Amurrica Series: BRA’s Inauguration 2013

District of Corruption

I’m trying to catch up on the inaugural festivities in Black Run America’s (BRA’s) capital this morning on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2013.

My brother called to inform me that Beyonce had sung BRA’s national anthem. He also said something about Medger Evers widow giving the invocation, a gay Hispanic poet and Obama citing Seneca Falls, Selma, and the Stonewall Riots in his speech as proof that “all men are created equal.”

Update: According to Obama, Equality Is “The Star That Guides Us Still.”

Note: Watching this disgusting spectacle reminds me of this little ditty, “I hates the Glorious Union, tis drippin’ with our blood, I hates their stripped banner, I fit it all I could …” The song references the act of “Swallowing the Dog.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Ever since Reconstruction, the South has been faced with the choice of voting for “the lesser of two evils,” which is to say, the two Northern dominated political parties. During the Civil Rights Movement, 90% of Northern Democrats and Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

    Either way, the South loses.

  2. Obama said

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.

    That they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, and among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Today we continue a never ending journey to bridge the meaning of those words with the realities of our time. For history tells us that while these truths may be self-evident, they’ve never been self-executing. That while freedom is a gift from God, it must be secured by his people here on earth.

    That’s a justification for permanent cultural revolution.

  3. The Man From Mars has the correct view. Obama hasn’t been nearly as destructive as say, good ‘ole Southern boy Lyndon Johnson — architect of the “Great Society”, proud father of the modern American nigger welfare-state.

    No, Obama doesn’t have the balls to go after the Second Amendment, which he proved last week, and the next four years will see none of the Southern “conservative” bible-thumping, threats against Roe vs Wade, pointless non-issue persecution of homosexuals, and disregard for the destruction of the natural world, which is all par for the course whenever the Republicans are in power.

    If Obama wishes to keep spending this aberration of our Federal government into it’s iminent grave, while economic stability, rule of law, and defense of constitutional liberty reverts to state and local levels, then he has my blessing. We’ll just put things back togethor after the fires die and the smoke clears.

  4. This situation looks 10X worse that what happened in SA. At least the Afrikaner went to the cannibal pot after a multigenerational fight a hostile nigger majority and a backstabbing west.

    This was a voluntary hand over to King F’Ubu.

  5. Jackson, It is very hard for Black Women not to have a harsh appearance mainly do to bone structure and the straw hair. Compared to an elegant White woman Beyonce is trashy, and she is good looking for a Black woman.

  6. There was no support in the South for the Civil Rights Act of 1964. LBJ pushed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as a tribute to the slain JFK who had used the military to integrate Ole Miss and the University of Alabama.

    LBJ was trying to curry favor with the dominant Northern Democrats like Hubert Humphrey who he selected as his Vice President and who had championed integration since 1948. 90% of Northern Democrats and Republicans supported the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

  7. It is just a waste of time to vote for either of these Northern political parties. The existence of the Union with the Northeast is what is driving the defeat of conservatism.

  8. If the South was an independent country, there would have never been a Civil Rights Act of 1964, a Voting Rights Act of 1965, an Immigration Act of 1965, much less two terms of Barack Obama.

  9. “No, Obama doesn’t have the balls to go after the Second Amendment, which he proved last week, and the next four years will see none of the Southern “conservative” bible-thumping, threats against Roe vs Wade, pointless non-issue persecution of homosexuals, and disregard for the destruction of the natural world, which is all par for the course whenever the Republicans are in power.”

    Holy shit.

  10. Skeeriest Comment ever:

    “Tamer of Savages says:
    January 21, 2013 at 9:48 pm
    I’m letting it sink in that the USA is the first black country to have nuclear weapons.”


    I’ve had the flu for weeks. It wanes, and then doubles back. I’m having a flare-up. I was going to go back to bed, now – but I am inspired to write a post on my wee little blog. I will dedicate the post to you, Tamer.


  11. @tamer o’ savgages
    Poor bible thumpers. Besides I think fags turn my stomach more so than miscengation.

  12. “We’ve seen this rigged game before … voting for either one of two Northern dominated political parties produces precisely the same result.”

    If that statement isn’t an indication the author senses conspiracy but doesn’t call it conspiracy, then I don’t know what is. Conspiracy for me but none for thee? Or, is it just a matter of dialectics?

  13. Happy Birthday, General Lee

    by Jim Floyd

    From: James Floyd
    Sent:Sunday, Jan. 24, 1999
    Subject: Happy Birthday, General Lee

    A belated happy birthday, my General! I purposefully waited for the septic din of MLK celebrants to subside before sending these greetings, to do otherwise would have been a profanation. Your noble name should never be interspersed with or made to compete with the legerdemain and obvious fraud which, now, dominates the day of your birth. They have stolen this day but they can never defraud us of our memories.

    Respectability, honesty, integrity and self-sacrificing leadership have become unattainable, abstract and passé ideals. These values that so clearly defined your life have become valueless, leaving us to chose our leaders from a pool of dishonorable, ignoble, contemptible, pavid scalawags. Then we cavalierly dismiss their vile disregard and violation of our trust by attributing their failures to human weakness. And, always, it is a choice between the lesser of two evils.

    Your battle continues to be ours; the third day at Gettysburg has never ended, and the sharp stones in the wall on Cemetery Ridge remain a sanctuary for the deluded hordes who still fight for an ersatz Union. We are in greater disunion, today, than when twenty eight thousand of your brave men lay dead in front and atop those wretched rocks.

    They have extended that wall and built it higher, wider and deeper. It now encircles our beloved South and stands there threatening anyone who would object to the demise of our culture, heritage or race. Those manning this earthwork have, long ago, destroyed Southerness and are determined to exterminate and forever obliterate Whiteness from the face of this nation.

    This present day destruction is an annihilation of more than just the body, it is a fight for the hearts and minds of our children; a battle to destroy their sense of self, self respect, love for kin, and to make them voluntary participants in their own genocide. And, as insane as it seems, it is working — they are succeeding! The wreck and carnage against our beloved South is indescribable.

    Even those of us who are doomed to perpetually assault this impregnable wall are, if not cowards, somehow plagued with an odd paralysis of will that works in our disfavor. We cringe and flee when our love for our White children is branded racism and we kowtow when the defense of our heritage is deemed bigotry. Our worst enemies are most times our own children and neighbors who have been robbed of their identity and somehow convinced that their banishment is inevitable — and not only fore-ordained but as it should be.

    Still, in these darkest of times, those of us who know you hold in our collective memories a picture of your handsome face, stately erect posture and unwavering determination to protect your own from the ravages of the alien. A simple farm girl of your time expressed my feelings better than ever I could;

    “I’ve only heard about God, but I’ve seen General Lee.”
    Interview 1865
    Jim Floyd
    Cullman, Al. 35057

    Editor’s Note: Robert E. Lee was born on Jan. 19, 1807 in Virginia.
    A plagarist, liar, Communist, and adulterer had a three-day civic holiday celebrated in his name this past Monday, Jan. 19, 1999, wherein government workers and banksters got off.

  14. Hunter: It’s Stonewall Jackson’s birthday! A cause to rejoice!

    It is more evident to me every day that the South will either split off, or be culturally destroyed. There is no other option.

    John B. is just another equality worshiper. As such, his conservative arguments are toothless, and and harmless as a heel hound.

    Chris 313 was so damned wrong about the election he is very, very hard to take serious. I was dead on, so I’ll go out on a limb and offer these further predictions: if there is not change to the current of affairs, the Repubs will take another heavy loss in 2014, likely losing the house. There will be amnesty, it’s the #1 goal because it’s by amnesty and continued waves of immigration that the leftists grow in numbers. There will be no gun control until the “demographics” improves. The Surpreme Court will give us Sodomite Marriage.

  15. It was the 1864 election all over again.

    There are plenty of good White people in the North but they are outnumbered by the Negrophile liberals. In 1864, Lincoln won 55 percent of the vote in the North.

  16. “Five blacks shot on MLK Blvd, on MLK day after an MLK parade went by.

    The Trifecta of Negritude!”

    Around these parts, that’s know as a HAAAAATRIIIIIIIIIICK!!!

  17. “Today we continue a never ending journey to bridge the meaning of those words with the realities of our time.”

    Translation: We will manifest communist hell on earth even if we have to kill all you white throwbacks.

  18. Remember when the first families were like Ozzie and Harriet? The guy could be a big government Yankee womanizing quack like JFK but hey we had John-John, we had Jackie too. Ozzie and Harriet, Jackie and John-John: dead. Stone dead, just like Channon Christian and Chris Newsom.

    God has seen fit to humiliate this failed state by giving us Queen Kong and two “young ladies” throwing gang-signs during the inaugural lunch.

    Quo vadis?

    There were white Christians in these hills before the USA and we’ll be here after it. It’s time to stop being Americans and start being white men.

  19. That’s a line from one of Harold Covington’s stupid novels, Tamer. And it’s just stupid-sounding. I’m a white man and I’m American. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.

  20. “I’m letting it sink in that the USA is the first black country to have nuclear weapons.”

    The atom bomb project was intilually for Germany. Cause nsdap were a foe to be reckon with and the elites knew it.

  21. It looks like South Africa is continuing its downward spiral …..

    South Africa to nationalize ailing hospitals – Health professionals suffer from unpaid salaries, lack of basic supplies, and staff shortages. Jan 21, 2012

    but hey …. all is not lost because ….

    UN puts South African township art on display – UN project to boost township arts to global market are encouraging artists to become more accessible. Jan 21, 2012

    The liberals always play up the *art* talent. Just what every white western household needs: more Afro-Centric art.

  22. The Man From Mars has the correct view. Obama hasn’t been nearly as destructive as say, good ‘ole Southern boy Lyndon Johnson — architect of the “Great Society”, proud father of the modern American nigger welfare-state.

    No, Obama doesn’t have the balls to go after the Second Amendment, which he proved last week, and the next four years will see none of the Southern “conservative” bible-thumping, threats against Roe vs Wade, pointless non-issue persecution of homosexuals, and disregard for the destruction of the natural world, which is all par for the course whenever the Republicans are in power.

    If Obama wishes to keep spending this aberration of our Federal government into it’s iminent grave, while economic stability, rule of law, and defense of constitutional liberty reverts to state and local levels, then he has my blessing. We’ll just put things back togethor after the fires die and the smoke clears.

    All that dancing, just to avoid admitting that Yankees are the problem. Sheesh.

  23. I’m not saying you need to drop everything. I’m not pretending I know exactly what to do. But I’m saying you need to remind yourself each morning that you are a slave and people who hate you rule you. I’m saying you need to recognize that America today is a filthy lie, the most vile and despicable fiction ever foisted upon decent people. I’m saying everything good and generous about you is being used to kill you. I’m saying there are people out there like us who really care about you and want to help you. Your government and your society does not.

    You can ignore me. Wave the American flag and pretend everything is going to be OK. But it won’t be. Turn on the TV. Listen to the radio. Look – really look ­– at the culture that surrounds you. I think you know it too.

    Do you get it yet? America, your America, is finished. But you don’t have to be. It’s time to fight for what comes next. It’s time to fight for a country of our own.

    It’s time to stop being Americans. It’s time to start being White Men again.

    Gregory Hood:

  24. “All that dancing, just to admit that Yankees are the problem. Sheesh.”

    – Oh quit your fucking snivelling, you bleeding-assed jailhouse punk. In one breath you go on about how tough and masculine the South is — how it’s collective phallus the envy of the Yankee eunuch or some such, but then in the next breath you cry about how the very same Yankee “eunuchs” are ruining your existence and keeping you down in life, lol! PATHETIC.

    If you Southern jackasses want to leave the Union, then go. All dozen or so of you. No one will notice, I assure you.

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