About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Lender the ‘Revolutionary.’ Took a class in it. Found it boring. Has nary a notion.

    The Father of Revolution is Injustice in which a parasitic decaying pseudo aristocracy tries to impose a decaying imperial aristocracy upon a population at the end of itz rope.

    The Mother of Revolution is an inability to change given unsustainable stresses.

    Lothrup Stoddard and another Frenchman, in Anatomy of Revolution explained all this.

    Hunter is doing well as a Southron Historian. Heck, Giles is doing better than Lender.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  2. I thought that someone had posted an alternative site to listen on the original post. (not putting windows anything on my machine). I listened to it somewhere & that could have only linked from OD.
    Maybe it’s merciful. I got a bellyful of this A.Linder character last night (though I’d like to hear what HW has to say).

  3. About Conservatives:

    Hunter fesses up to being a Conservative with caveats.

    Lender/Linder claims to be a Conservative. Actually an Ayn Rand LibberToon. Dislikes Southrons and MidWesterners. Claims to be a Westerner.

    Actually Lender likes jew traits. Looks down on itz supposedly square whigger parents listening to that North Dakota Norwegian Lawrence Welk. Hates Christianity.

    Yup, Lender’s a jew. Itz words as well as Chrons-infested kike bunghole doth testify against itzself.

    Now Lender is waxing LibberToonian. Lender needs to join jew Rockwell when the Greater Free Range Tard Corral when TraitorGlenn Miller’s anglo-mestizo liver plays out and the ZOGbux get cut off.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  4. Man-crushed Giles asks Lender if he has ‘tough love’ for Southrons.

    Lender goes into a Genesis 3:15 tirade about how it hates Southrons. Why itz a Westerner, Northroner, and Puritan LibberToon.

    Hunter up. Tell them that you are little rich boy whose ancestors owned niggers and how to deal with them, i.e. whips and chains.

    Hail Victory!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  5. Linder’s big problem is his lack of a work ethic. Maybe Linder has had health problems, maybe he hasn’t?

  6. Hunter tells us all about how, like Martin Luther visiting Rome and being repulsed, he visited the District of Corruption/Congoids found out that the Khanned-servantive Movement was a bunch of perfumed ponces going through the motions in order to harvest ZOGbux from the interior.

    Martin Luther, repulsed, figured out that somethang better was needed. So does Hunter.

    Lender blames the Interior whiggers. Looks at this just like a jew parasite. Lender takes the position of the Insider: Blame the goyim tards. Hunter blames the Insiders.

    There is a difference between Hunter and Lender and it is opening up and neither Hunter nor Lender are picking up on it — yet.

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  7. What marks Linder as a Jew is his refusal to come out and oppose with argument removing the power of fiat currency – the charter to issue credit given to the Judaic cartel. This is the engine of the Kosher Imperative. Once sovereign nations issue their own credit backed by the labour, resources and productivity of the people – the power of Jewry fails.

    Of all Linder’s diatribes, this is the subject that he eschews.

    Linder is like that Collins character who led the Neo-Nazi parade through Skojke Indiana. Collins was loud and out there with the Aryan superiority and the White pride and a spewed a whole sewer load of vileness at the Jews. And (wait for it) he turns out to be a Jew.

    The Tribe finances Jew hate for the same reason that Jewnerds draw swastikas on synagogues and Israel created Hamas.

  8. Lender/Linder bemoans how, when as a smart-boy from ‘somewhere else’ he went to the District of Corruption and they were so smart and how the jews took over.

    Then Lender was cast off, and Pierce found it, i.e. the 666 ZOGbux Bionic Ass-Clown.

    Hunter went home to Alabama.

    Now onto the Sainted William Pierce, collector of Order ZOGbux.

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  9. Giles brings up ‘agents provocateur.’

    Hunter says he is no agent provocateur. He doesn’t advocate violence.

    Now Lender’s turn. Let’s ignore TraitorGlenn Miller and focus on Hal Turner. Hal Turner never gave Lender any ZOGbux. Bad Hal Turner, bad, bad, bad.

    Lender NEVER testified against . . . well, Bitch Tits.

    Low quality White Nationalists are repeating lies against pore Lender. About how Lender got Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS, oy vey.

    Anyway, Lender laughs it off. But gets a bit hot under the rabbinical collar.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  10. Now onto V-DARE.

    V-DARE is kosher khanned-servantive. A 501 [c]3 organization. Collects ZOGbux. Openly. No 666 ZOGbux left on the nightstand by TraitorGlenn Miller.

    Lender is jealous. They ain’t serious. They are out to make ZOGbux the old fashioned way. Not going anywhere.

    Hunter is on speaking terms with VDARE leaders and contributors. Likes VDARE.

    Is it possible for VDARE to follow the gut-sick guido weasel with jew ass-GAIDS? Get out in the street? Says Giles.


    Onto Greg Johnson and his New Right faggots.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  11. Is Greggie a faggot? Does Greggie live in Sans Fagscrisco? Have plenty of faggy coontributers?

    Does a bear shit out in the woods? Is the Pope Catlick?

    Time for Giles to wax rump-rangerish-phobic.

    Where does Greggie fit in?

    Hunter met Greggie in Atlanta. Greggie smart. Not from ‘around here.’ But Greggie doesn’t belong in Hunter’s bunghole.

    Greggie didn’t go to the strip club though. Obviously a faggot.

    Lender’s take: Lender publishes Greggie’s stuff. Lender has a ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell.” Cum out to Lender that he was a faggot.

    Hunter thinks Greggie likes pussy though.

    Back on Dec. 15, 2009 when Lender testified against Bitch-tits Bill White at his Roanoke Sedition Trial, making this front page got all important to Lender and Jim Giles. Hence the Dec. 18th 2009 ambush of Hunter.

    Lender disagrees about Johnson making ‘new mythology’ on Counter-Currents.

    Linder claims that the Internut is ‘pure faggottry.’ However, what else is VNNF except Internut tard corral?

    Well, then why not actually sign up to be a precinct committeeman and county chairman in the Constitution Party in Kirksville?

    Yapping about Golden Dawn — that’s Lender’s ‘solution.’

    Lender is ranting about Golden Dawn now.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  12. Goverment is bad, for whites, how many times were the devils children calling themselves Jews invited and protected due to some prince or goverment “official”. Goverment steals your children away and turns them against the truth and their parents. Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s.

  13. Lender is railing how Hunter ‘needs to tell the Southrons who they are.’

    Hello!!! Hunter has been doing this for the past year or so to the exclusion of anything else. Is Lender able to read?

    Hunter has an audience in mind. What he calls ‘Southron Nationalists’ as opposed to ‘White Nationalists.’

    Lender is now waxing paternal to both Hunter and Giles.

    Back to Greggie by Hunter. Greggie has personality problems in dealing with others. Greggie is an excellent niche publisher, books and trinkets salesmen. Greggie belongs in Sans Fagscrisco. Not Alabama.

    Greggie lacks focus. Where is Greggie’s ethno-state? Not Southron. And not making the niggers pick that g-d cotton.

    Wrapping up, eight minutes left.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  14. Looks like the comment thread is being hi-jacked by CT kooks/kook.

    I am sorry I couldn’t access the audio file. I actually thought Jim Giles was at one time a good interviewer, I did one interview with him, OK sometimes he shouts.

    It’s too bad he/we seemed confined to a small, drop out, dysfunctional fringe.

    One key way to know you are in this drop out, dysfunctional fringe is when they/we can’t make a simple go of basic technology.

    It’s not hard now to have a web blog (wordpress) that works, or an audio file/streaming or complete audio file that is accessible to regular White folks who have the most popular computer, smartphone platforms (Iphone, IPad etc). Jim Giles seems to be using some form of Windows media player (Microsoft a company that hasn’t had a successful new product in 15 years since Bill Gates dropped out to fund Lefty causes).

    My advice is to not get hung up on ideology, instead support White Americans who are decent, competitive at doing something, anything – ie running for city councilman, producing a good radio show, instead ofdoing things like running for President of the United States on some obscure 3rd party, or shouting that they are leading some real “MOVEMENT” to succeed from the United States and restore the Southern Confederacy, complete with Negro slavery, that sort of thing.

    And use basic, popular modern technology – not 8 track tapes, short wave radio, dos computers etc.

    Maybe some technical person reading OD can get this file of Hunter’s interview and put it in to mp3 format, something we can access through Itunes.

  15. Hunter’s problem is that he allows himself to let his retardo whigger and mamzer buddies determine commenting policy, like this Jack Ryan, and formerly Robert Campbell.

    Hey, Mr. Chicago hibernigger ass-clown: Did you ever give Harold Covington the $5,000 you promised him for writing another Northwest Front novel?

    I didn’t think so.

    Letting meercats decide commenting or any policy: The result is being savaged by the real Movement leaders because of the sins of the meercats.

    You don’t like the comments, don’t read them. OK? And if you can’t listen, then you have no reason to bitch.

    I’ll agree that my comments were biased. I fail to see how meercat opinions have any value.

    This was not a debate. Debate means that there was disagreement expressed with an agenda. This was NOT a debate because Lender had nothing to say other than, “We need to look at how Golden Dawn does shit over in Greece.”

    That doesn’t cut it. Hunter had at least some vision. But there was no meltdown which is what most piss-pul were hoping to hear. As a result, these roundtables, held at inconvenient times, will become ho-hum.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  16. I liked the way Linder described the War Between the States. He said that the Union basically broke the contract, and he’s right.

  17. It went fairly well. It’s not easy having three people on same talk.

    Brad made point that the people leading Conservatism Inc. are not like the regular people he knows in Alabama. Quite right. Confirmed by my own experience about 20 years earlier. Flyover is headless. Or has only the head the enemy gives it: little nerds, neocons, policy wonks, male cheerleaders, jews. Creatures that agree with the ‘liberals’ on all the main points, but fight vociferously over stuff that hardly matters. This is sports politics. Flyover takes it for the real thing.

  18. Missed the live thing. Couldn’t access feed. Hunter, how about posting a link to an mp3 of the whole thing at the top of the page when you get such a file. Thanks.

  19. Good job by both Linder and Wallace. It started out slow, but picked up steam midway through. Was impressed by Jim Giles’ professionalism and self-restraint; showed no favoritism towards either side. More discussion about Greg Johnson than was really necessary; I would have liked to hear Christianity discussed.

    I urge Hunter Wallace to consider accepting NewsGuy’s invitation to call in to the NewsGuy Show on Saturday at 10 PM EST. NewsGuy is a trustworthy host, and he’s pro-White.


  20. Well, most of us were expecting a meltdown. But since Lender/Linder hasn’t testified against anyone recently, there was no need to get attention focussed on whether Greggie is a faggot or not and then ambush your ass.

    So no ambush and it was sorta interesting nevertheless.

    You talk for 120-some minutes and a 1,000 minute cell-phone plan will be finished pretty quickly. You need to get Jimbo to agree to an evening when you get unlimited phone minutes. Lender has no other job and stays up late. Better that then having a show when most people are working.

    Secondly. If there are some piss-pul and bowel Movement meercats that don’t like muh biased commentary, then the solution is for them to provide they’s own commentary, not bitch about how some ‘kook’s’ differ. Whining like a whigger pussy that you don’t like someone’s opinion and that you are the byotch that drules the OD roost means . . . that you are a whigger pussy that don’t like someone’s opinion and that you are the byotch that drules the OD roost. Maybe you need to head out to Lender’s Greater Free Range Tard Corral and join Linder’s Corps[e] of colostomy-bag likkin’ meercats.

    Yes, I’m deemed insane. Oh well. Must of been that the NutHouse concentrated my loonieness. But you whiggers are typpycull. Why Jack’s the Fatt Parrot to Hunter’s Greggie.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  21. Alex, can you post an mp3 or link to one on VNNF? And perhaps leave a trail to it here? Also, bring back Radio Istina, dammit! 🙂

  22. People in flyover country take it for granted that Beltway Conservatives agree with them or even are them. I recall seeing an older woman with Newt Gingrich at some Gingrich for President event and she was asked why she’s voting for Gingrich right in front of the man and she actually said “Well we have to protect our borders and get these illegals out of here.” Or something along those lines.

    Gingrich’s face was priceless, squirming embarressment. The old lady didn’t even know that Gingrich is a La Raza Amnesty ass kisser.

  23. People in flyover country take it for granted that Beltway Conservatives agree with them or even are them.

    They’re just dumb. This is why jews rule over us: because ordinary Americans are religious rather than thoughtful. Ordinary Americans are oblivious rather than intelligent or skeptical. Ordinary Americans take things at face value, to the very limited extent they are capable of noticing them at all.

    Guess which cultural institution makes them this way, or at the very least, greatly enhances their natural capacity?

  24. TV I’d guess.

    I have to admit I laughed at your “Have a Blessed day” story. “People like that are just stupid.” Your bluntness can be funny.

  25. I don’t get Linder’s hostility to Southern culture. You know Missouri is at least a partially southern state.

  26. Charles Murray discussed the problem in the Bell Curve.

    In places like Northern Virginia, you basically got thousands of bright little ambitious hipsters working for Conservatism, Inc. who scored good on their SAT and who ticked all the right boxes on their resume and who went to colleges like Duke or Emory or Tulane, etc.

    It’s a bunch of very smart people running the show, disproportionately from the Blue States, who don’t have a conservative bone in their body, but who are talented at rising to the top in a system that rewards test takers. Honestly, they reminded me of the “Wise Guys” around LBJ who embroiled America in the Vietnam War.

    Most of those people don’t know the first thing about conservatism. You can look at them and tell where they are coming from in five seconds. It is a bunch of nerds and policy wonks and hipsters. There is a vast cultural gap between them and the people they are supposed to represent.

    Too bad there isn’t a Longshanks to throw them out of his castle.

  27. >>>Guess which cultural institution makes them this way

    Oh, christianity.

    Thank g-d he government school monopoly has nothing to do with it.

  28. “Too bad there isn’t a Longshanks to throw them out of his castle.”

    Or a Stalin to drive an ice-pick into the back of their heads.

  29. Peter Goodman/Peterless Goodmamzer is a Brooklyn jew pretending to be an Aryan living in Iceland. I’ve had an adversarial relationship with the jewskike since he was going ass-to-mouth with Bryan Reo.

    That said, Peterless Goodmamzer/The Newskike did rebroadcast Jim Giles’s broadcast on Monday and probably today’s as well.


    jewskike is yapping right now about how it doesn’t know about Auntie-Semitism in Iceland, as if being a jewboy in Brooklyn means that it knows something about the matter. Quick, ask jewskike what time it is. Peterless Goodmamzer gotta quickly add 5 hours to Brooklyn/Queens time and sometimes messes up.

    All Linder could do was to yap about how us ZOGlings in the ZOGland need to look at how Golden Dawn does things in Greece. If Russia attacks Turkey from the rear, will Greece help? Linder took a class in Revolution in the jewnivershitty and learned that what is fascinating is boring . . . to it.

    We live in pre-Revolutionary times. Don’t doubt it lest you become unaware and unprepared.

    Hunter stayed on track. Gave no ground, not that Lender was able to attack other than showing itz disdain for us goyim cattle here in the South and Midwest. For someone who claims to be descended from German peasants Lender sure doesn’t like what is probably Heaven on Earth for the Deutch in a ‘cornfield county’ in Northeastern Missouri. Nor appreciate a Norwegian muzak-maker from North Dakota like Lawrence Welk. My mother LOVES Lawrence Welk. Even though a Swede from South Dakota. Listens to all of his re-runs on PBS. Dead ol’ fart.

    Pity that Lender can’t sell Das Grannys-basement-bunker in Kirksville and move back to Mexifornia. Or maybe take the Crohns cure in Sans Fagscrisco with Greggie. If there is any place that fixes faggot and jew mufflers it is in Sans Fagscrisco.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  30. Good job by both Linder and Wallace. It started out slow, but picked up steam midway through. Was impressed by Jim Giles’ professionalism and self-restraint; showed no favoritism towards either side. More discussion about Greg Johnson than was really necessary; I would have liked to hear Christianity discussed.

    Good summary, I feel the same. Very glad to hear this may be a regular event 🙂

  31. What’s the word that I used to describe them?

    Eunuchs. There are thousands of these eunuchs living there. It reminded me of the sort of people who surrounded the Ottoman sultans or the effeminate courtiers around the Bourbons before the French Revolution or the sort around Honorius when the Goths were sacking Rome and his only concern was the health of his chicken who was named Rome.

    That’s how I would describe them. It is no wonder that people like that never succeed in conserving anything.

  32. Thank g-d he government school monopoly has nothing to do with it.

    It was christian religious zanies who set up and made universal coerced public schooling in the US. Read Blumenfeld. Read Gatto. Read Iserbyt.

  33. Lynda says:
    ‘What marks Linder as a Jew is his refusal to come out and oppose with argument removing the power of fiat currency – the charter to issue credit given to the Judaic cartel.’

    He rips jews every which way from Sunday but does not touch on that particular subject so to you he’s a jew? Seriously?

  34. The sort of people who work for Conservatism, Inc. are suburban hipsters from Blue States who shop at Whole Foods and who do their “pilates” sessions in the evenings. Their idea of “conservatism” is the sort of conventional wisdom stuff you can find on sale at Barnes & Noble.

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