About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Without a serious economic catastrophe to act as a catalyst for outright rebellion we will simply sink into a slow inexorable decline of miscegenation and second world status with the Chinese as our landlords and owners of our extractive industries such as timber, grain, and coal. Whites may hang on for a century or two in isolated pockets such as rural counties or small Slavic countries but the end of the White race as we currently define it is clearly in sight.

  2. ATTN

    This ought to interest you hunter:

    “What distinguishes all of the above from the Secession claptrap coming out of the US South is, of course, the fact that we’re talking about linguistic and cultural traditions that go back centuries. While one might deplore the ETA bombing campaign that lasted for decades, once could also understand that a people with a thousand year old culture might want to preserve it against an increasing federalism. But we’re talking real cultural groups here, not made-up ideologies, and there’s a sense in which these linguistic and cultural antagonisms have a better rationale than the “States’ Rights” nonsense we hear from the part of the country that wants to ban abortion under all circumstances at the federal level.”


    I’m sure you disagree with his assessment of the South as a “made-up ideology”.

  3. A white people’s culture isn’t actually a culture worthy of respect. It’s a “made-up” ideology, and “nonsense”. This is what the educated white really elite think.

  4. Our culture actually does go back three centuries. Read Albion’s Seed or The Cousin’s War’s for the particulars. And despite your skepticism states rights are still very much alive and well in our legal code and federal arrangement. The educated elite may try to undermine it but they practice it’s laws and commercial code every day of the week.

  5. Out Of Africa hypothesis about human dispersal throughout Asia and Europe.

    Surely this was the first example of white flight? Perhaps yellow flight too?

    The entire point of that trek all those years ago must have been to escape black Kenyans, Somalis and Sudanese? Surely? Some arrogant cocksure King Nig…

  6. The subtext of that Newsweek cover is they really can’t wait for Haiti II.

    As to the endless circular arguments on here it suddenly stuck me over the last few days maybe everybody is right – apart from the deliberate trolls of course – but only in their own region.

    For example if you’re in the NW or NE then currently “worse is better” is the only option that makes sense at the electoral level *in that region*.

    In the Great Lakes, economic nationalism might make the most sense at the electoral level *in that region*.

    In the South, social conservative and Southern Nationalist might make the most sense *in that region*.

    (Although cultural warfare a la mantra or personal economic secession also makes sense at the practical politics level in all regions.)

    So basically instead of arguing over occidental dissent there should be
    – Southern Dissent
    – NE/NW Dissent
    – Great Lakes Dissent
    – Midwest Dissent etc
    not necessarily separate but at least separate in people’s heads.

  7. Which is why I support the Occupy movement, union strikers everywhere, tax evasion, and leaderless “resistance” in its most violent form.

  8. “Out Of Africa hypothesis about human dispersal throughout Asia and Europe.

    Surely this was the first example of white flight? Perhaps yellow flight too?

    The entire point of that trek all those years ago must have been to escape black Kenyans, Somalis and Sudanese? Surely? Some arrogant cocksure King Nig…”

    Somali genes show a substantial recent back migration from Arabia.

    Skin color is pretty much a function of natural selection based on latitude so the first migrants from Africa were undoubtedly dark skinned and blue eyes have only been around for 10,000 years.

    Modern stone tools originated in Southern Africa some 70,000+ years ago.


  9. I asked last night on another thread if anyone knew of a single commentator on one of these pro-white sites that is from one the Northeast states. I’ve never known of one. Has anyone? I wonder is there is even a single one from, say, Vermont.

  10. Rudel says:
    November 9, 2012 at 8:01 am

    “Modern stone tools originated in Southern Africa some 70,000+ years ago.”

    The reason they find so much in Africa, is because they have so many places to dig – It is a country filled with the bones of civilizations that all died. If you try to dig in places like Europe it is difficult to find anything, because civilization and the cities there are still alive.

    Don’t believe everything you read by so called intellectuals. They are very narrow minded and are unable, or unwilling to think outside the PC box. Thinking outside of the PC box, doesn’t get you research grants from leftist controlled donors, like the Ford Foundation.

  11. Yeah, birds with short and stout beaks are that way because they eat hard food. Birds with long weaker beaks are that way because they eat softer food. And if you take the birds and interchange the respective environments so the short stout beaked birds now have the soft food and vice versa, in about 20 years the birds that had short stout beaks will have long weaker ones. This is exactly what happens with finches, for example.

    Some insects are attracted to one kind of noise another insect makes, while other types are attracted by other kinds of noises. Some fish are a certain shape because of…while others are a certain way because of…

    The hot chick you saw in the bar last night was with the tall masculine looking guy because of…while that other hot babe was with the banker looking nerd because…

    Natural Selection: The crown jewel of Monday morning quarterbacking, er, I mean modern science.

  12. Rudel – I agree, the South has a distinct culture. There is at least as much difference in values and traditions between Massachusetts and Alabama as there is between Catalonia and Spain.

    The idea that White culture is somehow a monolithic entity is largely imposed by coastal urban types for whom this is actually true. Fly from NYC to SF, and sure the weather is different and the people slightly sunnier, but they still love the same set of fags, niggers, coffee shops and shitty music.

  13. Brutus
    “I asked last night on another thread if anyone knew of a single commentator on one of these pro-white sites that is from one the Northeast states.”

    I could be wrong but i thought Kievsky was – or at least lived in one. That’s what made me think “worse is better” might go with living in the NE (or NW like Covington).

  14. Rudel
    “Personally, I categorically endorse universal dissent!”

    I’m only interested in dissent that leads to a 70%+ white voting bloc in a particular region. Those individual blocs can then team up for mutual aid.

  15. Okay. Yeah, now that you mention it, I do remember a couple of people saying they are there to work or something. I think they state they are not from there and only have been there for awhile or lived there once, didn’t they?

    But it seems like you don’t see any that were born there and have lived there all their lives and are on these sites much. But maybe there are some.

  16. Kievsky is from Connecticut.

    I’ve seen lots of racialists from the Northeast, but I can’t think of a single one from Vermont, except for one drive-by who posted here two years ago.

  17. Yeah, the only people from Vermont that I have ever met or saw post on forums were hardcore liberals all the way. I used to know a woman from some dating site that was from Vermont. LOL, interesting, we always posted on the political forums and I’d go at it with her. But she liked me, I’m pretty sure I could have banged her if it had not been so far between us. Around the same time I dated a woman who was getting her Ph.d in psychology. She’d sometimes get mad and talk about my “Nazi ideas” or something like that. Hell, I didn’t “date” her, she came to my house and we’d screw. I never did go anywhere with her or even see her outside my house. She’d meet guy’s and go out with them for diner or whatever and then if she decided she didn’t like them she’s call me to see if she could come over, lol. I’d say shit to her about what a big liberal non-racist was doing rejecting those liberal guys like she said she wanted and breaking off the dates halfway through to come wanting to get in bed with a Nazi. She’d get huffy and leave but within a week or so she’d be calling.

    She wasn’t the only one like that. I’ve had several ultra liberal women do about the same thing. I’d comment and rub it in. I think a lot of liberal women might be the same way. I remember reading about one of the Nazi’s coming over here after the war; part of one of those exchange programs, I think. I don’t think it was “paperclip,” but one of them. Anyway, they brought him over to work among all the government and political people at the time and he ended up I guess banging a lot of the women. I think all their husbands were probably queer or otherwise liberal dweebs. It was all that group like you hear and read about from the late forties and fifties that were “movers and shakers” in the gov’t and “culture.”

  18. Why would Newsweek be happy about the decline of the white old guard? Let’s see. I’m not sure, but could it be that the rag’s owners are the estate of the late Sid Harmon (guess the religion), and Barry Diller (guess the religion and sexual orientation)?

  19. Neanderthal genes, part if our admixture of course, may be linked to red coloring. There must have been some advantage our ancestors were exploiting to get out and get on the move. Otherwise they would have stayed in the African ghetto if not. They were adapted to migration and the exploitation of northern climes.

    Rudel, also consider the possibility that I’m having a little bit of fun with the concept of white flight.

  20. The cover of that issue or a reproduction copy should be placed before the eyes of every white person you know and can get it to. Beat ’em over the head with it and its direct message. This entire situation and our present reality needs to be exploited to the max. Whites right now need to be treated like you would someone that needed to be slapped hard across the face several times to bring them out of a daze or stupor in order to face a dire emergency. Multiple necessary variables and circumstances are all in place now for finally waking people up so they can smell the coffee.

  21. “The cover of that issue or a reproduction copy should be placed before the eyes of every white person you know and can get it to.”

    Along with a link to what happened in Haiti afterwards.

  22. We must plant the seeds of Partition and the Mantra now, and I guarantee the will blossom around two events: the push for Amnesty, and the next economic downturn.

  23. “You’re old, you’re Jewish, you’re history” is the subtext most of them never think about or ever consider as they gloat over whitey’s apparent demise.

  24. I can’t believe that so many pro-white minds on this site believe the Out of Africa theory. Wow! I’m dumbfounded.

  25. “Skin color is pretty much a function of natural selection based on latitude so the first migrants from Africa were undoubtedly dark skinned and blue eyes have only been around for 10,000 years.”

    Judel raises his hook-nosed head, again… I see.

    Whites are a completely different race, even a genus than Negroids. Again, I mention Raciology, which you should all purchase.


    Secondly, even though a Jew, Gerald Schroeder is enough of a “Mensch” to note that Adamkind can be seen both scientifically and Biblically to be possible, via the “Science of God.”

    Let Jewdel think of himself as a second cousin to an African Ape/Ape-man.

    I’m a son of the Most High. And prefer to associate with my own, both here, and hereafter. Let the dead bury the dead, frankly.

  26. Well test I’ve always thought all regions would be better off seceding so their govt can focus on their issues. The problems in the South are not the problems of the NW and the common problems will have different solutions give our different people, economic advantages, cultural sensibilities etc etc

  27. @Mary

    Its amazing to me how mouthy the anti-whites are getting. They are rubbing it in white people’s faces.

    The USA is going to explode racially. It can’t do anything else.

  28. m says:
    ‘Why would Newsweek be happy about the decline of the white old guard?’

    Oh yes, the anti – whites are crowing! Old men and old White women don’t realize they are on the endangered species list.

    Remember the article written by Tim Wise?

    For all y’all rich folks, enjoy that champagne, or whatever fancy ass Scotch you drink.

    And for y’all a bit lower on the economic scale, enjoy your Pabst Blue Ribbon, …

    Whatever the case, and whatever your economic station, know this . . .

    You need to drink up.
    And quickly.
    And heavily.
    Because your time is limited.
    Real damned limited.

    So party while you can, but mind the increasingly loud clock ticking away in the corners of your consciousness.

    The clock that reminds you how little time you and yours have left.
    Not much more now.
    Tick, tock.
    Tick, tock.
    Tock. …
    Put it on your Facebook wall and leave it there so you’ll remember that I told you so.

    It is coming, and soon.
    This isn’t hubris. It isn’t ideology. It is not wishful thinking.

    It is math.
    Not even advanced math. Just simple, basic, like 3rd grade math.

    The kind of math that proves how your kind—mostly older white folks beholden to an absurd, inaccurate, nostalgic fantasy of what America used to be like—are dying. …

    And in the pantheon of American history, old white people have pretty much always been the bad guys, the keepers of the hegemonic and reactionary flame, the folks unwilling to share the category of American with others on equal terms.

    Fine, keep it up. It doesn’t matter.
    Because you’re on the endangered list.
    And unlike, say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving. …
    By then, half the country will be black or brown. And there is nothing you can do about it.
    Nothing, Senõr Tancredo.
    Nothing, Senõra Angle, or Senõra Brewer, or Senõr Beck.
    Loy tiene muy mal, hijo de Puta. …
    We just have to be patient.
    And wait for your hearts to stop beating.
    And stop they will.
    And for some of you, real damned soon, truth be told.
    Do you hear it?
    The sound of your empire dying? Your nation, as you knew it, ending, permanentlyBecause I do, and the sound of its demise is beautiful.
    So know this.
    If you thought this election was payback for 2008, remember . . .
    Payback, thy name is . . .

  29. The fact that scumbag Tim Wise is still strutting around spewing his shite is a testament to our people’s restraint. I really, really hate that guy.
    Toure’s ‘Black House’ crowing is to be expected really, his kind demand it.

  30. Mary,
    I agree. Wise generates an extraordinary visceral response. To see his face, read his first word, or hear his voice leads my mind to thoughts of medical experimentation. My first procedure would be to surgically exchange his skull and scrotal sac. I doubt his photographer would notice the difference.

  31. I think Sean said he was from the Northeast.

    Yep, a native Massachusetts man. Grew up in technically the largest town in the US in the commonwealth of, MA. Framingham. I literally grew up watching immigration from Boston (nine miles away) spread into and ruin my area. Now it is ridden with crime. Puerto ricans, niggers, mexicans and Brazilians.

    I was back a few years ago and I honestly don’t even recognize it.

    I litter

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