Auster on Americanism


Auster writes:

“The American Nation—or the American Experiment, as neocons love to call it—has decisively failed. Somehow we must start over again. …

I used to love the American flag with an indescribable love; for many years, it hasn’t meant much to me. Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance used to move me to my core; I haven’t recited it for many years. The 2012 election carries that alienation to a new level. …

As you know, I feel that the Southern Secession is a suicidally flawed model for us in all kinds of ways. I wrote not long ago that any secessionist movement must start on fresh ground, not evoking the same tired, discredited, and doomed ground of the Southern Secession.

Just as we can no longer go back to the American Founding for our models, because of its ultimately fatal flaws (as I argue above), we cannot go back to the much more radically flawed Southern Secession. Excuse the cliché from the President who defeated the South, but we must think anew and act anew.”

Why is the Confederacy a flawed model?

Dixie is still conservative. New England is still liberal. Nothing has changed in 150 years. Southern secession is perfectly sensible because it draws the international border along the preexisting ethnocultural fault line.

The Founders made a mistake by creating the Union. They should have created a Southern Confederacy at the beginning. Instead, they built “the American Experiment” on the basis of race and republicanism, and that proved to be too weak a foundation to endure over time.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. A rural insurrection against the urban would be more fitting of the modern philosophical breakdown of the geography.

    Sure the racial ones of the past still exist, but back when those borders were set the newer immigrant populations brought their philosophy with them. I personally think most whites are far enough removed from that to be more influenced by the American liberal tradition than the cavalier and Celtic vs Lutheran and Puritan ones that defined the first wbts.

    I think the arguments of Jeff Davis would resonate more with your average Joe northern redneck than anything from the east coast or the LGBT brigade.

  2. Seven generations ago, and further back, we REALLY liked our lives here.

    Now we don’t, and lesser minds than we had insist on going on and on, re-living all the discussions we had already 200+ years ago.

    Different people came, they polarize here just as they did in Europe— and they cannot offer any life that really looks good. That’s the main thing.

    At some point, they have to be left to their circular problem. Many Americans lived without that problem for 400 years. They didn’t want to have to listen to it then, and they don’t want to have to listen to it now.

    A good country is one where you can really live, create, and reproduce. Not serve the machine.

  3. In other words— it really seems time to move on from the country completely, the secession of the heart— and to begin to forge the new ideas, that may have nothing to do with their past (the past of whoever the americans are now).

  4. I of course disagree about Auster’s anti-southernism. But more than ever identify with third world whites and white jews. Patriotism is dead. We are now a nation within a nation. A laughable nation whose idolatrous mongrel horde deserve spit & scorn.

    Every bit of decency the USA had has been destroyed. The country is discredited. Until southern secession, white men will be without a firm foothold in the north americas.

  5. Hunter:..Auster’s statement was made in reply to my post: here is the whole thing:
    My post:
    ” I’m becoming more and more partial to the old Confederate battle flag. Partially because my great-grandfather fought for it in Lee’s Army and partially because the modern liberal left(and accomodationist right) hates it so much. If secession does become a reality, the states of the old Confederacy (minus present day Virginia and Florida) would be the logical place to start. A new Confederacy, which would not have the albatross of slavery around its neck, would still embody traditionalist values. I think it’s indisputable that these southern states still have the most respect for tradition, religious values and true conservatism than any other region of the once upon a time USA. We could then welcome those other states like Kentucky and West Virginia and those of the intermountain West which aspire to those same values. I’ve arrived at the point where I thrill much more to the strains of “the Bonnie Blue Flag” and “Dixie” much more than the Star Spangled banner (sadly at one time that was not the case).

    LA replies:

    As you know, I feel that the Southern Secession is a suicidally flawed model for us in all kinds of ways. I wrote not long ago that any secessionist movement must start on fresh ground, not evoking the same tired, discredited, and doomed ground of the Southern Secession.

    Just as we can no longer go back to the American Founding for our models, because of its ultimately fatal flaws (as I argue above), we cannot go back to the much more radically flawed Southern Secession. Excuse the cliché from the President who defeated the South, but we must think anew and act anew.

  6. My apologies to Dixiegirl and Earlmundo…I’m Irish catholic and still go to mass every sunday…just like my great-grandfather did when he was in the Confederate army with his Alabama regiment. And his descendants who foolishly served the union in WW2. Would have no doubt been effective if a couple of know-nothings like you two had replied to Auster.

  7. I would genuinely like to know how Southern secession was discredited and why it is “much more radically flawed.” It looks to me like the Southern secessionists have been vindicated on almost every point.

  8. Hunter..Auster never spells it out, his major objection was to slavery. Interestingly enough,,in another thread on his blog..he’s all out for ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Israel…even though they have lived there for centuries…

  9. Hunter, Auster is a simple man embracing simple concepts. And no concept is more stupidly simple than the hoary “You lost, therefore you were wrong” argument. A Latin flourish may give the fallacy some purchasing power. Let’s just say: Iniuria quia amisisti

  10. Hunter you already know the problem with Auster. Auster is forever a total man of contradiction and it is because of his ethnicity. He is a New York Jew. By the very definition, he will never support Southern secession even if it is the answer to the problem.

    It is why I stopped reading him years ago. His ethnicity clouds everything for him and makes him a man that is so blatantly hypocritical and contradictory that it is unbearable.

    Tanstaafl of Age of Treason blog has done a very good job dissecting Auster through the years. If any White person is reading Auster and can’t figure out why he doesn’t see the obvious in front of his face, it will explain it for you.

  11. “I’m Irish catholic and still go to mass every sunday” – Sully.

    That explains everything. Thanks for dropping the shoe. You’re merely a company man. As a Celt, I can understand your desire to pretend that Ireland is worth something. As a Catholic, I can understand your utter credibility in thinking that Rome is ‘it.’ But, after merely reading Pinay, de Poncins, Williamson, as well as the honest grievances of the Reformers, but more importantly the Patristic Fathers, and their animosity to the very things Rome stands for; and the disconnect in trying as hard as I could, to not noting the fallacies, the lies, and the utter stupidity of it all, was something I could no longer do.

    HW, Ulfric is absolutely correct. Auster, even if a Trad. Anglo-Catholic Anglican, and believing in the Eucharist, the priesthood, confession/absolution, and the BVM as such, is still, at base, a marrano- he’s an ethnic Jew. It will ALWAYS be, Jew, Westerner, Christian for him. In that order.

    Here’s a recent link to an OOP book I’m currently reading, that talks honestly about the expulsion of the jews from Spain under Ferd and Izzy. Same ethnos under discussion, different century. But the same problem. A people devoid of the grace of the covenant, by their own choice- forever. [Matt. 27:25]

  12. Fr John! Thanks for posting that link. That book is excellent.

    I pray ot God on High that we reclaim the Spirit of the Old Christians of Spain. Bless the Righteous Christian King and Queen Ferdinand and Isabella for Eternity.

  13. Auster is prepping his readers to listen and obey the great, wise, and profound instructions of the Light of the World. The solem teachings of the Self Chosen will show the foolish, stupid Goyim the way. That Light, howver, is the garish, blinding incinerating Light of Hell Fire.

    See the Jew. Smell the Sulphur.

    Go back to Hell, Jew.

  14. Get it right, Fr John – Maurice Pinay of and Bishop Williamson (recently expelled from the Society of St Pius X) are Roman Catholics. They defend the Petrine Office and succession. They are on board with the Council of Chalcedon that the Successor of St Peter has “the custody of the Vine”.

    What they oppose is the USURPATION of the Roman See by anti-Christs and Judaic infiltrators. What they acknowledge is the statement of Pope Leo XIII – “they [the enemies of the Church] have overturned the Chair of Peter”. What they deny is false obedience to papacies that are doubtful by Patristic criteria and indeed the criteria of what the Church has always and everywhere taught – up to Vatican Council II. Even so, judgement is reserved to Holy Church on the matter of these Conciliar papacies – post 1963.

    Maurice Pinay, Bishop Williamson and others have taken up the fight of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre “the fight guaranteed by a whole line of popes” – against the Judaic imperium, against the works of Jewry, against the infilitration of the Church by Marrano interests, against the heresy of Modernism – what Pope St Pius X in Pascendi called “the sum of all heresies”.

    The argument that you are quoting in favour of your brand of Russian Orthodoxy is actually a crisis within the Roman Catholic Church.

    No one is arguing against the claims of the Petrine Office, itself – as set forth in scripture and the Tradition of the Church.

  15. As much as I admire LA, and as frequently as I read him, I’m afraid there is much truth to what is being said of him in this forum. While is is (to my knowledge) a profoundly decent man, her does seem to shudder at the mere mention of Dixie.

    I think it’s a cultural thing. Thanks to 150 years of Yankee-supremacist books, films, songs, and other media, many if not most Notherners and New Yorkers (especially Jews) have been inculcated with a reflexive hatred for anything associated with the South (except for the Noble Negro, of course). No matter how nicely a Southerner may dress, no matter how mellow a Southerner’s manners may be, no matter how many degrees a Southerner may have earned, to the Noo Yoahkuh he’s just another hillbilly with rickets. Jesus Christ Himself could drive up in the General Lee with Robert E. Lee riding shotgun and and Joe Fuggedaboudit would give Him the Finger. Forget Faulkner, Poe, Percy, Welty, Williams, Wolfe, Flannery O’Connor, and Roy Fucking Orbison: to the Nyer and Nyjer every single Southerner is a gap-toothed, inbred Li’l Abner who is only nine short banjo notes away from schtupping Ned Beatty up the ass.

    I love New York. I have had a great deal of fun there over the years, and I find most Nyers to be amiable and generous. But they hate the South, and anyone or anything from the South.

    Hatred of the South: call it austrophobia.

  16. “I would genuinely like to know how Southern secession was discredited and why it is “much more radically flawed.” It looks to me like the Southern secessionists have been vindicated on almost every point.”

    I beleive there is much evidence to suggest that had the south NOT seceded when it did, I would have far less of it’s identity remaining than it does now. Resistance, even failed resistance, still galvanizes a people around a common struggle and in doing so manifests a shared tragedy that endures. Just ask the Scots, or the Tibetans.

  17. While we have our flaws as a nation and a people, the Dixie model still has a lot or power in the minds of Southron White men. These young men I talk to about it here absolutely light up when I tell them about the South and what should be their heritage.

    Some men form the AL national guard are here and I don’t pass up a chance to tell them about our nation, our history and this here blog. They all listen, they never baulk and often say something like “my grand paw said they same thing”. I think it is beyond difficult for outsiders to understand what the images of Dixie inspire in young Southron men.

    These young men know things are fucked up. They know “their” govt prefers women, niggers, beaners, queers etc over them but they need to know
    #1 we are a separate people form yankees and the rest of “america”
    #2 the federal govt is our enemy and has occupied our nation since 1865
    #3 the federal govt, niggers, queers, the Godless etc are tools of the yankee
    #4 they need to know about the yankee propaganda regarding the war for Southron independence and our ways
    #5 while some individual yankees might be ok, yankees as a group are our problem
    #6 nothing will be solved as long as we are tied to the damnyankee and his union.

    However the New Dixie cannot and should not be a carbon copy of the Old Dixie. Things changed

    I think traditional minded is a better word for our people then conservative. Seems to me, even a good number of our native born liberals are traditionally minded folks

    Sulla, our Catholics have always been good Southron men. My former father in law comes from a long line of fine Catholic Southron men. His forefathers left Louisiana and fought the damnyankee all over the South. I’m proud my sons carry that blood as well. The South should never forget our Irish and our Catholics have never been the problem but we should never forget the other kind have been.

  18. @LandShark, November 20, 2012 at 6:45 am:

    Skynyrd’s lone surviving original member, Gary Rossington, recently told CNN that the band will cease using the stars-and-bars flag as a stage decoration due to its “offensive and racist undertones”.

  19. It looks to me like the Southern secessionists have been vindicated on almost every point.

    Almost every point, yes–except the main one. Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, Mr. W., that Confederate flag stands for one thing–slavery–and not just in the minds of blacks. I imagine there are quite a few Northerners who are as conservative as any conservative of the South, but whose reaction to the sight of that flag is as strongly negative as yours is positive. Many of them probably have ancestors who died, as Union soldiers, on Civil War battlefields.

    At this point, I don’t think it really matters. The main thing is for whites who want to survive as whites to get free from the United States. If you want to call your new land Dixie, if you want to fly that flag, if you want to do nothing but watch football and have tailgate parties for the remainder of eternity, and if you want to outlaw all music except Hank Williams, Jr., well, Godspeed. That’s how much I love the white race.

    (PS: I’d ask you to, at least, reconsider on the Hank Williams, Jr., thing.)

  20. PPS Just saw Robert Oculus’s post about Lynyrd Skynyrd and the stars-and-bars. The very subject I was addressing.

  21. Let me paraphrase what John B says about our flag

    the damnyankee is such a nigger lover he recoils at any symbol that implies keeping the beasts in their proper place and the damnyankee is completely ignorant of his own peoples history of owning slaves and being heavily involved in the slave trade.

  22. the damnyankee is such a nigger lover he recoils at any symbol that implies keeping the beasts in their proper place and the damnyankee is completely ignorant of his own peoples history of owning slaves and being heavily involved in the slave trade.

    No, Stonelifter, not a legitimate paraphrase, merely another vulgar Southern outburst and more Southern defensiveness. You boys never give up on a losing method, do you?

  23. “No, Stonelifter, not a legitimate paraphrase, merely another vulgar Southern outburst and more Southern defensiveness. You boys never give up on a losing method, do you?”

    He’s way in the minority. I’ve met lots of proud southerners, lots of yankee haters, never anyone as self-defeating as him. Alienating potential allies is never a good idea, fortunately he’s in the extreme minority.

  24. And what else could it be given how the yankee recoils in horror at a symbol of liberty and White supremacy

    If you don’t love negros why would you care about what was done to them in the past?

    yankees don’t recoil in horror at the union flag despite its war on Southron White people. Southron White civilians. Or what it did to indians. To me that means you prefer negros over us. Same thing for the way y’all vote, the CRM, 13th amendment and all the rest

  25. “Or what it did to indians.”

    I call BS. Andrew Jackson was as Southron as they come and he was an Indian killer par excellence. Dixie didn’t treat the Indians any better than the rest of the country’s settlers and pioneers.

  26. Who gives a shit what “Lynyrd Skynyrd” announces today? I put the name in quotation marks because it should be placed in quotation marks–since at least the early 90s and probably since the plane crash in 77. The band has really been nothing since then but a commercial name and manned by dozens of band members that have came and went like itinerant seasonal farm workers. At least for a few years after they got back together since the crash that killed Ronnie Van Zant and the Gaines’s, they had Van Zant’s brother fill in and it was still pretty much the same band. But then beginning in 91 and continuing until reaching absurdity, the band became like a bad company with a steady revolving door for employee turnover until hardly any of the original band members were left, or at least together at any one time.

    The same thing is true of Blackfoot. The music and bands everyone really liked were products of the 70s and ended with the 70s or by the early 80s. After that, the two bands were only trademarked names. Sometimes they sounded pretty good, depending on who they had playing for them and doing vocals in a given time, but they were never really the original bands or sound ever again.

    As for the Stars and Bars, as far as I can tell based upon my life experience, outside of the Northeast and in and around colleges, and the media and venal politicians, no one gives a damn about the flag. Normal people don’t care care.

  27. “I imagine there are quite a few Northerners who are as conservative as any conservative of the South, but whose reaction to the sight of that flag is as strongly negative as yours is positive.”

    Nonsense. Outside of the three domains I listed above, I have never in my life heard any white people say anything about the flag, let alone react strongly to it. Off the television set and a few college windbags, nobody much mentions it besides niggers.

  28. You miss re-read me Rudel.

    I don’t care what was done to the indains, but the yankees seem to have a hole there. Our flag is bad because of slavery, their flag is good to despite the fact they waged war on Southron White men to keep our tax money, arm negros and sent them to kill us, wage war on our civilians, engaged in the slave trade, and committed genocide against the indians. Yet somehow are flag is bad because of slavery and their flag is A OK.

    That’s bullshit

    I don’t think all that much of Jackson. He was a good fighter, killed a crap load of his nations enemies and was as tough as tough gets but he was also a unionist. Mixed bag.

  29. Regarding Northern agression against the South, it really began during the Revolutionary War when several regiments of Tory Provincial troops from New York and New Jersey came south as part of the British 1780 invasion of South Carolina.
    Examples are DeLancey’s Brigade, the New Jersey Volunteers, the Queen’s Rangers, and the American Volunteers.

    These units were characterized by particularly brutal behavior against civilian Whig-sympathizers. Some also received their just desserts from the Scots-Irish militia of upper South Carolina and western North Carolina: the American Volunteers were wiped out at King’s Mountain.

  30. any rate, given the history of my flag and the history of the yankee flag, what am I to conclude when I hear how anti my flag yankees are?

    My conclusion is, yankees love the negro above indians and Southron White people and the yankee has fully bought into their own propaganda about how righteous they are/ have been

  31. Sulla says:
    My apologies to Dixiegirl and Earlmundo…I’m Irish catholic and still go to mass every sunday…just like my great-grandfather did when he was in the Confederate army with his Alabama regiment….

    Sulla, just as people like Confederate Papist, you’re a stand-up person— and have nothing to do with what harmed, and continues to harm, people like me.

    You did not fight on that side and would not in the future, and you stand by the history of your forefathers, as well as the teachings given to you, which is the correct thing to do, imo.

    There was a time in catholicism, just as in protestantism, when it was a given that ethnic identity —the real experienced and remembered history and reality of a people– should be protected, defended, and always remembered.

    I just hate seeing the most Generational Americans so silenced, that’s all. It’s very wrong.

  32. @ “….The argument that you are quoting in favour of your brand of Russian Orthodoxy is actually a crisis within the Roman Catholic Church….”

    Truly, everything in the world secretly boils down to ‘it’s about Lynda.” Woe to the people who don’t want —or simply have too much sporty and creativity— to live in a Mommy Professors’ lock-down.

  33. One day someone will make a faux paux and instead of debating some abstract esoterica will just come out and say he/she will look out for Southerners’ interest.

  34. John Bona,

    Slavery ceased to exist in 1865. The abolition of slavery changed nothing. Dixie has continued to clash with Yankeeland along the same cultural fault lines for only the past 147 years.

    No one can blame slavery for what happened in the 1960s. No one can blame slavery for the Yankees turning out to vote as a phalanx for Obama twice in 2008 and 2012. Southerners said all along that slavery was incidental to the conflict.

    Davis and Rhett and Stephens have been vindicated. 147 years after the demise of slavery, New England and Dixie are as polarized as they were in the 1850s.

    Yankees are liberals. Southerners are conservatives. That’s the way it has always been regardless of the “issues” of the day.

  35. Can any of you “experts” tell us what a true “Conservative” is?

    The term has been bandied back and forth so much, that the term has lost it’s overall meaning. Simply hollering that “I’m a conservative ” means nothing.

    Conservative of what?




  36. “Get it right, Fr John – Maurice Pinay of and Bishop Williamson (recently expelled from the Society of St Pius X) are Roman Catholics. They defend the Petrine Office and succession. They are on board with the Council of Chalcedon that the Successor of St Peter has “the custody of the Vine”.”

    Lynda- Think what you are saying. (sigh.)

    The Novus Ordo Office of Benedict Arnold IS the Papacy. Per saecula saeculorum. Amen.

    There will never be another, the Modernists are not going away, the Chair of Peter is now apparently as vacant to y’all as the Orthodox have been saying among each other, since 1100. And each of the people I and you mentioned, are now dealing with the construct of an Intellectual exercise- not a faith that is alive. While Williamson is alive, he could (if he were brave enough) start a Church himself, (basing it on the continuity of orders in Roman thought) IF he would only admit that with John XXIII, the Papacy was destroyed, never to return.

    You may live in your enclaves of Latin Masses, and ‘pretend’ that the Novus Ordo is going away. It’s not. Rome is utterly, completely sine gratia- without grace. Just as she claimed the Anglicans were, over 150 years ago. I believe the phrase then, was
    “Absolutely Null and Utterly Void.” The Raven of Hell has come home to roost. For the Rome that uttered those words, would not now, or at any time in the future, seek to give an Apostolic Invitation to become part of Rome, had the grace of Rome’s orders not flown the coop, much as the Shekinah left the temple. What was Paul VI’s comment about ‘the smoke of Satan’ if not that?

    Sorry to burst your bubble. But that’s why I had to leave Rome. I could not pretend to be in obedience to something that no longer existed.

  37. “yankees don’t recoil in horror at the union flag despite its war on Southron White people. Southron White civilians. Or what it did to indians. To me that means you prefer negros over us. Same thing for the way y’all vote, the CRM, 13th amendment and all the rest”

    You really don’t know what you are talking about. Prefer negros over southerners? What the hell? The confederate flag is very popular in large swaths of the North once you get to middle Pennsylvania and westward. It isn’t quite the monolith it was in 1865, in fact it is severely fractured. The dispossessed white majority outside of New England (slim majority though it may be) hates their liberal overlords as much as you. Holy shit you are a blowhard.

  38. “Can an Irish catholic tell me how they feel about the idea of an African pope before an Irish one? By all means complete your 14 stations before answering or consult a priest.”
    – Tamer

    T, you hit the nail right on the head. Rome to most RC’s is not only where they were born, nurtured, and fed, it is where they hope to die, and from whom they will gain a ‘pass’ into heaven. It alone IS the “body of Christ” for them.

    The RC trads (who, it must be remarked, ARE trads- they share much in common with Southernors, Monarchists, DWEM-lovers, and ‘orthodox’ Christians) are suffering on an ecclesiological scale, exactly what most Tea Party/ Conservatives/ Whites who voted ‘Anglo-Saxon’ folk are dealing with, after the recent election.

    But, as we have only had two weeks to deal with our grief over O’Buckwheat’s fraudulent re-election, these Trad RC’s have been in a river in Egypt for over FIFTY YEARS. Think of that. They have been in mourning, half a century; we anti-Obummerites, only half a month.

    Lynda’s comments, to which I responded above, are so typical, you just wanna cry for these poor souls, trapped in a ‘Limbo’ of loving Rome, but seeing her more and more become the Vatican equivalent of the WCC/NCC, at best. It’s like dealing with a slightly mad woman, refusing to leave the bier of her dead husband in the family parlor, before he’s buried. And it’s summer, and we’re running out of ice….

    They defend their ‘Synagogue of Satan’ at every opportunity, not even seeing that it IS a SoS. They get one little element of pre-Vatican II worship back in their local enclave- whether it be a rosary, the restoration of the Tabernacle to a position of prominence on the Altar, a less than ‘table’ looking piece of furniture gaudily stamped before the older high Altar, removal of this or that ‘liberal’s books’ from their Parochial School, Diocesan Seminary, and they are mollified for five or ten months or years…

    until the New Priest/Bishop/ Chancellor revokes this privilege, that prohibition, this stance on abortion, that policy re: Gay dances at Notre Dame, Lesbian nuns, inclusive lectionaries, revised prayers, and the whole, sorry, dismal thing starts all over again……

    But the concept that the Ecumene might NOT be the sum total of all that Christendom stood for, is clearly up for grabs in the “New Rome” – which is more like PAGAN Rome, than the ‘semper edeam’ of their imagination. Again, a travesty of emotional and spiritual life, lived in denial.

    And a Nigger Pope is just what might cause these TRADS to, once and for all, break with their SoS. Because, as Belloc said, “EUROPE is the FAITH; the Faith, Europe.” But, as the Reformers noted, ‘even if the Devil were to appear in the Chair of Peter, there would STILL be people who would bow down,” so deep is the brainwashing. And it’s not the religious stuff that is the brainwashing- to the agnostics, etc. It’s the AUTHORITY issues that are the main brainwashed elements. Which is why I can agree with them on 98% of their Trinitarian theology, but must disagree with them completely on their Ecclesiology.

    As Cambria and I have been saying for years, ” an internal vow to refuse to render homage to the heathen gods of Liberaldom is a life-giving and life-sustaining vow that will have a ripple effect throughout the mystical body of the church. The race war is a religious war. Once the white man sees that reality he will become a whole man again and he will gird up his loins and fight and conquer the principalities and powers of Liberaldom. + –

    It is this that will finally awaken the Trad RC’s to stand with their Christendom Brethren, the sons and daughters of the King, to fight the Antichrist Black hordes- one hopes. And nothing else. For, while a Negro could become Pope, one would expect Europe’s children to say, NO to the incarnation of Utter Darkness, among the People of Light. (but then, look at Obummer. “What doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and lose his soul?” – Jesus [ Matt. 16:26]
    Food for further thought.

  39. It should be noted that you’ll find more pro White racialist Northerners wherever there was a long-running historical industry of the lumberjacks. Lumberjacks are the North’s rednecks the Left doesn’t want to talk about. The Upper Midwest (Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa) and more of the Western states than not (Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, North/South Dakota, Colorado, Alaska) never outside of their one or two biggest cities just never developed the any type of intellectual culture corresponding to the Northeast’s. Michigan’s best university is University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and it produced brilliant playwright Arthur Miller and pundit Ann Coulter. But it can’t even begin to compare even against a/any row of the East Coast’s elite universities on say, level 4 (Atlantic Union College, Emmanuel College, Massachusetts Maritime Academy, The Culinary Institute of America, Hobart and Williams Smith Colleges, etc.) down from the top which would be the Ivy League. Hardly any count of the number of private colleges in those states and they aren’t much to talk about even on average terms.

  40. “I don’t care what was done to the indains, but the yankees seem to have a hole there. Our flag is bad because of slavery, their flag is good to despite the fact they waged war on Southron White men to keep our tax money, arm negros and sent them to kill us, wage war on our civilians, engaged in the slave trade, and committed genocide against the indians. Yet somehow are flag is bad because of slavery and their flag is A OK.”

    Yankee handwringing about the Red Man reached a stunning peak 30 or 40 years ago but has been replaced by more concern for Mexican and Central American mestizos and Indians that they have imported in far, far, greater numbers than The U.S.A’s indigenous Indian population. This group has caused our Negroes to stop working altogether and threatens to replace the white blue collar population too.

    I am even more worried about the importation of Hindus, and Han Chinese who also directly take our high paying jobs.

    Spilling blood will be our only way back. The sooner White people realize this the better.

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