like to roam, and party. A North American Brazil could be a lot of fun for me. Aryan Goddess and I could kick up some real fun capers, too.

  33. I will make one prediction tonight. This election will end, or seriously diminish the careers of a LOT of mealy-mouth conservatard talk-show types. I mean, who would even bother listening to Hannity now, besides 80 year olds who like being congratulated for beating the nahtzis.

  34. Dick Morris will stand the most to lose of all the conservative “pundits”. He called a landslide victory for Romney. As much as this evening sucked, it was funny seeing Dick’s tweets stop cold.

    Stick a fork in his fat ass !

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