Neo-Confederates In Congress Resist a Rapidly Changing World


H/T Ed Sebesta

Here we have yet another anti-Southern article that blames “neo-Confederates” in Congress for obstructing the Left’s social agenda:

“Today, there are quite a few very vocal neo-Confederates who think gun rights, states rights, the protection of white American culture and elimination of “excessive” taxation on the rich are the nation’s preeminent concerns. Their anti-bellum mindset makes it impossible for them to accept scientific reality — climate change, evolution, the true age of the planet — and political reality — America is becoming a more diverse, tolerant nation that does not share their fear-driven philosophy.

One of our two great political parties has been captured by the neo-Confederates and, because so many of them have been elected to Congress, the political system is gridlocked. Big problems are either ignored — climate change, deterioration of infrastructure, the toxic greed in the financial system — or kicked down the road to be fixed another day.

As bad as things are, though, governmental paralysis created by reactionary resistance to change is not unique in our history. For most of the first century of the republic a final resolution to the slavery issue was kicked down the road over and over. Lincoln and the Union army finally forced the necessary realignment. …”

Note: I had forgotten about “climate change,” but I suppose destroying the coal industry and making electricity drastically more expensive for White households is also on the list of things to do in Obama’s second term.

How many Northeastern projects are there in this cartoon? I see debt ceiling, guns, climate change, and Medicare. Surely, you got gay marriage, amnesty for illegal aliens, destroying the white American culture, legalization of pedophilia, and reparations for slavery coming down I-95 South.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Notice this statement that Ed makes:

    ‘America is becoming a more diverse….’

    This is quite common from folks who are conditioned. They act like the replacement of one people with another is much like the weather – it comes and goes on its own. In fact, America is not becoming less White, it is being made less White. Anti-Whites must be made to fess up. They are replacing us. It is their policies which are making the US less White and replacing Whites with non-Whites.

  2. In 1864 the North was a powerhouse, now its Detroit and some Starbucks foo foos. Even the Whites here who rip the South are too fat and lazy to get off the couch and stop watching sports.

  3. Also notice this statement by Ed:

    ‘Lincoln and the Union army finally forced the necessary realignment….’

    Translated, this means that Lincoln and his army killed 600,000 people, conquered the South and imposed their desired policies upon it.

  4. “Not big enough.”

    – How big is your Confederate army? Oh wait. That’s right, it doesn’t exist. My mistake.

  5. Just perusing the vile leftist forums and there is no putting the genie of hatred back in the bottle. Some have calculated that electorally and demographically, they are “free and clear”, therefore they can decloak and go into full hate mode. Consider too that white Democrats and Leftists are minorities in their own party and that they have to face anti-white hatred every day; I think that drives more back to the Light.

    At first they were all “I’d like to buy the world a Coke,” and they thought their dark skinned “friends” thought the same thing. The Millenia was here, the Age of Aquarius was here. Nope.

    The Anti-Whites have an agenda: brutalize us, kill, us, take everything they can.

    More and more whites are waking up to that. More and more whites are realizing that only whites can be pro-white. More and more whites are realizing that only whites can be Universalist, as a side-effect of their Aryan drive for perfection. Universalism is only sustainable in an all white society. It has to be jettisoned in favor of Dualism and tribalism until we are free of the threat of genocide.

    Ancient Aryan India and Ancient Aryan Iran descended from the same race and culture, as time went on they drifted too far apart. Eventually there came what scholars have called the Pandemonium, which must have been something like a Super Cold War between Iran and India.

    Polarization was the watchword, as the devas were considered good gods by the Indians and evil demons by the Iranians. Vice versa, the Ashuras were considered evil gods by the Indians and good gods by the Iranians.

    Iranians looked East and could no longer recognize the Browned Out Indians as fellow Aryans. Indians embraced polytheism, Iranians embraced monothesism: A(s)hura Mazda and Zoroastrianism.

    We are witnessing the same bifurcation of America: as whites from the midwest, south and mountains look at the polytheistic, miscegenated Blue States and want no part of it.

  6. The “industrial war machine” of the Almighty Union that destroyed Germany and Japan is now the the Rust Belt best symbolized by the ruins of Detroit.

    In terms of population, the South alone is now bigger than the Northeast and Midwest combined. White Southerners are the most heavily armed people in the world. The energy industry is concentrated in the South. Over half the electricity generated in America originates in the South.

    Most importantly, America’s warmaking industries and the troops which fight its overseas wars are also concentrated in the Sunbelt, which after 50 years of Cold War military spending is also the Gun Belt.

    Anyone who expects “Civil War 2” would be an encore of the War Between the States will be massively disappointed. The exact opposite conditions now prevail.

    As I pointed out on the other blog, 21 million White Southerners settled much of the West in the 20th century and their descendants comprise an even larger portion of the White conservative non-Southern population.

    The Blue States don’t have the ability to win a war against the Red States. All it would it take to win such a war would be to cut off their gasoline, electricity, and food supply for a week or two and let the niggers run wild through the suburbs.

  7. Heaven forfend that anything like this be necessary or ever happen but Hunter is right. The system we live under is brittle and the same mismanagement that brought us to the mess we are in now makes it impossible to shore it up. More importantly, there simply is no food to store on planet Earth!

    The food crisis is global now.

    from the article speaking of maize alone (aka corn) we have about 1/20 of the already inadequate amount we usually store. That is for every hundred bushels we should have in a bin somewheres we have six. No doubt we are in the same spot with many other things.

    The other aspects Hunter mentioned are there as well but pretty much everywhere is 3 days from anarchy and given the situation, the North and the Liberal Coastal states would fair poorly.

    Now I am not sure anything will happen but if even Hannity is taking a little succession you never know.

  8. There is no polarizing issue like slavery to split and divide the White South and deter foreign recognition of Southern independence.

    The White South possesses a commodity – King Energy – that is thousands of times more important to the modern U.S. economy than King Cotton in the 19th century.

    The Northeast, not the South, would be heavily outnumbered. Just the opposite was true last time.

    The warmaking industries are concentrated in the Gun Belt, not the Northeast. Just the opposite was true in the 19th century.

    Blacks, Jews, Hispanics, women, homosexuals, and SWPLs are not going to fight a war to stop secession and physically couldn’t preserve the Union now even if they tried.

    During the War Between the States, the Union Navy strangled the South’s economy with its blockade of our coast. Cutting off the electricity, the natural gas, and the gasoline in the Northeast in the winter would be even more crippling to their economy.

  9. “I had forgotten about “climate change,””

    Global warming flat-lined in the late 90s hence why they changed the name to climate change. Since then the tide has turned, privately anyway, among scientists if not the public hence the recent lack of noise about it.

    It’s funny, because they own the megaphone you can’t help but notice whatever it is they’re screeching about but it’s easy not to notice when they stop screeching about one thing almost completely over night and replace it with something else instead.

    Pretty much everything the current ruling class ever says is a lie.

  10. A Neo-Confederacy would run from the Pacific Northwest to the Atlantic Southeast, possibly up through Canada and into Alaska.

    In the end, secession would mainly involve putting fencing around a few cities. Then we can show them that a fence works.

  11. Time to come back to reality, Hunter.

    “The industrial war machine of the Almighty Union that destroyed Japan and Germany is now the Rust Belt best symbolized by the ruins of Detroit.”

    – And before the war with Japan and Germany, there was an economic depression throughout the same region, and we still kicked their ass. So what’s your point?

    “In terms of population, the South is now bigger than the Northeast and Midwest combined.”

    – In terms of niggers, yes. White people, no. And your white population is fat, niggerfied, and rapidly miscegenating.

    “White Southerners are the most heavily armed people in the world.”

    – Too bad the Union Army in Civil War II won’t be comprised of empty beer bottles and watermelons. You guys don’t have a good record against people who shoot back.

    “The energy industry is concentrated in the South.”

    – No, there’s just a couple foreign-owned oil companies situated on the Gulf Coast.

    “Over half the electricity generated in America originates in the South.”

    – From plants owned by non-Southern companies.

    “Most importantly America’s warmaking industries and the troops which fight it’s foreign wars are concentrated in the Sunbelt, which after 50 years of Cold War military spending is also the Gun belt.”

    – Blue-state Virginia produces the most military personel. But I believe Oregon is #2. Nevertheless, why don’t you go take a survey among all your troops and find out how many want to turn traitor and take on the U.S. military?

    “Anyone who expects Civil War 2 would be an encore of the War Between the States will be massively disappointed.”

    – I agree. We’ll smash you in 6 months this time.

    “The exact opposite conditions now prevail.”

    – You got that right — nobody in the South gives a shit about any of that dead & buried “Dixie” BS. And nobody in the North wants anything to do with niggers. So you’ll just be getting every one of them back, free of charge.

    “As I pointed out in the other blog, 21 million White Southerners settled much of the West in the 20th century and their descendants comprise an even larger portion of the white conservative non-Southern population.”

    – And they aren’t “Southern” anymore, and they don’t give a shit about you no-life-having “Dixians” or your silly grudge against long-dead Yankees. Quit claiming allies where you don’t have any, and quit drawing other people into your personal fights.

    “The Blue States don’t have the ability to win a war against the Red States.”

    – LOL, whatever you imagine to be “Dixie” doesn’t even have the ability (or the guts) to start a war with the Blue States. But go ahead, throw down and see what happens.

    “All it would take to win such a war, would be to cut off their gasoline, electricity, and food supply for a week or two and let the niggers run wild through the suburbs.”

    – What, are you drinking tonight?

    1.) We have plenty of oil in the ground up here and more than the capability to refine it.

    2.) You fuck with our utilities, we bomb your pathetic faux-nation back to the antebellum era, where you’ll be happier anyway.

    3.) The Midwest grows America’s food. You’ll be the one’s going hungry.

    4.) Worry about the single largest population of niggers in the country, which happens to sit in your midst, running wild in YOUR suburbs.

    Quit fantasizing about another war with the North. You people can’t even win a war with queers over your fast food restaurants.

  12. The video in the link above was from NBC yesterday (1/15) saying that no rifle was used in the newtown shooting but 4 handguns were. Here is an except from an article shortly after the shooting:
    “The veteran medical examiner told reporters that the victims had all been identified and their bodies released. In what appeared to be an uncomfortable moment for Carver, he said all of the victims he had examined had all been shot by a Bushmaster .223 caliber assault rifle, one of at least two weapons Adam Lanza, the 20-year-old suspected shooter, used to commit one of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history.”

    A veteran medical examiner should be able to easily distinguish between a .223 and a handgun gunshot and slug, not to mention the extremely different and easily identifiable casings that would have been littered all over the scene.

    Yes, I am now officially a sandy hook conspiracy theorist

  13. I resent the articles you quoted.

    Being rightwing doesn’t mean you think the world started 6,000 years ago. Or believe in God. It’s enough to sime believe in your own people and yourself.

  14. The main problem that the Confederacy had was the lack of international allies. Has France and Britain pitched in the Union would have had to have sued for peace.

  15. @ PalmettoPatriot says:
    Notice this statement that Ed makes:

    ‘America is becoming a more diverse….’ This is quite common from folks who are conditioned. They act like the replacement of one people with another is much like the weather – it comes and goes on its own….”

    They cannot perceive Agency, they cannot take responsibility for living (that one can CREATE CONDITIONS of life). At least not when what they are doing is unpleasant or illegal. It is also the sign of infants, children, and people who are Dependents (they are NOT the Actors of their own lives, therefore they can’t project that people DO THINGS, MAKE THINGS happen.

    OTOH—- this means that what happened to the “Indians” was just “change,” AND THEREFORE the public has no reason to PAY FOR “reservations.”

    When Whites came, the country became “more diverse”…. right?

    If: when whites came, it was genocide; then it would ALSO BE GENOCIDE when other populations come.

    What’s good for the goose… But they are myopic.

  16. For the truly conditioned (not just intentionally covering what they are doing in wiping out groups, i.e., genocide)—

    They understand, when it’s pointed out these are matters of POLICY.


    Someone DECIDES the ratio of “colors”. WHO is doing it?

  17. John says:
    The main problem that the Confederacy had was the lack of international allies. Has France and Britain pitched in the Union would have had to have sued for peace….”

    True. The “north’s union” was really an overseas takeover.

    They moved their non-native armies with things like the potato famine. The fighters were foreign born. A big money move to wipe out colonists (the real ones) and “reclaim” the land that they had won for overseas money.

  18. The immigrant troops, altered the combat ratio of North v South from 2/1 to 3/1
    which meant that the union could continuously stage offensives. 2/1 would have guaranteed a deadlock.

  19. The last French leader willing to help white Christian American racists in a war was Louis XVI and it wasn’t appreciated by his stupid subjects. I believe he was killed in a gory public spectacle, then in his absence his subjects celebrated a republic based on anti-racism, anti-Christianity and anti-Americanism.

  20. Who gives a rats ass what this fenderhead has to say. He’s a spokesidiot for the ENEMY. He’s just identifying himself for his future culling.

  21. Being rightwing doesn’t mean (. . .) you believe in God. It’s enough to sime believe in your own people and yourself.

    It doesn’t, because the entire concept of “wings” is based on radical 19th century secular European politics, not the divine. Right-wingers are fifty years or so behind the left-wingers, they’re grown too attached to old revolutionary precepts that their more intelligent friends have long since abandoned. Afterall no rights came from God, they came from man so they can be changed as seen fit.

  22. Have others noted that preachy, “know it all” Leftist have replaced the term “global warming” with “climate change”?

    This way, when it’s 10 degrees below zero in Chicago next week, the Leftist can claim that this rough cold weather is also the fault of selfish 1st world nations and we need to raise taxes to give to Black Africa and some international organizations of Leftist elites to hold conferences in Stockholm Sweden – but the last time the international Leftists tried this they were still mouthing off about “global warming” and the idiots held their conference in Stockholm Sweden or some other Nordic Lib country in the middle of January and SURPRISE, SURPRISE – it was *&$*#$@# cold!

    I take great pleasure in reading about idiot, know-it-all Leftists dying of frostbite protesting “global warming”.


  23. Tamer- While I can agree with your comment that right-wingers are merely fifty years behind the time, (for no ‘conservative’ today, really wants to ‘conserve’ anything) I would disagree over your last statement.

    NOTHING comes from ‘Man’ save sin and Death. All Law, all liberty, all rights, are from GOD, who giveth ‘every good and perfect gift.’ White Man (the only real ‘Man’ out there, vide Adam, Genesis 1, and all the rest) may be the ‘hands and arms’ for God, but there you are.

    We deserve nothing. All is of grace. And it is taken away from us, by God’s restraining hand being removed from the apostate damned. Like Obama. You don’t think he actually won the last two elections on his own, do you?

  24. I think 313’s war machine has one military base FT. Drum NY home of the 10th mountain. The Solid South Ds put the bases in the South. Illinois’ war machine was closed down because the bases sat on some prime real estate, so the B-52s will have to be launched from somewhere else.

    The North for its base population had WASPs and Germans, them is dethroned and officially hated by BRA, yep they’re marching with Chris, uh huh. There is no center in the North, we are an officially managed diversity these days.

  25. And before the war with Japan and Germany, there was an economic depression throughout the same region, and we still kicked their ass. So what’s your point?


    After the war was over, Japan and Germany also rebuilt their economies and kicked Detroit’s ass. It never recovered and neither did the rest of the deindustrialized Rust Belt which has the highest rate of outmigration in the United States.

    In terms of niggers, yes. White people, no. And your white population is fat, niggerfied, and rapidly miscegenating.

    Even if niggers are excluded, the South has over twice the White population of the Northeast. Speaking of niggerfied Whites, Eminem and Kid Rock come from Detroit, not to mention Obama who was sent to the White House twice by the Yankees who elected him as their president.

    – I agree. We’ll smash you in 6 months this time.


    You aren’t going to smash anyone. Your petroleum, coal, and natural gas dependent economy would be Sandyized within days of an actual war breaking out with the Red States.

    And they aren’t “Southern” anymore, and they don’t give a shit about you no-life-having “Dixians” or your silly grudge against long-dead Yankees. Quit claiming allies where you don’t have any, and quit drawing other people into your personal fights.


    Do you think the millions of White conservatives in the West in places like Arizona, California, Wyoming and Idaho who share the exact same grievances as Southern Whites are going to side with the Northeast and West Coast which is bent on destroying their economy?

    – LOL, whatever you imagine to be “Dixie” doesn’t even have the ability (or the guts) to start a war with the Blue States. But go ahead, throw down and see what happens.

    I would love to see what happens.

    Let’s see the North raise an army of niggers, Hispanics, women, maybe an LGBT brigade or two. The Whites who live there couldn’t handle a few years of Iraq before they were begging for Obama to come save them.

    What, are you drinking tonight?

    1.) We have plenty of oil in the ground up here and more than the capability to refine it.

    No, actually you don’t. You don’t have anywhere near the oil or the refining capacity necessary to sustain your economy and excluding the South most of the rest of it comes from other Red States or is imported through Southern ports and refined along the Gulf Coast.

    2.) You fuck with our utilities, we bomb your pathetic faux-nation back to the antebellum era, where you’ll be happier anyway.

    From where? Who are you going to send in here? The Tuskegee Airmen?

    3.) The Midwest grows America’s food. You’ll be the one’s going hungry.

    The South and the Plains States and California’s Central Valley grows America’s food. What does the Northeast produce in the 21st century? Maple syrup? Lobsters? Clam chowder?

    4.) Worry about the single largest population of niggers in the country, which happens to sit in your midst, running wild in YOUR suburbs.

    Remember the New York City Blackout of 1977?

    – From plants owned by non-Southern companies.

    That’s a new one on me.

    Too bad the Union Army in Civil War II won’t be comprised of empty beer bottles and watermelons. You guys don’t have a good record against people who shoot back.

    There wouldn’t even be a Union Army in Civil War II because the type of Whites who go to college there (1) aren’t going to fight to “preserve the Union,” (2) couldn’t succeed even if they tried because the war related industries are concentrated in the Sunbelt, and (3) most importantly because the lights would go out, the heat would go out, and transportation in the Northeast would instantly grind to a screeching halt due to the soaring cost of gasoline and electricity.

    Quit fantasizing about another war with the North. You people can’t even win a war with queers over your fast food restaurants.

    I would love to see another war with the North because Yankees are operating under the delusion that it would be like the last one.

    After fifty years of the Cold War, the population, the agriculture, the warmaking industries, and the manufacturing capacity is concentrated in the Sunbelt and other Red States. The White South alone outnumbers the Northeast over 2 to 1 excluding niggers and there is no polarizing issue like slavery to divide over a third of the White population in the Upper South against us.

    – Blue-state Virginia produces the most military personel. But I believe Oregon is #2. Nevertheless, why don’t you go take a survey among all your troops and find out how many want to turn traitor and take on the U.S. military?

    Texas, Louisiana, and Virginia produce the most military personnel. Democrat voters in suburban DC who favor cuts to the military budget aren’t representative of military personnel from Virginia.

    As one might expect, the Northeast produces the fewest military personnel per capita, and has the least enthusiasm for fighting major wars. What’s more, any “Second Civil War” in the United States wouldn’t be fought between professional military forces like in Afghanistan or Iraq.

    If you want to “preserve the Union” this time around, I hope the University of Wisconsin and Berkeley are ready to saddle up.

    – You got that right — nobody in the South gives a shit about any of that dead & buried “Dixie” BS. And nobody in the North wants anything to do with niggers. So you’ll just be getting every one of them back, free of charge.

    Yeah right.

    Just like you said White people in the North would never vote to reelect Obama which we saw them turn out en masse to do in November. American patriotism in the South has collapsed since the election to the point where over half the Whites in Georgia would secede tomorrow if they had the chance.

    – No, there’s just a couple foreign-owned oil companies situated on the Gulf Coast.

    Umm no.

    Houston is the center of the energy industry. The Gulf Coast dwarfs the Northeast and Midwest in energy production. Pennsylvania is the only Northeastern state with any significant energy resources.

  26. “Being rightwing doesn’t mean you think the world started 6,000 years ago. Or believe in God. It’s enough to sime believe in your own people and yourself.”

    Exactly, empiricism is sufficient. One doesn’t have to be a Christian to observe the positive impact traditional Christianity had on Western Civ.

  27. HW maybe you should be more precise in what constitutes 313’s “Mighty Union.” All I can write I’m laughing so hard at the thought of the reconstitution of the Grand Army.

  28. The “Mighty Union” is now down to Erkel posing Saddam Hussein like with children, yep its 1864 all over again, more ROFLOL.

    I was at the largest independently owned gun store in Illinois this week and granted alot of hardware was being picked up, but I can guarantgoddanmteeyou they will not be drafted to march south. I’ll take that back they might make it as far south as Springfield.

  29. The GDP of Alabama is 174,400. The GDP of Georgia is 395,194. The GDP of North Carolina is 398,042. The GDP of Texas is 1,307,432.

    New Hampshire – 61,600
    Vermont – 26,400
    Maine – 53,200
    Rhode Island – 49,500
    Connecticut – 227,405
    Massachusetts – 365,182

    The “Mighty Union” isn’t nearly as mighty as it used to be relative to the South in terms of population, agriculture, and industry. The combined economy of New England is half the size of the economy of Texas alone.

  30. The Sunbelt’s industrial economy was built around fifty years of Cold War military spending.

    The South’s economy thrives during war because the war related industries are concentrated in the “Gun Belt.” That’s why Southerners and Westerners are so supportive of foreign wars because it has a stimulating effect on an economy that was built to win the Cold War.

    If there was ever a “Civil War 2,” the South’s economy would thrive in the same way that the North’s economy thrived during the War Between the States. The North no longer has the advantage of a divisive issue like slavery to lop off a third of the Upper South, a huge population advantage, a huge advantage in transportation and agriculture and industry and naval strength, etc.

    The “Blue States” are really just New England and metropolitan areas that would contribute little of value to a wartime economy. Those cities used to produce manufactured goods for the American market and beyond, but that is no longer really the case.

    Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee have a larger economy than New England. The economy of Texas is twice the size of the economy of New England. The economy of New England is also completely dependent on food and energy produced in the South and the West.

  31. So his hypothesis is American conservatives = neo-Confederates.

    Lets test this hypothesis. Do the Confederate states of 1861 correspond to the conservative states of today?

    The presidential election results are not a good test. Romney’s core platform, a liberal intervensionist foreign policy + tax cuts for Soros and Bloomberg, is profoundly anti-conservative.

    The immigration voting records of the state delegations in Congress is a better test. Immigration reduction is by far the most important conservative measure in American politics.

    I took a weighted average of the Numbers USA career scores of the various state delegations. (The score of a senator counted 4.35 times as much as the score of a representative.)

    Here are the results:




    South Dakota
    South Carolina


    North Carolina

    West Virginia

    North Dakota


    New Jersey
    New Mexico
    New York

    Rhode Island
    New Hampshire


    The northern Great Plains / Rocky Mountain region is the most conservative region, the South is the 2nd most conservative region, and Oklahoma, where the two intersect, is the most conservative state. Indiana should also be considered conservative, and the states with a grade of “C” are the swing states.

    I’d say the “neo-Confederate” hypothesis grossly oversimplifies to the point of distortion. Five of the six most conservative states are Great Plains states, including Kansas, the poster child of the Free Soil movement. The most conservative member of Congress, if foreign policy and immigration are both taken into account, is John Duncan, who hails from the old Unionist stronghold of Knoxville.

  32. 6 of the 10 most conservative states are in the South:

    The Gallup poll includes blacks and Hispanics and drastically understates the true level of conservatism among Southern Whites. Mississippi is easily the most conservative, religious, and racialist state in America.

  33. As I said above, the South (or more accurately, the Sunbelt states) support high levels of military spending and low taxes because 1.) the war related industries are concentrated in the Sunbelt and 2.) low taxes (Texas and Florida don’t have an income tax) are used to lure foreign and domestic industry to the South.

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