Ian Jobling Condemns Jared Taylor

District of Corruption

H/T White Reference

If you remember this guy, he used to run “Inverted World” and “White America.” I sparred with him quite often. He used to defend the Iraq War and post absurd articles that invoked John Rawls to justify racialism.

Update: Auster on Jobling.

Note: Jobling, Berman, and Auster are proof that the Jews don’t control Amren.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. After a lot of soul-searching, he determined that the most personally-convenient position was coincidentally also the correct one. Ah well. I’m a little surprised the SPLC doesn’t attack him as a hate-monger and potential terrorist anyway… he does admit the possibility of genetic racial differences.

  2. I’ve noticed that any post with a negative association with Jews is no longer immediately deleted over at Amren. Perhaps even Taylor is realizing that to eliminate Jews from the conversation on white dispossession/oppression & Western decline is like eliminating the lemons from lemonade.

  3. One irony here is that this is exactly what white people do. They do actually treat people as equally and as fairly as possible. The way that guy ended his QnA– I have come to accept the conventional wisdom…god almighty!

    The trouble comes when you lose your motherland and are at the tender mercies of savages. Jobling, what about South Africa? What happens when that state of affairs exists in a municipality? What happens when we Mexicanize to an extent that we are like Nogales or Tijuana or some Brazilian Favela in Rio?

    South Africa had a very sparse human population before the white arrived there. The niggers latched on and multiplied like fucking cancer and killed the host.

  4. Taylor if he wanted to could weed out alot of these types, Simply ask them if the white race is equal to the other races. Jobling wouldn’t answer that because the man simply wanted to quibble some very small details of some very abstract minutae and asking him or them that there is even such a thing as a white race crosses into taboo.

    But heck even the LoS or other paleocon fundraisers wouldn’t even admit there is a white race or it being worth saving it (this is primarily addressed to that religous extremist Trotter)

    Mainly today’s intellectual life is one of taboo infliction and obeyance, too bad too many on our side obey.

  5. Just more evidence in favor of my thesis that hatred (of Jews, Negroes, or anybody else) is harmful to the White cause.

    Our movement must be positive, rather than negative. It must be based upon love of our own people rather than hatred of the others. Most white people have some spiritual connection with the Almighty, and will therefore recoil instinctively from any person, group, or ideology reeking of hatred (e.g., Nazism), while the love of one’s own people comes easily and naturally to them. We should recognize this fact of human nature and work with it, not against it. We should present our cause as a movement based upon love of our family (i.e. “us” — the White race as extended family) rather than one based upon hatred of non-Whites (“Them”). If we come across as haters of Them rather than lovers of Us, we will never build the Catalan-style mass movement needed to take on BRA and win.

  6. “he does admit the possibility of genetic racial differences.”

    Genetic racial differences are as plain as the widened nose on their face. Anyone who isn’t a willfully delusional retard admits the same. The difference is, they think those differences are superficial, and are essentially different curtains on the same window. We, correctly I might add, observe that such genetic differences effect more than skin color and iq, and that the aggregate in differences is where the differences in culture come from.

  7. Ian Jobling Condemns Jared Taylor. Gee, what a surprise? I’m sure his original intent was to sway the discourse into the predictable jewish bent. Not being entirely successful he turns on his host and stabs him in the back. Live and learn ye foolish goyim.

    Jobbling: “It may be that there are innate, biological differences among the races… But this subject is so explosive that, in our daily lives, we should ignore it to the extent that this is possible. We should make an effort to treat people equally and not impose our stereotypes on them. That’s where most Americans are today, and I’ve come to accept the common wisdom”.

    Yeah, great advice. He’s a snake!

  8. I’m in an odd position in that I’m sympathetic to his “anti anti-semitism” but in disagreement with his American imperialism and support for Israel.

    Whether or not you are in agreement with Jobling, you can’t deny that you also condemn white nationalism albeit for different reasons. I never really identified as WN but I used to subscribe to Amren. Around 2010-2011 I stopped and had a private conversation with Taylor in which I explained that my political views had changed, I disliked the association of Amren with white nationalists and the forum that back it and I’m more interested in anthropology than a political definition of white.

  9. Even money on him passing info to the SPLC the entire time.
    This is revise ly why iveno interest in engaging in such things by being anything more than a mouthy commentator.

    It’s best to transmit ideas than attempt to organize among strangers.

  10. National Socialism doesn’t bother me too much. But there is NO need for an American to Ape German forms of political expression. The Germans never experienced the Caribbean, so it’s no guide to dealing with groids.

  11. I think the Jared Taylor policy, position on the Jews is the best approach:

    Don’t become obsessed with THE JEWS like David Duke, but also don’t bend over backwards to suck up to the Jews or accept the Neo Conservative Jew program of endless wars for Israel, open borders immigration to the US, the White West, with Israel reserved as a Jewish ethno state.

    Also, Amren includes some honest commentary, education that Jews in the US overwhelmingly support Obama, BRA, have universally failing immigration grades in the USA.

  12. Derb’s policy is the best one. Befriend a few personally and keep on good terms. But beware business dealings and overt political alliances.

  13. As far as the genetics of race, my basic position is that races “on average” do differ, although individuals differ as well. However, I don’t believe in any inherit “right” for American to stay White, that’s why I’m not wn. I do believe the Whites in America do have rights, but that doesn’t mean that races should institute a Jim Crow System, especially not in the Northeast. Especially under our capitalist system, complete racial segregation would pose all sorts of contradictions and most people don’t want to completely avoid other races.

  14. Metal Head: let the States decide, as the original Republic was set up. Let the people do as they wish with their private property. Restore freedom of association to the public domain.
    There are 50 States, if one isn’t inclusive enough for you you could move to another. If you wanted a whites only bar (or one that allowed smoking. , etc) you could without the Federal leviathan coming down on you.
    And remember, small genetic differences have huge consequences. I believe white evolution in the ice age made us who we are, vice the comparatively easy tropical living of people’s of color.

  15. Once the YT evolved (recessive or dominant genes that were present in the OOB population) the accomplishments speak for themselves. An equatorial ape that could terraform a tundra into a place to live.

  16. Most white people have some spiritual connection with the Almighty, and will therefore recoil instinctively from any person, group, or ideology reeking of hatred (e.g., Nazism), while the love of one’s own people comes easily and naturally to them. We should recognize this fact of human nature and work with it, not against it.

    One cannot love all indiscriminately, unless one also hates that which the Beloved hates, Robert. Or is Ps. 139:22 not in your Bible?

  17. What is strange about the interview is how Jobling glibbly conflates white self-determination / sovoreignty with white supremicism. He is smart enough to know the difference, so it is just outright weird to hear him describing the entire pro white-o-sphere as essentially supremicist and violent.

    Much of the pro white movement at this point is essentially just saying “leave us alone”, and nothing more. Are the Tibetans, Basques or any other self-determination movement “supremacists”? If not, then why are whites considered so automatically?

  18. “Oh, it’s in there. But I do not think that Psalm means what you think it means.”

    Lord. Bill Cosby and Barnard. Is that the best you can do?

    John Piper (no friend to Kinists- for that is the theological term of what HW is arguing for, with Dixie (a unified culture, race, religion, and worldview) ) tries- as he does with miscegenation, to waffle around the exact meaning of the Imprecatory Psalms.

    Frankly, I’d rather stand with Chrysostom, Calvin, and Luther, than John Piper and modern antinomianism, any day.

    I was trying, Robert, to point out that indiscriminate love is the hallmark of failed liberalism, and knowing one’s enemy and ostracizing him, naming him, and driving him out (you know, like the Israelites did to the Amelikites?) is a hallmark of theocentric, and/or conservative realms. Subtly, but it was there. No, I think the time has come to ‘pull down strongholds,’ and ‘answer a fool according to his folly’ when he/she/they call us ‘racists’ (Yea, so what?) or homophobes (You bet- ewww, psychological sickoes doing what with their anuses?) rather than the smarmy ‘love the sinner, hate the sin.’ Even St. John of the Cross called sin, sin, for goodness’ sake (literally). You’re talking like liberal, albeit in a theological fashion. THAT is what the last seventy years got us- alienated from our own country! Nope. ALL shibboleths have to go, Robert. Even the ones that appear to be pious, if they stand in the way of a nascent White Homeland.

  19. I disagree regarding the idea that Jobling was a mole.

    He was too honest. Usually Moles will try to appear as if their ideology is ‘within the normal.’ But since he’s advocating abnormal positions, I think it’s likely that he was sincere and then changed his mind.

  20. Around 2010-2011 I stopped and had a private conversation with Taylor in which I explained that my political views had changed, I disliked the association of Amren with white nationalists and the forum that back it and I’m more interested in anthropology than a political definition of white.

    And what an irreparable blow to the movement that was. I’ve heard Taylor to this day lies awake at night wondering just where he went wrong.

    As far as the genetics of race, my basic position is that races “on average” do differ, although individuals differ as well. However, I don’t believe in any inherit “right” for American to stay White, that’s why I’m not wn. I do believe the Whites in America do have rights, but that doesn’t mean that races should institute a Jim Crow System, especially not in the Northeast. Especially under our capitalist system, complete racial segregation would pose all sorts of contradictions and most people don’t want to completely avoid other races.

    You really are a few sandwiches short of a picnic, you know that? You’re forever announcing what you think, but it has never been remotely clear why anyone would give a flying fuck what you think.

  21. If Jobling was a mole, he wouldn’t have destroyed his internet reputation in the first place. It’ll be tough for him to ever get a real job, even with his “repentance.”

  22. The SPLC “report” on now anti-White Joblin and his relationship with Mr. Taylor & AmRen is as transparent as any other piece of the anti-White network.

    They always come to the same conclusion: any opposition to the ongoing program of White Genocide through immigration & assimilation is a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

    The only way a White person can “not be racist” is by agreeing with having every single White country flooded with non-Whites and force-assimilated until White people are blended out of existence. In other words, if we don’t want to be “racist” we must accept the GENOCIDE of our own people.

    That proves beyond any doubt that “anti-racist” is nothing but a code word for anti-White.

  23. Ian Jobling claims that he left American Renaissance because David Duke was allowed to attend an American Renaissance conference.

    I hope and believe that the Rev. Jesse Jackson would be allowed to attend an American Renaissance conference.

    I disagree with Jared Taylor on specific issues. Nevertheless, I access American Renaissance nearly every day.

    Jared Taylor has said that he is not a white nationalist, but a race realist. Race realism is the belief that race is an important biological category, that the races differ significantly in average ability levels and behavior, and that these differences have been caused by many thousands of years of evolution in response to different population pressures.

    Although it is still somewhat dangerous to express the assertions of race realism, the scientific evidence in favor of it is pretty one sided.

    Jared Taylor would like to live in a country in which virtually everyone is white and of European ancestry. I enjoy diversity, but I want it to be voluntary and based on merit. I oppose affirmative action.

    In addition, I recognize that a high rate of immigration – especially third world immigration – conflicts with nearly everything else liberals want to achieve.

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