Cornel West: Obama Doesn’t Care When Black Kids Get Shot


I think it is more like White people don’t care when black kids get shot in Chicago because it is so common that it isn’t considered newsworthy anymore.

Unfortunately, the same is true of black-on-White crime. White people are so resigned to black-on-White crime, so inured to daily litany of black-on-White violence, that even the most shocking crimes have become little more than background noise in our degenerate society.

Even most mass shootings in America are no longer headline news. It takes something like a psychopath shooting up an elementary school to get our attention these days. The problem is not guns. It is the cultural sewer surrounding us that gun control won’t change.

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The True Irony is that the only people really attempting to draw attention to rampaging hood rats shooting each other are white supremacists.
    If you widely publicize nig on nig crime you get called racist.

  2. Wrong, Cornel.

    It’s not that Obama doesn’t care when black kids get shot, or the media doesn’t care. BRA can’t afford for them to care, because it calls too much attention to black crime, white people might take the hint, and disassemble BRA.

  3. John says:If you widely publicize nig on nig crime you get called racist.

    making eye coontact, you’re automatically a racist. Not that I want to look at them but when I’m out and in the street, paved in gold (and nig nog belong in the jungle) darkies heading in my direction, I never keep my eyes off. That’s why the do gooder gets clocked, robed or raped cause their lowered their shield and darkies will exploit it like hyenas.

  4. By the power invested in me as a racist on the internet I hereby formally advance the following portmanteau for regular use, submitted moments ago to Urban Dictionary for editorial review:

    pl. Free·groes
    1. Free negro
    2. Member of the [Negroid] race that escaped, was manumitted, or liberated by a marauding [Yankee] Army at the behest of [abolitionist] fanatics -OR- a descendant in whole or in part of one or all of the aforementioned populations.


    Hey, why is your last-name Freedman?

    “I’m descended from Freegroes and your question is [racist]. You voted for [Obama], right? Even though he’s most certainly not a Freegro like I am it’s very important to know whether or not you voted for him.”

    Your last-name should be uppity Nigger.

  5. Merry Christmas all.

    If the libtards gave as much coverage to the gun deaths blacks inflict on the population as they give to mass murderers, it would run counter to their devotion to sweeping black crime under the rug.

  6. I don’t buy the notion that black crime is “dog bites man.” You get called a racist for bringing the subject up, you get tons of innumerate replies when you bring the subject up. You don’t get “dude, it’s old hat, you think you’re educating anyone?” type replies.

    At…all. You and Sailer are both totally wrong on this.

  7. That sucker punch in Pittsburgh. Did you see how quick those white kids in the foreground bottom left bugged out? That’s an abandoned generation.
    I’m not saying they should have attacked the ape pack in revenge but it would have been nice to see.

  8. John says:Did you see how quick those white kids in the foreground bottom left bugged out?

    Yeah, white witnesses scurry about in different direction instead of unity against those nig nog. Cuz even if one em had stood their ground, pack of chimps would have jumped on em.

  9. Those white kids were right to get the hell out of there. If there had been a confrontation, the full force of the law and the hatred of the whole country would have come down on them, not on the blacks. 10-to-1 the teacher is a worthless, holier-than-thou liberal who would have been right right there with the rest calling for their crucifixion if they had intervened and he hadn’t happened to be the victim. The average white despises us and wants nothing more than to climb to a higher social and moral status on our corpses. Forget them; it’s every man for himself.

  10. Lawful Neutral says:If there had been a confrontation, the full force of the law and the hatred of the whole country would have come down on them, not on the blacks.

    The MSM portrays the nig nog as innocent bystandard at the scene of the crime.

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