“I Am Adam Lanza’s Mother”


H/T Kosher Republic

On Twitter, I have started calling for the disarmament of black people and obvious psychopaths. Check this out:

” Three days before 20 year-old Adam Lanza killed his mother, then opened fire on a classroom full of Connecticut kindergartners, my 13-year old son Michael (name changed) missed his bus because he was wearing the wrong color pants.

“I can wear these pants,” he said, his tone increasingly belligerent, the black-hole pupils of his eyes swallowing the blue irises.

“They are navy blue,” I told him. “Your school’s dress code says black or khaki pants only.”

“They told me I could wear these,” he insisted. “You’re a stupid bitch. I can wear whatever pants I want to. This is America. I have rights!” …

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Where’s the father in that story? Working? Gone? Where is the father in any of these stories? Working or gone.

  2. Idk—

    “….He’s been on a slew of antipsychotic and mood altering pharmaceuticals, a Russian novel of behavioral plans….Michael was accepted to an accelerated program for highly gifted math and science students. His IQ is off the charts….

    Several weeks into his new junior high school, Michael began exhibiting increasingly odd and threatening behaviors at school….

    …Right before we turned into his school parking lot, he said, “Look, Mom, I’m really sorry. Can I have video games back today?”…..

    She sounds like one of those totally clueless self-centered mothers whose only capacity for control is denying the addicted kid hours of playing Doom (the one the Columbine kids liked), Call of Duty, Mortal Kombat or whatever.

    —-The kind of “grownup” whose been so out of touch with the real world that you can see her in her story exactly as she presents herself—- driving around, flailing her arms, wanting sympathy for having an out of control kids, and people stroking her for how tough life is.

    People who really care about their kids don’t just seek sympathy for themselves. And off the moral hook, when they announce that they want their kid, at 13, out of their homes.

    They read like crazy about the pharm drugs, the issues in drugging, the side-effects issues, psychiatry generally. They try to find out why their churches don’t offer the kind of real basis for living they did 50 years ago.

    They assume (even if they don’t can’t see it) that they might be part of the problem, and remove their kid to a relative or friend, to see if a change of venue might help.

    ESPECIALLY, if the self-report is that the change in schools seemed to effect the behaviors. What is happening there? What is happening that the kid can’t talk about?

    —A lot of kids just drop out of school, due to how dangerous it feels physically, nowadays. Or b/c the classes are about lies about history.

    Maybe the kid just has a high IQ— like she said.

  3. In my day it was called Army Cadets. The Territorial Army barracks near my house had a platoon of 13+ boys and we had a lot of fun, shot targets, marched camped and stewarded events. There was hazing and some of cruel but it was a reasonably good time. I left after getting attacked by a couple of really vicious twerps, but that’s life.

    The main thing to avoid of course is pushing total maniacs too far. I’m thinking of that scene in full metal jacket with RLee Ermy. Though of course every weapon is kept in an armoury. What’s happening here is that the boy was a lunatic. Everyone else is just throwing around their agenda.

    You could just as easily blame the multicult, divorce, Italians, New England or permissive parenting. Or simply the pressures for success that fall on a young man’s shoulders today.

    I dont think that prepped are any more lethal than anyone else.

  4. —People talk MUCH about the infantile quality of adults, nowadays.

    But what else can they be? They are CUT-OFF from the things grownups usually think about. Their (real) communities. Charity. (This now means further supporting others who often have more than you do, people who are hostile to your culture, when you’ve already given through the Welfare State).

    They are “Consumers.” Their job is Consuming and tax paying. And otherwise, are a punching bag (colonial, wasps, southern, flyover country, rednecks, crackers—- their country’s NEWS SHOWS –can you imagine?— spewing this venom at them nightly as soon as they arrive home from thankless jobs)…

    The family, which could have been a haven, is angry drugged kids. They seem alien. All afternoon they’ve been playing Call of Duty, which the adult has no time to research. Now they have to cook dinner….

    “Good grownups” don’t care about their ethnicity, their history, their genealogy, their ancestors, the (real) history of regions where they’ve moved….

    And so this is the natural result. They remain infants and cannot parent.

    They “look” grownup— in that they have houses, kids, cars. But emotionally, they are hungry for “help.” (Attention.) And that kind of thing.

  5. The father is gone probably because (1) the bitch kicked him out to collect cash & prizes, (2) she wasn’t haaaapy!, or (3) she wanted to live the slut life. Or maybe he just couldn’t put up with the crazy femcunt any more.

    No wonder boys are so angry and act out.

    Events like these are real indictments of feminism and the American school system. Or am I repeating myself?

  6. I agree WG, this is the result of feminization of the culture. I grew up much like this kid. High stress environment, no guidance, man-hating mother, absentee father. Thank God my mother didn’t like guns. For many years I walked a tight rope. I came so close to snapping once it was only the grace of God that saved me. I almost killed someone rather than get in trouble again. How the hell do you expect white kids to get by without the tools that come from the Father? The feminization of low-IQ black culture results in ghetto culture and the violence therein. The feminization of high-IQ white culture results in things like this.

    One of the big answers to things like this is the end of no-fault divorce.

  7. No one has reported if Lanza was a Roman Catholic, or a Jew. You would assume that a surname of Lanza would be Italian, but, I have encountered Jews named Lanza. There are probably Jews named Presley too. LOL.

    I also noticed that Lanza’s father is a vp of GE.

  8. I’ll tell you what’s wrong with “Michael”: he doesn’t get slapped by his mom when he has outburts. NPR and Mother Jones told her it’s someone else’s job to fix her kid. Well, young Tamer cussed at his Mom once or twice and got a couple stiff slaps and some soap. Lesson learned. Young Tamer also worked at Psych hospital now closed called HAGEDORN where he got to help psychiatrists too incompetent to run their own practices implement treatment programs for psychos of all shapes and sizes. Most given “drool therapy” where they were kept in a vegetable state at taxpayer expense. Tamer learned where all the cameras where and patients didn’t act up on his shift. You fuck with Tamer he told you your crusty socks were a cheeseburger and you ate your fucking socks!

  9. He was probably banging other women. Still, the divorce probably was a shattering experience, except of course that the alimony was enormous. So she made out like a bandit. I’m not sure that any of her behaviour triggered this mass killing though. A killer like that is what he is. It’s beyond anything I’ve seen in any of my family or friends. I don’t know a single murderer or violent criminal. Or for that matter white collar criminal.

  10. For those of you not old enough to remember, there were NO school tragedies until God, Prayer & the Bible were taken out of public schools & public spaces and replaced with Jewish secularism & cultural marxism.

  11. “Where’s the father in that story? Working? Gone? Where is the father in any of these stories? Working or gone.”

    Bingo. Lanza’s mother divorced his father 4 years ago after 28 years of marriage, he was supposed to stay with her nevertheless.
    The ‘chaotic environment’ the soccer mom laments is that of a destroyed single-parent family, which modern ‘independent’ women tend to produce.
    It is poisonous for even healthy and innately stable individuals. For hypersensitive, Asperger-type teenagers it is torture, worse than death apparently.

    Mr Van Zandt believes the view from within the family may not reveal what Adam Lanza was seeing. “What did his [Lanza’s] mother do? She was a kindergarten teacher. She had children that loved her and she loved them … When he shot his mother and turned on those children, those children were part of his mother. He killed what his mother loved.”

    This is the analysis that says Lanza chose ruthlessly to target what his mother cared about . He didn’t flip in one day, but like others who left death behind at Columbine and Virginia Tech, planned his revenge carefully. Another former FBI profiler, Joe Navarro, based in Florida, suggests the authorities in Connecticut should be looking at the psychology of murder-by-proxy: that Lanza murdered 20 schoolchildren simply because of their emotional association with his mother.


    Of course, it will be a cold day in hell before the ‘nation-wide conversation’ she asks for starts touching on this aspect of the story.
    Let’s have a gun ban instead. Yeah, that will surely fix things.

  12. Has anyone ever shot up a Catholic School, or an Episcopal (C of E) school?
    Just curious. Off the top of my head I can’t think of one. Unless Dunblane counts.

    Certainly no child who is a product of. Christian Parochial school…might be interesting to collate data.

    One advantage of RE in school is that the fantasist kids have religion to pour their
    Fantasy life into.

  13. Dunblane.


    Basically the shooter was a kiddie fiddler. I recall that at the time
    They claimed he was a gun nut. The reality is that he thought he deserved access to young boys. I’m going to take a wild guess with Adam Lanza based on this case.

    Lanza will show up as a porn addict (specifically kiddie porn) this is the profile of an adult who shoots up a primary school. He thinks he is a teacher himself with a particular thing to teach.

    Forget the mother, she’s just one more victim.

  14. “that the alimony was enormous”

    Enormous alimony….an annoying, mental-case kid… imagine the burden on a guy with a new honey, a new honey who’s no doubt pissed as hell and ragging on him about the $$ to the former family and having to stepparent the kid…

    What’s the old saw? When something doesn’t make sense, follow the money. Ask, who benefits?


    Absentee dad paying enormous alimony, personality-disordered kid….

    Police are looking at computers to see what sites kid visited and who he emailed…

    How do we know that dad with the new honey, burdened by enormous alimony and child support for an embarrassing mental-case kid that’s no doubt causing endless rows about it all between him and said new honey, didn’t plant an idea in said kid’s head…

  15. When our crazy experiment at Materialism fails and it will, this country will be a bloodbath perped by psychopaths that will make Yugoslavia seem like a county fair.

    The Breakup must be planned so when the failure of the centralized therapeutic state happens shadow governments can step in and govern.

  16. I know Barb. Where was Daddy Lanza, in relationship to crazy Adam?> Did he EVER take the boy anywhere, when he was a boy, to get him to use his young boy’s energy outside? And work OFF the wierd fubgus growing inside his little head?

    Oe was Daddy Lanze out chasing fresh young firm tail? Making money to buy young tail?

    It’s always the woman’s fault Barb. You know this.

  17. You’re a stupid bitch. I can wear whatever pants I want to. This is America. I have rights!” …

    Children are affected by divorce in many different ways, varying by the circumstances and age of the child. Young children ages two to six are generally the most fearful of parental separation, and often feel abandoned or confused. Both boys and girls have the same amount of trouble coping, but often show this in different ways.

  18. The released documents revealed that in 1991, following Hamilton’s Loch Lomond summer camp, complaints were made to Central Scotland Police and were investigated by the Child Protection Unit. Hamilton was reported to the Procurator Fiscal for consideration of ten charges, including assault, obstructing police and contravention of the Children and Young Persons (Scotland) Act 1937. No action was taken.[20]

    Adam Lanza will prove to have a record of brushes with the law. Lawyers will have protected his sorry arse multiple times and cops will have laid off
    Prosecuting him. He is reported to have disturbed the peace at that school a few days ago. The cops have an incentive along with the press to pretend that they acted appropriately with his aberrant activities.

  19. “….He’s been on a slew of antipsychotic and mood altering pharmaceuticals, a Russian novel of behavioral plans”

    The weak spot is the psych meds.

  20. Father or no father……if I had talked to my mother like that…….she would have slapped the living shit out of me on the spot! You better believe it!

  21. As speculated, she says she is a single divorced mother, in this post titled “News From The War On Women”


    Also as speculated, she admits she was a bitch who said a “perfectly poisoned phrase… before he was my ex (he filed for divorce the next day)—I’ll let you use your imagination here, but rest assured, it was something so horrible that all the men who know about it turn pale and say, “He totally had to divorce you. No man could stay married to a woman who said THAT.” Fair enough.”


  22. Boys need their Dads. That’s all there is to it. We’ve become a nation of women and men raised by women.

    Black males without fathers are equally psychotic.

    A strong patriarchy is vital for the health of any people.

  23. These recent shooters have one thing in common. No dads, and divorce.

    Those social conservatives don’t look so ‘tarded now, do they? Hey libertardians, I’m talking to you.

  24. My father generally let the school enforce the school’s rules (unless the violation would have been personally embarrassing) and enforced his rules in his house. That said, if I had said that to my mother he would have beat the hell out of me and I knew it. So, I didn’t.

    My mother often WAS an irrational bitch, but I learned diplomacy, tact, and shuffling early on.

    As to Christianity preventing this, it may have prevented this type of thing, but it sure did not prevent the Thirty Years’ War, nor WWI nor WWII. An occasional spree killing is lost in the underflow as compared to the big wars, on which sides almost everyone professed Christianity.

  25. Excellent “finds” John. Well done.

    Test – and all the others – the meds are indeed the “weak spot”.

    I was in a bookstore today. The town is very posh, and boutique-y, and “Liberal”. (I like to buy as local as I can). I was the last customer in the store. The proprietor and I got into a discussion about the shooting. I flatly stated, “It’s not the guns!”. We got into a lengthy discussion. I told him that all the “lone shooters” were saturated in psychiatric meds, for years, often begun in childhood. I named names, and began discussing the history of Big Pharma pill pushers, and since adults are now warier about taking meds – Big Pharma now pushes the meds on children, with “behavioral problems”. Especially boys. It’s a huge money maker. Drugs for kids. Parents are intimidated by “authorities” He’s a wee bit younger than I am. He told me that he had gone through a difficult period, got on some of those types of meds, like Paxil, and it was very very difficult to get off. He said he felt much better after he detoxed. We agreeed that life is difficult, and that we have to learn how to muddle through, and just deal. He also began talking about “culture”, and how wrecked everything is. I used that as an entry into Racialism , of course. How “multi-cultural” Nations NEVER stood. Humans are a Tribal animal” etc……we got into a discussion about how kids are affected by having their own society destroyed. I also hammered on about what this does to boys. “what do young White boys, who want to be the defenders and builders, have in this society? Other races are allowed and encouraged ot celebrate their people – but White boys, especially, are punished for being White”. He was nodding in agreement. Smiling reufully. Like he “recognized” what I was saying. He was very tired. He’s a very decent fellow. He told me that all of his pals were screaming for guns to be banned. He said I was the only person he’s heard say that “It’s not the guns. It’s the meds, and the culture”. He said I gave him something to think about. I thnk he wants to use my line of argument, with every-one he knows. He was alsmost talking to himself…he was “duly noting” my rant.

    I think he meant it. I asked him if he was just saying what he said ’cause the Hubster and I were buying stuff. He denied this. He gave us a generous discount on our books. Above and beyond the sale he was running.

    Hone in on the meds, and the persection and torment of White boys. Hammer hammer hammer.

  26. Poster George on an earlier thread on this site got this one right: Adam Lanza was mental and when we were a sane society people like this were locked away to protect the public. Leftists in the 1970s successfully had institutionalization made difficult and turned the crazies out. The homeless “epidemic” of the 80s and 90s followed. Also, big pharma is really promoting garbage to the public for profit. I think the trash the doctors proscribe are causing all sorts of suicides and occasional aggressive crimes (including murder).

  27. “One of the big answers to things like this is the end of no-fault divorce”.

    Divorce was never part of God’s original design.

    Wives, Submit To Your Husbands – Eph. 5:22, 24 –
    “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: …. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything”

    Plain, simple and straight forward, your wife must obey the guidance and leadership of her husband, as man must obey the word of God. Thus, the wife must be “faithful” in every sense of the word. A wife that does not obey her husband is then “unfaithful” according the the word of God. Which in turn leads us to, an unfaithful wife, (in any sense) is a direct cause of “jealousy.”

    The Law of Jealousies-
    “If a man suspects his wife of being unfaithful, he reports it to the priest. The priest then makes her drink some “bitter water.” If she is guilty, the water makes her thigh rot and her belly swell. If innocent, no harm done — the woman is free and will “conceive seed.” In any case, “the man shall be guiltless from iniquity, and this woman shall bear her iniquity.” 5:11-31

    Of course we cannot place our faith on a pre- dated test of “bitter water.” We can, however, put the wife to a test of “bitter feelings”, which we all know present day women harbor when their hearts have been tainted by societal temptations. It is incumbent upon a man to punish his wife for her wickedness (iniquity). For this forum, I will leave the method of punishment up to the individual, and personal circumstance. However, whatever that punishment may be, God’s own words grants that; “the man shall be guiltless from iniquity, and this woman shall bear her iniquity.”

  28. The truth is there are so many weirdos today that if you reported all of them you run into, you would be “crying wolf” half the time. That is the problem. There is no way of telling if the weirdo you see is only a harmless nuisance or is on his way to shoot up something. You just can’t predict it.

    Moreover, until a weirdo does something like shoot up a school, complaining only brings out the wrath of liberal whites. They immediately start talking about “afraid of the different or unknown” and all of that crap. Liberal whites love and adore all bizarre weirdos until the weirdo in question goes on a murder spree.

  29. The mother was training for self defense against a known real word threat, not abstract “collapse”. Who and what was she afraid of? Not her son, obviously.

  30. Observations:

    1) Need for a creedal faith that inculcates love for neighbor, as unto one’s self. – i.e., Christianity (Lanza, Loughner were Jewish)
    2) Fathers are indispensable to the normalcy of the family unit; i.e., hetero, monagamous, for life, ’till death do us part.’ – Christianity, sacrament of marriage
    3) Discipline from birth, including physical; realizing that ‘spare the rod, spoil the child’ is valid with training to new/prospective parents on this subject via the Church – i.e., Christianity
    [Dobson’s Dare to Discipline, Trumbell’s Hints on Child Raising, No Greater Joy -http://nogreaterjoy.org]
    3a) Training in righteousness for the adults as well (Male anger management, women gossip/tongue management)- Christianity
    4) natural, organic family farms/rural locations/ “every man under his own fig tree,” no ‘mixing of kinds’ [GMO] to ensure proper hormonal/nutritional makeup of the growing body; homeopathy/nutritional supplementation, using science as a tool, rather than a god – Christianity

    In short: the problem is not guns, it’s abandonment of our Christian religion, mores, and heritage, with the void being filled by Satanic, Jewish, psychology/big pharma addictions, GMO/sugar crap, and calling wilfull disobedience, ‘excuses’ (syndromes, disorders, etc.) rather than calling sin, sin- and applying biblical remedies before and above all other perversions/variants.

  31. Why the deceased mom didn’t locked the weapons away living with unstable son ? Did she have her guns loaded and mounted on the wall ready for doomsday? Looks like her plan backfired.

  32. Denise and I are in agreement. This is a winning mainstream issue and the Dixie patriots can push this to the nice women folk and their husbands.

    End the mass drugging of school children, stop the war on white boys (the left admits this) and put real men in school as authority figures. (ironically best said in the movie “Boys from the hood”)

    This is BRA’s war on humanity being waged and its vulnerable because it touches everyone, even the coloreds hate the white libs/jews who run the psycho drug prison social engineering camps known as schools.

  33. “Both boys and girls have the same amount of trouble coping, but often show this in different ways”

    Teenage boys need their fathers. Dads should move heaven and earth to be there to father their teenage boys — even if it means sucking it up and staying with the nagging b—-, or living next door. If divorce happened when the boy was younger, move next door. Unless there’s a restraining order against you, then move in that distance away. Point is: be there for that teenage boy. If you are a divorced dad with teenaged sons you do NOT need a New Honey. That can wait. Your boy needs you.

  34. “matt says:
    December 17, 2012 at 1:37 am
    As speculated, she says she is a single divorced mother, in this post titled “News From The War On Women”


    OMG. She’s a monster/ she really is. Some of the commnets are scarier than her stuff, though.

    Barb is right. If any of oyu fellas are in a situation where your marriage ends, and the woman is absolutely mental, and oyu have kids – try to stay in the vicinity. The kids need YOU more than you can imagine. I know children caught in a divorce situation. The Mothers are heinous – and the Dads are the kid’s literal life and sanity line. The Dads are far from perfect – but there is much more honestly, integrity, and wholesome sanity. on the part of the Dads.

  35. John says:
    Has anyone ever shot up a Catholic School, or an Episcopal (C of E) school?
    Just curious….

    Maybe not. Does that make the Amish at Nickel Mine school ok?

  36. Shabazz,

    Name calling and labeling doesn’t translate into a coherent enough comment that people can respond to. Can you quit drooling and elaborate please?

    Hate to be rude, but you didn’t SAY anything, lol

  37. LandShark says:
    I agree WG, this is the result of feminization of the culture. I grew up much like this kid. High stress environment, no guidance, man-hating mother, absentee father….

    It’s pretty much everybody, but they’ve got you coming and going.

    NO ONE wants to talk about this stuff, because that just exposes vulnerability—- next thing you know —any negative (normal) feelings about all the hypocrisy and how people have been affected by the past 60 years of history— and…who knows? CPS, drugging, shrink visits, taking away the things that help you get through it all (whatever that may be).

    ALL CHILDREN BY AGE FIVE— have witnessed school shootings and children being taken away—

    How many people talked to 6 year-olds after the Mormons children, even breast-feeding infants– were taken en masse in BUSSES from their parents on the basis of crank phone call of a women who’d been arrested for such before?

    That’s what it said on t.v.

    How many talked to a five yo after they stumbled onto Waco?

    That is their real experience of “Authority.” ATF at Waco. (Sadly). Just like a previous generation had Kent State.

    And where are their visions of Adults WHO WILL EVEN TRULY DISCUSS IT?

    EVEN just saying, “I am sorry, honey, that mom and dad are so powerless in this world. Here is what we try to do. We spend X hours a week writing letters to the government (or whatever). It sucks, yes, But at least we are trying. But we are sorry we cannot make a better world for you right now.”

    Even that might help them think there is ONE cognizant adult out there SOMEWHERE.

    Good work in the store, Denise.

  38. —- Most stupid parents who even SEE the hypocritical problems, just take their kids to church for the “Jesus died for our sins, which means we pray for perpetrators and forgive them” (since I guess they think they are stand ins for Jesus or something)— and forgiving perps is the point of Jesus.

    —-and other “scripture based” Never take a look at reality lectures.

    Or “homeschool.” Meaning they stave off showing kids REALITY for as long as possible (often on the public dime)—- and their kids grow up learning exactly mommy and daddy’s LIBERAL strategy of avoidance, burying your head in the sand, non-controntaton, letting others do their dirty work—

    And like I said, most of the “homeschoolers” (due to nanny state) are on the public money. Personally, all people feeding off the 5% of remaining real tax payers should HAVE TO put their kids in those schools, since we’re forced to pay their salaries.

    The most egregious—- Public School teachers who use the salaries we don’t’ want to pay them, make more than the public who pays them— THEN HOMESCHOOLS, TOO.

    The whole thing— yuck! Sorry for screed.

  39. —- the other thing about the video games the mother says her kid is addicted to

    Consider “Red verses Blue” (or RvB)—- the Civil War phenom of the red versus the blue—-

    Videos program a new civil war and wwIII, from birth.

  40. Yea Barb. That sounds great. Back to the real world.

    If she’s a nagging b*t*h the father needs custody. Otherwise he’d be paying for her house (MAYBE get 50% after it’s sold), the house next door, child support and alimony.

    If you are a divorced dad with teenaged sons you do NOT need a New Honey. That can wait. Your boy needs you.

    So you’re supposed to commit financial seppuku AND be a celibate after divorce.

    Go to hell!

  41. I guess I’m in the minority of not having a clue what set this kid off.

    I know for a fact I’m in the tiny minority who’s willing to state flat out that this kind of thing is the price of freedom (in this case, the right to self-defense) and I think it’s well worth it.

    I will get up on my soap box for a second to say that one armed teacher could have put this mad dog down and saved many lives.

  42. Why the deceased mom didn’t locked the weapons away living with unstable son ? Did she have her guns loaded and mounted on the wall ready for doomsday? Looks like her plan backfired.

    That’s a good point, too. Simple security measures against the obvious possibility of this kid going mad dog would’ve saved all the lives he took.

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