Racial and Religious Breakdown of the 2012 Vote in the South


H/T Hail To You

“This is especially true among Nonwhites, but it can also be true among Whites. For instance, only 2% of married White Baptist men in the Deep South voted for Obama, according to the Reuters exit poll. Romney won that group 50-to-1.”

Remember, the Mainstream Media was peddling the myth that Southern Baptists wouldn’t vote for a Mormon.

Note: Hail has another post on the Northeast. In both the Northeast and the South, we can see that atheists are one of the few White subdemographics that voted heavily for Obama.

As for the myth that Whites are basically the same everywhere, there was a 27.3% swing among White voters toward Romney in the South and away from Romney in the Northeast.

What’s especially fascinating is that there was a 20% gap between White Catholics in the Northeast and White Catholics in the South in their willingness to vote for Mitt Romney. Even the Jews in the South (outside of Florida) were significantly more likely to vote for Romney.

Colin Woodward has also shown that Romney and the Republicans were blown out in Yankeedom.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Props to Hail for his excellent work in mining the demographic data.

    As for the myth that Whites are basically the same everywhere, there was a 27.3% swing among White voters toward Romney in the South and away from Romney in the Northeast.

    Does anyone really believe that whites are the same everywhere? There’s no doubt that whites as a group are far more conservative in the South than they are in the Northeast. But even in the Northeast, white Christians still lean conservative. Those states are painted bright blue because of the voting power of non-whites, Jews and atheists.

    A question I’ve been pondering is, which Southern state is the most ‘Southern’ of them all? Not geographically or even culturally, but politically. This year, if by most Southern we mean most Republican, it would be Oklahoma, which voted 67% for Romney.

    But taking a longer view, going back to WW II, which presidential candidates best represented the South in each election, and what is the record of the various Southern states in voting for those candidates? In the 17 elections since 1948, I’ve picked the candidate who best represented Southern regionalism, white racial solidarity, conservatism and Christianity, or some combination thereof. All these candidates didn’t necessarily win the majority of Southern electoral votes, and of course this is only my opinion so I could be wrong. If I am wrong then I’m sure the Southrons on this board won’t hesitate to tell me so. Here is the list of the most ‘Southern’ candidate in each election:

    1948: Strom Thurmond
    1952: Adlai Stevenson
    1956: Adlai Stevenson
    1960: unpledged Democratic electors*
    1964: Barry Goldwater
    1968: George Wallace
    1972: Richard Nixon
    1976: Jimmy Carter
    1980: Ronald Reagan
    1984: Ronald Reagan
    1988: George HW Bush
    1992: George HW Bush
    1996: Bob Dole
    2000: George W Bush
    2004: George W Bush
    2008: John McCain
    2012: Mitt Romney

    * In 1960 Mississippi voted for a slate of unpledged Democratic electors, who then voted for Senator Harry Byrd of Virginia. Alabama voted for Kennedy, but 6 of its 11 electors also voted for Byrd.

    Now let’s compare how the 17 states of the Greater South (The census bureau’s definition of the South plus Missouri) voted in these 17 elections, with one point for each time they voted for the most ‘Southern’ candidate. I’ve also included DC for comparitive purposes, even though they only started voting for president in 1964.

    1.) Mississippi: 17
    2.) Alabama: 16
    3.) South Carolina: 15
    4.) Georgia: 13
    4.) Louisiana: 13
    6.) Arkansas: 12
    6.) North Carolina: 12
    8.) Texas: 11
    9.) Kentucky: 10
    9.) Missouri: 10
    9.) Oklahoma: 10
    12.) Tennessee: 9
    13.) Florida: 8
    13.) Virginia: 8
    13.) West Virginia: 8
    16.) Delaware: 5
    17.) Maryland: 4
    18.) DC: 1

    So there you have it, folks. Mississippi is the most ‘Southern’ state, with a perfect post-war voting record, the benchmark by which all other Southern states are judged. Alabama and South Carolina are close behind, with the Greater Chesapeake area (VA, WV, DE, MD, DC) bringing up the rear. It doesn’t necessarily follow that the further south geographically a state is, the more ‘Southern’ politically it will be. Kentucky is more ‘Southern’ than Tennessee, Arkansas is more ‘Southern’ than Texas, and virtually all the states are more ‘Southern’ than Florida. Rather, ‘Southern-ness’ seems to radiate out from Mississippi; the further away from Mississippi, the less ‘Southern’ a state is likely to be. Now you know. 🙂

  2. Note that the study excludes Florida and Oklahoma from the South and excludes Pennsylvania from the North(east.) Delaware and Maryland were never moved from South Atlantic to Northeast by the Census Bureau to account for demographic shifts.

  3. Mississippi is the state that has been the least changed by transplants. I believe it has the lowest Hispanic population in the South. The majority of people who live in Florida are now transplants.

  4. I’m going to create a new noun. The Southern White is going to Boerize.

    It’s unavoidable. The Florida whote will need to wake the fuck up. Same with the Virginian.

  5. I’m reading the South Was Right. Early on it has a quote by John Adams saying we were two people, and so different the union couldn’t be held together with out the utmost caution. That’s a yankee founding father saying what we say and George Mason didn’t want us to join the union because we were so different in manners, habits and customs

    The argument about us being different people is a very old one, and probably hard to understand now that the vast majority of men are raised up with the yankee propaganda system, I mean education system

  6. “Mississippi is the state that has been the least changed by transplants.”

    Let’s also consider the counties within MANY states that are least changed by transplants, and by Hispanic immigrants, etc.

    “Mississippi is the most ‘Southern’ state, with a perfect post-war voting record, the benchmark by which all other Southern states are judged (…) It doesn’t necessarily follow that the further south geographically a state is, the more ‘Southern’ politically it will be. Kentucky is more ‘Southern’ than Tennessee, Arkansas is more ‘Southern’ than Texas…”

    …and there are many rural counties in many other states, including some northern and western states, that are just as ‘southern’ and equally ‘least changed’ by transplants and immigrants as the state of Mississippi is.

    Wherever there are low population density and general poverty, extremely hot and humid or other extreme climatic conditions, extremely mountainous or monotonously level topography, great distance from sea or lake shores and other tourist destinations, as a rule there will be less invasion, less change, and greater conservativsm.

  7. “John Adams saying we were two people”:

    Didn’t say it all. There must be at least THREE people, then, because New Englanders or “Yankeelanders” are as different from Pennsyltuckians as you feel all northerners are from “southrons.” I certainly don’t want to be ruled by or blended into the Northeast.

  8. New England, New York, New Jersey, and the entire megapolis stretching from Boston to Baltimore and D.C. is a very foreign land. We don’t go there.

  9. “Can’t a state agree to divide?”

    As in: Can’t the federal union agree to divide? When states’ and counties’ constutional rights of secession and nullification, and self-determination, cultural preservation, etc. become generally understood and accepted by the electorate it may be possible.

  10. One order of business will be to reunite West Virginia and Virginia. Then break up Illinois. Arguable the same should happen in Oregon and Washington.

  11. “One order of business will be to reunite West Virginia and Virginia. Then break up Illinois.” Let the Appalachian counties of central Pennsylvania join the Reunited Old Dominion. Also form the conservative (“southern”) state of Delmarva out of the conservative Delaware counties south of Wilmington, and the adjoining eastern Maryland counties, where the people already think of themselves as a separate group, speak a unique and very old regional dialect, have similar ancestry and religion, etc.

  12. Jeppo..Those states of Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine and Massachusssets are almost 90 percent white on average..Romney lost because these bastards usually vote communist

  13. Hello,

    Those particular states are probably the only ACTUAL white supremacists in America. They keep the darkies out so efficiently that it beggars belief.

  14. Forgot to mention: the western Maryland counties go with the restored Old Dominion too, and all that’s left of Maryland is the urban corridor. Southern Ohio, Indiana and Illinois and most of western Pennsylvania secede from their state governments, making the entire Ohio river valley the western marches of Virginia. West
    Virginia rejoining Virginia for the conservative political cause would overcome the liberal electoral force of the D.C. suburbs, and become the example and catalyst for the gerrymandering.

  15. This fits my theory well that Jews are more Democratic because they are less religious. I am sure there are some Jews who vote Democratic because of “hyper-ethnocentrism” etc., but in general I think it’s because of “Jewish atheism.”

  16. Re: “would show a divide”: There is a continuous range, from Orthodox to Conservadox, to Conservative, to Reformed, liberal, non-practicing and atheistic.

  17. I certainly don’t want to be ruled by or blended into the Northeast. Mosin

    Can’t fault you for that but the rights of secession, nullification, self-determination, cultural preservation, etc. will never be generally understood by yankees. This is the system they created and they fought a war on Southron civilians to destroy the right to secession, nullification, self-determination, cultural preservation, etc. They’ve doubled down on that every chance they have gotten. There is nothing about the yankees past actions or more recent ones that give the idea they will suddenly understand their mistakes any credence

  18. “Never”? “Nothing”? Our local county commissioners recently nullified parts of the NDAA they considered unconstitutional. Meetings are being held in various townships and boroughs about refusing to adopt Agenda 21. Anything practical like that, that you can do in your state or that we can do here to limit or roll back tyranny actually helps BOTH of us — helps both “peoples,” in both regions.

  19. Re: “the rights of secession, nullification, self-determination, cultural preservation, etc. will never be generally understood by yankees”:

    Despite the historical record that seems to prove that statement, Anglo-Celts born and bred north of the Line remain essentially genetically identical to Anglo-Celts born and bred south of the Line, and there is no genetic determination that would prevent either from understanding those concepts.

  20. Mosin Nagant says:
    New England, New York, New Jersey, and the entire megapolis stretching from Boston to Baltimore and D.C. is a very foreign land. We don’t go there…..

    The Northeast “conservative-identified” Transplants seem to be total neo-cons, and by Southern standards, are not really “conservative,” at least not in the same way, although they went for Romney.

    Wonder how many Northeast and Transplant “conservatives” would be seen as “conservative” by Southern standards, since the split there is deep enough that those groups don’t happily break bread. There’s “Southern Flight” of “conservatives” whenever Northeast Transplant conservatives come in, since the cultures (even among “republicans” are so different)

    By contrast, the southern conservative is steeped in (the other side of) history, long-term anti-governmentism, aware of indoctrination and propaganda in a different way (due to being the object, personally, of so much negative propaganda), deeply tied to the ‘agrarian’ ideals, (hating the culture of factory-military, orders and time clock realities represented by Reagan-Romney types), and so on.

    A huge group votes Republican WHILE hating them. Now that republicans really can’t win, hard to say what they’d do.

  21. “One order of business will be to reunite West Virginia and Virginia. Then break up Illinois.” Let the Appalachian counties of central Pennsylvania join the Reunited Old Dominion…..

    Always thought the Berlin Meme would work well. The splitting of East and West Virginia—- the brother’s war, the broken families, etc. —being split up, just like in Germany!

    Bring down this wall! “Re-unification” being such a emotional loaded word for some populations.

  22. —- many “Conservative” Republican voters who are NETs (transplants) FUNCTION exactly like the “left”: Many are Generational dependents on the state (although usually military), they teach their children Chinese and Spanish (for the future Romney promises), “homeschool” (but on the public’s dime), take their children to “multi-cult” experiences (again prepping them for the future), etc. They share the identical “historical narrative” with the Left.

    “Conservative” transplants (Romney voters) often have more in common with “leftists” transplants than with southern conservatives.

    Everything really—- except they say they are “anti-abortion” and happen to be heterosexual (like 96% of all human populations, lol).

    But that’s all their Romney vote really boils down to. The idea they are “implicitly white” (Keven MacDonald’s thing)—- I don’t agree. They are as seriously multi-cult committed as any hardcore statist on the left.

    Other than some lip service about gays, abortions—- that version of the left-right is identical.

  23. Mainly alot of unecessary hyteria if you ask me. All these tough talkin secessionists will come up with elaborate plans of this or that, and all the Left will do is screech “racist.” This will cause the planners to double down on “planning”, and enter stage Right a Beck like clown splitting the difference between the tough talkers and the cult of nice white ladies who fear being called a “racist.”

    Can we say, “President Connie Chastain?”

    Plan B, create a political movement that protects whites from the word “racist” and allows them free speech to articulate their political ambitions and the world is ours. Babble on about abstract minutae you might as well send money to the GOP.

  24. @Dixiegirl

    The Burbon restoration in West Virginia took place a few years after the Civil War with the election of “Hugh” Caperton, and then the very honorable Frank Hereford to the US Senate. Both were Confederates, Caperton being both a Confederate officer and an elected Confederate politician.

    So a short time after the Civil War the South gained two US Senators—an unintended consequence. The South also gained Congressmen like the estimable John M. Kenna a former Confederate soldier. Also there were numerous outspoken & now forgotten minor (miner LOL) Confederate soldiers, a couple of whom are in my family tree, who were in the West Virginia House of Delegates from the eastern panhandle/northern West Virginia after the Civil War.

    As far as bitterness goes, yeah there sure was, and a lot of people stopped talking to each other, particularly along the Mason Dixon Line.

  25. Mosin you should read more. The South was made up from different areas of those places then the north from the get go. if it’s not genetic, then what the fuck is up with your people? Why have you chosen big govt, and niggers over Southron White men so often?

    What ever credit you and the other yankees want on these things… y’all have a long track record to overcome. Start with some honest books, like the South was Right and work from there. yankees simply cannot understand the difference because you’ve been preached the bullshit ( and created the bullshit preached) for so long

  26. Re: “if it’s not genetic, then what…is up with your people? (…) yankees simply cannot understand”:

    Some of the different groups that settled different colonies did come from different places in England, but I don’t agree that the slight genetic differences between the descendants of the Anglos who settled north of the Line and the descendants of the Anglos who settled south of the Line could determine the inability (supposed!) of the former group to understand political concepts such as the true nature of liberty, virtue of slavery, etc. that are understood readily by the latter. So that leaves only cultural influence. Imagine if you had been a genetically-pure Scots-Irish who happened to be born and bred in, say, Michigan, or even Massachusetts!

    Re: “What ever credit you and the other yankees want on these things”:

    Probably no one here “wants credit.” Only facts and truth! Rivalrous, emulous thinking is unproductive and destructive.

    Re: “Mosin you should read more”: I have read widely on genetics and ancestry, and southern history, for years, but I agree there is yet much more to learn. Thanks for your suggestion, Stonelifter. I will read it as time allows.

  27. Dixiegirl wrote: “The Northeast ‘conservative-identified’ Transplants seem to be total neo-cons, and by Southern standards, are not really ‘conservative,’ at least not in the same way, although they went for Romney. Wonder how many Northeast and Transplant ‘conservatives’ would be seen as ‘conservative’ by Southern standards, since the split there is deep enough that those groups don’t happily break bread. There’s ‘Southern Flight’ of ‘conservatives’ whenever Northeast Transplant conservatives come in, since the cultures…are so different (…) By contrast, the southern conservative is steeped in…history, long-term anti-governmentism…deeply tied to the ‘agrarian’ ideals, (hating the culture of factory-military, orders and time clock realities represented by Reagan-Romney types), and so on.”

    Well said, Dixiegirl. The rootless, invading transplants cannot be true conservatives since they are not even attached to a place.

  28. It’s political, cultural, military, climate, proximity to blacks, an admixture of ethnic variation among Anglos, Irish, Scots, Welsh, Dutch, Danes, Germans, French and dare I say it–the bloody Belgiums!

    A great deal of it is proximity to darkies and being gollywog wise.

  29. Mosin,

    There is a fascinating map about depression in the UK. It’s is concentrated in East Anglia which has the greatest concentration of Anglo-Scandinavians (who also tend to be suicidal). Well this is precisely the foundation culture and genetic stock of Massachusetts. Heavy alcoholism and puritanical bent.

    The Virginians at least were from Somerset and Devon. The Cavalier was essentially a West Country boy. The Barbadians too. Most slavers like Drax were Devonians. They are a happier sunnier sort as far as it goes. Much less puritanical. There are significant differences in genetic markers from Devon to Anglia. Nothing terribly signifant at first glance but colonization amplifies it.

  30. “But that’s all their Romney vote really boils down to. The idea they are “implicitly white” (Keven MacDonald’s thing)—- I don’t agree. They are as seriously multi-cult committed as any hardcore statist on the left. ”

    I agree completely. Have you SEEN some of the multi-culti rot gut in modern “christian” publications.

    But then again, there’s the SBC. Talk about a bunch of multi-cult loving Southrons, that apple fell WAY of the tree.

  31. Orthodox Jews voted against Obama big both this time and last.

    “Take a four-square-block slice of Gravesend, Brooklyn, a warren of high-priced residences dotted with Sephardic temples and yeshivas that happens to be the deepest single bloc of Republican support in all five boroughs. On Election Day, 97 percent of the voters there supported Mr. Romney, who beat Mr. Obama 133 votes to 3. Mr. Romney won unanimously in six other precincts, but altogether, 10 people voted in those precincts. ”

    “Mr. Obama’s worst precincts were in Orthodox Jewish areas like Ocean Parkway and Williamsburg in Brooklyn and Kew Gardens Hills in Queens. In a few precincts in Borough Park, Brooklyn, Mr. Romney won more than 90 percent of the vote. ”

    McCain’s best area in the whole country was in heart of Borough Park (it was the only area in the country with over 50,000 people that voted for McCain at a 90% rate)
    McCain’s best ED in the country was in Lakewood NJ (885-3-1) possibly 100% Jewish.

  32. Interesting on the people who came into governance in WV after the war. WV seems more culturally Scots than English, yet a mix. Definitely what could be called Racialist-Libertarian—- totally belying the criticism of ‘libertarianism’ made by many— that it’s all about “individualism.”

    In REALITY— it’s the most “libertarian” areas that are also simultaneously linked to “excessive clannishness,” lol. In reality—- the live and let live types can be very community oriented ALSO. Amish are sort of an example, maybe. Rural, self-reliant, yet doing barn raisings, etc.

  33. The White Catholics in the NE are Atheists like the Jews are Atheists. They say they were “raised Catholic,” but they never say they are Catholic. It’s like Europe is now, Atheists.

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