About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hi Hunter, good discussion.

    F*ck Marty Lindstedt, he wouldn’t know an Icelander from an eskimo.

    Hunter, you’re welcome to check my IP to verify where I’m posting from.

    Also you’re welcome on to my show if you would like, please e-mail me at the address I have provided.


  2. Hunter Wallace says:
    ‘There were a lot of topics that we didn’t get to discuss this afternoon. There were also some questions that kind of bubbled up spontaneously.’

    I enjoyed the discussion. Good comments made by everyone.

  3. The Yankees borrowed mass compulsory public education from the Germans in the nineteenth century.

    Prussians, not Germans, and they did not copy it exactly, and they were christians with a religious motive.

  4. Peterless Goodmamzer always tries to run in front of any movement happening insofar as possible.

    Peterless is also the Melungeon’s Friend and repeats pisser-possum memes from NimBusters. Roxie doesn’t get on the Internuts.

    Anyway, why not get onto the Newskike/Radio F[r]ee Nimtardation show? Then maybe you will be able to get onto the Big Time and do The Movement Turd.

    By now every single time me and Peterless Goodmamzer’s mutual Genesis 3:15 enmity kicks in and most of the time we end up screaming at each other. But you are new and haven’t worn out your welcum.

    Peterless Goodmamzer will give you a good interview. I’d consider it, especially since the jewskike show starts at nine pm Alabama time and five am Tel Aviv time. That way you can save on the phone minutes.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  5. The Yankees borrowed mass compulsory public education from the Germans in the nineteenth century.

    As if no one in America would have independently come up with that idea anyway.

    As for Christianity, sure, it can be used to justify/promote either particularism or universalism, but which is easier to justify/promote with Christianity? Exactly.

    On the other hand, if Europeans didn’t take up Christianity there’s no guarantee another universalist creed (Islam?) wouldn’t have displaced the existing myths, cos when you get down to it monotheism and universalism seem more advanced than hodge-podge religious mythology, “tradition” and narrow particularism.

  6. What was up with the South-bashing?

    About secession: at this point in time, militarily, the South *is* the United States. In fact, Texas alone has 60% of the U.S.’ military industrial production, and (were it independent) would have the strongest military in the world.

  7. Finally had a chance to listen to the audio file, at the end of a day. One of the quotes I remember is what Hunter said about the “professional conservatives” he met in the D.C. area: “How can you expect them to CONSERVE something, when they are not even ATTACHED to a specific place?” Yes, conservatism does normally involve identification with or attachment to a specific area or place.

    It was brought out in several places that homosexuality is rampant in “higher circles of conservatism” and that “half of the Republicans are queers.” No wonder the cause often seems to be cursed! Time for the righteous conservers of good to separate from the evil within as well as that without.

  8. Christianity has the only reasonable tool to deal with cultural subversion: Inquisition.

    No need to reinvent the wheel.

  9. Paster Lindstedt, do you have a link to a glossary of all your terms? I remember seeing one copied to a site once, and wish I had it. A list with things like “ZOGling” and “Triple Spam Mamzer.”

  10. The Prussian model was used by Yankee protestants in Massachusetts to pry loose children from their Catholic parents, religiously.

  11. If you want to influence the student at all, you must do more than merely talk to him; you must fashion him, and fashion him in such a way that he simply cannot will otherwise than what you wish him to will.”

    Fichte, Prissian educator. Explains the Second Reich. Possibly the Third. Also explains northern Whites to some degree.

  12. The German/Prussian educational model and the German Universities were considered to be the best in the world up until World War One. Then that war came along made all things German bad in the United States.

    I enjoyed the discussion between Alex Linder and Hunter, and particularly Linder’s comment about Irish Roman Catholic career girl conservatives being the front men for the Jews. The same can be said of the Irish Roman Catholic career girl liberals too. They are also, the front men for the Jews.

  13. Pat Buchanan is no career girl for the Jews.

    I enjoyed the debate thoroughly. Imagine if that is what the MSM sounded like.

  14. Buchanan is something of an outlier. He identifies with his inner German.

    Actual real Irish people are often racist and jew wise.

  15. It’s probably time to quit trying to knock down Christianity. Vanguardists believe in whites and whites believe in God.

    By the time whites are hungry a Golden Dawn won’t be enough. We’ll need a white christian HAMAS.

  16. “http://www.occidentaldissent.com/2010/10/02/comment-guidelines-2/”

    -Jack Ryan

    Didn’t know that HW had finally laid it all out- but then, this was before I was a regular reader. Was working from a presupposition. Will now seek to try and follow these.

  17. If you want an open discussion then it is unwise to let mere meercats yap for the big dogs. Jack Ryan is a mere meercat, wanting to be a big dog.

    In March 2010 Hunter let one of his meercats at the time — Tard WeeweeSperg/Robert Campbell — invite Harold Covington to Hunter’s blog, then invited WhiggerSwill Welass Williams and Hadding the Mattoid KAS-Fluffer to attack HAC. HAC was under kort order at the time and so thought that he had been ambushed by Hunter.

    So, when he worked on his latest NorthWest novel — for which ‘Jack Ryan’ promised to advance $5,000 for working on and probably never delivered on — guess who ended up being a fat pervert with nuts the size of pencil erasers and who ended up being the Hero of Operation Strikeout as a NVA spy? The big dog got the ass-whuppin’ and the meercats didn’t get nary a well deserved kick in the nuts.

    Right now there is a big fight going on over on Lender’s/Linder’s tard corral and Hunter is ganging up on Greggie. Fine. But meercats shouldn’t get involved, and by involved invoke the specter of censorsheep because everyone holds the big dogs responsible for meercat misdemeanors.

    There is a shift in the bowel-Movement Farce. Greggie and KMac and the deep-woods DSCI aligned tenuously with Covington versus TraitorGlenn Miller, TGM’s gut-sick guido kikenweasel with jew ass-GAIDS, sundry Piercetards like WhiggerSwill and Hadding the Meercat, Carolyn Yenta, and sundry CreaTards.

    There is no need for Hunter to get on the wrong side of anyone by being so stupid enough to take sides since all partisans are co-joined by hatred against the other side as opposed to love or loyalty to their tenuous allies. Hunter needs to be bowel-Movement Sweden and be largely neutral.

    And that especially means meercats. Meercats shouldn’t be gittin’ theys’ Big Dog in trouble.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  18. Lindstedt is obviously a complete headcase. His internment in a mental institution for child molestation has only made him more insane. If Christianity and it’s compromise to the jews is whirlpool in a toilet, Christian Identity is a waterspout vortex of insanity on one of the gaseous oceans on the surface of Jupiter.

    Even within the little fantasy world of “white people are the true jews”, mad dog has been completely denounced as a fraud, liar, slanderer and libelist.

  19. I dig Lindstedt if for no other reason than he scares Fr. John+ away.

    Think of Lindstedt as an oracle of sorts — speaking truth in riddles, cursed to forever transmit the will of the heavens through only the medium adolescent vulgarity.

  20. It’s too bad you didn’t expand on why you think the federal government might let the South leave this time. In Canada, it’s simply unthinkable to even contemplate the use of force to keep Quebec in should nationalists win the next referendum. By the way, what do you think of a Southern referendum on separation?

  21. Who is this pastor person and is he legitimately retarded like joe?

    I thought “zogbux” was funny but I’m thinking that was just the one flungturd that stuck to the wall out of many.

    Way to fuckup a good thread buddy.

  22. Any of you meercats are at liberty to click on the link under my name and read my particular forum.

    If, in any case, you think that the perjorative sppellations apply to you, then yes, they do.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  23. jewnathon seems to be one of my many anonymous detractors who instinctively side with ZOG whenever ZOG does one of the few thangs that ZOG does best: Make bogus criminal charges against one of ZOG/Babylon’s White man enemies, railroad him and murder him in prison.

    Since I wouldn’t railroad easy, I was sent to a maximum security psychiatric prison for three and a half years until I won the right to represent myself and the bogus case fell apart because my slightly retarded grandson refused to lie against me. But I did lose most of my family bought and sold, a number of teeth, and had to endure that which would make you mattoid meercats mad[der].

    As a result, I’m the sort of man who would burn down the entire barn to eliminate a rat or a meercat if I thought one was hiding there, but that’s me.

    I posted a longer post which got caught somewhere. Luckily I saved it to my forum.

    Hunter, please don’t be seen siding with Linder. Linder is pretty much finished. Him and Jim Giles ambushed you on Dec. 18th, 2009 in order to take away from the fact that Linder testified for the prosecution against Bill White on Dec. 15, 2009. You are better off going your own way, especially since Linder has no solution other than to yap about how things are done in Greece. You need to define how things are done in Alabama by Southrons. You have come this far by helping yourself, not those at odds with you.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  24. Hunter, my advice. Distance yourself from all the loonies. Including Lindstedt and Linder.
    These types are nowhere. Connect with normal southern folks.
    You seem to have your head on straight. In the future, these alliances you have with these losers will come back to haunt you.
    The WN movement is filled with these wackjobs.

  25. If your goal is in a real political arena, where you can really get things going.
    You should know these wierdos you associate with will be used to discredit your reputation in the future.

    You are a smart guy, this odd set of internet pastors and neo nazis are nowhere in the real world. The real world is where things matter.

  26. If your goal is in a real political arena, where you can really get things going.
    You should know these wierdos you associate with will be used to discredit your reputation in the future.

    Like they arent going to do that anyway? You think they are just going to let Hunter just come in and treat him with the utmost respect if he stays away from Linder?

    You think they won’t blast him for simply having that confederate logo on his website?

    It is how Hunter handles their attacks that will matter. You can handle attacks like Golden Dawn does or you can handle attacks like sissy conservatice career boys from Washington do.

    Btw great debate guys.

  27. Ulfric
    “Like they arent going to do that anyway?”

    Exactly. They call everyone who opposes them a Nazi because their tactic of constant moral attack works on those White people who have developed a biological need to be “fair” or at least be seen as fair by their peers.

  28. A little work, and here is the Lindstedt Glossary.


    Administraturd: Administrator.

    Amerikwa: ZOG dominated America.

    Ass-clown: 1.) A male homosexual. 2.) Any other man unworthy of being a Dual-Seedline Christian Identity Resistance Activist.

    Avaturd: One’s avatar on an internet forum. Used especially when a poster refuses to show a photograph of himself.

    Baal-Priest: A Jew.

    Bill of Goods, the: The US Bill of Rights.

    Blight-wing: Right-wing.

    (Bowel) Movement, the: The assembled ranks and activities of the Whigger Nutzionalists. “The bowel Movement is filled with paytriots, jews, mamzers, rats, faggots, shitheads, and most of all, ZOGling whigger ass-clowns, absolutely without any discipline or good sense or even the survival instinct of a cockroach.”

    Burrocracy: Bureaucracy.

    CONgress: The US Congress.

    CONgress-Kapital: The US Capitol building.

    CONstitution: The US Constitution.

    Dual-Seedline Christian Identity Resistance Activist: 1.) A militant resister of ZOG who is a member of a church which subscribes to British Israelism and the belief that the Jews are descendants of Satan. 2.) The baddest motherfucker a bad motherfucker can possibly be.

    Edjewcation: The twelve year indoctrination process by which a child is turned into a ZOGling.

    Femnishevik: Feminist. “Jailer Shafer–a smarmy self-righteous fat femnishevik ZOG-whore.”

    Gliberal: Liberal.

    Immigrunt: Immigrant.

    jew: You. Other forms include “jewr.” Never capitalized. NOTE: “jew” does not always have to mean “you.” It is occasionally used as a mere substitute syllable as in the case of edjewcation.

    jewlag: 1.) A subforum to which disruptive or ideologically undesirable posters are confined, such the “Opposing Views” subforum on Stormfront. 2.) ZOG’s system of prisons, bootcamps, mental hospitals, etc. Never capitalized.

    jewniversal: Universal. Never capitalized.

    Kook Kluck Klows, the: The Ku Klux Klan.

    Kort: A court of law. Generally accompanied by “ZOG” as “ZOG kort.”

    Kritter: An elected representative. Always used after a the body on which the individual serves. “CONgress-kritter” and “council-kritter” are examples.

    Libbertoon: Libertarian. Sometimes written “Libbertoonian.”

    Mamzer: 1.) Hebrew for “bastard.” 2.) A racially impure person.

    Modturdation: Moderation. A modturdator is one who modturdates.

    New Dark Age, a: A set of conditions under which “any form of government other than a theocratic state at the county level ruled by warlords and Christian Identity pastors is impossible.” This is the goal of the Resistance.

    Nutsionalist: A nationalist. Petty nationalism runs counter to the aims of the Resistance.

    Nutzi: A national socialist. By any objective standard, national socialists are less sane than Dual-Seedline Christian Identity Resistance Activists.

    Oafishul: Official.

    Osama Bin Contractor: The only fighter outside of the Resistance whose activities are looked upon with favor by that group. He is not a member of any organized force, but is instead a lone wolf who has been kicked around by ZOG one too many times. It has been said that OBC will be the first man to resort to prion poisoning.

    Paytriot: A person involved in either the (bowel) Movement or other blight-wing politics who primarily seeks to turn his activities into profit sources. Willis Carto and David Duke are prime examples.

    Phorafags/feebs: The Phora. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

    Piglice: Police.

    Piss-froth: 1.) The foam that collects on top of toilet water during longer urinations–especially those taken first thing in the morning. NOTE: piss-froth is to be avoided when urinating in jugs as it wastes space and thus creates less fertilizer for the asparagus patch. 2.) Alex Linder.

    Polytricks: Politics.

    Poop: Pope.

    Poop Jewn Paul2: The late Pope John Paul II.

    Prion poisoning: A method whereby deer carcases infected with Chronic Wasting Disease are artificially intoduced into the food chain, with the eventual goal being the tainting of the Amerikwan meat supply causing outbreaks of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease.

    Regime criminal: Any person currently serving in any fashion at any level of the Amerikwan government/ZOG. Come the revolution, regime criminals will be forced to watch as their women and children are raped to death by Dual-Seedline Christian Identity Resistance Activists before being executed themselves.

    Resistance, the: The assembled ranks and activities of the Dual-Seedline Christian Identity Resistance Activists.

    Shitty: City.

    Skrule: School.

    Suckcess: Success.

    Suckcessfool: Successful.

    TalmudVision: Television.

    TGM: Fraizer Glenn Miller’s name altered to “Traitor Glenn Miller” and subsequently abbreviated. AKA “Sgt. Snitch”

    TGMNN: The Vanguard News Network Forum.

    Triple Spam Mamzer: A Jew. “jews are triple-mamzers, since they have whigger, nigger and gook blood in them. Thus the ultimate mamzer, trying to destroy Whites and White civilization.”

    Turd-Whirled, the: The developing world.

    TWW: Talking While Whigger. The act of saying something stupid or embarassing due to one’s being a whigger.

    Under Satan’s Administration: The USA.

    Whirrld: The globalized, racially mixed world we know today.

    Whigger: A white nigger. NOTE: One does not have to wear baggy clothing or enjoy rap music to be a whigger. Not being a Dual-Seedline Christian Identity Resistance Activist is enough to qualify. 2.) “The other non-white meat.”

    Whiggerdumb: The state of being a Whigger.

    Whigger Fuktard Party, the: The White Freedom Party–an abortive attempt by TGMNN at political organizing.

    Whigger Nutzionalist: A white nationalist who by clinging to such a facile non-ideology has obviously failed to see that he is a ZOGling whigger ass-clown.

    Whiggertariat: The toiling masses of Amerikwan ZOGlings.

    Wonderfool: Wonderful.

    ZOG: Zionist Occupied Government.

    ZOGbux: Legal tender.

    ZOGling: One raised within Amerikwa and thus destroyed by ZOG. This includes all Whigger Nutzionalists. Often combined with other pejoratives.

  29. ” You think they won’t blast him for simply having that confederate logo on his website?”

    Its a non issue among 99.9% of real life America. Im sure you know this.

    My point was to appeal to grass roots.
    Fantasy fanatism is just that.
    Work within the system and subvert.
    Smarten up…

  30. Nobody takes the stars and bars seriously. Non issue outside of the shit kicking south.
    To really get things done, use and loot the “union”.
    Betray and ruin it.

  31. Thank you, Pastor Lindstedt, for adding some grace, dignity, and wisdom to this occasion.

    Carolyn Yenta! I’ll be laughing at that one ’till Christmas.

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