My Worldview (Part II)


Editor’s Note: I’m out walking again. I will polish this up when I get home. The latest version of WordPress is full of bugs.

Our Strategy – The Road to Disunion

I briefly mentioned this summary in the last RFM debate:

1.) Take advantage of the demographic eclipse of the Republican Party to stir ethnic consciousness and revive Southern Nationalism as the alternative to contesting the White House through the mainstream political process.

2.) Win people over to our own side by convincing them that they have no political future in the United States and by communicating with them in terms of their own experience. “Mainstreaming” Southern Nationalism.

3.) Close the gap between Southern White Christians and the secessionist vanguard. Emphasize a cultural and economic message like Catalonia and Flanders to win broader appeal. “Mainstreaming” secession.

4.) Polarize the country and the two major political parties along sectional lines.

5.) Foment a conservative revolution in defense of traditional Southern values.

6.) Secede from the United States. Form a Southern Republic. Challenge the United States before the world to live up to the democratic values of Russia, China, Great Britain, Canada, and France.

Our Strategy – Dealing With Yankees

Dealing with Yankees will probably be the key to the success or failure of the secession movement.

In dealing with Yankees, we should emphasize the mutual advantages of dissolving this Union. There are plenty of progressives who are tired of the culture war, tired of the gridlock in Washington, tired of dealing with conservatives from the Deep South, tired of the SEC dominating college football.

America has failed as a nation. The Constitution is a failure. There is no political cure but separation to this problem. Even many people on the Left are willing to say we are on to something here.

Some of these Yankees are already making the argument that the Blue States would be better of without financially without Red States like Alabama and Mississippi. There is some merit to this argument because White Democrats in states like New York really are taxed to sustain the welfare state that supports millions of African-American and Hispanic Democrats in the South.

The North really would be better off if it wasn’t squandering its own tax dollars on integrated public schools and Section 8 housing and Medicaid in the South. If the South was allowed to secede, progressives would dominate the remainder of the Union, which is where most progressives live anyway.

If Christian marriage isn’t sacred, why should the Union be sacred? If women have a right to control their own bodies, why don’t Southerners have a right to choose their own government? If Tibet has a right to be free of China, why doesn’t Dixie have a right to be free of the United States?

Southerners should embarrass the Left by inviting international observers from the U.N. to monitor our elections and oversee a peaceful transition to Southern independence in the same way that Kosovo and South Sudan recently became the world’s latest sovereign states.

The United States went to war to prevent Serbia, Iraq, North Vietnam, and North Korea from “preserving the Union.” It has prohibited Austria from reuniting with Germany. It strong armed Sudan into granting independence to South Sudan.

Yankees should be forced to choose between their commitment to peace and democracy and “preserving the Union” on television in front of an international audience. Let them hang themselves on their own principles. Russia and China will happily provide them with the rope.

As a solution, secession will separate us from the overwhelming majority of Yankees and eliminate their ability (along with their Jewish allies) to meddle in our internal affairs, which is 90% of our problem. In one stroke, secession alone will solve most of our problems with blacks and Hispanics, Yankees and Jews.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I think it is important to sell partition as a series of votes; that will make people feel comfortable, secure, respected, and empowered

    1. Nonbinding secession yea or nay one november where the governor is on the ballot, in texas its 2014
    2. The action of the newly chosen state legislature to secede .
    3. The creation of a new federal government as other states join up “forking” or duplicatic the fa’iliar structure of the old
    4. The systematic process of working through the after math over years to decades

  2. Important to sell the idea of legal / economic continuity which slowly changes via a constitutional process. Tell people one day you wake up, and the union has 50 states with a capitol in DC, the next day you wake up, the union has 25 states with a capitol in Dallas!

    Then we gradually fix the new country via the consyitutional process.

  3. Additionally, people need to reminded that the DC government will still exist and the NY and Chicago stock Exchanges will still exist, and th the military will syill exist, and that commerce, people, and goods exchange between states of the former union, but that with a new union will come new institutions and laws over time.

    We want to minimize “future shock”.

  4. Are you advocating an ideological exercise, before appealing to the governors and state legislatures? Or are you bypassing those latter two, altogether? In order to avoid the usual warfare, killing and disruption of normalcy, in other words?

    Do you think that you can garner the airtime, newstime, and reams of copy to enable your position to be heard, when it is the Jewsmedia itself that you are working against? What of that piece I linked to you the other day, that showed the smaller the state, the less the jews have the ability to control? If you desire to remove yourselves from Yankeedom, how do you expect to get around the guardians of the gate, if they control the press?

  5. Quick tips on dealing with troublesome Jewish questions. They are traps. Indeed Silver is engaged in trapping you with rhetoric.

    Stonelifter had a good answer. The Nazis killed lots of white people who were living in sovereign states invaded by a self selected elite group of whites (white who had zero experience dealing with darkies). The Germans were very much like the Yankees. Snow white
    Hypocrites from almost purely white societies with no practical colonial experiences except as exploiters.

    You can laugh most of it off as you respect the idea of national sovereignty for Europeans and all American nations.

  6. If Hitler had respected a few more borders he couldn’t have done what he did. The Second Reich was a carbon copy of the Yankee Union. It sought to force other nations into bowing down before the supremacy of one rather moralistic, belligerant and high minded culture to the exclusion of all else.

  7. A good tactic is to also point out that the union basically committed war crimes all over the south and that the Germans were merely imitating and perfecting the new normal of Sherman and Sheridan. Lure them onto the battlefield and terrain that you know. Be ready with totals of southerners killed and the percentage of the population that represented. Then they reve themselves as the killers of your people.

  8. Promote the things that educate people about the real “total war” nature of the WBTS. About the sort of information contained in books s/a Cisco’s War Crimes Against Southern Civilians that most decent northerners who would want to be decent, could never even know, being raised on t.v., movies, and mirroring academic narratives, and being cut off by their leaders from any access to the point of view of Generational Americans (whether Southern or real Colonials) and their Oral Tradition.

    Start the grassroots movement of southern and colonial peoples “speaking out,” and “having a voice,” so they offer new, interesting, and previously unheard perspectives on history, literature, arts, dances, foods and folkways.

    No big idea, just regular Joe colonial and southern descendants, coming out of the closet, and admitting who they are, without fear, and claiming their ancestry, and insisting that they do matter in the country their families founded.

    Supporting genealogy societies and making them popular among average people, since access to records has become easy with the internet.

  9. Oh— and more men with those SEXY southern accents should do radio shows, lol.

    It is very funny that some people —having had southern accents linked on t.v. in their propaganda and programming, can only “link” southern accents to acts of brutality—

    The Southern accent is melodious, fluid, soft in its vowels (except in the mountains). How could it even compare to the whiney nasal staccato battery of a north accent?

    Let southern men (the good ones) talk more— idk, I hate politics, I really do and am no good at thinking about it, but hearing southern guys talk makes me swoon, lol.

  10. Also— the southern male style, where it can be very “take charge,” is also often more laid back —much cooler— than the bossy northeast come on. I don’t think battery is sexy, lol. Like the whole northeast “virgin-whore” complex, we used to call it in school, they either put women on a pedestal, or treat them like dirt, instead of a “real” relationship, the sensibility encoded in a Madonna act.

    Southern men are laid back, cooler, not so “all about business,” come on like they have time for other people, and a much more biting sense of humor, ultimately more English, in a sense, more character oriented, since they notice a lot about people and motivation.

    OT— but southern men are really sexy. And great storytellers also.

  11. Hm— so much of the ideas about “ethno-nationalism” seem so large and impersonal.

    But the crux of ethno-nationalism is really whether an individual —of any race– would like to LIVE as a historical being or not. Whether they would LIKE to chose to acknowledge ancestry, in the manner of all religions from the dawn of time, including christianity (where the first thing people know about their God, Jesus, is the list of begats).

    The losses of living as a historical being have been highly promoted (supposedly less violence since “we’re all people here,” and “individual merit” is better than “taking credit” for one’s ancestors).

    But the GAINS of having a history, of knowing where one comes from historically, of knowing —names, dates, times— who your family was in conflicts, how they were positioned, what they did— are not discussed.

    Individuals may just DECIDE that they will live as people with a real history (outside the cartoon versions offered by their t.v., with its overblown hyperbolic unreal villains, lack of complexity, and so forth).

    Make having a history appealing.

  12. Hunter writes:

    “Southerners should embarrass the Left by inviting international observers from the U.N. to monitor our elections and oversee a peaceful transition to Southern independence in the same way that Kosovo and South Sudan recently became the world’s latest sovereign states.”

    Jack replies:

    This implies that these Left institutions are somehow “fair” and will grant White majorities in Southern states the same rights granted to 3rd world people of color. It’s like dealing with Neo Conservative Jewish Zionists and expecting them to support a White version of Zionism. They’re just not fair.

    Elena Kagan and Ruth Bader Ginzberg and that New York a Rican Supreme Court Justice with the Jew name Sodermeyer or something will be judging the legality of your fair and democratic secession elections.

  13. “Polarize the country and the two major political parties along sectional lines.”

    Good luck with that. Nationally, Whites voted overwhelmingly 59% – 38% Republican in the 2012 election. Even California Whites voted 53% Republican and New York Whites voted 55% Republican. In the Mountain west it was even more.

  14. Catalonia has four different secessionist parties represented in the Catalonian regional parliament. How many secessionist parties are represented in Southern sate legislatures?

    Americans tend to think of the two party system as something ordained by God. They seldom ask these questions: What are political parties? Why do political parties exist?

  15. “If Hitler had respected a few more borders he couldn’t have done what he did.”

    The only border Hitler “violated” was the one with the Soviet Empire. This was his great mistake. Everything he did prior to that was the perfectly righteous restoration of Germany’s pre-war borders and German speaking territories imposed after Germany’s defeat in WWI.

  16. Southern nationhood presupposes Southern unity. Even the dolts in the MSM have finally noticed the political divide between the South Atlantic states and Transappalachia.

    We already know that the South Atlantic voted for Obama 58-40 in electoral votes compared to 98-0 for Romney in Transappalachia. We also know that there are 8 Democratic senators in the South Atlantic compared to 6 Republicans, whereas in Transappalachia there are 14 GOP compared to only 4 Dems.

    But did you know that Romney won more than 55% of the vote in all 9 Transappalachian states, but in none of the 7 South Atlantic states? Or that after redistricting, the GOP won all 3 new seats in Transappalachia but only 2 of the 4 new seats in the South Atlantic?

    It seems pretty clear that while Transappalachia remains bright red, the South Atlantic states are now purple, and trending blue. The Solid South is solid no more.

  17. You have to deal with the utilitarian heresy, or fantasy ideology in your terminology. It hasn’t fully invaded the South, but the charismatics are fully infected and the SBC is increasingly so. The Puritan New Englanders had no problem with slavery, killin’ Injuns, or white superiority until that bit of universalist nonsense took hold.

  18. There is no such thing as a divide between “Transapplachia” and the “South Atlantic” states.

    1.) First, the only Democratic governors left in the South are in Arkansas, West Virginia, Missouri, and Kentucky. In the 2012 election, the Democrats lost the governorship of North Carolina and Republicans won a supermajority in the North Carolina state legislature and the Tennessee state legislature.

    2.) Second, the Republicans picked up seats in the Southern state legislatures – including South Carolina, Georgia, and North Carolina – with the exceptions of Texas, Missouri, and Florida.

    3.) Third, the Republicans picked up seats in the House in South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia, held the three seats they picked up in Virginia, and lost seats in the “South Atlantic” only in South Florida.

    4.) In West Virginia, which would be the quintessential example of “Transappalachia,” the Democrats control the WV governorship, state legislature, 1 out of 3 House seats, and both Senate seats, and reelected Joe Manchin to the U.S. Senate in the 2012 election.

    5.) In Virginia, which would be the quintessential example of a “South Atlantic” state, the Republicans control the VA governorship, state legislature, and 8 out of 11 House seats, while the Democrats control 3 House seats (two in NOVA, one a gerrymandered black majority seat), and both Senate seats.

    6.) In the “South Atlantic states,” the Republicans now control every governorship and state legislature, whereas in “Transapplachia,” the Democrats control 4 governorships, the WV state legislature, and the Kentucky House.

    7.) You’re also completely wrong on redistricting:

    In “Transappalachia,” the only state which gained new House seats was Texas, and the Democrats won 3 out of 4 of the new seats. In the “South Atlantic states,” South Carolina and Georgia each gained a seat and Florida gained two seats, so the final split in the “South Atlantic States” was 2 to 2.

    8.) There is no such thing as “Transappalachia” and the “South Atlantic” states: the difference is simply that there are more cities in the “South Atlantic,” which means there are more Yankee transplants in Atlanta, NOVA, Charlotte, Raleigh-Durham, Tampa and Orlando, who are combining with black voters in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, and with black, Hispanic, and Asian voters in Virginia.

    9.) In 2008, 41% of White voters in West Virginia and 36% of White voters in Kentucky voted for Obama, as opposed to 23% of White voters in Georgia and 26% of White voters in South Carolina.

    10.) The county level map of the 2012 election shows what everyone in the South already knows:

    Yankees, Jews, blacks, Asians and Hispanics voted for Obama. In the parts of the South where there are tons of carpetbaggers, such as Charlotte and Raleigh-Durham, or NOVA and Hampton Roads, or Tampa and Orlando, those counties swung to Obama.

    In North Georgia, Western North Carolina, North Florida, and Southwest Virginia, there was no evidence of any such divide because the same people live on both sides of the Appalachian Mountains.

    BTW, I have lived 90% of my life on the border of “Transappalchia” and the “South Atlantic States,” and can report that the only difference is CST and EST. There is no cultural difference on either side of the Lower Chattahoochee River Valley. The same people black and white live on both sides.

    The cultural difference in Florida, as everyone who lives there knows, is between North Florida and where the Yankees have infested Central Florida around Tampa and Orlando.

    In Virginia, as everyone who lives there knows, it is NOVA and Hampton Roads where the Yankee transplants have invaded and combined with the blacks, versus the rest of the state.

    In Georgia, as everyone who lives there knows, it is the Atlanta suburbs where the Yankees have relocated, as opposed to everyone else who lives in Georgia, who are under no illusions about the blacks.

    In Colorado, as everyone who lives there knows, it the Yankees from California who have moved to Denver and the People’s Republic of Boulder and who combine with Hispanics, versus the rest of the state.

    In North Carolina, as everyone who lives there knows, it is the Yankees who have moved into Asheville, Charlotte, and Raleigh-Durham, versus everyone else who lives in North Carolina.

  19. “Yankees, Jews, blacks, Asians and Hispanics voted for Obama.”

    A minority of Yankees, plus Jews, blacks, Asians and Hispanics voted for Obama.

    There, fixed it for ya’.

  20. Comparing the results of the Presidential, Senate and House races between Transappalachia and the South Atlantic are apples-to-apples comparisons, while comparing state results, because they often hinge on local issues that vary from state to state, are more like apples-to-oranges comparisons. So while the GOP did very well throughout the South in state elections, in the national elections there was a clear divide between red Transappalachia and the purple South Atlantic. Even the Washington Post agrees!

    No, I’m not wrong about redistricting. You forgot that Louisiana lost a seat. Transappalachia went from a 58-19 edge for the Republicans in 2010 to 61-19 this year, a gain of three just like I said. The South Atlantic went from 48-29 for the GOP in 2010 to 50-31 this year.

    You claim that there are more cities in the South Atlantic than in Transappalachia. I don’t know about that, but I do know that the two largest metro areas in the South, by far, are Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston. And just off the top of my head I can name 8 more Transappalachian metros with more than a million people: San Antonio, Austin, Oklahoma City, New Orleans, Birmingham, Memphis, Nashville and Louisville. So in other words, there are plenty of big cities in Transappalachia.

    As for which region has more transplants, I don’t have any statistics on that. Do you? But I do know that in 1970 Texas had 11.2 million people, while North Carolina and Virginia combined (NCVA) had 9.7 million. By 2010, Texas had 25.1 million, a gain of 13.9 million, while NCVA had 17.5 million, a gain of 7.8 million. So it’s very clear that the number of newcomers (births, immigrants, transplants) to Texas over the past 40 years far, far outnumber those in NC and VA combined. Yet strangely enough, Texas is red while North Carolina is purple and Virginia is blue.

    I’m not saying that there’s a cultural chasm on the ridgeline of the Appalachians. Have you ever been to the Netherlands-Belgium border? There is no difference on either side in the people, language, religion, architecture, cuisine or practically anything else. Only when you get deeper into each country do you realize that they are quite different from one another. And that goes for all kinds of borders everywhere in the world, including–in a political sense–the border between Transappalachia and the South Atlantic states.

    This Appalachian political divide is a relatively new phenomenon, first becoming prominent in 2008 and then becoming even more pronounced this year. We can disagree about the causes of this split, but you can’t deny that it exists.

  21. 1.) First, with regards to redistricting, Texas was the only state in “Transappalachia” to gain seats. 3 of 4 seats were picked up by Democrats.

    2.) Second, in the “South Atlantic” states, Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida gained 4 seats from redistricting, and 2 of 4 seats went to Democrats.

    In other words, the GOP came out better in redistricting in the “South Atlantic” than in “Transappalachia.” The GOP is stronger in Georgia than Arkansas and Virginia than West Virginia.

    3.) Where did the GOP have its best night in the South? In North Carolina, where Obama was defeated in 2012, the Democrats lost several House seats, the governorship, and Republicans won a supermajority in the state legislature.

    4.) I’ve already analyzed the election results in Virginia and Florida. Everyone who watched CNN on election night saw Wolf Blitzer and John King say that the Yankees who lived in the NOVA suburbs and the I-4 Corridor between Tampa and Orlando threw the election to Obama.

    5.) There is a reason why the GOP has been picking up seats in “Transappalachia”: the Blue Dog Democrats in Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Kentucky survived the 2010 Tea Party wave.

    That only proves that “Transappalachia” isn’t as Republican as the South Atlantic. Until recently, the Democrats were competitive in Louisiana, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, and West Virginia.

    6.) The death of the Democratic Party in the South – the Republicans now control every state legislature in the South, with the exception of West Virginia and Kentucky – has everything to do with hostility to the national Democratic Party.

    The decline of Democrats in the Southern state legislatures mirrors their decline in House seats and Senate seats.

    7.) The transplants who live in NOVA are government workers. South Florida has half of the Jews in the South and Florida attracts retired public employees. Atlanta is overrun with Yankees. North Carolina has Yankees that work in the research triangle.

    Texas is overwhelmingly the destination of choice of transplants that agree with its low tax, pro-business culture of job creation. The conservatives who were pushed out of California mostly went to Arizona, Texas, and Oklahoma.

    8.) Let’s take a look at the electoral college which is based on population:

    “South Atlantic”

    Florida – 29
    Georgia – 16
    South Carolina – 9
    North Carolina – 15
    Virginia – 13


    Alabama – 9
    Mississippi – 6
    Kentucky – 8
    Tennessee – 11
    West Virginia – 5
    Texas – 38
    Oklahoma – 7
    Arkansas – 6
    Louisiana – 8
    Missouri – 10


    It turns out that the “South Atlantic” states are bigger than the “Transappalachia” ones. They are more urban, less rural, and have proportionally greater numbers of Yankee transplants in Atlanta, Tampa, Orlando, Miami, Charlotte, Raleigh-Durham, NOVA, and Hampton Roads, which is why those states are swing states.

    Texas is a border state with millions of illegal aliens who can’t vote in U.S. elections. OTOH, the Puerto Ricans and Cubans in Florida are treated differently from the Mexicans in Texas.

    Those of us who actually live here have a better grasp on local realities than foreigners. There is no difference between Georgia and Alabama except the greater number of transplants in Atlanta and a higher percentage of blacks and Hispanics.

    What’s the difference between Tennessee and North Carolina? It’s not the Appalachian mountains because East Tennessee and Western North Carolina and Southwest Virginia are culturally identical.

    The difference is there more non-Whites in North Carolina, there are bigger cities there, and there are more Yankee transplants. Cary = Containment Area for Relocated Yankees.

    I’ve lived in Virginia. Everyone who lives there knows that NOVA is part of the Washington-Boston corridor. The Yankee grocery stores start just north of Charlottesville near Culpeper. Hampton Roads is also overrun by Yankees.

    9.) Every Southern state has the same problem, but in different degrees: Yankees moving here and combining with blacks and Hispanics.

    They are doing the same thing in Alabama and Tennessee and Louisiana. It is just worse and more advanced in Virginia than West Virginia or North Carolina than Tennessee.

    The real cultural difference is between Lower South and Upper South not Western South and Eastern South. Whites in South Carolina and Georgia are more racially conscious than Whites in Kentucky and West Virginia.

    It has always been that way.

  22. Jeppo and Hunter: as a native of one of the only two counties in Eastern Ky that went for Obama, I can say without a doubt that our Democrats diverge greatly from their national party. These people are Christians, love guns, don’t care about homos, nor sodomy. They are mostly neutral on immigration because they don’t live around it–yet. They are Dems because of FDR, their unions, and their damned handouts (SS, Medicaid, food stamps, etc). Of course the big Democratic Party will throw them under the bus when the time is right, and they are too damned ignorant and lazy to realize it.
    Damn FDR to hell!

  23. I have a question about Southern nationalism. White Nationalists seem to oppose criticism of “other white nationalities” (and don’t consider Jews White). Southern Nationalists attack Yankees, which is a geographic based criticism, but how would it respond to White Gentile ethnic division among people who live in the South. Say Irish Southerners vs French Southerners.

    One thing that always annoyed me about White Nationalism was how they so carefully prevent criticism of other White Nationalities but then don’t apply the same standard to Jews. The contrast in attitude couldn’t be greater. For instance attacking the Irish Catholic role in immigration would harm rather than help your reputation white wns.

  24. Wayne wrote: “Jeppo and Hunter: as a native of one of the only two counties in Eastern Ky that went for Obama, I can say without a doubt that our Democrats diverge greatly from their national party. These people are Christians, love guns, don’t care about homos, nor sodomy. They are mostly neutral on immigration because they don’t live around it–yet. They are Dems because of FDR, their unions, and their damned handouts (SS, Medicaid, food stamps, etc). Of course the big Democratic Party will throw them under the bus when the time is right, and they are too damned ignorant and lazy to realize it.”

    All the same is true of thousands of Democrats in the small towns and “patches” of the Pennsylvania “coal regions” who still vote straight ticket “by proud tradition” or in honour of F.D.R. and the Molly Maguires.

  25. There is a serious white transplant problem here as well: White transplants from Jersey, New York and Philadephia moving in to stay, bringing their city ways with them, buying up the farmland to build their big stores and big houses, destroying close-knit communities.

  26. Jeppo wrote: “It seems pretty clear that while Transappalachia remains bright red, the South Atlantic states are now purple, and trending blue. The Solid South is solid no more.”

    Not only those states, but all other states are becoming increasingly URBAN. The whole WORLD is becoming more urban, less agrarian. Some have become or are becoming majority urban ahead of others.

  27. “The real cultural difference is between Lower South and Upper South not Western South and Eastern South. Whites in South Carolina and Georgia are more racially conscious than Whites in Kentucky and West Virginia. It has always been that way” — and moving further north into Appalachia above the Line, as the population becomes even more purely white, white racial consciousness probably diminishes more.

  28. Dixiegirl, you wrote: “hearing southern guys talk makes me swoon.”
    I believe it is normal and natural to prefer our own kind, not someone “exotic” (foreign). For me a “deep southern drawl” is a foreign accent, and unattracting — whereas for you it is the opposite.

    In this state, when I was young, there were even different accents and vocabularies in different adjoining counties, but they hardly exist or aer detectable now after decades of mass media influence, and all the “transplanting” and other mixing,

  29. typo correction: “are detectable now”

    An edit feature would be welcomed on this site, Hunter. Also: Some of the grey typeface could be darkened and some of the bold black typeface adjusted to a bit less bold, for easier readability.

  30. tip of the hat to you Dixiegirl

    the democrats in WVa aren’t the same kind of critters as the ones in vermount

    good point about college towns

    metal gear/ iceman, its a non issue and those things don’t come up. I went to DOD schools and I remember the yankee kids bickering like that. We bicker over what State is best but its never a big deal like the inter-ethnic stuff

  31. In other words, the GOP came out better in redistricting in the “South Atlantic” than in “Transappalachia.”

    Again, in the House Transappalachia went from 58-19 for the GOP in 2010 to 61-19 in 2012, while the South Atlantic went from 48-29 for the GOP in 2010 to 50-31 in 2012. Also, the South Atlantic states re-elected all 4 Democratic senators up this year while Transappalachia re-elected 3 GOP senators and just one Dem. Transappalachia was the more Republican region before the 2012 election and the difference between the two regions became even more pronounced after the election.

    That only proves that “Transappalachia” isn’t as Republican as the South Atlantic. Until recently, the Democrats were competitive in Louisiana, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, and West Virginia.

    Like I said, this is a new phenomenon. As recently as the 1990s, the South Atlantic was slightly more Republican than Transappalachia. But that’s clearly not the case any more. Romney won more than 60% of the vote in 5 Transappalachian states and more than 55% in the other 4. Romney won only 3 of the 7 South Atlantic states and none by more than 55%.

    Texas is overwhelmingly the destination of choice of transplants that agree with its low tax, pro-business culture of job creation.

    So why don’t South Atlantic states like Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia and Florida have the same pro-business culture of Texas? And please don’t tell me that they are more urbanized. The metro populations of Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston are 6.4 and 5.9 million respectively, far bigger–and more cosmopolitan–than anything in the South Atlantic.

    Your list of South Atlantic states doesn’t include Maryland and Delaware. These two were both slave states up to the 1860s and Jim Crow states up to the 1960s, so they are undeniably Southern even though both now vote more like Northeastern states. Indeed, they may be harbingers of the future voting patterns of all the South Atlantic states.

    There is no difference between Georgia and Alabama except the greater number of transplants in Atlanta and a higher percentage of blacks and Hispanics.

    That sounds like a pretty big difference to me, especially since the practical effect of such a difference is that Alabama voted 61% for Romney compared to only 53% in Georgia.

    What’s the difference between Tennessee and North Carolina? It’s not the Appalachian mountains because East Tennessee and Western North Carolina and Southwest Virginia are culturally identical.

    I already explained that, just like the Netherlands-Belgium border, the differences between Transappalachia and the South Atlantic are not immediately apparent on either side of the ridgeline. But as we go deeper into each region, the political differences become clearer.

    The real cultural difference is between Lower South and Upper South not Western South and Eastern South.

    Oh I’m not doubting that. The cultural differences between the Deep and Upper South are ancient, going back centuries. On the other hand, the differences between Transappalachia and the South Atlantic are very recent, only becoming apparent in the past few years, and they are more political than cultural, at least for now though that may be changing as well.

  32. Dixegirl says:

    Also— the southern male style, where it can be very “take charge,” is also often more laid back —much cooler

    Western men on the west coast often have the cool laid back attitude as well (SoCal first popped into mind), even up in chilly Oregon and Washington. I think it has roots in the Spanish missionary settlements since the 16th century. Spain transmitted their festive and relaxing cultural attitudes to the harsh Southwest and as English settlement poured in the 19th century absorbstion into the previo establecimiento began to relax those settlers. Real downer though in the 1940s so many Yankees moved during the Sunbelt prosperity migration and spearheaded politically the whole control of the West to a liberal domain.

  33. @…….. “… a native of one of the only two counties in Eastern Ky that went for Obama, I can say without a doubt that our Democrats diverge greatly from their national party. These people are Christians, love guns, don’t care about homos, nor sodomy. They are mostly neutral on immigration because they don’t live around it–yet. They are Dems because of FDR, their unions, and their damned handouts (SS, Medicaid, food stamps, etc)…..”

    Same is probably true in WV. The coal wars in the 30s that wound up with counties like Mingo called “Bloody Mingo.” Their state capital burned down once, I think, due to confiscated ammo from miners catching fire, and they had to build a new one.

  34. Mosin said, “…I believe it is normal and natural to prefer our own kind, not someone “exotic” (foreign). For me a “deep southern drawl” is a foreign accent, and unattracting — whereas for you it is the opposite….”

    True. Familiar things can be comforting. Remember wandering with a friend in a big Northeast City, and suddenly realizing we saw no one with blue or green eyes. No one. Lots of t.v. seems like that now. The newscasters have black hair, black eyes, and so on. When I was little, blue and green eyes were normal to see, not sort of shocking b/c you never see them.

  35. When the United States disunite(s), it won’t be in two pieces. It will be in a lot of pieces.

    If you want a United Dixie, the stress even now should be on the united-okay, confederated, use a more Southern-friendly word-nature of the Southern states (and one or more states may need cleaving: Missouri clearly needs fracturing and the Yankees have already drawn the perfect line, it’s called I-70….) because otherwise the alliances will be weird.

    Harold is as likely as not going to get his NAR, at about the lines he’s drawn. Florida’s peninsula will probably be a Jewish, liberal, mestizo/mulatto, and sodomite polity. Texas is going into several pieces, some of which you don’t want anyway. The Northeast itself is going to be divided as the basically decent people of most of Pennsylvania, upstate New York, and up through Maine want to be free of Greater NYC and the especially florid excrement pit known as New Jersey. (Parts of Maine may want to join Quebec.)

    I really, honestly think I am going to live to see the greatest empire in history implode into bits. And, you know, I both fear it and know that it is necessary and right. The 50 star, thirteen stripe Masonic Dishrag should and will join the Hammer and Sickle of the USSR and, sorry Harold, the NSDAP swastika, on history’s quarterdeck of failed and monstrous states.

    This Veteran’s Day was the first time I went out to put up the American flag where I stopped and took it back in the house. No flag flew from our house this year. I still stand when they play the national anthem (or any nations’ anthem, i.e., if Toronto or Montreal is playing) if I get dragged to a sporting event, but I don’t do the hand-over-the-heart nor do I repeat the Pledge, because this republic is not only not indivisible, it should, it must and it will be divided. And so long as it is done in some manner that isn’t monstrous, I will support that division. And more and more people are coming to that conclusion too. When our numbers become significant, and they will, change will happen.

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