About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. negro riots in yankeeland makes me happy. this is what they intended for us when they tried to incite slave uprisings during the war of northern aggression, when they armed negros to kill Southron Whites, when they passed the 1st civil rights act etc etc.

  2. The current school superintendent and future spokesman for the fourth Obama administration uncorked this howler:

    “The students at Woodlands Hill High School have all worked together to create a safe and secure environment where students all feel welcome, safe, wanted, and where the focus is really on individual achievement and academic excellence.”

    He closed with: Now look upon my works, ye mighty. And despair

  3. Small fact:

    Swissvale (where this occurs) was named for Jane Swisshelm, an “abolitionist and feminist.”

    It’s “nine miles from downtown Pittsburgh.” In other words, this is what Pittsburgh is like. And Blondes are underrepresented in their newscasters. (Jane SWISS-helm, was supposedly Ulster-Scot, not Swiss)

  4. Died in 1884. Her final newspaper was “The Reconstructionist.”

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Swisshelm She also had a lot of ties with MINNESOTA, which seemed to be a real center of the “left” Germans, in particular, in the 1830s on. The 48-ers. (Anchor-babying and piggy-backing themselves). There and Wisconsin (Paul Ryan land).

    Got a divorce in 1857, to argue for these causes and was unhappy in marriage.

  5. Negro townshipa and Negroes themselves should be named after abolitionists and other trouble-makers. An obituary would read something as follows:

    Notice of Death in the Swisshelm Bantustan

    Douglass Boycott III was beaten to death at the bus stop by Luther Iamaman Jr. Boycott III is survived by his mother, Seneca Detroit Falls and father Douglass Boycott II.

  6. Dixiegirl – that’s NOT what Pittsburgh is like. P-burgh is a great town. It’s been segregated for decades. The Nigras knew that the Slavs, who were coal-miners and steel-wokers, and very tough birds, would not take one OUNCE of TNB. you may want to note the that participants in the brawl were 100% Diverse. No Whites were involved.

    That School Apparachik, alas, is a Payrollee. He’s a douche. ZOG is moving Nigras in to Lily White towns all over PA. Most of the residents are clueless, as to what this means. That young woman knows the score, Boy Howdy.

    The Nigras know that “We da Prezdint now” The acting up is a very bad sign. They used to klnow better, before. I don’t think it’s gonna continue for very long though. Pennsylvania had the rep, for years, of being “Philadelphia on one side, Pittsburgh on another – and Alabama in between”. Pennsies know the score. Do not kid yourself.

    Now- Nigras

  7. So Janie was an Ulster Scot? Hmmm….her treachery makes sense, then.

    I find the Orc newscasters to be much more frightening than the low-grade Nigras.

  8. Good selection, Hunter, although it is bad news. As usual the media does not mention the race of the rioters, but there was enough “nerve” to broadcast a video that revealed it very clearly, and some white Pittsburgh area people are learning something by it, as reported:

    “Meantime, those who witnessed the fights in the neighborhood along south Braddock Avenue in Swissvale say they are afraid to walk to the store. ‘I’m afraid for my life. I won’t go for a walk anymore,’ says a woman who didn’t want to be identified.”

  9. The local prolefeed is at variance with the national prolefeed. For example the black ms USA just finished her segment on Today. She’s a future doctor apparently.

  10. @Denise

    Isn’t Western PA also nicknamed Pennsyltucky? Is the whole state roughly divided in half and the eastern would be Yankeeland?

  11. I think the central part of the state between Philly and Pittsburgh is called Pennsyltucky. That’s where the Scots-Irish originally settled before moving south and west into the Southern backcountry.

  12. Reynauld,

    Yes, Pennsylvania has been proudly known as Pennsyltucky. And it’s much more of a Rural Vs Urban divide, than an Eastern vs Western. The urban regions are awash with Diverse loving DWL’s, and Jews, of course. Certain towns have been owned by the Tribe forever. If you go to Scranton, PA, you will see Hebe names all over the buildings. Jew York City is very close by, ya see.

    The Dixie spirit pervades in the countryside though, as well as a keen sense of ethny. PA went through a Depression in the 70’s, when the Quislings in Congress began outsourcing steel. Many areas have never recovered, but due to the clannishness, shall we say – people have very tight famial bonds. Granny is EVERYTHING, to kiddies. People do just fine. Thngs may look poverty stricken on the outside, but with all the problems, I have yet to see the bare larder, anywhere.

    The Welsh were brought in to Pennsylvania for coal-mining. Many Taffies wound up as management types. PA has the largest Weslh descended population in the world, outside of Wales. The Germans came in as farmers. The Hubster, like yours truly, is a Welsh/German mix. Our by Pittsburg, though – Pittsburgh has a very “Hunky” aka Slavic element at play. The Slavs came in for the steel-making. Tough, obstinate, stoic…they’ve settled in.

    Yes, Hunter, the Scots-Irish moved around, as good Celts do. Celts love to travel, Not to escapre the wrath ogf the locals, for looting and plundering, like Jews and Gypsies, but to “see what’s over there”. There’s still a lots of Celts around, though. And you Dixians might be amazed to discover where the Bonnie Blue Flag flies, let alone the Stars and Bars.

    White rural males in PA TOTALLY know the score about NAGAS, of not Hebes. Many White females have been seduced by the Siren Call of “Diversity”. They substitute Pet Darkies, in place of kids. But the gents? I can go to any place outside of a “sophisticated” Blue region, and strike up a conversation, about the “Damned niggers” within about 10-15 minutes, and the conversation flows forth freely, shall we say. ZOG is importing NAGAS into Uber White regions, via Section 8 – but the reaction is not what is desired. Even the Asiatics, who own gas stations, etc, do not care for Nigras. If ZOG in DC tries for the Gun Grab ,and Pennsyltucky ‘Murricans DO resist, the NAGAS will be forced back into the cities. If they make it back.

  13. In the video from around 1:12 to 1:16 you can observe an assailant in the foreground moving remarkably like a chimpanzee.

  14. That’s where the Scots-Irish originally settled before moving south and west into the Southern backcountry.

    If you’d like to see a map that will make this entire migration clear, take a look at the following:


    That’s the Great Appalachian Valley, which runs virtually the entire length of the Eastern U.S. (It starts up in the eastern edge of Canada, actually, and goes all the way down into Alabama.) As you see, there are only two places through which it can be penetrated, for travel to the interior of what became the United States. The first is the L-shaped route formed by the Mohawk River Valley and the Hudson River Valley, which are marked “2” and “3” in the map’s notation of the Great Valley’s subdivisions. The Mohawk runs west-to-east and empties into the Hudson at about the latitude of Albany; the Hudson runs north-to-south, down to New York City.

    The other entry, so to speak, is where the Great Valley’s eastern edge (of mountains) is broken, in Pennsylvania. That point, which is between “6” and “7” on the map, is where the Susquehanna River comes down, en route to Chesapeake Bay. Not far from it is Conestoga, Pennsylvania (Lancaster County), eponym of the Conestoga wagons that were used for migration on the Great Appalachian Valley. Also near it is Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, named for a settlement of mechanics who made and repaired such wagons. The “Great Wagon Road,” which the migrants traveled, began in Philadelphia, whence it went west to that “Susquehanna Doorway,” as I’ll call it. Thence, it went southward, along the Great Appalachian Valley. It crossed the Potomac at Harpers Ferry and went on to the Shenandoah Valley and beyond. (Shenandoah Valley is “8” on the map.)

    Harpers Ferry, which facilitated the migration to the South, was built by Robert Harper, who was from Oxford Township, Pennsylvania. Nowadays, what was Oxford Township is my own neighborhood in northeast Philadelphia. Harper was a builder, whom a group of Quakers had asked to build a meeting house for them in Virginia. When he saw the area where the Potomac and the Shenandoah Rivers met, he was impressed. He acquired land there and built the ferry; thus, he not only helped create the South but gave his name to the flashpoint whence the South’s destruction began.

    Eventually–around 1776, I think–a rear escape route from the Great Appalachian Valley was found, down in the South. That’s the Cumberland Gap, which led into an area that was called Kentucky.

    That’s my rough sense of this. Maybe some of Occidental Dissent’s other followers can thrown in some details or correct anything I might have stated incorrectly. Here are related Wikipedia links:







  15. Back in 2006, I was up near Doylestown, which is less than thirty miles north of Philadelphia. I was in an area in which some old homes were mixed in with modern, suburban-style homes, and I conversed with a stranger who owned one of the former. As he and I were speaking, in his driveway-area, we were looking southward, toward Philadelphia, across open land on which his house sat. When, in response to his question where I lived, I said Philadelphia, he looked at me as if I’d said Mars.

    “Well, I guess you love that,” was his reply, as I recall it. “You have your blacks and your Hispanics–and you come in third.”

    In recalling him, I am struck that he seems like a rural Southerner in a movie–well, except that he didn’t have a Southern accent. Pennsyltucky: it’s closer than you think.

    PS Doylestown is the county seat of Buck County, one of the suburban Philadelphia counties that were a focus in the recent presidential election.

  16. Pennsies know the score. Do not kid yourself.

    They’re red-staters, sure, but they wouldn’t know the score on blacks and race if the scoreboard fell on them. My mom’s kin is all from the Pennsylvania hills and they’re utterly naive about race. Haven’t a clue.

  17. Doylestown is beautiful. The Buck$ County residents do a lot of things to make sure Buck$ County stays beautiful.

    Tamer – I used to dine in New Hope all the time. I wonder what’s still there…..

    John B – I had a pal the lived up in Oxford Circle Polish girl. Her family were WONDERFUL. Totally racist. This girl was the “rebel”. I worked with her, until she got fired. She got heavily involved in boozing and drugs. She did…terrible things to herself. I lost touch. I got too disgusted. I tried to help her, but failed. Every-one did. I couldn’t deal with her self abuse anymore…..I wonder if she’s still alive….

    I had other pals in the NorthEast. I understand that the NAGAS are encroahing, even there.

    Svigor – I did not draw a fine enough picture. I know plenty of Whites that are as clueless as the relatives you describe. The loveliest folks inthe world. They are mostly Christians, and have never ever ever lived around non-Whites, and they swallow the multi-culti koolaid. Women ttend to be a lot more foolish and/or naive than the males I know. The White men I kow are infinitely more aware than the females. Again – it depends on the proximity of Orcs, to get real-world experience.

  18. The Landing had the best brie ever. The main courses were over-priced, and not terribly well-cooked.

    We used to go to Wild Flowers a lot. In the Summer, of course. The Mansion had excellent fare – but that was always were the tourists went, for thier “good” dinner out.

    Tamer – are you going to Jon and Peter’s? Uh oh….

  19. John says:
    Ulster was heavily Dutchified.”

    I had never heard that. In the way back, like when people were coming to what became the u.s. from there?

  20. And Denise—

    I know Pittsburgh. You can walk from East Liberty to Shadyside, from the Hill District to Oakland or South Side. A different deal when steel was there, however.

  21. I think of an old farmer I knew (passed away two years ago, kept on working to the end of course) who had the last working farm in a township of Montgomery County, bordering Bucks, very racially and culturally aware. He had an Ulster or Scottish name. I remember once he said the southerners hate us and you can’t blame them. He knew all about unjust wars.

  22. DixieGirl – exactly. The regions are still very-well delineated, and far as who goes where. This break out brawl is a bad omen. The Whites are not enforcing territory anymore.

  23. I visited Pittsburgh once, rode the Incline, was advised to avoid the relatively small center city area that was unsafe at that time, over thirty years ago. People I met were mostly very friendly, small-townish, unpretentious.

  24. Re: “shot at a certain poster”:

    If he’s reading — note that apostate churches of his home state, Epsicopal and Presbyterian, have invited Mr. Wise to teach how to deconstruct white racism.

  25. Hunter Wallace says:
    I’ve never been to Pittsburgh, but I imagine it being a “Nation of Immigrants” steel city.”

    Yes. Although the Jews who are (or have been) over 50% in an area, Squirrel Hill, give it a different flavor. The South Side is mostly the central euro “row houses” near some shut down mills, revitalization of a meat packing district in the downtown for the nightlife (forget now what it’s called).

  26. John B – thanks for that article.

    Harbison Avenue. ‘Zounds. I’ve just returned from Memory Reverie Overload. Have you seen movies where a flashback is deployed, as an expository device? I just had one of those. I forced myself to “come back”. The images of the past are still flickering like a kaleidoscope, even as I type these words.


    That article is a stark example of Cognitive Disconnect. The author alludes to the Changing Face of the neighborhood, and the ensuing decay = but hey – a simply marvelous exemplary African Americna nurse moved in next door, to the ‘Rents – and hey he’s not a RAYCISSSSS.

    I wonder how bad things are there now. I wonder if he got his parents out before they became the victims of the Youfs. I ought to try to track him down and ask for an update.

  27. Yes, every urban area hosts them. They seem to avoid wide open spaces and what is done there — farming, logging, hunting and trapping, etc.

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