Touré vs. S.E. Cupp: Southern Secessionists Are “Racist”


Just sent this to Touré on Twitter:

@Touré You’re right about lots of Southern White people wanting nothing to do with Obama’s America. #DixieRepublic #secession #tcot

Note: A Tennessee state legislator wants to arrest federal agents who enforce gun control. Mississippi Republicans want to block the enforcement of gun control laws in Mississippi. Rand Paul pledges to “nullify” the new Obama gun control executive orders.

Alabama Republicans vow to block any new federal gun control laws in the House and Senate. Missouri Republicans also plan to nullify any new federal gun control laws proposed by Obama.

If these conservative politicians were truly serious about resisting federal authority instead of just grandstanding before their outraged constituents, they would be advocating the secession of their states from the Union.

As long as the Union exists, there will be no end to these Northeastern projects: abolition, women’s suffrage, feminism, free love, globalism, integrated schools, civil rights, affirmative action, etc. We can’t act like we are shocked that the very same people now want to destroy the coal industry, confiscate our guns, impose gay marriage on Dixie, and give a massive amnesty to illegal aliens.

The existence of the Union is the cause of all these things. Dissolving the Union is the only way to “conserve” anything we like about America. The Confederates had already arrived at the same conclusion 150 years ago.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The black guy from the Crying Game is probably correct.

    Yep, why would you want to have a black guy running your country if you are white? Especially if you country was founded exclusivy by white men?

  2. S E Cupp is stupid. why is it that a white TV presenter can’t advocate for their own people? Are they that beaten down?

  3. What do these nincompoops think about Scottish independence? Or Catalan independence? Scotland is the size of a postage stamp, it’s population no more than 5 million. Texas has 10s of millions of people. Well over 30 million. Why are they not a country? They were historically an independent republic for a while. They have a fairly well developed Identity too.

  4. Secession is about admitting that a multicult multiracial society is expensive and pointless and ought to be ended.

  5. Would Xerxes have a secessionist on his show as a guest? Probably not. But he talks about it like he’s debating it in his head.

  6. (At least) two nations trapped under one government.

    Now, imagine if these issues were really left up to the sates, and the Fed Gov just concerned itself with international affairs, the Union would hold together AS DESIGNED by the Founders.

    The post-Lincoln America cannot last because it upsets that balance and stability.

    Question: are LoS and TNM prepping for something more viral than a demonstration in front of a state govt building?

  7. Well if they’re so racist Toure then why not let them go????? Do you need to have rayciss all up in yo grill?????

  8. If Romney were President and pushing for the same exact gun control legislation as Obama, it might pass with moderate Republican votes. And would any of these politicians respond in the same way?

    @John: what do they think of Kosovo? I doubt they’d support a joint Chinese-Russian air force supported No-Fly-Zone over Texas or Alaska.

  9. If people had to be in the country 3 generations before voting, or before guiding public opinion— 5 generations before they could hold office, probably none of this would have happened.

  10. “I find secessionism *offensive*” (insert nasal hipster valley-girl whining here).

    S.E. Cupp works closely with Glenn Beck (who said the other day that the far-right scared him as much as the far-left; who wrote a whole book about the Overton Window, and works busily every day to ensure it moves farther and farther to the left). If you needed any clues as to who “conservatism inc.” are, and what they believe, look no further.

  11. John says:
    What do these nincompoops think about Scottish independence?”

    For anyone save the Generational Americans of Redneckia (the ones with real ties to the founders the t.v. people simultaneously claim to care about so much)—- secession MEANS casting off Imperialism! Empowerment! “Self-determination!” Save Tibet!

    They’re far too unchallenged by any thinking person to confront their gross hypocrisy.

  12. Honestly— what goes on in television is embarrassing.

    Now no one even remembers what it was like before the internet, when these people on cable were all the public had.

  13. Along these lines, did you know that nullification is a “code word”?

    “Virginia senator Tim Kaine, a Democrat, told CNN’s Soledad O’Brien Thursday morning that a fellow senator’s recently announced effort to “nullify” Barack Obama’s executive actions on gun control is a “code word.”

    When asked about Kentucky Republican Rand Paul’s pledge to nullify the president’s actions, Kaine said, “Nullification is a code word.” O’Brien asked Kaine to explain what he meant by that.

    “It’s a states right argument that gets used in times of great controversy,” Kaine said. “The president is acting by executive power that is legally conferred on him.’ ”

    They’re too stupid to know that their wild overuse of the race card means that that particular gravy train is just about to run out of tracks.

  14. I find S.E. Cupp’s ignorance ‘offensive’. (Toure’s a non-entity and merits no comment.)
    BRA cannot end soon enough.

  15. I would just tell him that, yeah, I’ m scared shitless for my descendants . I look arounf the globe at all the countries and cities run by blacks and I’ m terrified. Why should anyone expect anything different. Yeah, I’ m scared shitless for my descendants. I look at history over the past 200 plus years and it’ s littered with the corpses of failed “progress” movements.

  16. We have reached the point in this country where the only response to their relentless stupidity is to tell them point blank to go fuck themselves. After that they can either take a swing or shut the hell up.

  17. I am always happy to see them use the term. The more they misuse it, the weaker it gets and the stronger defenses get.

    Pretty soon people will feel perfectly comfy with the label and maybe than we can get the real work of making a new Republic

  18. Denise, Rangel thinks it 1968 and his people control the dialog . Thats just no longer true and every effort he can take just makes opposition stronger. Also his efforts require massive amounts of savvy and money paid especially to White people that he simply can’t and probably won’t muster.

    As Hunter mentioned, goodies like the REA bought them leverage in the past, they can’t offer that now and the collectivist claptrap they are likely to offer is indigestible to anyone. No White person wants to ride a train full of Blacks and Mestizos and that basic revulsion is not susceptible to the mis-education we call schooling.

    We’ll still need to counter his actions of course and push back (some non Damn Yankee Whites are savable) but its doable.

  19. Honestly— what goes on in television is embarrassing.

    Now no one even remembers what it was like before the internet, when these people on cable were all the public had.

    They were a tiny bit higher caliber back then, still subversive of course. Thanks to cable every freak gets an hour to rattle his cage and dance like a monkey. Truly sickening.

    S.E. Cupp hates white men because we’re too weak to smack her across the face and tell her to shuttup. She’ll marry an unreconstructed White or a NBA star.

  20. People just shouldn’t be given public forums to work out their private psychological baggage and bullshit in America. They turned the freaking country into a Dr. Ruth and Phil special.

  21. Toure, is a Ghanan family name. Yaya Toure is a footballer for instance. It’s a fake Africanization. Although he’s clearly a nog.

    He looks like the hermaphrodite from Crying Game.

  22. —- and NO ONE in Redneckia is wearing thick-frame dark glasses any longer, which (I think) go back to the 1980s or something, right?

    You only see those styles if you watch t.v. It’s like suddenly seeing females wearing those boxy suits stuffed with the BIG shoulder pads.

    In Redneckia, I’m seeing various rimless titanium, retro round lens but with innovations on the sidebars, like the radically flexible silhouettes, or innovation in shape of glass in the lens.

    All of them are sort of a Blast from the Past, if you don’t watch a lot of t.v. Ann Coulter seems to be more in touch and avoiding embarrassing fashion faux pas.

  23. Toure is what happens when a jewish trash woman is knocked up and abandoned by a Nigger. That’s his life. Is there any surprise he is hostile to anything white Christian and sees himself in Obama?

  24. He is sort-of Jewish but a disgraced mamzer. He’s neither white nor Christian… He has one note (racism). He’s unintelligent. He has pelo malo.

    All of that means he’ll be on TV for the next few decades. He’ll have a few books ghostwritten, eventually retire and offer enlightened commentary as a special guest like a nigger Tom Brokaw.

  25. Hunter,

    I think it’s time for Southern partisans (you) to start focusing on attaining cultural power in the South instead of putting all your/our hopes in to gaining total political power through secession. The last Southern American media of any significance was Ted Turner’s Turner Broadcasting, CNN – which was sold out to Time Warner Inc, Gerald Levin Hollywood/New York Jews, Lib Min Northeast, Left Coast.

    White Southerners now have overwhelming political control at the State and local in the South, this power should be used to implement local ownership of the media. Our situation dramatically improved in Italy when Berlusconi became the dominant media power in Italy, racially conscious Italians now dominate the Italian Media, not Lib, anti White Jews or anyone else that is against White Italians. Putin put the most powerful Jew oligarch owner of Yukos in a public cage when this Jew tried to set up US style TV media networks in Russia. So gaining local White dominance of the media can be done and now should be done in the US South. I suggest OD starts a campaign to reach Southern state representatives to,push for local ownership of Southern media and break the NorthEast/Hollywood Left Coast monopoly of the medi in the South. We have to fight for cultural power not always just talk, talk, talk, whine about politics and split hairs about legal issues, Constitutions etc.

  26. “S.E. Cupp hates white men because we’re too weak to smack her across the face and tell her to shuttup. She’ll marry an unreconstructed White or a NBA star.”

    Agree. She’s a pea brained shrew who need to assume her proper role, and quit embarrassing herself on a constant basis. Her only qualification is she looks “hot”, and when it comes to thinking rationally, that’s hardly a requirement. Someone make this bitch their wifey, and get her ass off tv.

  27. John says:
    January 18, 2013 at 2:39 pm
    Toure, is a Ghanan family name. Yaya Toure is a footballer for instance. It’s a fake Africanization. Although he’s clearly a nog.

    He’s named I’m sure after Kwame Toure, who was a Ghanian Marxist leader in the 60’s.

    Though I like to refer to him as Tourette’s Niglett.

  28. That video was boring to me.

    More sophomoric anti-white rhetoric, the woman on the right in the video says “secession is offensive”, but didn’t give a reason (perhaps later in the program she explains herself, but I doubt it) why she finds lawful withdrawal from the voluntary Constitutional compact offensive.

    The negro in the center, maybe the moderator, appears to be a Sodomite, is he?

  29. Agree. She’s a pea brained shrew who need to assume her proper role, and quit embarrassing herself on a constant basis. Her only qualification is she looks “hot”, and when it comes to thinking rationally, that’s hardly a requirement. Someone make this bitch their wifey, and get her ass off tv.

    She’s a pro-gay conservative and a pro-Christian atheist.
    Clearly an intellectual powerhouse.
    My question is, can she can make a white baby and a sandwich at the same time?

  30. Undoubtedly. Toure is a faggotty latte Black Jew who is spewing his Jew with the other talking Jew heads on the panel.

    Christ have mercy.

    If those of White European heritage are serious about taking back that heritage, they will turn off this crap. Hell. They will throw out the television and they will withdraw all their attention and energies from the 24/7/365 Jewish narrative, lexicon, dialogues, programming, media, enter/infotainment and total headjob on the goyim. They will turn off Black sports and all forms of Black culture that has been created and is promoted by the Bagel Almighty to destroy White culture.

    Recover the White culture – its Credo, heritage, traditions and strength. It has been destroyed. But it can be built again on exactly the same foundations upon which it was built in the first place. By this I do not mean classical, multicultural, multiethnic Rome of the pagan gods. I mean the Christendom that grew out of the destruction of the old empire.

  31. haha, enjoyed that Tom 🙂

    Toure is crying over O’Keefe’s video here:

  32. Fucking retards, you hicks from the south are proven morons with the lowest IQ`s. Stop thinking you`re anything but that. Always remember this: You`re just a bunch of low class, hick, idiotic, pretentious, worthless, pseudo christian, culture-less fucking morons.

    Greetings from gloriously atheist Norway.

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