About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I think Grace is correct. They led the way before, the historical precedent is clear, and the mainline/Atlantic coast port states MUST act IN CONCERT.

    The War between the States was NEVER decided.
    It needs to be finished, NOW.

  2. Anti-white, genocidal maniacs are past the war between the states. They aim now to genocide the entire white race, along with Southerners. Why won’t you fight the present war that’s raging? Use the Mantra.

  3. One interesting thing I’m finding out in doing research in my state, blacks didn’t get suffrage until the large population of Norwegian immigrants started clamoring for it. The original English and French settlers (my people) were against it. Figures, leave it to the fuckin’ Scandinavians.

  4. This is what happened to Missouri. English and French confederates, the Germans arrive and start aggitating against Slavery.

  5. This is practical politics at its finest!

    This needs to be a multi-state phenomena.

    I call for a National Convention in perpetuity for our new nation involving delegations from all interested counties.

  6. Both republicans & democrats just about have a nervous breakdown whenever anybody brings it up, but we need a constitutional convention, imho.

  7. can u guys take texas and oklahoma? one problem: gonna need all that hurricane money back beforeyou go. just send me the check

  8. Gov. Rick Scott throws a monkey wrench into Obamacvare in Florida.
    Yes!! Think of the havoc we could wreak if our governors rebelled on this and several other issues. States rights movements could gain steam. What would the Feds do?


    This is the Way “Forward” – Gov. Scott Nixes ObamaCare Healthcare Exchanges

    There’s one path “forward” for Republicans if they’re serious about reclaiming power in the future- do not capitulate to the failed ideas and destructive economic policies that President Barack Obama will assuredly quadruple down on in the wake of his re-election. It’s one thing to win an election by misleading and bribing the masses, but let me be clear, as Obama would say- in no way, shape or form did the president win a national debate on the merits of his policies- and his policies, when they are fully implemented will undoubtedly cost us jobs, raise our taxes and further strain our already cash-strapped state budget.

    Governor Rick Scott is showing the way forward if Republicans want credibility as the clear alternative to the statist interventions that Democrats offer, as he’s declined to implement the state health insurance exchanges that were mandated with ObamaCare.

    From the Sarasota Herald-Tribune:

    Speaking on the New College of Florida campus following a meeting of the state’s university governing board, Scott said it will cost taxpayers and business owners too much to expand Medicaid and set up health insurance exchanges as called for under the law.

    “No one has been able to show me that that health care exchange is going to do anything rather than raise taxes, raise the cost of our companies to do business,” Scott said, adding that expanding Medicaid would also require tax increases.

    If you’re curious to check out some first class stupidity about our state’s budgetary constraints as well as some general ignorance about how the health care system should “work,” check out the comments below the article.

  9. Dillhole, if the feds weren’t squashing the LA oil industry they’d be pumping more cash in oil than was spent on a dozen Katrinas.

  10. There are petitions up for Texas, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Montana, & Louisiana- that I can remember, at WH dot gov. I think I’m missing at least one.
    Alabama’s is iPetition, I think.

    @ Sam Great news!

  11. What if a coaltion of Southrn states joined on some pertinent issues and defied the government? Some Texans could get the ball rolling for their best interests. Seems like they would have the resolve and spirit to lead the way.

  12. Louisiana is an extremely bad first stalking horse for this idea. Why? Because the Mississippi Delta, located in Louisiana, is the chokepoint and port terminus of the entire Mississipi-Missouri river system, whose watershed stretches from the Rockies to the Appalachians. A great deal of US geopolitical history has been devoted to the goal of bringing this entire system under a single polity, to prevent internal Continental wars over things like water rights and river navigation and port control. That is part of the reason Lincoln fought you morons to preserve the Union. You fucktard Southrons should look at a map of all of North America some time, you’d noticeN if you weren’t such retards, that your beloved Dixie is interconnected with other things.

    Why do you think the US will never grant independence to Hawaii? Well look at a map of the Pacific, dipshits.

    Partition/secession must be figured out veeery carefully. Granted ya gotta start somewhere, but Louisiana is not it.

    Trust the Southrons to watch with their stupid monkey-mouths agape as that ball flies a mile over their heads.

  13. “The Democrats’ demographic victory over white Americans, will turn to ashes in their mouths.”

    How’s that gonna happen. You plan to sue them from abroad? LOL!

  14. I wonder what all those Yankee cars and trucks tun on? Only hubris or hubris and Afro grease? It can go both ways Oscar. Secession talk means the economic costs of a divided continent, and they are many, don’t outweigh the political ones of union.

  15. Rudel’s very upset about a policy I suggested, ensuring anti-whites can’t come back.

    What’s wrong Rudel? 🙂

  16. Here you go…






    South Carolina


    New Jersey

    North Carolina






  17. To Oscar: this is not going to get us all the way there of course, but beggars can’t be choosers!

    In my mind there is no wrong way to move forward at this point; we need to plant seeds now that will blossom when they push for amnesty, break the health care system, and at the next recession.

    Worse is empirically better.

    Partition becomes ever more plausible when we hold the establishment’s ability to pacify the muds hostage.

  18. I am all for the rights to states to secede and I believe that the two Americas need to part ways. I have signed the petitions linked above. But this issue was settled through a river of blood in 1865, and I find it hard to believe today’s Americans can do what our our brave ancestors could not. That being said, I know what side I’m on, and I’m behind this 100%. It is better to die on one’s feet than to live on one’s knees.

  19. Couple of updates: the petition has an amazing velocity and will likely reach its 25000 by the end of Thanksgiving!

    The petition is a leading story at many white websites such as daily paul and freerepublic not to mention every white nationalist site. I haven’t checked Infowars but will do so and try to get the infowarriors to equate BRA with NWO.

  20. I signed them all.

    So Oscar you’d prefer we be slaves to yankees and niggers?

    No thanks. I’m getting to the point where I’d rather go through a Chechen style war then see us tied to your kind any more

    You did a lot of bitching but didn’t offer anything to build on. To me and to many Southron White men it boils down to trying or accepting slavery. Now the yankee, he loves the slavery of big govt, and negros love it because it gets them free shit but free White men… not so much

  21. Posting the Texas and Alabama secession petitions on Tea Party sites. Some of them already understand and believe in Nullification.

  22. Rudel says:
    November 11, 2012 at 2:30 am
    :”I guess I just plain don’t like niggers, Jamie”

    This is the policy, that has Rudel so upset:


    If you discuss allowing people to go after the anti-white’s mega-fortunes, they flip out and let their masks slip, like Rudel is doing right now.

    I assure you, this policy was thought up, by one of the most intelligent people in WN and is being discussed at the very highest levels.

    When we get in power, We Are Going After ALL their Money, just as they have looted Germany with their Holocaust Industry.

    As you see from Rudel’s overreaction, Money is the life blood of the anti-whites.

  23. “You’d prefer we’d be slaves?”

    No, jackass, I’m saying that the last time you fucktards tried this you got all het up, didn’t think more than two steps ahead, and as a result you got the worst possible outcome. You imbeciles got your fucking clocks cleaned, and you had only yourselves to thank for your short-sightedness, your impetuosity and your unbelievable solipsism. You played like idiots and you paid the price to the last red cent.

    What I’m saying to you is not to submit, but if secession is your goal, sois-sage.

    Last time you lost you were at the mercy of the bumbling half-decided yankees. This time if you lose you’ll be at the mercy of the evil blood-fanged Bolshevik Jews — a far more evil fate because vastly more ruthless, more competent and more thorough.

    What I’m saying is, you idiots could start by looking at a map, and thinking about what you see on it.

    God, the future of the white race is in the hands of the usual bunch of gorillas. I don’t really want to sketch the whole thing out for you myself, but I may have to just to avert another train wreck.


  24. oscar
    If they secede with a nuclear installation, no one would dare touch them. Wars like you are thinking of, are things of the past.

  25. “I’d rather go through a Chechen style war then see us tied to your kind any more”

    Non-metallic detonators will come in handy for crowded spaces and even though the chemical sniffers are getting real sensitive and pretty good nowadays they take too long to scan everything at subway turnstiles, post office sorting facilities, Greyhound bus baggage compartments, and other busy high traffic entry points to targeted areas.

    Police stations and National Guard armories will be relatively easy targets for weapons acquisition in the early stages of a revolt especially since they will be able to be knocked over with plenty of inside help and intel.

    On the down side facial recognition software is getting pretty good and worse yet gait and movement recognition software is advancing by leaps and bounds. Each individuals walk is almost as unique as their fingerprints.

    Armed insurrection will ultimately fail without the support of the indigenous civilian population and a co-ordinated full court press on the political front.

  26. “As you see from Rudel’s overreaction, Money is the life blood of the anti-whites.”

    I hope you realize that nobody knows or cares WTF you are babbling about, least of all me. Total phail on your part.

  27. Think of this, retards: most white non-Southrons (and no, the set of all white non-Southrons is not congruent with the set of all “yankees”) have been brainwashed into thinking that “de Confederacy equals DE SLABERY!!”. ZOMG!!

    And as we’ve all been taught, De Slabery is de Worst Thing That Eber Happened in de Human History, Except for de Holocaust, Whic Is de Super-Worst, Because de Jews Bankroll Our Hissy-fits and Dey Said So.

    So you just lost a winnable election through strategic stupidity, the GOP rolls over and spreads like a well-trained bitch, and the anti-whites have just given you the greatest gift of all time: They’ve pulled off their masks and begun to openly taunt and gloat that they hate your guts and want you dead, not because of political differences but BECAUSE YOU ARE WHITE. That is exactly what they’ve been telling white people, openly and proudly: It’s over for you, white people: not in this election cycle but forever! You slept while we patiently stole your country and now that we OWN it and now that we own YOU, we are going to bleed you dry and then exterminate you.

    That is what they said, loudly and proudly.

    Of course, most whites did not believe them, or did not notice their all-out hatred.

    And what is the reply move of you retards? Did you invest the time to patiently document the open racial hatred of the left and present it carefully to a docile shell-shocked white audience so they could come around to the long-resisted notion that after all you aren’t scary nazis and stupid rednecks, in fact you were right all along?

    NO! Of course not! Because you’re a fucking pack of retarded monkeys who’ve never played chess with Death, and if you did you’d lose in a fool’s mate in four moves.

    What did you asswipes do instead? The election isn’t a week old, and you jumped straight to Secession, which in the clouded mind of the average non-committed white means only ONE thing: de Ebils ub de SLABERY! De mostest ebil thing in de world ‘cept fo’ Massah Holocaust! The thing that whites have been hypnotized to think they must jump off a cliff rather than even say “well it was bad, but…”. You didn’t try to deprogram them first, you went straight for the touchdown, which in their Pavlov-programmed minds means only this: We want secession, therefore we want to bring back DE SLABERY! Which makes you the most evil people who ever lived.

    You didn’t try to reverse the Narrative, and interpret for them the raving hatred they just saw with their own eyes. That might have taken six months to lay the ground and let it sink in, and another six months to let it go viral.

    No, instead you leaped right away to DE SLABERY, and now your story will be axe-murdered in the MSM and you’ll be painted as rabid Klansmen, and the people you wanted to reach will shrink back in horror.

    You just gave the game away, in less than a week.

    And you wonder why the Jews always win.

  28. @Oscar, you don’t win with Leftists. It wouldn’t be as easy as that, to “present the narrative.” Those whites are as good as lobotomized. This is going have to be starting over — just tribes have done all throughout history. It’s time.

  29. Rudel says:
    November 11, 2012 at 5:04 am

    “I hope you realize that nobody knows or cares WTF you are babbling about, least of all me. Total phail on your part.”

    Yet you keep reading every one of my posts, looking for any mention of this idea, and then the name calling… Oh its shocking! First calling me Jew, then calling me Nigger, then saying I admit to being a Nigger??? lol

    Bit of an over reaction, don’t you think Rudel??? lol

    Again, this is what has Rudel so agitated:

    Apparently he wants the freedom to be anti-white, in a Pro White country. Fancy that!

    Looking forward to your next bout of name calling, Rudel… 🙂

  30. oscar the grinch says:
    November 11, 2012 at 5:15 am

    Oscar, there is nothing stopping you from doing the thing you suggest. Have you done it?

    And if you think you or anyone here, can control what random people in the South have a mind to do, that is an unrealistic expectation.

  31. @JamieG

    You stated that you aren’t American. What country do you live in? Why are you so concerned with the American South?

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