Republican Death Rattle


As the Republicans become ever more dependent on the White working class vote, the GOP is now in full blown panic nd Sean Hannity, Charles Krauthammer, and Mike Huckabee are rallying behind Jeb Bush in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens.

Update: John Boehner is “confident” that the GOP can get a “comprehensive immigration reform” bill done now. Worse is better!!!

Update: As expected, Pat Buchanan spells it out for them at VDARE.

Note: Sean Trende observes that the decline in White turnout cost Mitt Romney the election.

For better or worse, the national Republican Party is finished. I really believe that we are about to see a meltdown on the scale of the breakup of the Whigs in the 1850s.

About Hunter Wallace 12394 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. FWIW, of the talkers, only the Jew Mark Levin is slamming the GOP for shitting all over white men. He just pointed out that 3 million of the white CONSERVATIVE electorate sat out. Their not getting their own, they ain’t gonna get any beaners. Obama has to be laughing his ass off at these clowns. Spines of jello.

  2. “FWIW, of the talkers, only the Jew Mark Levin is slamming the GOP for shitting all over white men.”

    Winston Churchill had Kikes pegged correctly ever since he was a subaltern in world war one.

    You have your nationalist Jews: Michael Savage, Marc Levin

    And then you have your internationalists: Soros, Adelson, etc.

    The former at least understand that a majority black or Hispanic nation will bode as bad for Jews as whites. The latter, much like their sanguine stooges like Bush or Romney, don’t care how unbearable they make things for the white rabble, since they can helicopter themselves from gated mansions to schools with private security forces where they can listen to their spoiled brats agitate catgut with some whiny Jewish lament on a violin.

    Still, I enjoy the on-air war between Savage (who also talks about defending whites as whites) and Marc Levin. Levin offered Savage $100,000 to get off the air and stay off. Savage responded by telling Levin that he sounded like an old Jewish woman having a hysterectomy with no anesthesia.

  3. In all the possible outcomes of a Republican loss in this election, in my wildest dreams I never imagined their answer would be more amnesty.

  4. If they pass amnesty, they won’t win over any Asian or Hispanic voters – Nikki Haley and Bobby Jindal and Allen West and Mia Love and Susan Martinez, Marco Rubio, and Brian Sandoval make that abundantly clear. Colin Powell campaigned against them!

    They will succeed in alienating their White base like they did in 2006. They had already succeeded in doing that before the election. They won’t ever get their White base to turn out for them again at the level they need to win a presidential election if they infuriate them in they way they are about to do.

    Without a realistic path through the electoral college, they won’t get the Super PAC funding they need either.

  5. All of us knew they would do this.

    It came down from up high and filtered down to the weakling Republican establishment including all their talkers and conservative zines that Jeb Bush is going to be running in 2016 so get started right away working on his campaign.

    Number 1 objective in the new Jeb campaign is getting spic voters.

    I’ll be sitting home in 2016 as well. Good luck to them.

  6. It doesn’t surprise me. It is to be expected that in their death throes (possibly) the Republicans would do a lot more “both stupid and evil” than if Romney had won.

  7. I watched some of Hannity tonight. He gave a half-ass pep speech that would have been unbecoming if a kindergarten aid had given it to feeble minded children. This was followed by another installment of the “Obama used dirty tricks to get elected” that is being pathetically cried about by so many Conservative windbags. Apparently none of these people have ever heard that all is fair in love, war and politics.

    The GOP’s contemporary Tokyo Rose was on beating the neoconservative war drum when I changed the channel.

  8. HW, a major problem is that all of these big-time GOPers calling for amnesty (except Krauthammer) are either in or associated with the South: Gingrich with GA, Hannity with AL, Barbour with MS, Huckabee with AR. In the 3 decades leading up to Southern secession in 1860-61 there was a relentless push for secession by the Fire-Eaters, who had influential positions in government, academia and media. If the above-mentioned people were pushing secession rather than amnesty I would say that we are close. But given the lack of major figures promoting secession I don’t think we’re close yet. Of course, that could change pretty quickly. But we’ll need some major figures to endorse the idea in order for the public support for it to rise.

  9. From the NRO comment section:

    “I live among white liberals. I know the vicious irrational hatred they harbor toward conservative whites. Hating other white people is how these sick minds elevate their own self-image and artificially create social status for themselves.”

    Pretty good!

  10. The left (or Yankees) can’t help it at this point. They are all but lining up the remaining whites in front of the ditch. The rhetoric is at a fever pitch. They are going to abolish “The Confederacy” once and for all. “The Confederacy” being anyone who disagrees with them. It’s clear they are genocidal maniacs. Truly.

    Didn’t think the Republican answer was going to be to jump on the bus.

  11. “The level of hatred and fear of the North in the South is soaring. I’ve never seen anything like it.” That IS an interesting comment, Hunter. Would you share some anecdotes?

  12. “I never imagined their answer would be more amnesty.”

    They don’t have any choice. Almost their entire financial backing and thus existence comes from super rich businessmen who want the cheap labor. That is the major problem anyone who hopes to use the Republican Party (or ANY other party that is formed) faces as we consider our plight in terms of political activity and power: Funding.

    There is simply no serious money available; the kind of money required to finance such a movement. We do not have multiple mega-millionaires and billionaires who are going to give us hundreds of millions of dollars at a time and who are going to sustain that level of backing over the long haul. The white working class has proved itself as reliable in that area as Northern Yankees have proven reliable for our racial self-interest. If all of the whites whom we can reasonable expect to be supportive would only give a relatively small amount on a regular basis, to defend their continuing existence, the totality of those contributions would be considerable and might give us a chance. But it has never happened. Revilo Oliver brought this point up in his America’s Decline. The John Birch Society at it founding expected to receive a million dollars the first year and thereafter from the white middle and working class it set out to defend. Oliver says it never happened–did not even come close. He says he believed that may have been the reason Welch turned traitor and sabotaged the movement and sold out to Jews. Pretty much the same story has either been reported or can be inferred concerning many other attempts at building and running nationalistic and race-based organization for political activity. Oliver made the sober observation and statement to the effect that no matter how intelligent and motivated any leader or group may be, if they are not well-healed financially, they might as well piss in the wind because the attempt is doomed to fail. He was right. If anyone poo poos this or scoffs, then he or she will do well to take pencil and paper in hand and do some calculations and figuring. Keep in mind that in this last election alone, a reported six billion dollars was spent. Think about that.

  13. “Didn’t think the Republican answer was going to be to jump on the bus.”

    I DID. They’re politicians, who always do that. Now they’re running scared for their precious careers with the perks and legacies, and they will end up doing just what the voting majority’s second and most decisive “Obama Mandate” says. Worse is always worse.

  14. But Republican billionaires want to win elections. Isn’t it transparently clear the amnesty route isn’t going win them an election? I just can’t imagine nobody is going to stand up and fill the vacuum.

  15. My Facebook newsfeed was flooded with anti-nigger and anti-Yankee comments. Not my political friends who I know only through cyberspace, but mostly apolitical local people who think the country is finished and Northerners and niggers are allies.

  16. “Now they’re running scared for their precious careers with the perks and legacies.”

    I don’t understand how this turns a politician against the people, from where his perks and legacies come.

    Here in Montana the Senate and Governorship races were thrown by third party candidates who took more principled stances against the Republican. The writing is on the wall as clear as day. There is no possible way the rational political response to this election is a left turn.

  17. Brutus, you’re right on the money about the money. “Money is the mother’s milk of politics,” one of our old experienced local politicians likes to say. Over 90% of the time, the candidates who can spend the most money win their contests, in contemporary Amerika. Those of us who actually REASON about politics may consider this phenomenon absurd, but it is a reality.

  18. Landshark, even if they started well, they mostly change when they’re elected, and will turn against their people if they think it necessary, or try to live a double political life. Power corrupts, and the perks and legacies also corrupt.

  19. If only some rational, intelligent, hard-working common folks had the money or the money support and could make it, instead of the kind that normally tend to “go into politics.”

  20. They are all insane. This is what insanity looks like. Don’t think Obama is in the cat bird’s seat either – he doesn’t have any answers. We are in a winter cycle and the experts think that they can engineer their way out of it. As soon as pleasure-loving spoiled northern white whores suffer on a large enough scale they will call for O’s head! Look at how the New Yorkers are reacting to the hurricane.

    The chickens are all coming home to roost. The establishment (especially the Rockefellers) attacked the family structure in the 60s with the intent of bringing down birth rates and eliminating any competing white groups for control of this country. All elite institutions went coeducational, and they destroyed female modesty. The establishment particularly feared white catholics and set their sights on destroying traditional catholic beliefs and family practices. They even gave Fr. Hesburgh of Notre Dame a big donation to start encouraging birth control among catholics.

    The northerners you see now have been socially engineered by the elite and bear no resemblance to even the people of my youth. The catholic hierarchy are all traitors and didn’t hold the faith. I apologize to my protestant readers for focusing on some sectarian aspects of the issues but we have all suffered in this cataclysm.

    What the elite hope to achieve I don’t know – best case they want to destroy US sovereignty at worst they want to cull the majority of the world’s population.

    It should be relatively easy to portray the republican establishment pushing for amnesty as appeasers a la Neville Chamberlain. When these issues came up in response to a statement made by Archbishop Gomez about hispanics basically having the right to invade the US in search of a better life I submitted the following comment to Cardinal Dolan’s blog but it was never posted because he is a traitor.

    Where are our white english-speaking prelates to challenge Archbishop Gomez? Archbishop Gomez has reduced this complex topic to a single issue – the material needs of latin americans – and ignores any other issue – particularly the desire of white americans to maintain their own culture and language. He has raised MATERIALISM to the most important decisional criterion in this regard. Someone should remind Archbishop Gomez that our Lord himself said that “man does not live on bread alone”.
    First, why is Archbishop Gomez concerned with immigrants who are presumably outside his diocese? Why doesn’t he focus his pastoral work on those already here, including those white catholics who will be burdened with providing for the indigent illegal immigrants?
    Second, why does Archbishop Gomez have nothing to say to the elite in Latin America? The reason that latin americans are sneaking into the US is because the Latin American elite are not providing for their own people “food, shelter, clothing, and the means to make a decent living.”
    Why does it automatically become white america’s problem to provide for the poor of Latin America when the elite of Latin America are failing so spectacularly? Maybe Archbishop Gomez should spend more time trying to fix the broken-down system of Latin America and see if it can be remedied so that the material needs of “his” people can be met where they currently live instead of here. Maybe in an un-christian manner Archbishop Gomez knows that white people are “soft touches” in comparison to his own kind and believes it is easier to scam whites than his own kind?
    How is it that unbounded charitable obligations are owed to latin americans by whites anyways? They are not of our nation. They are not our neighbors. My neighbor is someone like me! We have already satisfied the Lord’s injunction that the gospel be preached to them by our ancestors traveling to foreign lands and converting them. We still send missionaries and charity to these lands in furtherance of the Lord’s command. Where exactly does the Lord command us to invite foreigners en-masse into our own country? Yes Archbishop Gomez, where exactly does the Lord say that? The answer is he didn’t because by his very commands he respected the uniqueness of individual peoples and nations. We were commanded to travel to other nations and preach the gospel to them where they lived, not to invite them here!
    Third, so many illegal immigrants have been emboldened to violate the US’s laws and invade our country that they feel no need to assimilate. This system – which is being encouraged by the democratic party – is functioning as ethnic cleansing of entire regions so that the democratic party can achieve an elective majority in prior conservative regions. In other words, it is a low grade war being perpetrated on white America. And it does have “war-like” features because coming along with the economic migrants are untold criminal parasites who are murdering, raping and stealing from white americans.
    Recognizing this for what it is and examining what orthodox catholic teaching has to say I immediately come to the catechism. It is noted that catechism 2263 extends the notions of self-defense to societies, not just individual persons. I argue that we white catholics have the right per the catechism to defend our nation from invasion from the south.
    I expect that the Almighty will raise another intellectual giant in the church to speak courageously for the right of native peoples to defend their culture and way of life and put the current cowards to shame.
    And I am not a bigot or uncharitable. I am for limited immigration from Latin America – an immigration level that allows white americans to maintain their culture and way of life and does not unduly burden them with problems that fellow catholics are not addressing in other countries.

  21. The 3,000,000 white republicans staying home warms my heart. They were probably tired of putting up with shit from the Republican party.


    What do you think Romney would be doing different? Romney attacked Obama for not doing more on immigration. Romney boasted he would do immigration reform his first year.

  22. I hear you.

    But at the same time it’s hard to fathom there is no one that is willing to genuinely stop this. Not “I’m going to run my gums for 20 years and ultimately the people may or may not respond,” but “I’m an American, I care about white Americans, and I am going to do what is right for White American people whether they want it or not, even if it costs me my name, my fortune, my family, my home, my etc.” Has to be someone.

  23. “But Republican billionaires want to win elections.”

    They want their policies enacted. They don’t care about winning elections, per se, if the winning candidate is not going to deliver for them.

  24. For what it’s worth, Rush was hard, hard, hard up for the amnestyites today. He mentioned Heather MacDonalds article and expounded on it most of the day. He knows it’s over. Too bad he loved money more than his country, he could have stopped all this years ago given his incredible influence on the right. On well.

  25. “I don’t understand how this turns a politician against the people, from where his perks and legacies come.”


    Their real perks and legacies come from being part of “The Club,” and from the benefactors such as those I discussed above. The perks and legacies a politician gets “from the people” are peanuts compared to what he is getting from the those who own him, and what he will get from being a member of The Club once he leaves office.

  26. Believe me I hear you Brutus. My position isn’t that it’s not rotten as hell, but that there has to be someone left that cares.

  27. Hunter Wallace says:
    ‘November 9, 2012 at 5:07 am
    The level of hatred and fear of the North in the South is soaring. I’ve never seen anything like it.’


  28. “There is nothing happening that Romney would have stopped.”

    Correct, he would have just facilitated it more efficiently. He would have probably gotten a more comprehensive Dream Act than Obama will since he would have been able to twist more conservative Republican arms in the House of Representatives.

  29. “Too bad he loved money more than his country…”


    How many people in the pro-white movement would you bet over a dollar on to not sell out IF they were offered the mega-millions of dollars that people like Limbaugh have made?

    It is one thing to sit here now and say you never would, but it would be a totally different thing if someone was actually holding out the check to you and you were looking at all those zeros following a number from one to nine.

    Thirty, forty, fifty, sixty millions ($60,000,000) per year or more is powerful temptation, especially when you are looking at it or it is even in your hand, so to speak.

    Never forget to keep that firmly in mind when contemplating the kind of politics we are talking about.

  30. Sheesh, what a bunch of fuckin crybabies you’ve all turned into…

    And to think, just a few months ago there was a steady “worse is better” beat being drummed on every thread here each day… What did you guys think? That Obama would be re-elected, and some dormant righteousness would spontaneously manifest all throught the South? That the next morning a sea of rebel-yelling greybacks would charge Washington DC? Don’t say I didn’t tell you so.

    Well, you got what you wanted. So, let’s see it — secede whenever you’re ready. Show us “negro-worshipping Yankee Northerners” how it’s done. Maybe I’ll watch a minute of it on CNN. If I have nothing important to do.

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