League of the South Statement: Obama’s Gun Control Threat


Editor’s Note: I’m crossposting this here from the League of the South Facebook page.

The Obama administration is threatening to use Executive Orders to further dismantle the Second Amendment. Democratic Senator Diane Feinstein (CA) is set to introduce a draconian bill to ban “assault weapons” and high-capacity magazines, among other things, later this month. Between the two, they are intent on turning otherwise law-abiding gun owners in the South and elsewhere into outlaws with the stroke of a pen.

But won’t these law-abiding gun owners comply with the new “laws?” Won’t they dutifully register their “assault weapons” with the authorities and submit to other restrictions on buying, owning, and transferring firearms? Some will but many will not. They will instead become outlaws.

In the last month, millions of Americans have bought millions of weapons and over a billion rounds of ammunition. They are not buying these expensive things in order to register them or turn them in to the gun grabbers at some point in the future. They are buying them to defend themselves, their families, and their property from whomever might threaten them. And at present, the biggest threat is the U.S. government itself.

The League of the South, the premier Southern nationalist organization, will not comply with any diminution of our God-given right to keep and bear the sort of arms a free people need to remain free. This means “assault weapons” and high-capacity magazines. Moreover, we will view any attempt to deprive the Southern people of these tools as a criminal act by a criminal regime.

League President, Michael Hill, noted: “Those in positions of power who exceed the limits of lawful authority ought to be made to live in mortal fear of their transgressions. This is the foundation of a free and healthy society.”

Hill also pointed out that “gun control is not about limiting violence against the innocent. On the contrary, it is about promoting it against the law abiding. Once the citizenry is effectively disarmed, it will be open season for thugs of both the underclass and the ruling class to dispossess the productive and law-abiding middle class.”

The League of the South is an advocate for a free and independent South. Therefore, we understand that a free people is an armed people. And, as Hill puts it: “We intend to be free from the destructive clutches of Washington, DC, sooner rather than later, God willing. And that will necessitate us being armed to defend our liberty for those who would deny it to us.”

For more information on The League of the South, see www.dixienet.org or e-mail us at jmichhill@cs.com.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Just amazing how quickly things are moving.

    And if push really comes to shove… who will the military side with?

  2. Gayle – God only knows.

    I’m more worried about militarized police, more than anything. More than the military. More than those that have SEEN combat abroad. Israel has been conducting “training exercizes” for greedy, sociopathic “police officers”, and running trips to Israel, to work with the IDF. I know the Denver, CO “police” will do WHATVER the ADL tells them to do, for one example.

    We are down to the wire, not. It’s now of never, for the Judeo Imperium to be solidified. They know this, too.

    Remember – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn sad that the Soviet system would have collapsed a lot sooner than it did, if ordinary citizens acted to defend their neighbors, when the NKDV (Murdering Jews) came for people, in the night. A VERY wise Southenr Man, born and bred, that I know, said that some-one pointing a gun at you is NOT your friend, no matter what uniform he or she wears.

    We’ll see how this goes when the actual shooting starts. Gun owners are either going to hand over everything, to the Thug Enforcers – or gun them down. FYI – keep in mind the reason Obama is pulling troops out of Afghanistan is to USE THEM HERE. Lots will fireo n Americans – but lots will not. And finally – keep in mind that Afghani Pashtuns have driven out the most well-armed military in the world. The Pashtuns are ot “sophisticated” They have some excellent weapons, but nothing like the toys the American Military has. The Pashtuns have the will and the desire to drive out every-one that enters thier land. They ENJOY fighting. And they’ve driven out EVERY-ONE. So do not be impressed with gear. Anything that’s made can be broken.

    Study military equipment. The Minions of ZOG try to frighten you with visions of their super nifty technical glory. Study the stuff. Seeing how things works reveals how things break.

  3. You guys have to think of what’s coming as fun. Don’t be afraid. It’s going to be fun.

    I believe in God. I believe in the Afterlife. I believe inthe Immortal Soul. I’ve already told people that I do not fear death. I know this is true. I was in an airplane, a few years ago, A small plane, in Winter. We hit very turbulent weather, and the plane was getting buffeted pretty badly. It kept “dropping”. I was seat mates with a young and very pretty woman. She was getting terrified. She was going to meet with her fiance. Her entire life was ahead of her. I cared more about her fear, than my own. I was surprised how “prepared” I was. I figured if we were going to crash, there wasn’t one bloody thing I could do about it. I accepted this reality, and any fear I had vanished immediately. It was kind of….freeing…. I talked to the young gal, and told her I understood why she wouldn’t want to die. I didn’t want to die either. Mind you – I would live forever, if I could do so, cause life is so interesting. I told her that there is life after death, and we do have Immortal Souls, and if we are to die we must die well. We said the Lord’s Prayer, several times….and waited to see what would happen. She grew very calm.

    This trip was a commuter flight, and thankfully a short flight. When we did land (I think the pilot was drunk) we bounced a bit. We were both kinda shaky, and the Filipinna Air Hostess looked CHEESED. We all heaved a sigh of relief. The girl and I said our goodbyes, and went on with our lives.

    If I get killed off, for any reason, I will choose to stay Earthbound. Death will only give me freedom of movement. I won’t have to deal with airplanes, or TSA agents. I will stay here ,and cause as much trouble as I can. Alive or dead.

  4. They might not have to use hard measures. They could always do something like this.

    “Mr. Smith,

    ATF records show you own a {fill in the blank}. You have 30 days from the date of this letter to surrender the firearm, or face a $10,000 fine. Non-compliance will result in the IRS seizing your assets and garnishing your income.”

  5. This what I mean by “fun”. This is fun:

    Thomas J. Nee, president of the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association, the city’s largest police union, is one of Obama’s Gun Snatchers. His own son was arrested and convicted, in 2008, of planning a mass murder at his High School. The article notes that Fast and Furious Eric Holder is on the Gun Grabber Task Force as well..

    Read more: http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/01/biden-gun-task-force-member-has-son-convicted-of-planning-school-mass-murder/#ixzz2HX8mrboG

    This is who we are dealing with. These are very screwed up creatures. They’ve gained power because we let them gain power. They were fighting, and we were oblivious. remeber Sun Tzu, that Chinese “Art of War” guy? His first rule is to know your enemy.

  6. I strongly advise Whites in the South to act with intelligence and responsibility on gun issues. Sure, it’s to be expected with a Black lib Dem Preisent and with lots of Lib Dems to have all kinds of gun control initiatives.

    We’re still going to have far more gun rights than Whites have in places like Canada and England. Shot guns, single shot riffles, revolvers are fine, actually better for self defense and hunting than automatic military riffles and auto hand guns. If you are going to insist on 2nd Amendment purism and insist on the right to own full auto military riffles, be very careful with the weapons, don’t let crazy teens use them, don’t get drunk and play war games with them, shoot them up in the air on New Year’s Eve like low life Mexican gang bangers and don’t tolerate irresponsible Whites around you to say or do stupid things with guns. All it takes is some stupid talk to get you put away.

  7. I truly believe that Romney would not have gone after guns. He would have tried to actually fix America. And failed miserably, of course. Didn’t I write, again and again,. that we were gonna go full ANC once Obama was re-installed?

    Lew – screw Mr. Smith. He either…..faces off, shall we say….anyone that tries to seize anything, or gives up his guns. When he gives up his guns he still loses EVERYTHING. That’s how it works. Mr Smith needs to plan fast for that little scenario you just wrote. If you roll over and show your stomach, in submission, because you fear losing everything – you are going to lose it all anyways.

    Mr Smith is going to be made an example of, one way ot another. What kind of an example does Mr Smith want to be? Mr Smith must CHOOSE. The Hour Cometh.

  8. As I said on the LoS Facebook page, all these single issues that scandalize White Southerners ultimately reduce back to the existence of the Union with the Northeast and the West Coast.

  9. One thing that the “mad dog” NRA does is give the impression that crazy racist whites are keeping arsenals. I don’t own firearms either. Though I can strip and reassemble pistols, rifles automatic and bolt action and shoot pretty accurately. I know enough about myself that I’d probably blast my own toe off somehow if I had them laying around. But I like the idea that blacks think that white men are stockpiling weapons. It
    Is an impression Id like to reinforce.

  10. Denise says:
    January 10, 2013 at 2:06 am

    “I truly believe that Romney would not have gone after guns. He would have tried to actually fix America. And failed miserably, of course. Didn’t I write, again and again,. that we were gonna go full ANC once Obama was re-installed? ”

    Obama is angering White people. Everyone knew he would. Romney would have put Whites back to sleep.

    Whites are aging in America. What use would our elders be after 8 years of Romney + another 4 years of ANC rule, to make us angry again? The babyboomers would be in nursing homes by then.

  11. Guns are great for taking it to the streets but Negroes are terrified of fire and water. A diesel-powered boiling power-washer and some firecrackers is enough to defend a homestead against a pack of Negroes. Throw in a boning knife for trophies and you’re sorted.

  12. I want to encourage folks to at least get a decent pistol and to become familiar with the laws of your area. You can get started for 500 to 700$. A rifle will run over a grand, and a shotgun will run a couple hundred. You can go incrementally, and ask for weapons accessories for christmas / birthday presents, or a box of ammo.

    Likewise it makes a great present for somebody without such things.

  13. Massachusetts Romney absolutely would have come after guns because this is being driven at the level of the global elite. If they need more Sandy Hooks, they will get them.

    I see them sacrificing Obama a la Lincoln in order to really crack down on the American Right Wing.

  14. John,

    I take you at your word. But, you can “strip and reassemble pistols, rifles automatic and bolt action and shoot pretty accurately” still you’re worried about blasting your own toe off? There’s something about that picture that doesn’t make sense to me.

  15. I am willing to die to protect my 2nd Amendment rights…are you willing to die trying to take it away from me?

    simple question

  16. I have a lot of guns.

    Don’t open fire on the feds when they come, if you really are that fed-up you will be MUCH more effective as a guerrilla operative, messing-up the works. Remember this is a “colonial” war.

    I will turn in a few bullshit guns that suck, like an old bursa.

    For the rest, I will create fake bills of sale showing that I “sold” them to some guy that lives in some other county, due to financial hardship. I will get the name and address of said guy from the obits. Maybe I will pick 3-4 different people to be the fake buyers.

    If you are going to do this, you need to start planning it now so it doesn’t seem so obvious.

  17. Because an Italian Roman Catholic kid went nuts with a gun up in Newtown Connecticut—we must give up our Second Amendment Rights? No way all you Catholic Jose’s.

  18. Remember, if you’re in a jury room, nobody who is on your side can POSSIBLY be guilty. Extend that to anyone who is on the opposite side of your enemies. The rule of law is dead. White people need to get with the who…whom pogrom.

  19. Peak,

    Bingo. I thought we are the Creative Race. why are we being so dull?

    Anti-Whites are Evil – re a Romney Presicendy? I know. You are rioght about what would have happened. I still think that thngs would still have crashed under him – but it wouldn not go down to ugly. like it will, now. Oh well.

    Tamer – Negroes are afraid of CATS. I had mutiple cats, whne I lived in NJ. I lived in a big aprartment comlex, filled with a very mixed bag of the Diverse, among other sorts. The Negro family thatl ived next door were decent folks. The White drug dealer that lived upstairs, in our building, used ot let his idiotic Pit Bul run loose and terrorize every-one. I used to thnk it was funny, though, cause the dog would frighten off the groups oif Negro males, that used to congregate in the parking lot. I used to run upstirs and tell the drug dealer to keep his freaking dog inside, or on aleash, cause if it ever tore up one of the kids, he’d be in SERIOUS trouble. I like dogs, though, I used to call the dog, and pet it. The Negroes were afraid of me; one of gne Big Bucks was involved with some variant of a Latin American female. She had a very bright, nice little son. I liekd that kid. We used to converse a great deal. I used to actually speak to him, and atreated him liek he was an intelligent person. He told me that a lot of the residents thought I was a Bruja. A witch, due to the cats I kept. I used to be able to take one of my dear kitties on walks, around the property. He followed me everywhere. I used to talk to him, as I walked. I was observed. Many of the residents thought we were actually TALKING to each other, and I was giving this cat “instructions.” HA!!!! The kid was curious about my “rep”; was I a Bruja?. I told him that I and my family just love animals, and we knew how to interact with animals, by studying their behavioral patterns. I told him a lot about how to handle cats. He did not like his big Black brute of a “step-father”. The kid hated the big Ape. The kid and I had a big laugh about the Bruja thing. and I never had a problem with any of the residents.

  20. Guns are great for taking it to the streets but Negroes are terrified of fire and water. A diesel-powered boiling power-washer and some firecrackers is enough to defend a homestead against a pack of Negroes. Throw in a boning knife for trophies and you’re sorted.

    Do you have something that will spray boiling jobss? That should scare them white.

  21. I meant it figuratively rather than literally. I’m especially concerned that other people in the household would fuck themselves up and I’d get the blame. A weapon isn’t much use if you have to lock it in a safe.

  22. A Southern senator / congressman should be starting a serious campaign to impeach Obama / Biden / others if they take this threatened action. It is so blatently unconstitutional that the case for impeachment could be made quite strongly.

  23. Mr Ryan just admit you know little about firearms. But then again us firearms types have done a horrible job of education instead allowing Hollywood and the media to turn weapons into a talisman for the idiot masses.

  24. RyThey wont have the ape power to knock on every door. And evwn if tje importing of new guns are banned, there’s still the millions sold in the first obama term alone.

    Whites need to start thinking white again. Are they goimg to ban the creation of all spare parts too so that someone cant make their own?

    I built my own battle rifle from legal parts using hand tools and a torch. All self taught over a few weekends. If i had some jigs and real machine tools idbe able to crank em out very quick.

    Even milled ar receivers could.probably be made in quantity in garages with the near hobbyist grade cnc tools ive seen online.

  25. YT are there manuals in PDf format for building your own rifle? That’s actually a very interesting topic.

    I imagine a smooth bore double barreled shotgun would be the easiest design to cobble together. A barrel, stock and trigger mechanism.

  26. “Hunter Wallace says:
    January 10, 2013 at 1:56 am

    I doubt Romney would have went after guns.”

    Are you kidding? You really think these salesmen make policy? For an intelligent man you either have a hell of a blind side or one dry sense of humor.

  27. “Lew says:
    January 10, 2013 at 1:18 am

    I’m not complying.”

    I remember my mother saying that about 1964 per school integration. By 1968 she complied.

    Americans, north OR South, will accept ANYTHING.

  28. 313Chris,

    Guns were my always my biggest fear with Obama, and it appears my worst fears are coming to pass. There is still no way to know what Romney would be doing now. McConnel, Boehner and the top GOP leaders have been signaling cave in for weeks. If the GOP leadership doesn’t fight, I think we can be reasonably sure Romney would not have either. I think we need to see how the GOP leadership stands up before jumping to the conclusion Romney would be handling this differently.

    • No, I don’t think that Romney would have gone after guns with the enthusiasm of Obama, especially after winning reelection with under 40% of the White vote. The Democrats retreated from gun control for 10 years because Al Gore lost Tennessee in 2000.

  29. “Gun Control”:

    Use ’em or lose ’em.

    I hope I’m wrong but I have no faith in the ‘cold dead fingers’ crowd, based on the spinelessness of every movement Southern whites have been behind since Jews and liberalism have taken possession of the purse.

    If you don’t revolt when your children are forced into integrated schools you certainly won’t do so over abortion or fag marriage. And you’ll surrender your guns when the pressure hits – guaranteed.

    Otherwise you’ll be a goddamned OUTLAW!

    In other words, “the law”, now, is shit! Obey it and you’re shit. Disobey it and you might retain your manhood. Maybe.

    It seems that we’re heading into an era of every-man-for-himself, thanks to the morons north of the Mason Dixon and our own squirrels who bow down to them.

    The Ayatollah Khomenei was exactly correct in calling the United States ‘the great Satan’. And this wasn’t only in reference to its anti-human government; it also pertained to the pitifully squalid populace who continue to beg for the shit they’re fed.

    If Washington and the alleged ‘patriots’ could be so enraged by a minor tax, where the hell are we?

    North America should be renamed ‘Eunichland’.

    Veja Texas and the Deep South!

  30. Come on Lew, get real. What the hell do Romney, Boehner and his pals have to do with policy? If it ain’t clear to you by now that the whole show is a sham what more could it take?

    I realize you fellows are slow to pick up on human nature but my God, Hollywood has been making movies glorifying con artists for an entire century. Haven’t you been watching?

  31. “A Southern senator / congressman should be starting a serious campaign to impeach Obama / Biden / others if they take this threatened action.”

    The silence on the part of the repubs during this latest fracas has been.. deafening.

    This should be a no-brainer for them. Why are they not out there voicing dissent? Yelling defiance from the rooftops?

    And yes… I believe that this whole gun compliance thing is going to be effected through IRS brownshirts. No police/military needed.

  32. Gayle says:
    January 10, 2013 at 6:50 am

    “The silence on the part of the repubs during this latest fracas has been.. deafening.

    This should be a no-brainer for them. Why are they not out there voicing dissent? Yelling defiance from the rooftops?”

    Because they are not on our side and never were. They are Respectable Conservatives AKA the Paycheck Right.

    Bob Whitaker nails them on his blog, quite often.


    “Respectable Conservatives BUGS”

    and you will find a whole slew of his comments on them.

  33. Here is one via Simmons:

    “Respectable conservatives are the capos of the PC concentration camps.”

  34. I’m somewhat to surprised to find that there are people here who have not yet weaponed up. The Jew-Stalinist regime is desperate to gun-grab because they know the collapse of their debt-Ponzi political economy is very close. Then they will no longer be able to buy consent with debt-financed handouts. Without a monopoly on lethal violence they are doomed, and know it. And they will not be using the IRS or other indirect methods to enforce. They’ve about run out of time, and so have we. HW and the rest of the OD philosophers have at most 60-90 days to invest in lead. After that, they are going to be dead…or mere spectators. The post Civil War II Regime will, needless to say, reflect the values of those who fought. Not those who stood and watched.

  35. I’m afraid Bill Yancey is right. There will be a small shit storm raised at first, the Repubs will promise to repeal it (at first), they’ll have some fake college educated hokey cheeseball “country” musician write some hokey ass song about not needing guns to be cuntry or other such bullshit. They’ll conjure anyone wanting guns to joint the military to die for Israel, as that is the only legitimate use of a weapon in the hands of white men.
    But have no doubt, the weapons will be surrendered, just like the gold was. And within a few years, nobody, ESPECIALLY the Republicans, will ever again even try to go against it–it will be solidly institutionalized.
    History has shown that this is what will happen.
    How did it come to this? FDR and the handout society.

  36. Bill Yancey, there’s no saying so meaningless and easily spouted by respectable conservitards than:
    “Live free or die”, “Give me liberty or give me death”, and “I don’t agree with what you say, but I’ll die or your right to say it”, and finally, “They can have my gun with they pry it from my cold dead fingers”. All these are meaningless today, simple posturing. The Marxist know this too. All they have to do is threaten the government check and it’s all over. I have idiotic friends who voted for Obama, love the Dems (cause they are union), but then scream like hell about the government wanting to take their guns. That right there proves the power of the blessed and holy social security check.

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