Derb agrees:
“When you look at the overall picture, however, we are still fighting the Civil War. That is to say, the contest was mainly between two huge groups of white people who don’t much like each other, with the colored folk playing a marginal role. That’s how it was in the War Between the States, and that’s how it still is today.
In the state of Mississippi, for example, 89 percent of whites voted for Romney; in the state of Alabama, it was 84 percent. In the state of Maine, on the other hand, only 40 percent of whites voted for Romney; in Vermont, only 33 percent.
Barack Obama wasn’t re-elected by blacks, Hispanics, or Asians, though they helped at the margins; he was re-elected by Yankees.”
It is so obvious that it is hard to believe that we are still debating this anymore.
Here’s the percentage of the White vote won by John Kerry and Barack Obama in the 2004, 2008, and 2012 presidential elections:
New York: 49% (2004), 52% (2008), 49% (2012)
Massachusetts: 59% (2004), 59% (2008), 57% (2008)
Connecticut: 51% (2004), 51% (2004), 51% (2012)
New Hampshire: 50% (2004), 54% (2008), 51% (2012)
New Jersey: 49% (2008), 43% (2012)
Pennsylvania: 45% (2004), 48% (2008), 42% (2012)
Vermont: 65% (2008), 66% (2012)
Maine: 58% (2008), 57% (2012)
Rhode Island: 57% (2008)
Maryland: 56% (2008), 43% (2012)
Delaware: 55% (2008)
Here’s the number of electoral votes won by John Kerry and Barack Obama in the Northeast:
2004: 117/117 (100%)
2008: 117/117 (100%)
2012: 112/112 (100%)
Compare the 2008 election map by county to the 2012 election map by county in the Northeast. The New York Times interactive map also allows you to toggle by county through the 2012, 2008, 2004 ,and 2000 elections.
In 2000, 2004, 2008, and 2012, you can see that Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire became more Democratic. There was no change in Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts.
Here’s the percentage of the White vote won by John Kerry and Barack Obama in Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida in 2004, 2008, and 2012 presidential elections:
Weakening South
Florida: 42% (2004), 42% (2008), 37% (2012)
North Carolina: 27% (2004) 35% (2008), 31% (2012)
Virginia: 32% (2004), 39% (2008), 37% (2012)
How does the White vote for Barack Obama compare with the other Southern states?
Solid South
Mississippi: 11% (2008), 11% (2012)
Alabama: 10% (2008), 15% (2012)
What about black turnout? How does black turnout in the Weakening South compare to black turnout in the Solid South? What is the size of the black electorate in these five Southern states?
Mississippi: blacks are 38% of the electorate
Alabama: blacks are 28% of the electorate
Virginia: blacks are 20% of the electorate
Florida: blacks are 13% of the electorate
North Carolina: blacks are 23% of the electorate
What about Hispanic turnout? What is the size of the Hispanic electorate?
Virginia: Hispanics are 5% of the electorate
Florida: Hispanics are 17% of the electorate
North Carolina: Hispanics are 4% of the electorate
What is the size of the black and Hispanic electorate combined in the Weakening South compared to the Solid South?
Virginia: 25% of the electorate
Florida: 30% of the electorate
North Carolina: 27% of the electorate
Mississippi: 41% of the electorate
So, it turns out that there is a much bigger black and Hispanic electorate in Mississippi than either Florida, Virginia, or North Carolina. The problem in these three states is simply that 11% of Whites in Mississippi voted for Barack Obama whereas 31% to 37% are voting for him in Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia.
How do we explain this? Where are do these White voters live who are voting for Barack Obama? In Virginia, they obviously live in NOVA and Hampton Roads. In Florida, they obviously live in Tampa, Orlando, and Miami. In North Carolina, they obviously live in Asheville and the Research Triangle.
Let’s extend this analysis to the West Coast. What percentage of White people on the West Coast voted for Barack Obama?
California: 53% (2008), 45% (2012)
Oregon: 60% (2008), 54% (2012)
Washington: 59% (2008), 53% (2012)
Let’s do some more fun comparisons of the White vote for Barack Obama:
Texas: 28% (2008)
California: 53% (2008), 45% (2012)
Kentucky: 36% (2008)
Wisconsin: 54% (2008), 48% (2012)
West Virginia: 93% all White, all red
Vermont: 94% White, all blue
West Virginia are Vermont are the two whitest states in America. In Vermont, every county voted for Barack Obama. In West Virginia, every county voted for Mitt Romney. California and Texas are two of the most Hispanic states in America. Yet California is a solid blue state and Texas is a solid red state.
The 2012 election was another clash between the rival subnations: Dixie (Greater Appalachia, Tidewater, Deep South, New France) and Far West versus Yankeedom, Left Coast, New Netherland, and El Norte. The Midlands replayed its traditional role as the swing region between the two coalitions.
Notice how little changed: the Cascades is still the cultural fault line in the “Pacific Northwest” between Far West and the Left Coast. El Norte turned out for Obama in Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.
Iowa still has its split personality. Eastern Iowa, Southwest Wisconsin, and Southeast Minnesota reproduced itself as distinct cultural region. Greater Appalachia and Deep South went hard for Romney. South Florida continued to play its role as a cultural region distinct from North Florida.
For all the talk about “the Hispanic vote,” the fault line of American politics is still the same as it was when George Washington was president: it is still Yankeedom vs. Deep South.
I find that if I’ve prepared for the potential comebacks the arguments are easy to win.
“Southerners need to catch up to the fact that their latest enemies were NOT Wasp New Englanders.”
Bullshit. The most sanctimonious liberal Yankee preachers in New York and New England are Congregationalists, mainline Presbyterians, Unitarians, and Episcopalians whose congregations are most assuredly old stock WASPs (and Quakers in and around the Quaker City.) I don’t know of a single (and I know a lot of them) Quaker or Unitarian who isn’t effectively a Marxist in their politics, even if not in their tax returns. And they all voted solidly for Obama just as they did for Lincoln. I’d definitely call them enemies of the South.
It’s not that the arguments are difficult. It’s that they are bullheaded (or brainwashed) stupid. You can debunk a point a dozen times & they’ll still come back with the same exact phrase(s). Which might be intentional.
They “win” their arguments (in their minds) the by the other party throwing up their hands, having realized they’re hopeless. Life’s too short.
If it seemed like a clueless (not tactical) doubt, I would explain, but I won’t “argue”.
How’s the saying go about “never argue with an idiot…”? That.
Agreed with that.
Seriously how many yankees are going to help us? Even the ones here rise to the anti Southron language like a trout to flies and yankees in general have been doing so for 180 years. So how many useful tools are we antagonizing? And why would they mind being called what they are? What do they have in terms of words and actions to offset their peoples track record?
As for yankee land full of people not technically yankees, who cares when they act like the yankees of 1860? These old school rural yankees in PA are probably the decedents of the yankees who caused this mess with lincoln so yea they are yankees
I find it hilarious that some of the yankees here who run down the South on the regular now object to being called yankees when their pro White bluff was called on election night
Here is a clip everyone should watch. It may give you insight as to what WE are really dealing with:
Don’t agree? Then back it up with some genuine research. And, as I’ve often repeated on OD, most whites don ‘t see the real enemy.
“I find it hilarious that some of the yankees here who run down the South on the regular now object to being called yankees when their pro White bluff was called on election night”
I find it odd that voting for that liberal moron Romney is taken as some sort of litmus test for Yankees and Southerners. Especially coming from a bunch of Southern elitist/vanguardists who didn’t vote for Romney either! LOL
What we have here is a bunch of intellectuals judging the moral worth of the great unwashed of voters nationwide by whether or not they voted Republican. It’s too absurd.
“I find it hilarious that some of the yankees here who run down the South on the regular now object to being called yankees when their pro White bluff was called on election night”
I criticize the South on a regular basis and don’t object in the least to being called a “Yankee” although the word “Copperhead” is probably a better fit.
As to the faults of the South:
I detest the hot, fetid, Deep South climate which is not fit for White men.
I object to the snobbish planter cronyism of the Confederate government in Richmond for repeatedly assigning Braxton Bragg to positions of high command in Tennessee thus ensuring Federal victory there and led ultimately to the fall of Atlanta which handed the 1864 election to Lincoln.
I object to Lee’s ill fated invasion of Pennsylvania which he embarked upon with no overall strategic objective.
I object to Lee’s choice of ground at Gettysburg and to his repeated frontal assaults upon the Meade’s superior positions on Cemetery Ridge. There was no need to confront Meade at Gettysburg in the first place.
But most of all I object to the intransigence of Southern politicians in seceding rather than negotiating with Lincoln for ending slavery as was done in the rest of the English Empire and which would:
1) resulted in the compensation of the planters for their property and the selling off of many Negroes to foreign countries like Brazil.
2) forestalled the granting of citizenship to the freedman and the disastrous passing of the 12th through 15th Amendments which dismantled the Old Republic.
and most importantly,
3) the dysgenic waste occurring by the deaths of upwards of 650,000 heroic Whites and the century long laying waste to the economy of the South.
And again (and I’m guilty of this myself) the judging of the great unwashed American electorate on whether or not they voted for Romney when many of the intellectual snobs/crypto vanguardists here did not deign to do so themselves.
Chris’s bluff was called in spectacular fashion. Michigan for Romney! Bwahahahaha.
Yet the cunt won’t eat his crow.
What if the Confederates had started a seccession and no northerners had shown up to turn it into a war of extermination? What then Rudel?
As for yankee land full of people not technically yankees, who cares when they act like the yankees of 1860? These old school rural yankees in PA are probably the decedents of the yankees who caused this mess with lincoln so yea they are yankees.
Just to clarify, Stonelifter: I wasn’t saying those rural Pennsylvanians are not Yankees; I questioned whether the term is appropriately applied to greater Philadelphia’s Catholics, whose votes, I’d guess, combine with black votes to make Pennsylvania a blue state in national elections. It was Mosin who later questioned whether the term should be applied even to those rural types.
You’re probably right that those rural types are descendants of supporters and soldiers of the Union, but do you think they’d join in against the South if it were to secede over Obamacare or same-sex marriage? I’m not so sure. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re not very different from the rural persons of the South–and never were very different from them. Whether Mr. W. or you or other Confederate diehards want to acknowledge the fact, slavery was a uniquely upsetting issue. What Rudel just said, above, about Southern intransigence on slavery is something I myself have said here: that intransigence rendered impossible any serious discussion of separation of blacks from whites within the territory of the U.S. You are not men of honor. You were disingenuous about the slavery question in the time before the Civil War, and you’re disingenuous about it now.
John B,
You live in Penn today. You are now part of the problem not the solution.
Lincoln was bent on killing 1/5 of the whites in the South from the get go. The depth of his hatred for the white population there is probably unfathomable. He did not act with a heavy heart he was a happy warrior.
You live in Penn today. You are now part of the problem not the solution.
If you think everyone in the North should be put to death, John, well, then, yes, I guess I’m part of the problem.
This is the New Rubio 2016 advert.
Amnesty and It’s Discontents. Coming to a city near you in 2020!
Enter The Barrio!
“What if the Confederates had started a seccession and no northerners had shown up to turn it into a war of extermination? What then Rudel?”
I am in complete agreement that theConstitution provides for no impediment to secession but the Abolitionists had already shown up waging a war well before South Carolina seceded. Reneging on the Compromise of 1850 (itself a modification of the Missouri Compromise) by the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska act led directly to Jayhawker violence, John Brown’s raid of 1859, and the intensification of the actions of Underground Railroad a criminal conspiracy to violate the Fugitive Slave Law.
John should probably go back to England if he hates it here so much.
Even in Vermont, the most liberal state in Yankeeland, 33% of Whites voted for Romney.
That is higher than Romney’s percentage among Hispanics, Asians or Jews.
(I’m not surprised that Derbyshire tries to distract attention from this fact. He has a long track record as an apologist for Jews and Asians.)
Not only are the most hard-core liberal Yankees more conservative than non-Whites, they are also highly atypical for the North as a whole. A map showing results by county reveals that the rural/small town/suburban White counties in the North voted overwhelmingly for Romney, with the following exceptions: New England, a few left coast enclaves, and some heavily “Red Finn” counties around lake Superior. This is a totally different situation from the 19th century, when rural Southern counties voted for the Democrats and rural Northern counties voted for the Republicans. If anything, Whites from various regions are less disunited than anytime since the 1820s.
The larger point, however, is the irrelevance of the choice offered to the American people. Both parties exist to serve Jewish interests. The Republican’s core platform is to give Mike Bloomberg a tax cut and bomb Israel’s enemies. The Democrat’s core platform is to advance the cultural marxist agenda. The Democrats never successfully resist the Republican core platform, and the Republicans never successfully resist the Democrats core platform. And, as Boehner’s recent remarks show, both parties are useless on immigration.
If Massachussetts is a dupe for the lies of Herbert Marcuse, South Carolina has shown itself to be a dupe for the lies of Irving Kristol and Ayn Rand. Exhibit A: Senator Lindsay Graham
What would be truly revealing would be the results of a hypothetical face-off between Pat Buchanan and Bill Clinton, with the following issues salient:
Buchanan for an immigration moratorium, Clinton for open borders.
Buchanan for a non-interventionist foreign policy, Clinton for bombing Serbia and Iraq.
Buchanan for federalism, which leaves room for social conservatism at the state level; Clinton for a centralizing cultural marxist state.
Buchanan for economic nationalism benefitting the industrial heartland, Clinton for globalism benefitting the finance and media centers (NYC and LA).
In such a faceoff, the demographics of ideology would be clear:
Jews would be the most liberal, with 99% + voting for Clinton.
Open borders Asians and Hispanics, our designated replacements, would be only slightly less liberal. (A non-interventionist candidate couldn’t hold the Cuban vote)
Blacks and American Indians would vote heavily for Clinton, but Buchanan would have a fighting chance for a non-negligible share (unlike the situation among the above listed treason lobby base)
The real question is, could Buchanan have won the White vote and thus the election? In New England he would have been up against knee-jerk progressivism, in Dixie he would have been up against Christian Zionism and dogmatic libertarianism, and in the rest of the country (which contains the vast majority of the White population) he would have had to overcome all three of these pernicious ideologies.
Of course, we can never know for sure how it would have gone. South Carolina voted for Dole in the 1996 primaries, breaking the momentum Buchanan had from his win in New Hampshire.
Romney easily won the white vote in Michigan. The whole of white Britain is to this day still madly in love with Obama. Go home, British national. Ain’t ever gonna be no ‘Dixie’ here again. Even Hunter, your “leader”, is contemplating leaving the country!
“I find it odd that voting for that liberal moron Romney is taken as some sort of litmus test for Yankees and Southerners. Especially coming from a bunch of Southern elitist/vanguardists who didn’t vote for Romney either! LOL”
Look, Romney sucked, fer sure. Since the repukes refused to give us a viable pro-White candidate, a vote for Romney can be, in truth, taken as a vote for Not-The-Nigger.
What’s far, far more telling, breathtaking, even, is the White people that actually, proactively, marshalled the effort to go to the polls to cast a vote FOR Obama. Like 48% of single White men! YIKES!
“I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re not very different from the rural persons of the South–and never were very different from them.”
Here is the 1860 Electoral Map by county.
The candidates were John C. Breckenridge (Southern Democrat), Stephen Douglas (Democrat), John Bell (Constitutional Union), and Abraham Lincoln (Republican) who won with only 39% of the popular vote.
Had the Democrats not split and/or had South Carolina voted (they had already seceded) Lincoln would not have won.,_1860
Final result in Michigan
Final Results : Obama +9.5
Whites in Michigan had the ability to win this one easily but your friends and neighbours Renigged. They had the power to burn the Northern Firewall and did not. Stop scrabbling around for excuses Chris. There’s no solice in some exit polls.
As long as whites continue splitting their vote more and more power accrues to the Multicult and specifically Blacks–Hispanics–Asians. Whites have no excuses now, vote 75-80% one way or face extinguished political power.
Go home, you fucking clown. You post here more frequently than anyone else, and all you do is screech the same shrill repetition about terrible this country is. Why don’t you just fuck off back home then?
Why? Because you have it better here, even now, under “BRA” than you ever could back in the dump you crawled out of. And it burns you up inside, doesn’t it, you pathetic little hypocrite?
You aren’t from here, so the Civil War, and all this Yankee/Confederate bullshit has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. You don’t vote in American elections, so you DON’T GET TO BLAME THOSE OF US WHO DO.
And, newsflash: I’m not the only one on here who is getting tired of your silly routine
Go home, asshole.
Why dont you fuck off back to Redstate? That’s your mental level. Rah rah rah! Go Red!
Note that a racist is demanding that a white fuck off out the country?
Chris must be some kind of Nig. Why bother otherwise?
“Whites have no excuses now, vote 75-80% one way or face extinguished political power.”
You sound just like Chris! Vote Republican and all our problems will be solved. What a joke. Since 1854 the Republican Party is and always has been part of the problem, not part of the solution. The nomination of Romney just proves that the same industrial and financial plutocrats who formed the party in the first place are still as firmly in control as ever.
“You aren’t from here, so the Civil War, and all this Yankee/Confederate bullshit has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU.”
The Anglosphere is much more tightly linked culturally, politically, and militarily than you think. If a referendum on EU membership were held today Great Britain would opt out in a nonce.
In which foreign country would you prefer to stand trial? In any one of Great Britain, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand or somewhere else? The answer is not even close.
“The Anglosphereis much more tightly linked culturally, politically, and militarily than you think.”
– America was never exclusively an “Anglo” country, and what remains of it today is no way the the property or domain of some long-dead “Anglosphere”. John has no direct, ancestral bond to this country, and he benefits more from being here than he is damaged by it, so the fucking squatter needs to give his shit-talking a rest.
“In which foreign country would you prefer to stand trial?
– Who’s standing trial? For what?
The GOP is really played out now.
Chris is obviously a hugely egotist. Let him rot with his black neighbours.
Hugely egotistical…
No fckn shame at all at predicting the vote in Michigan, berating everyone on here for correctly predicting the defeat of Romney there. He’s stupid, vain and ignorant like a porch monkey. The Kuwait Times called this election better than Chris. Remember that link Chris? Some Kuwaiti hack knew more about your electoral politics than you did!
“You sound just like Chris!”
Now that hurts.
“Vote Republican and all our problems will be solved”
That’s not quite what I meant, instead suppose there was a white bloc that was 75% of the white vote.
“What a joke.”
No joke, what if? Hypothic pf course, but what if?
“Since 1854 the Republican Party is and always has been part of the problem, not part
of the solution. The nomination of Romney just proves that the same industrial and
financial plutocrats who formed the party in the first place are still as firmly in control as ever.”
There is that. I’m no party loyalist. You don’t need to patronize me about the origin of the GOP.
Not that whites would vote 75-80% for one party, it’s purely hypothetical, but what would be wrong if they did? What problem would you have with an overwhelming deniggification of the vote and a repudiation of the black in American politics? What’s not to like?
You’re still here? I thought on election night, you said, all shaken-like, that you were going to ” have a serious thought about your children’s future in this country” and some crap about ” hordes of brown cannibals”..? Pussy.
Go join Hunter and Yancey in Tasmania.
Go home, John.
Go fishing.
My serious thought was to become more openly racist in day to day life actually. I was also fishing.
One of the major problems with Romney was the continual claim that Obama wants to turn America into Europe. Truth is Obama wants to turn America into into Brazil. The GOP would also like to turn America into Brazil. Limbaugh, Hannity, Oreilly, Noonsn, Krauthammer… They all do. Yet a commentator on an obscure blog draws your retrarded ire?
Ahhhhh living in the past doesn’t help too much!
Evidently the White Male superiority suffers from allowing the misfits to join in.
You’re probably right that those rural types are descendants of supporters and soldiers of the Union, but do you think they’d join in against the South if it were to secede over Obamacare or same-sex marriage? I’m not so sure. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re not very different from the rural persons of the South–and never were very different from them.
It’s a good point Mr. B, as well as Rudel’s, however, despite that, ultimately the question must be “would they oppose the formation of a society that excluded them from its territory for whatever reason, including possibly race and/or ethnicity?” The moral answer must be no.
“- America was never exclusively an “Anglo” country, and what remains of it today is no way the the property or domain of some long-dead “Anglosphere”.”
Funny then that the rest of the world still thinks the Angloshpere is still very much alive. It certainly is in the realms of finance, commerce, and the legal system and of course the language itself which influences at a basic level the very way that we think.
As for a trial, pick any criminal indictment you’d like. We’re still innocent until proven guilty and have resort to a jury trial for felonies. The warp and woof of English common law is still omnipresent despite your ignorance of all of this. I’ll just put that down to the fact that you’re a stupid, uneducated wop from Detroit.
“What problem would you have with an overwhelming deniggification of the vote and a repudiation of the black in American politics? What’s not to like?”
The problem is not the niggers. They are what they are and they make up a smaller portion of the electorate each year. The problem is with the spics, chinks, and other Asians who are taking over slowly but surely both demographically and financially through unfair trade practices. They are all most surely taking away the jobs of Whites.
The police forces are relatively free of corruption. That’s the Anglosphere. You have a good shot at justice in any country that is English speaking.
Imagine trial in Mexico or even Italy. Not to mention Turkey or Egypt.
You still didn’t explain what any trial system has to do with what I telling John. And if I’m reading you correctly, you’re claiming that America is still very much part of the “Anglosphere”, yet it’s trial system is considerably softer than the rest of the “Anglosphere”, which is itself, distinguished by it’s uniquely arbitrary trial system? So you basically contradicted yourself, you dumbass kraut cocksucker.
And BTW, Grace Kelly got fucked every night by Ranier Grimaldi and eventually birthed three little “wops”.
I wasn’t asking a trick question. I was asking you, what would be wrong with a party that had 75% of whites voting in unison?
Here’s a telling article about the sort of Conservatism that Chris represents. Here’s a big mouth with a TV show saying Hispanics are all welcome.
Hannity is TYPICAL for his ethnic background. Oreilly is as big a fool.
Here he uses Brits as a prop. Instead of saying bluntly that socialized healthcare in the US would be a wealth transfer from whites to black he says stupid shit like this easily refuted crap.
While sparring over whether government should run the healthcare system, O’Reilly said one need look no further than Great Britain for why government run healthcare doesn’t work. “In Britain, everyone’s teeth have fallen out,” he joked.
O’Reilly argued government was good at running things such as the military and the tax system, because it had a “tradition” of doing so—while it had no such tradition with healthcare.
“That may be the silliest thing you’ve said all night,” Stewart said, before arguing government could make healthcare part of a proud tradition, just as the military is.”
Stupid fckn mick.
My vote for Romney was, well, not a vote for Romney but a vote against Obama. I hated the fact I had to vote for Romney but I am in a swing state. I still struggle with my lack of principles. I wanted to cast it for Virgil Goode.
“What would be wrong with a party that had 75 percent of whites voting in unison?”
The problems would be two:
a) the minute the 75pc whites elected their chosen candidates, the candidates would then go to Washington where they would proceed to completely ignore all the interests and demands of the whites who had elected them. If you sputtered, “Then vote the bums out! Well guess what? The very next crop of freshly-elected bums would do the exact same thing.
b) your hypothetical white-bloc party would be infiltrated, bought out, and run by Jews faster than you could say Next year in Jerusalem.
Wait wait, just like this current party political mess already is run by Jewish cash.