Touré vs. S.E. Cupp: Southern Secessionists Are “Racist”


Just sent this to Touré on Twitter:

@Touré You’re right about lots of Southern White people wanting nothing to do with Obama’s America. #DixieRepublic #secession #tcot

Note: A Tennessee state legislator wants to arrest federal agents who enforce gun control. Mississippi Republicans want to block the enforcement of gun control laws in Mississippi. Rand Paul pledges to “nullify” the new Obama gun control executive orders.

Alabama Republicans vow to block any new federal gun control laws in the House and Senate. Missouri Republicans also plan to nullify any new federal gun control laws proposed by Obama.

If these conservative politicians were truly serious about resisting federal authority instead of just grandstanding before their outraged constituents, they would be advocating the secession of their states from the Union.

As long as the Union exists, there will be no end to these Northeastern projects: abolition, women’s suffrage, feminism, free love, globalism, integrated schools, civil rights, affirmative action, etc. We can’t act like we are shocked that the very same people now want to destroy the coal industry, confiscate our guns, impose gay marriage on Dixie, and give a massive amnesty to illegal aliens.

The existence of the Union is the cause of all these things. Dissolving the Union is the only way to “conserve” anything we like about America. The Confederates had already arrived at the same conclusion 150 years ago.

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I look at history over the past 200 plus years and it’ s littered with the corpses of failed “progress” movements.

    Wayne, if you ever find yourself wondering why so few of the people you’re trying so desperately to bring around to your point of view take you seriously it’s nonsense like this comment is a big part of the reason.

  2. If these conservative politicians were truly serious about resisting federal authority instead of just grandstanding before their outraged constituents, they would be advocating the secession of their states from the Union.

    Yep. None of these laws will have any teeth.

  3. (At least) two nations trapped under one government.

    Now, imagine if these issues were really left up to the sates, and the Fed Gov just concerned itself with international affairs, the Union would hold together AS DESIGNED by the Founders.

    Nope. That would just be kicking the can down the road. The Constitution was too open-ended, and left far too much room for big central power.

    The post-Lincoln America cannot last because it upsets that balance and stability.

    But the Constitution left the door wide open to what we have now.

    Damned straight we don’t want to live in a country run by an African.

    And for the really hard-headed white ‘tards, Obama definitely drove that point home beyond all doubt.

  4. Hey Trine! Thanks for taking some time off form sucking your Rabbi;s Weiner.

    FYI – I recently attended a “mainstream” TeaTard GOP “Let’s Take Our Country Back” type of thing – hundreds of folks were there – and Die Jude was flat out NAMED I nearly fell off the chair. I have eschewed this sort of event, because I decided not to waste my time – but the speaker used a totally classic WN phrase – classic rhetoric – and the Jew was NAMED If the dumbass White ZioTard Yankees are beginning to Awaken – you and your ilk are SCREWED.

  5. The only way they can get me to watch Fox news is if the news babes get naked. Pretty much no point otherwise

  6. I quite like the look of Megyn Kelly. Slightly overly strong jaw, but very Valkyrie. I hope she has a bunch of kids.

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