The Blinding Light of White Nationalism: The American Nations and the 2012 Election


How did the American nations vote in 2012?

Derb agrees:

“When you look at the overall picture, however, we are still fighting the Civil War. That is to say, the contest was mainly between two huge groups of white people who don’t much like each other, with the colored folk playing a marginal role. That’s how it was in the War Between the States, and that’s how it still is today.

In the state of Mississippi, for example, 89 percent of whites voted for Romney; in the state of Alabama, it was 84 percent. In the state of Maine, on the other hand, only 40 percent of whites voted for Romney; in Vermont, only 33 percent.

Barack Obama wasn’t re-elected by blacks, Hispanics, or Asians, though they helped at the margins; he was re-elected by Yankees.”

It is so obvious that it is hard to believe that we are still debating this anymore.

Here’s the percentage of the White vote won by John Kerry and Barack Obama in the 2004, 2008, and 2012 presidential elections:


New York: 49% (2004), 52% (2008), 49% (2012)
Massachusetts: 59% (2004), 59% (2008), 57% (2008)
Connecticut: 51% (2004), 51% (2004), 51% (2012)
New Hampshire: 50% (2004), 54% (2008), 51% (2012)
New Jersey: 49% (2008), 43% (2012)
Pennsylvania: 45% (2004), 48% (2008), 42% (2012)
Vermont: 65% (2008), 66% (2012)
Maine: 58% (2008), 57% (2012)
Rhode Island: 57% (2008)
Maryland: 56% (2008), 43% (2012)
Delaware: 55% (2008)

Here’s the number of electoral votes won by John Kerry and Barack Obama in the Northeast:

2004: 117/117 (100%)
2008: 117/117 (100%)
2012: 112/112 (100%)

Compare the 2008 election map by county to the 2012 election map by county in the Northeast. The New York Times interactive map also allows you to toggle by county through the 2012, 2008, 2004 ,and 2000 elections.

In 2000, 2004, 2008, and 2012, you can see that Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire became more Democratic. There was no change in Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts.

Here’s the percentage of the White vote won by John Kerry and Barack Obama in Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida in 2004, 2008, and 2012 presidential elections:

Weakening South

Florida: 42% (2004), 42% (2008), 37% (2012)
North Carolina: 27% (2004) 35% (2008), 31% (2012)
Virginia: 32% (2004), 39% (2008), 37% (2012)

How does the White vote for Barack Obama compare with the other Southern states?

Solid South

Mississippi: 11% (2008), 11% (2012)
Alabama: 10% (2008), 15% (2012)

What about black turnout? How does black turnout in the Weakening South compare to black turnout in the Solid South? What is the size of the black electorate in these five Southern states?

Mississippi: blacks are 38% of the electorate
Alabama: blacks are 28% of the electorate
Virginia: blacks are 20% of the electorate
Florida: blacks are 13% of the electorate
North Carolina: blacks are 23% of the electorate

What about Hispanic turnout? What is the size of the Hispanic electorate?

Virginia: Hispanics are 5% of the electorate
Florida: Hispanics are 17% of the electorate
North Carolina: Hispanics are 4% of the electorate

What is the size of the black and Hispanic electorate combined in the Weakening South compared to the Solid South?

Virginia: 25% of the electorate
Florida: 30% of the electorate
North Carolina: 27% of the electorate
Mississippi: 41% of the electorate

So, it turns out that there is a much bigger black and Hispanic electorate in Mississippi than either Florida, Virginia, or North Carolina. The problem in these three states is simply that 11% of Whites in Mississippi voted for Barack Obama whereas 31% to 37% are voting for him in Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia.

How do we explain this? Where are do these White voters live who are voting for Barack Obama? In Virginia, they obviously live in NOVA and Hampton Roads. In Florida, they obviously live in Tampa, Orlando, and Miami. In North Carolina, they obviously live in Asheville and the Research Triangle.

Let’s extend this analysis to the West Coast. What percentage of White people on the West Coast voted for Barack Obama?

California: 53% (2008), 45% (2012)
Oregon: 60% (2008), 54% (2012)
Washington: 59% (2008), 53% (2012)

Let’s do some more fun comparisons of the White vote for Barack Obama:

Texas: 28% (2008)
California: 53% (2008), 45% (2012)

Kentucky: 36% (2008)
Wisconsin: 54% (2008), 48% (2012)

West Virginia: 93% all White, all red
Vermont: 94% White, all blue

West Virginia are Vermont are the two whitest states in America. In Vermont, every county voted for Barack Obama. In West Virginia, every county voted for Mitt Romney. California and Texas are two of the most Hispanic states in America. Yet California is a solid blue state and Texas is a solid red state.

The 2012 election was another clash between the rival subnations: Dixie (Greater Appalachia, Tidewater, Deep South, New France) and Far West versus Yankeedom, Left Coast, New Netherland, and El Norte. The Midlands replayed its traditional role as the swing region between the two coalitions.

Notice how little changed: the Cascades is still the cultural fault line in the “Pacific Northwest” between Far West and the Left Coast. El Norte turned out for Obama in Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.

Iowa still has its split personality. Eastern Iowa, Southwest Wisconsin, and Southeast Minnesota reproduced itself as distinct cultural region. Greater Appalachia and Deep South went hard for Romney. South Florida continued to play its role as a cultural region distinct from North Florida.

For all the talk about “the Hispanic vote,” the fault line of American politics is still the same as it was when George Washington was president: it is still Yankeedom vs. Deep South.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Derb agrees

    It might be fairer–to you, Mr. W.–to say Derb is following your lead. He posted a comment here not long ago, you’ll recall. Around that same time, if I’m not mistaken–maybe shortly afterward–he wrote a piece that included a statement of his about the South’s origin as an offshoot of the culture of Barbados or of the Caribbean. I don’t need to remind OD’s readers that that was a subject you were treating in detail at that time.

  2. PS In mentioning that Derbyshire recently posted a comment here, I meant to indicate that he is probably a follower of Occidental Dissent. Greetings, Mr. Derbyshire. I personally listen to Radio Derb regularly.

  3. Petreaus just got shit-canned. Look for a potential Vince Foster. Supposedly he had an “affair”.

    Obama has been funneling cash and guns through Libya, illegally. The Chicago bunch is now desperately covering their trail. Now we know why Biden plead the fifth during the debates. They will need him to take over.

  4. Sorry for the thread derail, but this could explain Obama’s recent emotional outbursts and crying fits at public engagement. He knows he’s going down.

  5. I’ve met Petreaus on numerous times, and was antiquated with several people on his staff. Needless to say, I can guarantee you this is rotten.

  6. Yeah Hunter, it sounds like he is repeating what you have been claiming for quite some time. Of course I am glad he is, these ideas need to spread.

  7. What’s remarkable is that, for four years, all of the high-income professional conservatives–Limbaugh, Rove, Barone, Hannity, et al.–so thoroughly deluded themselves and each other and their audience members that the entire country hated Obama as much as they did that they were shocked–genuinely shocked, it seemed to me–by the outcome of last Tuesday’s election. “Wha’ happened? Everybody hates Obama the way we do; that’s why countless Republicans were elected dogcatcher in red counties in 2010.”

    For those of us who follow OD, on the other hand, last Tuesday evening was like a traffic accident that played out in slow motion, exactly as foretold. I have to give you credit, Mr. W. This blog is excellent.

  8. Every American subnation voted just the way we would have expected them to:

    There is Yankeedom, New Netherland, Left Coast, and El Norte turning out for Obama exactly as expected. There is Deep South, Far West, Tidewater, Greater Appalachia, and New France turning out for Romney.

    It looks like Midlands swung for Romney. El Norte was strong enough this time though to pull through for the Yankee alliance.

  9. Jim says:
    ‘Obama has been funneling cash and guns through Libya, illegally. The Chicago bunch is now desperately covering their trail. Now we know why Biden plead the fifth during the debates. They will need him to take over.’

    This news to me. Funneling cash and guns to what party, for what reason?

  10. In Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida, the numbers above show that Yankee transplants are aligning with Hispanics and the blacks to throw those states to the Democrats.

    Black and Hispanic turnout can’t explain why Virginia, Florida, and North Carolina are more competitive than Georgia, Mississippi, and Alabama where the black vote is a greater share of the electorate.

    It comes down to the White transplant vote.

  11. How then to explain the Midwest? Utah, Wyoming etc if it’s the Yankees. It’s due to the fact that the white people in Massachusetts, Vermont have a different ethnic origin than the white people in Mississippi and therefore have different experiences.The Fighting Irish of ND despised the Klan. Whereas the Klan is Alabama.

  12. Supposedly to Syrian rebels, working with Turkey.

    Here is what I know for a fact about Petreaus. He was suspicious of Israel. He “loved the haji” (he was a bit of a humanitarian). He vocally objected to the use of the quasi-pejorative term “haji”, and would chastise anyone who disparaged muslim culture. Needless to say, mild to severe disparagement of the culture with whom you are in active conflict with is about as common as cursing in the military. Most officers tacitly approve, as long as it doesn’t get out of hand, since it’s good for morale. The point of all of this is that Peteraus really is a boy scout. Really.

    However, he probably did have the affair, and broke off after a relative short period. However, it was “discovered” while the FBI was investigating a supposedly unrelated security breach. She was the woman assigned to write his biography. I am suggesting she was a honeypot, because the Obama administration needed dirt on him since he couldn’t be bought.

  13. Speaking of Greater Appalachia. I have a Philadelphian friend who took a job in southern Ohio in the 1970s. It was in or around Cincinnati, I think. When I spoke with him, while he was on a return visit to Philadelphia, after he’d had the job for a while, he said he liked the area where he was working. “That Southern hospitality,” he said.

  14. And speaking of Southern hospitality. Decades ago, I heard a pre-recorded interview–on National Public Radio, maybe–with a Japanese man who owned a Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise or who was in charge of Kentucky Fried Chicken franchising or something like that in Japan (Tokyo, I guess). In America, of course, the Jewish entertainment industry has turned every fast-food company into a punchline, but this guy was reverent, in the Japanese way. He said something like, “For us [i.e. his business associates and he], the name Kentucky Fried Chicken has great meaning. It represents a tradition of Southern hospitality.”

  15. In those numbers of White voters for Obama in the Northeast and West Coast, you can see why the “System” doesn’t work.

    What is the “System”? It is representative government. The White people in those areas WANT to be represented by Obama and pro-amnesty Democrats.

  16. Of course, the critics of the “System” may have a point: if Yankees were disenfranchised and were banned from electing representatives to Congress, our racial and cultural situation would dramatically improve.

    For example, every Jew in the U.S. Senate would be thrown out of office.

  17. The alliance between the Northeastern Yankees and West Coast Yankees accounts for 196 electoral college votes. Throw in the Yankees in Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, and Michigan and you are up to 258 electoral college votes.

    270 gets you to the White House. Yankees can get a lock on the White House (and by extension, the Supreme Court) by flooding the South and West with non-Whites. This doesn’t bother them because they have already been allied with the Black Undertow since the War Between the States.

  18. Jim says:
    ‘Ok, hijack over. If hunter creates a thread for this story, we can carry this on over there.’

    I would like to hear more. Anew thread sounds good. Just did some googling on what you said before and read some infro from a site that began discussing this last month.

    Sounds like there was a lot more to the Benghazi situation. Gun running similar to Fast and Furious. Weapons diverted into the wrong hands which may have killed troops in Afghanistan.

    Now we rerad Holder, Hillary and Petraeus all leaving one way or another.
    Speculation that this could be huge.

    I hope Congress has the gumption to track this down.

  19. Here you recognize that “Yankees” is not a geographical term. So why use it when it antagonizes people from the North? I know your point is Southern secession but antagonizing anyone who may help you just because of their place of residence is not good politics.

    At this point we all have the same goal. Why not use commie or something?

  20. Remember, that 28% of Obama voting(Texas) Whites are not “Texans”, they are left coast infiltrators brought here since about ’95 and the tech boom.

    They came here to escape the Democrat tax on THEIR money, and now they want to make sure they divert the eyes to someone else’ prize… like their elitist, Hollywood kin.

  21. This is how I see it. Obama running guns through Libya to the Syrian rebels (arming al Qaeda). Stephens may have gotten cold feet. Someone may have been about to blow the whistle.

    Petraeus asked to testify. An hour later he resigns.

    He may be a Boy Scout, but he’s a CIA Boy Scout, and that’s not our kind of American. That’s a different kind of American.

  22. They hate being reminded of the fact that they voluntarily choose to align themselves with the blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and Jews. There is no getting around discussing the alignment because that is what is driving the decline of the whole country.

  23. None of them are reading this, and certainly none of them hate that alignment. So you’re not hitting your target audience. You’re hitting people from the North that have happened to have woken up. Sure, you’re doing it for the benefit of your Southron readers, your main target audience. But the gratuitous demonization seems self-defeating in the overall scheme of things. Wouldn’t the idea be to be seen favorably by people in the north inclined to your ideology?

    Shit, people get tired of being called “damn Yankees.” I have a feeling the constant pestering was one of the aggravating causes of the Civil War.

  24. The actual number of white votes for Obama is down across the board: you fail to use the raw vote and rely on percentages.

  25. @Hunter

    Let’s do a little thought experiment if the GOP runs in 2016 a black Christian conservative who is pro-life against a white Democrat who ispro gay marriage will the majority of white Southerners vote for pro fag white. Northern whites most of them anyway voted for Obama because he’s a Democrat not that they are pro black.

  26. There are two distinct groups of people in the midwest. The descendents of the original settlers, and the urban whites. The urban whites vote like their New England peers. The more religious original stock tends to vote in line with the South. We have two separate nations here as well.

  27. According to Greg Johnson, the “System” is the problem.

    What is the “System” though? It is representative government. My response to Greg is that the “System” accurately reflects the values of all the faggots, freaks, anarchists, weirdos, and leftists that are concentrated in San Francisco where he lives.

    Nancy Pelosi could never get elected in West Virginia. Her base doesn’t live there.

    The proof of this is that these people become less numerous as you move from the Bay Area into Central California. The composition of the electorate changes and correspondingly the alignment of the Whites who live there changes.

    The freak show in San Francisco naturally aligns with the blacks, Jews, Hispanics, and Asians. The ordinary White people in rural California and rural California align with White Southerners instead of the blacks.

    BTW, these alignments reproduce themselves in election cycle after election cycle. When Obama is gone in 2016, the same alignment will reproduce itself. The Northeast will be just as liberal and Democratic and aligned with Jews and non-Whites as ever.

    Just look at the data above: there has been no change in four election cycles.

  28. Just look at the data above: there has been no change in four election cycles.

    How do we explain “W”? He faced the same challenges but still beats Obama with his ’04 vote tally. Bush took 58% of the white vote which was 77% of the electorate. Romney took 59% (which according to the Sailer strategy wins him the election) but the white vote was only 72% of the total count. Either whites are collectively, a permanently lesser portion of the electorate or millions of Republicans did not turn out.

  29. “How do we explain W”?

    The Iraq War, which was in its early phase in ’04.

    People are more reluctant to change leaders during war.

    If the Dems had offered a compelling figure then they might have maybe won, but instead they offered the pure douchebag Kerry.

  30. How then to explain the Midwest? Utah, Wyoming etc if it’s the Yankees. It’s due to the fact that the white people in Massachusetts, Vermont have a different ethnic origin than the white people in Mississippi and therefore have different experiences.The Fighting Irish of ND despised the Klan. Whereas the Klan is Alabama.

    Right. The people who are talking about ‘Yankees’, while technically correct with the numbers, need to remember

    (1) The White population of the Northeast today is certainly more descended from Ellis-Island than from Plymouth Rock (so to speak). They are mostly not the historical “Yankees”. I’d wonder who those in the Northeast of Colonial-Yankee stock voted vs. those of Ellis-Island stock (quintessentially the Jews).

    (2) Racial Naivete — Vermont is the Whitest state, and probably saw the highest White vote-share to Obama (33%, as above). These things are clearly related. Most American Whites have little experience with diversity.

  31. To add to what Desmond Jones and Hail have said:

    Okay–I don’t have the sort of political knowledge that Mr. W. and many of the persons who post here have, but I think the following is probably pretty accurate:

    1–Philadelphia changed from a Republican town to a Democrat town during what I’ll call its Catholic Century, i.e., the Twentieth Century, i.e., the century in which my own Catholic kin proliferated here. Well, I guess Irish Catholics started settling here around the middle of the Nineteenth Century, but I think I would still reserve the term Catholic Century for the Twentieth Century. I guess the earlier, Protestant stock was literally displaced, i.e., moved out of the city.

    2–That Catholic Century saw the disintegration of the city’s manufacturing companies, which had been numerous and significant (Stetson hats, Baldwin locomotives, etc.). This disintegration really got underway, I think, during FDR’s time, as labor unions began pushing these companies to the wall. I’d guess Catholic ethnics played no small part in the labor movement.

    3–The city had a race riot in 1964; that accelerated white flight, which had been underway. I recently encountered, somewhere, a remark to the effect that white flight (i.e., from America’s cities) was actually a flight of Catholic ethnics. In Philadelphia, I’d bet, that was true.

    4–Through the 1970s and thereafter, Catholic Philadelphia gave way to black Philadelphia. Both Catholic Philadelphia and black Philadelphia, I should say, seem to me to have involved much political and financial control by Jews, but I should repeat that I really don’t know about these things.

    5–That’s why there was so much talk during the recent election campaign about the Philadelphia suburbs (in Bucks, Montgomery, Chester, and Delaware counties, which are on Philadelphia’s perimeter). As a friend of mine said to me not long before election day, the same whites–Catholic ethnics, I’d say–who turned the city black by voting Democrat several decades ago continue to vote Democrat in the suburbs to which they went to get away from the black Philadelphia they themselves created. My friend remarked that a local talk-radio host was so obtuse that he (the host) did not mention this phenomenon at all during a recent on-air discussion of the transformation of those suburbs from Republican to Democrat. He (the host) was treating the transformation as some sort of mystery: Those suburbs used to be Republican, now they’re Democrat. What happened?

    6–Drive west from Philadelphia along the Pennsylvania Turnpike and you will soon find yourself in Old Time America, with billboards with Christian messages. That’s red Pennsylvania, which gets outvoted by blue Philadelphia and Philadelphia’s blue suburbs (and by whatever’s going on in Pittsburgh, too, I guess, inasmuch as that area, I think, is also blue).

    7–In short: Are the whites who voted for Obama in Pennsylvania really “Yankees”? They’re Yankees only if one thinks that any white who lives in the North is a Yankee. I have the feeling that several of Occidental Dissent’s followers–and even Mr. W. himself–tend to think that that’s what a Yankee is, but I’m not sure it’s reasonable. I was shocked–that’s the apt word–several months ago (or maybe a year ago) when, in an exchange I had here with Apuleius, he (Apuleius) seemed to have no idea that there were parochial schools (i.e., Catholic schools) in Philadelphia. Well, the Catholic school system is now steadily being shut down by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia; but at its height, that system was essentially a full-sized parallel to the public school system. In fact, the two systems would play an annual Catholic-versus-public football game, I’m pretty sure. (Maybe they still do.) This–i.e., the unawareness that seems to me to be embodied by Apuleius’s understading in that exchange–is why, I think, some other non-Southerners and I who post here have tried to explain to Mr. W. and some of OD’s Southern commenters that, in effect, your referring to us, or addressing us, as Yankees is often startling. It almost seems as if you’re speaking to us from a different world, in which we think of ourselves as Yankees. Recently, I mentioned here the large Civil War memorial in Philadelphia’s Fairmount Park; I wouldn’t be surprised if 99.99% of this city’s population (including the remaining whites) doesn’t even know that’s there.

  32. “How do we explain “W”?”
    A lot of White bluecollar types were gung-ho for war in 2004. That had weakened by 2008 and McCain but was still there somewhat and now it’s pretty much gone completely. Plus the economy is worse as well so that’s a double hit since 2004.

    Honey-trapped because he’s not pro-Israel enough imo. I’d expect the woman to have neocon links.

  33. “…How then to explain the Midwest? Utah, Wyoming etc if it’s the Yankees….”

    Today’s Northeast Transplants are not yesterday’s yankees, but both are Usery-based groups.

    Part of the South’s real allies are with other pioneers. Colonial-era peoples with whom they are “like-minded.”

    With the old “white ethnics,” they can connect in the sense that both groups are attacked (one “de-industrialized” and the other “de-colonized.”) Both have been DE-somethinged.

    The usury is gross. Look at how the Cavuto’s sanitize it, calling it a “nanny state” and so on, making it sound so CUTE.

  34. “….The alliance between the Northeastern Yankees and West Coast Yankees accounts for 196 electoral college votes….”

    They were seeded into the places with the largest electoral vote. Same with Texas. When those seeded into that state come of age (very soon), then they have “voted in dictatorship.”

    The heart of the yankee is still a European Serf. They WANT an authoritarian, top-down, oligarchic entity that allows them to cease to exist, to abnegate real thought, to have their “two minute hates.”

    When the population is brown, however, they will still have a brown president. Only the White Euro Serfs need this—- it is an overt sign of their self abnegation, which makes them Godly, the way they were told in the worst, most ignorant parts of Europe.

  35. @ They hate being reminded of the fact that they voluntarily choose to align themselves with the blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and Jews…..

    They love it when they think it makes them MORAL, lol. But when they sniff that it shows they’re just used, that they’ve been had, that they can’t function in their own self-interest, and that people just see them with contempt, and laugh at them—- they don’t like that, LOL.

    It’s smelling their own weakness— that they don’t like.

  36. Insightful, honest post, Mr. Bonaccorsi.

    That’s why I use “Northeast Transplant” a lot, and Northeasterner.

    Southerners need to catch up to the fact that their latest enemies were NOT Wasp New Englanders. Having read your post, which notices the catholic experience, I would not be reactive if you then discussed jews. (There’s such a trend of the old “white ethnics” —this is NOT a slur— catholics trying to “blame” jews for the situation, and that won’t help, imo.

    To add—- many of the both jews and catholics who came in the last large White Wave had already polarized and squared off in Europe as “commie” versus “fascist.” (Something else that will not help, but keep going around in circles.)

    Imo— communism really is, as many say, a political working out of Judaism. And fascism a working out of catholicism.

    Neither group could very deeply understand the Protestant “base.” Even now, Jews just talk about them “losing power,” and the catholics talk about how their innate “heresies,” attached to the enlightenment, etc, etc, dragged down the country.

    In a sense, those other Americans are somewhat outside those questions, outside that way of “framing” things, imo.

  37. Hehehe.

    White voters in New Hampshire, Mass, Vermont, Maine… They should banned from voting. They exist in states that are unlike America, why it’s unpatriotic to allow these old whites to vote. Vermonters in the streets, so pasty so snowey, why it’s like a Klan rally when they have a street party. Any state that is too ethnically homogenous needs to be banned from the electoral college! (especially those in New England.)

  38. John B. wrote: “Drive west from Philadelphia along the Pennsylvania Turnpike and you will soon find yourself in Old Time America, with billboards with Christian messages. That’s red Pennsylvania, which gets outvoted by blue Philadelphia and Philadelphia’s blue suburbs (…) They’re Yankees only if one thinks that any white who lives in the North is a Yankee. I have the feeling that several of Occidental Dissent’s followers–and even Mr. W. himself–tend to think that that’s what a Yankee is.”

    Good comment. Yes, and the rural parts are very UNLIKE rural New England. The majority of counties are consistently “red” and the southern tier of counties, especially Bedford and Fulton, actually “look south” and southern speech patterns like West Virginia’s even prevail there.

  39. A local GOP stand with a string of stars and bars flags hanging over it at a local community summer festival, where a large stars and bars hangs on the back wall of the entertainment stage year after year — could that scene exist in New England? But it does here.

  40. @ John (2:34 PM) Why aren’t we using this as a meme against them?
    It kills me that people don’t say a constructive word in response when they are accused of “racism” , “greed”, or whatever. If anyone ever said that to me, my response would be “Am I? Or is you who are (racist, greedy, whatever)?” & just walk away. (I’m not going to argue) Because they don’t expect that. They expect denial. The projection & hypocrisy should be obvious. By going along, we give them cover.

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