About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. So Jim Giles is gonna make a comeback in other words???

    He’s gonna have to separate the bluetick hounds before the show though.

  2. I think Alex Linder is right the Golden Dawn model should be carefully studied, but I dont’t think his approach to Christianity makes sense. Whites are divided enough as it is. I doubt it’s possible to build a mass political movement that doesn’t allow for freedom of religious conscience. At some point, there will have to be a mass movement for any radical solution to work. Golden Dawn doesn’t attack Christianity as far as I know.

  3. OMG: Jim Giles, Hunter and Alex??? Seriously, I love all three of you guys!
    I have missed Jim’s radio shows so much. He was my first ‘race aware’ listening experience, and there will never be anyone who comes close to his unique ….’style’, although I did have to turn down my speakers on many an occasion when he was pissed off about something or other, haha 😉

    I can’t WAIT to hear this!! Good luck Hunter, I hope you enjoy it.

  4. Radio Free Mississippi Debate: Alex Linder versus Hunter Wallace, the owner of Occidental Dissent, a Southern Nationalist and a member of the League of the South and the Council of Conservative Citizens.
    Date & Time: Monday, Nov. 19th at 2 PM CST
    Meaning of the 2012 election
    Prospects for Secession petitions
    White Nationalism vs. Southern Nationalism
    Right strategy and tactics for Whites in North America to pursue
    The Jewish Question
    The role of Yankees in racial and cultural decline
    The Ron Paul movement
    Golden Dawn and what its success/example means for Americans
    Greg Johnson

    Excellent topic line up as well, yeeeehaw!

  5. The only real basis for common action outside the authority of Government sanction is spiritual/religious.

    If there was ever a Satanic doctrine it’s “I don’t believe what you believe but I will fight to the death for you to believe it.” That’s just a way for the elite to get rid of the remaining stock of decent men that weren’t slaughtered in WW1 or WW2.

    All that are left of the high IQ performers are those that believe in nothing worth dying for but that the public square believe in nothing. But of course the public square never represents “Nothing.” It just represents the opposite of what you went off dying for, because you’re no longer around to defend it.

    This is not what built Western Civilization. As whites, we MUST believe. We MUST seek commonality, we MUST seek logos, spiritual and otherwise, and we must demand that those around us do and respect the same. That is what it means to be a man. This is what it means to build.

    Sacrifice starts in the heart and works outward. The deatomization begins with a recognition that a public square where the right to worship one’s own “God” is paramount is the most destructive force in the universe. It’s like playing Russian Roulette with a Howitzer and someone else gets to pull the trigger. What are we going to die for today? Hmmm. Let’s see. Benyamin, you want to decide?

    This is no life for a man, whose primary goal in the West ought to be the protection of innocence. Without commonality of belief in the value of words, which comes from commonality of belief in the nature of God, there can be no innocence or presumption thereof.

    When they took our common faith they took everything. A strong, charismatic leader alone will never regain what was lost. Hippies didn’t build Western Civilization, and, in essence, that’s about all the rest of us are anymore.

    “Hey man, believe whatever you want, and pass that doobie on over.”

  6. The Golden Dawn people appear to be cops, soldiers and industrial workers and whatnot. That is the current PC American climate ?

  7. That’s why the head of state can be the top dog of the religion.
    The American Republic is athiestic at its core.

    All men are unequal. Maybe they ought to get 20 years to prove themselves before becoming adult but they sure as shit are not peers.

  8. Remember that many civil war veterans went west and no surprise, those areas are largely pro-white save for the coasts.

    It isn’t just “the south” but the red states as a whole that want to divorce ZOG.

  9. Atheism leads to nihilism. A functioning healthy society must have a spiritual belief system shared by all participants, maybe not to the same degree, by it MUST be SHARED by a vast majority for the whole thing to work. Even modern libs understand this, that’s why they introduce moral plays like environmentalism and “tolerance”. They are all farcical astro-turf, but they are attempts to nonetheless.

  10. Because the comparisons with Obama are so striking and detailed, the Jewish Canadian writer Dr Henry Makow has reprised his “Hitler and Borman Were Traitors”. http://www.henrymakow.com.

    This is one of the key positions in Makow’s “The Illuminati: the Cult That Hijacked the World”. Also, it is personally important to Dr Makow to know the truth concerning the deaths of his Jewish family in the internment camps of WW II.

    Here is it is. “WW II was the most egregious hoax in history. A cult of satanic [Sabateean] Jews and Masons financed by the Rothschild syndicate [The Crown on the sq mile in London City] were responsible for sixty million lives.”

    He analyzes the work of former German intelligence who knew there were traitors to Germany in the Nazi sumpreme command. The conclusion is inescapable, Hitler was mandated to destroy Germany so that it could be bricked into the NWO. The war was machinated by The Crown who had their ‘Players’ in leadership of their Golem states: Britain and the U.S., their Revolutionary state: the USSR and their Socialist state: Nazi Germany.

  11. @….The deatomization begins with a recognition that a public square where the right to worship one’s own “God” is paramount is the most destructive force in the universe….

    Which exact God are you going to force me to bow down to, to suit YOU? And what will you do with the people who do not believe in your God? And if non-whites believe in your God, but Whites do not, are you prepared to rid yourself of the whites only?

  12. @…..A functioning healthy society must have a spiritual belief system shared by all participants, maybe not to the same degree, by it MUST be SHARED by a vast majority for the whole thing to work….

    The Founding Protestants HAD worked that out. Also, living space for their various groups. Most were held together (and still are) under a very strong umbrella of shared tenants, coupled with shared real ethnicity (North. Euro), along with similar trajectory to the country, real family ties, AND plenty of space to do their thing.

    We already did that.

    It was rejected by the immigrants from Europe who want a different belief system, (“right” or “left”), have a different relationship with Europe, have a different history in europe (slaves/serfs/factory), come from totally different countries and customs in europe, etc, etc.

    So, are you saying that —like in the u.s.— the North euros have to stay in what they did to it? Like, speaking spanish, having the whole “latin” gladiator style games, the mussolini-oriented Militarist-Corporatism, (that seems way more atheist, actually), and so on?

    Really think the constitutional private property umbrella had it right (if we all have to live with each other and are forced to, and are not allowed to have a north euro country).

  13. idk about the above— why blame a queen who speaks English, when obviously the country is overrun with spaniards. I thought spanish is from the spanish.

  14. Another good line you here from the left is “My religious views are highly personal and are therefore they are private”, which is to tell the sheeple they believe in God, but God will have no influence on how I behave.
    I’ve been gigging acquaintances of mine who voted Democratic then start with the “Keep Christ in Christmas” bullshit. The Republicans are no better, cheering for a war for Jews not having a clue who is causing them harm at home.

  15. VARG: “Well I don’t speak for him. Personally I think it’s a waste of time arguing with Hunter and Giles. I bet somehow Lindstedt would end up on the show and they’d let him run with his usual lying and obsessions. Have heard his stuff 1000 times. Why is he still given an outlet?
    I doubt very many sincere people will actually listen to this other than professional liars and people looking for entertainment. ”


    Looks like Lender/Linder chickenshitted out. Can’t exist where there is free speech.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  16. Bummer, Alex did a no show 🙁

    We will give him the benefit of the doubt though, maybe he was indeed sick.

    Anyways: can’t wait to hear the rematch.

  17. Rabbi Lender/Linder got yellow fever and was projectile crapping and like to bust a colostomy bag. Vargina the LinderMiller Meercat told Lender to not raise its buttplug pressure.

    Anyway, a jew named Peter(less) Goodman/mamzer has this Talksjew show @


    Linder is by nature usually scared of getting itz ass whupped, both in real life and in virtual ‘life.’ He was scared that you or Jimbo would somehow let me on.

    Jimbo should have simply let you speak by default.

    I recorded 1 hour 22 minutes of it on my mp3 recorder.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  18. I have to admit to finding the debate between wallace and giles in 2009 funny, but because I didn’t want to anger Hunter, I didn’t take part in joining in with the people who rubbed salt in the wound. It’s like Giles took off the nice guy persona and just attacked.

  19. Lynda – please read and adhere to OD’s comment guidelines which strictly prohibit, wild, unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.


    Adolph Hitler and the German National Socialist Workers Party where many things and folks can argue that AH and the NSDAP did many good things or bad things. But one point is fairly clear:

    AH and the NSDAP were not a front for international Jewish high finance, Jewish secret societies.


  20. the high ground is where ever you place your artillery. The moral high ground is useless. If it was worth a damn we wouldn’t be were we are now and the South would have been free since 1860

  21. Both Jim Giles and Alex Linder are informants and ZOGbots. Giles is simply a pea-brained bully with a man-crush on Lender.

    If Giles starts to turn on you — GET OUT. I myself provoked Giles to scream his hatred of Edgar Steele. Giles is simply mentally unstable and unable to control himself.

    Lender/Linder is simply a jew with chutzpa playing games with a declining audience of other jewboys, mamzers and whiggers.

    Neither of them have any courage.

    I don’t see the point of this debate. Neither of you have any real troops on the ground.

    Nor does it matter what you say.

    Anyway, let’s see if it works out. Giles obviously wants back in.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  22. Lender/Linder’s pal and bankroller TraitorGlenn Miller has made it impossible for any overtly White Nationalist candidate to run for federal, state and local office in Missouri.

    Nor have either of these lying clowns ever formed a political party even with TraitorGlenn Miller’s ZOGbux. For example, this year they could have taken over much of the Constitution Party at the precinct, county and possibly state senatorial level. But neither have even bothered to vote or to run for precinct committeman.

    Lender/Linder promises much and delivers zilch.

    Linder is simply arguing about his ignorance right now.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN
    Chairman, Newton County Libertarian Party

  23. @Landshark “The only real basis for common action outside the authority of Government sanction is spiritual/religious”
    Bull, goverment is a band of thieves, murderers and robbers who indrocrinate the little ones, are craven power hungry cowards who will do anything to achieve their sick goals. Sic Semper Tyrannis!

  24. While white nationalism is at it why don’t they take over the Catholic Church, China, Israel and/or something to that effect.

  25. Hunter made the point that these secession petitions echoed long-held dissatisfaction with the jewnion.

    Giles then got all suspicious and negative.

    Lender is the jew false-front ‘revolutionary’ finding fault with whigger dissatisfaction. Sorta suspicious for someone who always wants to ‘name the jew’ — except for itzself — unless you understand that Lender is a false front.

    Lender is pooh-poohing activity that he cannot control. Someone started the ball rolling and 100,000 + people said that it was a good idea. A real political activist would be trying to harness this dissatisfaction. Lender thinks that ‘hetzering’ on itz own little tard corral is better.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  26. ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final ain’t what it used to be.

    Since ZOG/Babylon is in decline, and will fall apart, then why not take advantage of it.

    Hunter is doing well. He’s making points. Making progress for his talking points. Lender is getting all negative, because Linder has no plan. Whereass all Lender/Linder is doing is saying that the all wise and wunderfool ZOG knows all and sees all. Sounds no different than a yankee jew neo-khan.

    Ooops, Lender/Linder is a pseudo-yankee neo-khan.

    Yap all about how you want something and then when it happens, say, “No, no, no, you can’t do that!!!”

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  27. Linder/Lender is all in a man-crush over what is happening in Greece with Golden Dawn.

    Does Lender have any clue as to what to do politically in Kirksville, Missouri, or ZOG? Whining about how thangs have to get worse. Worse is better. Fine. Now what?

    Hunter keeps on politely making his points in favor of what to do now that thangs are bad. Far better than Hunter has done in the past.

    This isn’t really a debate. Lender is simply kvetching about what is happening in the ZOGland and glorifying what happens in Greece. Plus Lender is an Ayn Rand LibberToon. Lender’s position would make more sense if Lender would simply go all FW Braun on our goy asses.

    Worse is better. Both sides say this. But Hunter has at least a notion of what to do. Lender is going to “name the jew” — except for the gut-sick guido-kikenweasel with jew ass-GAIDS.

    Lender — nothing but negativity.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  28. I couldn’t get in either, looking forward to hearing the mp3 (I hope!).

    and lol@ the ‘updates’, they seem a tad biased, 😉
    Glad to hear Hunter’s doing well though.

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