Live Thread: New Year’s Eve 2013


I will be celebrating a very Happy New Year with Jack Ryan in Nashville this evening. I’ve got big plans for OD and CR in 2013. I will save the New Year’s Resolution for tomorrow though. Be safe everyone.

Note: Any suggestions for 2013?

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I don’t have any suggestions, kid (not in this inebriated state), but I’d like to wish you well with your secessionist goals. Based on my observations, southern whites are about the only white people on the planet with a clue, so while it’s a pity it may have to come to this, it’s probably for the best.

  2. Happy New Year Hunter, have fun with Jack (help the man get a lovely Southron woman will you!!) and best wishes in 2013 to all OD folks 🙂

  3. Hunter! Well done! I’m glad you showed up. Booze is NO excuse. Especially for a White man, and especially a Celt.

    May you both have a brilliant time tonight. You are in Nashville, so neither you nor Jack has ANY excuse not to party til dawn.

    I have PLENTY of suggestions for 2013 – non of which are fit for publication.

    Enjoy, Happiest of New Year’s – and Dixie FORWARD!

  4. Happy New Year Hunter, Jack, and all here at OD! Let’s see you (us) fan the flames of secession in the New Year!

    Happy New year to you too Denise and AG! Miss your NS blog but hope you are both safe and well.

  5. Thanks for all the supportive comments. I’m with Hunter here in Nashville he’s a great Southern gent. We will be bothering Southern women on Broadway very shortly.

    Happy new year.

  6. I recommend that you produce monthly commentary on the news, books you’ve read, etc. They should be professionally made with several cameras and an interviewer (we don’t need to hear his voice). In this, I suggest you follow the example of French intellectual dissident, Alain Soral, who after being shut out of MSM for his Judeocriticim, built a real Internet empire. His monthly videos get hundreds of thousands of views and he sells tens of thousans of copies of his books. He’s quite an entrepreneur. While I don’t totally agree with his line, he’s fun to listen:

  7. After saying this on tv, he was banned from appearing in MSM. This also shows the incredible power Jews have in the Occident.

    Accusations of anti-Semitism
    In a report on the television programme ComplĂ©ment d’enquĂŞte (in its episode devoted to the controversial French humorist DieudonnĂ© M’bala M’bala), broadcast on the French television channel France 2 on 20 September 2004, Alain Soral said:
    “ When you’re talking with a Frenchman who is a Zionist Jew, and you start to say, well maybe there are problems coming from your side, maybe you might have made a few mistakes, it’s not always the fault of other people if no-one can stand you wherever you go… because that’s basically their general history, you see… for 2,500 years, every time they settled somewhere, after about fifty years or so, they get kicked. You’d think that’s strange! It’s as though everyone is wrong except them. And the guy will start shouting, yelling, going mad… you won’t be able to carry on with the conversation. Which, to sum it all up, tells you that there’s a psychopathology with Zionism Judaism, something that verges on mental illness…[14]

  8. MY prayer is that you would work for secession- before all, above all, THE ALL.

    The Obamugabe regime will start a reign of terror come his ‘coronation’ in January, and everyone is sitting there, thinking that gun control laws, millions of rounds of ammo bought for ‘civil disobedience’ and growing PROPAGANDA that ‘it is gun-toting Whites who are AFRAID of the Multicultural “Golden Horde” will give this bastard an excuse to kill MILLIONS, imprison millions, and destroy this nation….

    UNLESS YOU WORK FOR SECESSION NOW. How you do it, it’s up to you. But it must be done.

    Deo Volente. With all my heart, gentlemen (and ladies)
    Misericordie Domine (truly as well).
    Anathema sit, Barack Husein Omama. Amen. Amen. Amen.

  9. Here’s to the triumph of brotherly good will over flaming and feuding; of the King’s English over urbanism and profanity; of learning, industry and courage over their opposite tendencies in us; and of the advance of the Western conservative cause in every place and nation! Blwyddyn newydd dda!

  10. I think that for 2013 you should synergise your blogs with a new Xenforo forum and a Talksjew podcast once a week, adding and linking to other allied bloggers. Any good warlord uses combined mini-media arms.

    That said:

    TMT — Episode #155.1 — Happy jew Year 2013? — 30Dec12
    11:00 pm EST/10:00pm CST

    By popjewlar demand, tonight is an open-mike open air special non-emergency The Movement Turd open to [almost] anyone, even dirty jews.

    Why itz better than the hideous hybersheeniess Kathy Griffin and Anderson Cooper-Twooper’s faggot pooper.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  11. Re: “the advance of the Western conservative cause in every place and nation”:

    I meant and should have written: “the advance of the Western conservative cause in every Western homeland!”

  12. “Based on my observations, southern whites are about the only white people on the planet with a clue…”

    And the only ones left with even half the cohesion and will to pull it off.

  13. Nashville’s a great town, Kicker’s, 2nd ave, all the country hotties down in Murfreesboro. My best friend met his first ex wife there, lol. I’ve lots of great memories in that state. The Bat Building has to be one of the coolest skyline features of any city anywhere.

  14. With the first day of the new year, I reach the last day of my blog. The current edition, #50, is the final edition of The Oculus Report.

    This is also my final comment post on Occidental Dissent. I have enjoyed conversing with you all, and I will always remember the thoughtful conversations that I found here.

    I have written a book as a compilation of my thoughts on the issues we all face. It is intended as a manifesto for the White Diaspora, and I offer it to you all at no charge. You can read it online or download it for free at the Report.

    I will leave The Oculus Report up for those of you who wish to revisit its contents, but the time has come to end its existence as an operating blog. Even the eye that cannot help but see must eventually close, and, with that thought in mind, I now close the Oculus Report.

    May God bless our host and each of you during this new year.


    Robert S. Oculus III

  15. Why don’t you discuss economics more? What sort of economic system would a Southern nation have? It seems to me that free market capitalism was adopted by the South when they ditched the Democrats as a perceived up-yours to the coloreds. What are your thoughts on Huey Long?

    Oh, and happy new year everybody.

  16. Robert O – why are you shutting down? I’m opening up my new blog today.

    “PalmettoPatriot says:
    December 31, 2012 at 11:07 pm
    More videos.

    I would love to see Jack and Hunter do a video about OD, for example.”

    I want to see a video of what Hunter and Jack did last night. ; } !

  17. There seemed to be lots of sweet maidens from the North here last night. I remember Ohio, Pennsylvania, several from Chicago. Wow, those two from Ohio. Then it started pouring rain at midnight and we got soaked.

  18. A good night. Lots of pretty gals, Huntr was right in saying most were from the north – Ohio and Chicago. A bit too crowded for dancing, but I tried.

    Nashville’s a fun town.

  19. I doubt it.

    It is impossible to fully reverse opinions on Jews. IMO, people who fully understand the Jewish Question get annoyed by people who have “Jews on the brain,” who interpret everything that happens in the world through that one paradigm.

  20. I’m taking a break from all Internet activities for six months to see how it impacts my productivity. Best wishes for a great 2013 everybody!

  21. What I think it is, is that people grow up thinking there is no “Jewish Question,” then when they suddenly figure out that there is some truth to the arguments against Jews (not full truth) they have an “oh my god” moment and go extreme. Then, later they moderate, after perhaps swinging in the philosemitic direction before moderating.

  22. Lew, I’m likely following you. I have had time or made time for it sporadically. It is no substitute for real life action.

    But it might endanger alternative information if too many cease to blog and comment at once.

  23. “(W)hen they suddenly figure out that there is some truth to the arguments…they…go extreme. Then, later they moderate, after perhaps swinging in the philosemitic direction before moderating.”

    Let’s be scientifically, disinterestedly moderate in our learning at all times, not so emotional, not easily swayed by every wind.

  24. I don’t think anyone that I’ve noticed on this site understands Jews on the level of MetalGear, Hunter or myself. When I see a raving anti-Semite I know they haven’t been ‘aware’ for more than 10-15 years. I was raised by anti-Semites and despite having Jewish friends I am not by any means a fan of many aspects of their cultural and religious customs or general history for that matter. Taking down a bad antisemitic argument does more to further the true interests of our people than shield Jews from their real follies.

    Reading about a sadly underappreciated Saint named Thomas More in the writings of a fellow named Kautsky would lead one to an interesting quote: “The Teutonic Christian merchants did not become Jew baiters until they understood huckstering equally as well as the Jews.”

    Pass the Perrier-Jouët.

  25. Jews are but one interest in the bottom of the dung of multiple interests share the same goal. Eventually they’ll turn on each others no honey in the hive.

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