About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Jews and White liberals, who are driven by the EXACT same paranoid zeal as 19th century Yankee moralizers, want to disarm white men. High capacity mags are sold out nationwide in brick and mortar stores and the Internet resellers. ARs too. I visited my local gun store yesterday, and all they had besides sporting shotguns was a high-end FN compact rifle ($3500.00).

  2. This is so typical of lefty tactics. Accuse the right of doing (or being) what the lefties themselves are actually doing (or being).

    Translation for above video: The Left is terrified of gun-owning whites.

  3. Obviosly.They’re buying up guns faster than McDonalds sell’s its burgers because the average folks have lost faith in the police to protect and serve.

  4. Black people are responsible for a vastly disproportionate amount of violent crime.

    It’s not an actual secret – as it’s all over the FBI website – but it may as well be as it’s never mentioned in politics.

    Because of this no sane person wants to live near black people – including other black people.

    Everything would make perfect sense if the media told the truth but they never do.

  5. I your opinion is this sort of commentary being made by black pundits to draw out a

    “Damned right we are worried blacks and browns shooting at us.”

  6. Actually, she’s (kinda) right. I do tend to refer to white folks as crazy and I refer to blacks as evil. However, I am coming more and more to the conclusion that Americans are becoming more and more manipulated by evil (call them demons; whatever). I will say that in Tulsa OK, our schools are full of police presence. I hate to say it but that is due in large respect for the fact that our area is being over-run by “minorities.” I will also address another situation that has pervaded my family. I have several young beautiful neices and cousins. Their Daddies ought to have their butts beat. They have taken up with black men and have had children. Now, not only are they left to raise these kids alone, the rest of us are having to tippy toe around and not say anything because we would be deemed “racist.” My goodness! One of them not only has a black child but now, she says that she is bisexual. So, every time someone gets a new toy, I’m supposed to accept it? And I’m not supposed to say that it is not right in the eyes of God? The truth of the matter is = White folks are crazy because they are letting the black, brown, whatever tear our families apart with their niggery ways.

  7. And tell me again why we should care what one of our enemy’s arms/mouthpieces – More Shit Nobody Believes Company -has to say??

    They are not part of OUR country so to hell with them. They only have credence with their braindead fellows and are all headed for perdition.

  8. How would she know – she’s black? Unless the talk in the Hood is that white people with guns is bad for business.

    And there is that 5th column problem with the porous border.

  9. Now why, for all the tea in China, would any sane White person be concerned about brown and black people “rising up to get them”?

    Surely, mental illness is the only plausible explanation.

  10. Negroes aren’t evil, they’ve been domesticated about as long as donkeys, as a result they’re no longer suited to live on their own. If the Negro had a soul it’d stir for the clean air and warm sun of the plantation but he’s been told this is shameful and he should instead emulate the white man whilst retaining pride in his niggerness. Of course this contradiction bewilders the brute, thereby endearing him further to his nurturing Yankee handler. All that we can do is push them to acquiesce to their chains by allowing them to endure privations until they return to useful work and defending society – with firearms – from them in the meantime.

  11. Gayle says:
    “Translation for above video: The Left is terrified of gun-owning whites.”

    The left are not opposed to gun ownership being solely in “Politically Correct” hands.

    They have murdered 100s million of their own citizens in the past, because their victims did not think correct thoughts and they will kill untold millions in the future, for the same reason.

    Mass killing and getting away with it, is something the left excel at.

  12. @ Anti-Whites are Evil: Indeed. I’ve seen posts online from people self-identifying as gang-bangers, bragging that they’re going to be “helping out” the authorities when gun confiscation becomes a reality.

    Now I know these are anonymous online nobodies, but it does bring up the question: Could this happen in reality? And the way reality has been headed the last few years, I’d have to give the answer as a definite “maybe” 😉

  13. I hate having to give more than a fleeting thought to conspiratorial bullshit, but whenever these events take place that advance the government’s agenda, there always seem to be some fishy details.

    The dancing Israelis.

    WTC 7.

    James Holmes with orange hair in theater lobby that no one saw.

    John Doe # 2.

    Initial reports of two shooters at Aurora and Sandy Hook, later amended to one shooter.

    Initial reports out of Sandy Hook saying Lanza used the handguns. Two days later, they discover he used the rifle.

    Very weird demeanor before the camera there.

  14. Is this really less plausible than the BS mainstream media shoves down people’s throats every day?

    You Tube comment:

    dexx4sure2 hours ago
    And I’ll point it out for you people… It was the Zionist Jews who organized this in order to push more their gun control laws. They’ve been trying to change America’s gun laws for decades, and looks like they are going to succeed this time. Of course Lanza was? shot in order to cover up the tracks, just like Harry Lee Oswald was shot after Kennedy assassination to cover up the tracks. Best is, the guy who murdered Oswald, Jack Ruby, was a Jew. Look it up people… And wake the fuck up.

  15. “If the nig nog rise up and come and get ya” That’s a mouth full. White profession of journalism, politics, preachers etc are handicapped by racism and will not touch it with a mile long pole.

  16. They can’t figure out which they want to push more pharm drugs and the mental illness narrative or the no guns thing. The two agendas are running neck and neck.

    Most Americans now see human motivation, behavior, the interior life, and all that follows, including how to raise their kids— entirely from the paradigm of largely jewish pseudo psychiatric talk-“science,” and the pseudo-tests that accompany it, and they don’t even know this about themselves, or suspect, or think that it’s odd, or that there are other established standards of analysis.

  17. If you tell people like this in plain language that they have no moral superiority then they are basically finished.

    Yes I know they throw a tantrum and scare the Connie Chastains and other grannies which then concerns the Old Pa’s, but its all a joke and we allow this to happen and then write way too long of an essay to try and make sense of it.

  18. Whites shouldn’t be fearful of any blacks or browns as long as the right of firearm ownership is guaranteed. The moment legal gun ownership is stripped away, thats when things will get ugly for many of our folk.

  19. TMT — Episode #154 — Whites don’t need or want gun control, We want nigger, beaner, jew and whigger control — 23Dec12

    Time: December 23, 2012 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST

    I’m amazed that ever since Mittens Palooka took the dive against the First Kenyan in November’s [S]Election that the sundry niggers, beaners and sundry muds and cruds run by the jews actually think that they can ‘legally’ finish off Whigger AurriKwa by raising taxes upon the-m-asses of ZOGling Whigger AmurriKwa and at the same time all of these Establishment Republicunts are arguing that they only get to destroy what little remains one little piece at a time, and to eat the poorer and working-class whiggers first. In all of these ‘debates’ be it on MSNBC (Making-up Shit Nobody Believes Corpsoration) and CNN (Communist News Nutwerk) they have some tame whigger and a pack of niggers and jews and muds all yapping about how “Whigger Needs to Give Up His Guns” so that Obongo’s AmurriKwa can cuntinue in piss.

    And whiggers go along. The NRA (Nothing but Repulsivecunt Ass-wipes) president Wayne Pierre actually proposed to set up a sinecure for fat piglice to set up these whigger processing & indoctrination centers to be guarded by piglice. Not said that if a pub[l]ic skrule can’t protect the little ZOGling herd animals in training, that a better policy would be to simply shut them down and deny gliberal whiggers gainful employment and political power.

    Now occassionally the truth cums out. Some sheboon told exactly the reason that whiggers are buying guns: To guard theysselfs from ZOGling Zombie nigger, beaner and jew Apocalypse. If I have 45 million niggers and 100 million beaners boiling out of the inner shitties trying to eat my superior Aryan brain, I certainly want me a big gun or several with lots and lots of ammo and at least semi-automatic fire and 100-round drums to shoot them all down.

    And here is yet another Sicilian guido jewboy still on itz meds, who wants to profile whiggers:

    Well, here on The Movement Turd there are genuine Aryan Christian Israelites who will tell the truth. We want there to be a Civil War and like all these niggers and jews trying to coonvince stupid whiggers who already want to die to go ahead and vote for a Civil War which will kill off over 120 million whiggers, 180 million mongrels/mamzers and six or seven spawn of Satan jews. The latest ZOG false-flag, Mamzerchurian Candidate operation sure got all them whiggers buying guns and abandoning all hope/dope amongst those who must live here.

    Itz Cum-Cummin’ to AmurriKwa. Civil War II. The Apocalypse. The Great Tribulation.

    I love it.


    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  20. “Mass killing and getting away with it, is something the left excel at.”

    That’s because the left is something far worse than misanthropic, they are the polar opposite. They think they know what is “good” for all mankind, and thus to them individual lives are inconsequential. To them people don’t matter, the only thing that matters to them is progressing toward their “utopia” for all of humanity. What’s a few million people when you have “humanity” to save?

  21. Well if they “fear” blacks and browns (who fears who guys?) then why wouldn’t they arm themselves??? Would disarming and not having “fear” make any potential problems go away??? Stupid lady.

  22. Merry Christmas to all, and this person on MSNBC is right, but the other part of it is that you racialists are too much of losers to be able to know how to climb the Jewish power structure, and you are not attractive enough to nonwhite women and mix your blood as God intended, so you take all your anger out on other people.

  23. Jim says:
    December 24, 2012 at 2:30 am
    “They think they know what is “good” for all mankind,”

    Yes, you have to watch your back around people, that call themselves the “Friends of Humanity”. As you say, when people really believe that garbage, there are no limits to what they will do.

    RobRoySimmons says:
    December 23, 2012 at 11:59 pm

    “If you tell people like this in plain language that they have no moral superiority then they are basically finished.”

    That is how the left is dealt with. Point out to them and the audience watching, that they are monsters.

  24. I am told by those I trust the most to know things about what will happen that the Second Amendment will not survive much longer.

    Being on the receiving end all alone for a long time for speaking out for White People who were basically deaf to my message I actually enjoy seeing the comeuppance that is about occur.

    Let’s see how you like them fucking niggers after you are disarmed. Let’s see how much you support the Republican Party, your political champion, when you sit in your home with your wife and kids and gunless with all them fucking niggers not too terribly far away.

    ‘Weze all ekwal’ will soon cease to be accurate when you ain’t got no guns but ‘people of color’ do or do you expect them to obey the forthcoming new gun control laws?

    To you conservative Republicans who wear your Christianity on your sleeve, defend thyself with prayer, brothers and sisters because you ain’t gonna be able to rely on yore guns no mo’. Amen and hallelujah!

  25. “when you sit in your home with your wife and kids and gunless with all them fucking niggers not too terribly far away.”

    That’s pretty much the situation in England right now where if you resist a home invasion by blowing away the perps by using a shotgun, it is you who will go to prison!

  26. @Hunter Wallace & Palmetto Patriot

    Merry Christmas guys.

    @Jim Giles

    Sounds pretty bad, especially for the Southerners. I heard that Mississippi is more than 50% black.

  27. Lindstedt is right. Need alot of demo people and D 11 Dozers, Giant Loader scopers Yuk Trucks and flaten New York City and D.C. and Hollywood while your at it….Put rubble in Sea and D.C. Rubble in Potamac….and Salt it like Romans did to Carthedge. Powder Shooters will become obsolete. New Things will be made. Most Powder Shooter Makers and Ammo Makers are owned by Khazars. George Soros owns Marlin and other Powder Shooters, plus Ammo Makers….Anybody Remember WACO ????

  28. “One of them not only has a black child but now, she says that she is bisexual. So, every time someone gets a new toy, I’m supposed to accept it?”

    Not at all. The minute she repents, and gives up the niglet for adoption, she is welcome back into the family. Until then, she is a pariah. THAT’s how it is done, ‘God’s grl’- and no other way.

  29. I quoted Solzhenitsyn less than a week ago. Here is the relevant post. What is the signal you are waiting for, white man? An EO from O’Nigger himself, declaring all guns illegal? Do you think your Senators and Representatives needing GUARDS for the rest of their lives, is because they are acting MORALLY? Did we go to war Three times in the land (1776,1812, 1860) only to give up in 2013?

    You need to start thinking of proactive, premptive FIRST STRIKE effects, on a massive scale. I am no army tactician, but you CANNOT GIVE UP THE GHOST.
    You cannot. Defending your land is merely an extension of defending your property, writ large. Hear the last people who were trampled upon by the Jew-

    “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: ‘What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would re turn alive and had to say good-bye to his family?’

    ‘Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the stair case, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or what ever else was at hand?’… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, not withstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no aware ness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn”

  30. Jim I think that’s a bit alarmist.

    Yes, there will be moves to bam private ownership OD military assault riffles.

    So defend your home and family with 12 gauge shot guns that have legitimate hunting and self defenses purposes.

    12 gauge is the best home defense gun.

  31. And when the ARs are banned what is to stop massacres with 12 gauge shot guns?

    Do you think the mentally insane will not use a strictly legal 12 gauge?

    No, it’s best to ban all guns and then we will all be safe because only our good, honest and honorable police officers will have guns.

    Unlike nigger crime against White People, from here on out the media will report in minute detail all gun violence, e.g., the firemen being ambushed in NY. It’s front page news now. It will be a drum beat which will precipitate more and more violence until finally the Second Amendment is gone including your precious 12 gauge.

  32. I am told by those I trust the most to know things about what will happen that the Second Amendment will not survive much longer.

    You wouldn’t know it judging by the trends. Just compare how many states are today ‘shall issue’ to as recently as twenty years ago. Consider the Heller and McDonald decisions. 2A is one of the few things that has actually been going right (abortion’s another).

  33. Obama is playing with fire here. 300 million guns translates into a lot of votes. Gun control was not discussed at the election. It was assumed by many that Obana was okay with the second amendment after four years of not moving on democratic policies.

    Well, now he’s showing his true intent. He’s going to sink his party.

  34. Poor Mans Ray Gun and Dragons Breath is good home defense. With the Micro you fry brans on perimiter of property and with Dragons Breath you burn them up. Molotov Cocktails are good too and not expensive. Powder Shooters will become extinct like Steam Engines. New Things will come. The snakes will make the law were any thing is a weapon. In Okinawa the Japs took swords and knifes from the people…so they came up with non-chunks. Back in 2003 had alot of new tech on net—but the Feds have removed it. Like Brain Blasters that cause headaches at neighbors house were they are making alot of noise at loud party…There is alot of stuff out there. Whitey is Smart….George Soros bought Marlin and owns alot of Ammo Makers. In fact the powder shooter industry is mostly owned by Khazars (Except for the private Makers)—-for every action their is a reaction—Whitey has brains and innovation….Hell—if the Afgans can make an aasualt Rifle DIY in one week—Whitey can do things that will defie imigination….Powder did change history—but now New Tech will change that…Maybe Star Trek and Flash Gordon will be real.

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