About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Byzantine Empire had Greek Fire. They kept the secret and no one ever got it. Greek Fire worked for them many many years—but they got stupid and let Khazar Merchant Shop Keepers in–and then later on they opened gates for the Muslims to enter. Khazars even fianced the Mongols and helped the Moors come to Spain, they welcomed them at the shore when they arrived. Today–The Khazars will welcome the Yellow Peril Army, The Metizos from South and The darkies here, they will sic em on us–to kill us—so get ready Whitey.

  2. Why not supplement your guns & ammo cache with some swords, axes, staves, and (cross)bows? Good quality combat swords (Cold Steel, I shamelessly promote them) can be had for cheap online. The Historical European Matial Arts can build White Pride and teach effective hand-to-hand skills. Muffled White screams in the night are unnacceptable. White people are Mars incarnate when organized violence is concerned. We just need to improve our skills at the street levell.

  3. You wouldn’t know it judging by the trends. Just compare how many states are today ‘shall issue’ to as recently as twenty years ago. Consider the Heller and McDonald decisions.

    Yep, your right, just compare the states and that will fully illuminate the matter.

    Forced integration is to be soon followed by forced disarmament.

  4. Jim Giles writes:

    And when the ARs are banned what is to stop massacres with 12 gauge shot guns?

    Do you think the mentally insane will not use a strictly legal 12 gauge?

    No, it’s best to ban all guns and then we will all be safe because only our good, honest and honorable police officers will have guns.

    Unlike nigger crime against White People, from here on out the media will report in minute detail all gun violence, e.g., the firemen being ambushed in NY. It’s front page news now. It will be a drum beat which will precipitate more and more violence until finally the Second Amendment is gone including your precious 12 gauge.”

    Jack responds:

    The media has been this way forever. No reason to be alarmist now, it just leads to the conspiracy obsessed, End of the World negativism that leads too many White people to give up on mainstream life and do stupid, counter productive stuff like shooting up the US Holocaust Museum and murdering some minimum wage Black security guards.

    I suggest people here work for responsible gun rights, gun safety. Something lie Switzerland has – that’s far different than letting anybody in the world come to American stockpile AR15 assault riffles, then letting screwed up, mentally ill teens get access to these military riffles and slaughter a bunch of kindergarten children.

  5. There is nothing alarmist or conspiratorial about looking at reality as it confronts us and objectively concluding the Second Amendment will not survive much longer.

    To the contrary, those who cannot see this ultimate outcome are rather delusional engaged in wishful thinking kinda like diehard Republicans who keep voting Republican expecting such support to result in a meaningful difference.

    Segregation was ended through forced integration. So too the Second Amendment will end through forced disarmament.

  6. I will bet a million dollars that the vote on Feinstein’s bill to ban assault weapons will break down along the same sectional lines as the DREAM Act and DADT repeal. It will be the Northeast, the West Coast, and the Upper Midwest leading the charge to repeal the Second Amendment.

    How do you know they are going for it? Because they even got Joe Manchin and Mark Warner on television supporting gun control.

  7. Make love not war.

    Increase the White birth rate.

    Learn White partner dancing – White women love to dance.

    And sure, defend legitimate gun rights, but stress gun safety – don’t be gun nut.

    And whatever you do, don’t fall down in to loner, loser, drop out, conspiracy theory nonsense.

    The world didn’t end with some Mayan doomstay prediction, nor did it end with last year’s End Times RAPTURE nonsense. Stay in the real world. Support healthy living, healthy in mind, body and soul.

    Go in for deer hunting – keeps the population of deer in check, prevents disease and starvation. The 12 guage slug deer hunting shot gun is perfect for self defense, much better than any AR 15 which will just get you in to trouble.

    You want to dress up in (gay) combat clothes and play soldier, join the army or the National Guard. And don’t let any mixed up White women get their hands on military assault riffles like this messed up mom in CT.

    Women shouldn’t be allowed to vote, much less do crazy things with military assault riffles.

  8. Most of all it’s important to be happy and play pretend and espouse innocuous drivel anonymously and occupy the moral high ground as a reasonable fellow. Then you will be liked and respected for your courage to not give in to hate. You’ll be popular and retain your credibility and standing. You’ll be more virile and attractive to women.

    Zig ‘Amway’ Ziglar’s power of positive thinking is most apt in such circumstances.

    BTW, White women love to feel the physical presence/proximity (size and power) of a male and to be made to feel female in juxtaposition. The ultimate fashion statement. Dancing only engages the process publicly.

    Like I said, I enjoy watching real substance come to the issue of race. Forced integration will pale in comparison to forced disarmament.

    The Second Amendment will not survive much longer but don’t worry be happy. This is the White M.O. for as long as I can remember.

  9. The Global Gun Control Treaty is a world wide agenda of the New World Order (Khazar World Plantation Empire) thru the United Nations: To Disarm all weapons from civilians, not just guns but the new tech that is out of the bag now. Its going on all over world. All the New Constitutions all over world have gun control and alternative life style rights (Queers Bull Dykes, Faiireys whatever– Homos marrying so on and on, Hate Laws, abortions etc). The Khazar World Ruling Elite are scared of civilians having weapons–wonder why? Ha Ha Ha…. China sent 500 thousand mechetes to a African Country and then when they got them went out and did mechete genocide in tribal warfare….Keep in mind all the ammo Homeland Secuiity bought. The Khazars will sic em on us; the Darkies and stupid whiggers to kill us off….History proves it…..Khazars of Venice financed The Mongols to attack the Christian West. They did the same thing with the Moors when they went to Spain. The Khazars were on the Shoreline to welcome the Moor Army when it went to Spain. The Bolshevic Revolution was created by Khazar Money from New York and they took over Revolution and went on to kill millions of White Christian Russians…. Just think—they give the Chinese Military tech to get us. Plus they moved the Industrial Base of America to China. Plus they created the flooding of america with Muds. You can count on the Khazars to sic em on us—The Yellow Peril..Khazars love Chinese – they make good slaves and serfs for them and are cheap…When Civil War 2 or Tribulation starts–the Chinese will attack the West Coast. They already got millions of Goks in the West Coast……Anyway—it is lookin good in Chicago – better than Klan….number wise..,,Like Martin Lindstedt says–Nature will take its course…

  10. Hey Jim, you were a good football player. that took:

    Natural strength

    But also lots of practice.

    Now, I’m giving you a new calling – learn a White partner dance. You will need to practice, but with some time and effort, you will do fine.

    And this new fun, healthy all White activity will get you away from paranoid, loner, loser, societal drop out, conspiracy theory kooks. Sure, work for sane, responsible gnu rights, gun safety issues in Your LOCAL area, and understand New York City gun rights are not going to be the same as in rural Mississippi or Alabama or some farm community in Down state Illinois. We have to get back in to the real world, where we will do fine if we live positive, healthy lives.

  11. John says:
    December 25, 2012 at 5:43 pm
    Italian and Jewish Americans united! Feinstein Cuomo 2016

    Jack responds:

    The Cuomo family is just about the only Italian American family I have ever known that went in for New York style, anti White Jewish Liberalism. Italians are generally THE most racist, pro White people in the world. The reward for racial treason here for the Cuomos was wealth and political power, I think this Cuomo 2nd Governor Cuomo of New York was once married to a Kennedy. The Nuevo riche Irish used to be the ones to go for this Jew Liberal treason, so now THE tribe has one Italian family, big deal. and all should understand the Jews can all kinds of our people to go for their programs of destruction if offered wealth and power, just look at the Southern White Christian Zionists, Israeli Firsters.

  12. The confiscation talk in New York is probably part an overton window strategy. The idea is to make their proposed federal ban on civilian assault weapons and high capacity mags sound reasonable in comparison.

    The latter constitutes disarmament; roughly 70% of all civilian firearms have detachable magazine.

    I’m kicking myself for selling one of my ARs last month!!!

  13. Jack Ryan says,

    “The 12 guage slug deer hunting shot gun is perfect for self defense…”

    No, Jack. A deer gun is far from a perfect self defense weapon. For a start, they suffer the same drawback as the magnum pistols: namely too powerful for close quarter shooting safety.

    The standard, buckshot, shotgun, however, is ideal.

  14. “High capacity mags…”

    It’s a clip. A magazine is built into the guns that have them. There is a difference. You load bullets from the top of the gun into its magazine; the capacity is low. A 700 Remington, for example. Or a model 70 Winchester. An old M-1 Gerand, etc.

    Clips are what you are thinking of here. Those are what you load separately and then slam into the underside of the gun (or the side of a British Sterling). You get the idea. Clips and magazines are two different things. FYI.

  15. The stripper clips on lee enfields are a pain in the arse. It’s ashame the designers at Enflield never got round to a detachable mag.

  16. “Maybe Star Trek and Flash Gordon will be real.”

    I saw a similar post on here the other day, discussing getting away from gunpowder regarding guns. It may have been you. At any rate, no. What you have in mind is not going to happen in the foreseeable future, if ever. Handheld laser or similar “phaser” type weapons, if that is what you have in mind, are not in the picture. The reasons why not are similar to why small area solar panels cannot produce large quantities of power.

    A full explanation of the technical details that prohibits Star Trek type personal hand weapons is far beyond the scope of this website. If you are interested, there are articles that discuss this subject. The chief problem is size consideration. And no, in this case, it is not at all like the capability of ever decreasing size electronics like integrated circuits, etc. Two entirely different concepts.

  17. “It’s ashame the designers at Enflield never got round to a detachable mag.”

    A detachable magazine would be a clip. A clip and a magazine are two different things. Not trying to be a word jouster here or one of those people who are tediously picky, just telling that the two things are not the same. A magazine is not a clip.

  18. We only have the Anti- Federalists to thank for the Bill of Rights, aka the first 10 amendments. They were incredibly visionary and predicted in 1789 most the evils that have befallen us. Hamilton and his clique was against the Bill of Rights altogether, saying, it was completely unnecessary.
    Without the Bill of Rights, there would be scarce a right to cling to, as the Constitutions body only lists powers. Most amendments after the 10th have been written and enacted to destroy the first 10.

    JR: the 2nd Amendment is not about hunting and crime prevention so much as it is about recourse against tyranny.
    As far as police go, it is lack of basic civics that the sheeple don’ t understand that arms carried by police are for their protection only, and that the motto “protect and serve” refers to protecting the government by serving the law.

  19. Brutus; Alot of high Tech like brain blasters, Microwave systems and many other sytems have been removed from web. On around 2003 they had Maser Rifles etc..now its exist no more. Consumertronics had alot—but now its is reduced. When the Feebees see POOR MANS RAY GUN they go berserk… There is tech out there to replace the powder shooters…in fact—the US Military already has the Space Age Tech Weapons. Psychotronic Weapons are real also to effect brain. The American Military used Electronic Warfare on Iraq. The Iraq Army gave up. Dr. Judy Wood has alot about Diected Energy Weapons info. Also Sonic Weapons whistle size, plus the exotic Radionic Weaponms.- Orgone Generators using negative DOR energy to lay waste to large areas. Powder Shooters will become obsolete like Steam Engines. And how about AIR GUNS…..Star Trek and Flash Gordon is here already…. Banning Guns and Taking Guns will only make this spark to high level. Whitey is Smart… Zapping Away we go…….oh yeah–dont forget the ancient stuff like Bows and Airrows, Blow Guns with Hypo needles, Slingshots like the Pana, Russian Spring Knife, and swords and Bush Axes….Dragon Breath Flame Throwers DIY, and Molotov Cocktails..

  20. Alert: The feds have Infrared Cameras that can locate guns in homes etc. They can drive thru neighborhoods and locate guns in houses from a Van. Wrap in Mylar Blanket or if possible put in in plastic bags, then put in another plastic bag with Temperture Gage Red Mercury. The ATF more than likely is already set up with this for gun conviscation…..Whats so bad about this is–is that Crooks can use the camera to locate guns and gold—-then they rob house….. Here is some more STAR TREK and Buster Crab- Flash Gordon to check out: Electroic Harassment Information Technical Surveilance Counter Measures (TSCM) Advanced El – http://www.bugsweep.com/info/electronic_harassment.html………………………

  21. Looks like Web Spy counter measures are at work again—they block the link I gave..Just put on google search: Electroinic Harassment Information Technical Surveilance Counter Measures (TSCM) Advanced El——and article should pop up….Ther Feds already have Electronic Crowd control and Electronic Weapons to fry brains. The American Military Used the Space Age High Tech Electronic Zapping in Iraq. There is many articles on this out there. Plus remember how the Commies use to say—Expropiating teh Expropiators——keep that in mind.

  22. Brutus: You are right. Still, I think “magazine” has sufficiently wormed its way into common parlance to become an acceptable synonym for clip.

  23. Brutus says:
    December 26, 2012 at 4:34 am
    Jack Ryan says,

    “The 12 gauge slug deer hunting shot gun is perfect for self defense…”

    No, Jack. A deer gun is far from a perfect self defense weapon. For a start, they suffer the same drawback as the magnum pistols: namely too powerful for close quarter shooting safety.

    The standard, buckshot, shotgun, however, is ideal.

    Jack replies:

    The same 12 gauge shot gun that one uses to fire a slug to hunt deer, is used with buckshot for self defense and 12 gauge shot gun buck shot is the best for home defense, devastatingly lethal in short range, but doesn’t harm neighbors a half mile away, go through walls to harm loved ones etc.

    I strongly urge OD readers to practice, safe responsible gun safety – work with locals and become known as:

    Adhering to community standards about guns, culture etc.

    You/we don’t want to be considered “gun nuts”, “loners”, “crazy”, stockpiling assault weapons to wage personal wars against THE GOVERNMENT or go postal and invade the US Holocaust Museum or some school, Jewish center etc.

    Avoid the trap of assuming the Hollywood script of the loner, loser, paranoid, societal drop out, gun nut, survivalist, religious nutcase etc.

    Yes, the Obama admin II is going to be hostile to gun rights, that’s a given. But, we (especially in rural Red States) will still have far more gun rights than Whites in places like England, Canada etc. Please use these gun rights responsibly.

    Above all, get off the Net, get out and live in the real world and socialize with your White neighbors. Listen more than you talk and as the Monty Python folks say at the end of the Life of Brian:

    “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life”.

  24. Remember the Street Sweeper Shot Gun—20 round drum…They banned it. There is now a company in Alabama that makes a A-10 and its super bad. Its easy to make your own ammo for shot gun if you have the right stuff and materials. Think Jungle Bunny Blue Gums are bad–just wait for the Yellow Peril. There already in the millions on west coast, places like San Fagfrisco and Hong Cofer in Canada. Martin Lindstedt is right about whats going to take place in future……Whiggers are dum as Hell and will Die. They dont care for their race or God Yahweh…and Race Mix….

  25. For Jack and Jim: AA-12 Worlds Deadliest Shotgun! http;//www.youtube.com(watch?v=p4ebt1jR7c This is what we need for what Martin Lindstedt is preaching will come down the pike…

  26. JT – I highly recommend that OD readers stay clear of “The World’s Deadliest Shotgun”.

    Just use a standard, pump action 12 gauge shot gun – very effective. Please try to dress, talk and act like a regular, responsible, SANE White American who doesn’t stand out as as a DANGEROUS KOOK to your neighbors. It’s not just the SPLC and the ADL that will target White American men who say and do scary things with guns. It will be your regular neighbors that will turn on you/us.

    Please everyone, get off the NET, get back in to mainstream White American life. The world is not ending this week or anytime soon, become a part of some healthy, local White community.

  27. Jack: You are right. Dont know who the Agents are. No Free Speech for Whitey and no opinion—are we the new gypsies…the New Heredics…Not alloed to speak or say a word about anything…Lindstedt is right—Be Alone and no trouble…Guess we have to be sneaky bastards and cunning….Wise as Serpents…

  28. jack ryan says:
    December 26, 2012 at 4:28 pm
    “JT – I highly recommend that OD readers stay clear of “The World’s Deadliest Shotgun”.

    Just use a standard, pump action 12 gauge shot gun – very effective. Please try to dress, talk and act like a regular, responsible, SANE White American who doesn’t stand out as as a DANGEROUS KOOK to your neighbors. It’s not just the SPLC and the ADL that will target White American men who say and do scary things with guns. It will be your regular neighbors that will turn on you/us.

    “Please everyone, get off the NET, get back in to mainstream White American life. The world is not ending this week or anytime soon, become a part of some healthy, local White community.”

    Jack – you write the most sensible, decent, lucid, and moral things. You are a gadjillion percent right.

    “Please everyone, get off the NET, get back in to mainstream White American life. The world is not ending this week or anytime soon, become a part of some healthy, local White community.”


    Thank you for your continuing good sense and sanity. I hope you had a lovely Christmas, and I wish you all the best in 2013! Keep dancing!

  29. Thanks you Denise and Mosin Nagant for your kind words.

    “kindness” means being “kind” to your/our own kind. OK, so Midwestern White Anglos with some Eastern European White heritage aren’t “exactly” Southern Nationalist kind, but still kindred.

    I’m going to be down in Dixie this weekend, my alma mater made a bowl game – only our third since World War II – so I have to go. I hope to meet OD’s great, young Auburn alum Hunter Wallace – hope he introduces me to some Southern gals.


    Take care everyone, have a safe New Year’s.

  30. “Please everyone, get off the NET, get back in to mainstream White American life. The world is not ending this week or anytime soon, become a part of some healthy, local White community.”

    Jack Ryan can be infuriating at times and then so gosh darn correct! I don’t want to worry any more about that little demon Linder and hope I didn’t miss out on a rainbow or pretty girl because I was looking at a screen letting him scald my veins. Sometimes we can take it for granted that we are nice white people that don’t use the internet to boast about sexual exploits, hatch plots against Christians or talk about hurting little kids.

    After ANOTHER Caribbean work-ation the next time I’ll be South of the MD line will be biking for a week in Annapolis during Crab season. So.Far.Away….

    Have a great trip Jack.

  31. Jack, Have a wonderful and safe trip. Give Hunter my best. Have fun at the game, and go dancing! Have Hunter take you and some pretty gals out steppin’!

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