Secede, or Die

Dissolve the Union or sink with the ship
Dissolve the Union or perish in a Third World dystopia


H/T Blood and Soil

After an hour or so of browsing the news, I see that the GOP is gearing up to surrender on amnesty for illegal aliens and capitulate to the Left on immigration in general.

There is even more nonsense than usual from Republicans this weekend about redoubling their efforts to push more Tim Scotts, Marco Rubios, and Bobby Jindals (a formula which never worked, the Left is just emboldened by weakness and keeps accusing them of “racism”) as “the new face of the party” in order to not come across as “a bunch of angry white men.”

These people allowed themselves to get rolled. They are absolutely incapable of “conserving” anything. As long as the Union exists and keeps filling up with millions of welfare dependent and/or permanently aggrieved non-Whites who align themselves with insufferable White Northeastern liberals, the GOP will perpetually shift to the Left on every issue in an increasingly desperate attempt to “reach out to minorities” and to be competitive “out in California, on the West Coast, or in New England.”

The existence of the Union is the core of the problem. The Union is the only reason this is even happening. It is because of the Union that we are eventually saddled with everything we despise because of the unrelenting political and cultural pressure that emanates from the Northeast and which is imposed on us whenever they capture control of the federal government.

The whole edifice of the Union was built on the monstrous lies and deceptions in The Federalist Papers. At some point later this year, I will probably review The Federalist Papers just to show how “federalism” in practice turned out to be a consolidated, meddlesome government of unlimited powers which interferes in our daily lives more than the “tyranny” of any premodern monarchy.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter: I could not agree more. The few conservatives left have no leadership. The Republicans are just an organ of a larger leftist juggernaut.
    As I have written before, at this juncture we shall have amnesty but not gun control. That way, while the Republitards are high-giving about saving their gun rights, they won’t mind the cave on amnesty. In their pea brains they do not understand that the war on the 2nd Amendment was not won, rather, the enemy executed a tactical retreat in order to gain reinforcements in the way of demographics.
    I try to explain that the 2nd Amendment isn’t about their stupid guns, it’s about white culture, in this case referred to as gun culture.

  2. I am from Philadelphia and I have more southern values than many Southerners.

    Secession is the ONLY way out of this mess. Hopefully, I can get my wife and daughter to Texas. We have friends born and raised there. I despise the North.

  3. Respectable Conservatives will sell you out every time. They are your enemy, every bit as much as the left are. They are two sides of the same coin.

  4. The “respectable Conservatives” are still poisoned by boomeritis. We’re all still trapped in post-1965 hippie bullshit. That’s our closest large wall on our trip backwards in time.

    I separate the wheat from the chaff in the local party with the “don’t trust anyone over 50” meme. We kick this thing off with solid generational ideological warfare. I’m telling you, this thing will have traction. Ain’t nothing going to happen without people getting their wittle feelings hurt. Throw the boomers down the well, and walk over them to broader state’s rights, and then secession if necessary.

  5. Of course the boomers are saying, with regard to the passing of the baton of power, “FROM MY COLD, DEAD HANDS.”

    If only those they displaced with their “don’t trust anyone over 30” mantra had similar determination. I can’t stress enough the importance of getting right up in the face of these bastards. Remember, it’s nothing they didn’t do. In fact it’s a whole lot less than they did, but it’s enough when you have the moral high ground.

  6. I find the easiest way to approach this with people who freak out when hearing the “secede” word, is to inform them that the America they knew doesn’t exist anymore – even those who haven’t articulated this to themselves in so many words, know it in their bones after the last election – and then tell them that the last bastion of freedom is in “the several states”, that their state needs to be strengthened against the oncoming federal onslaught.

    I point them toward “non-inflammatory” sites promoting states’ rights – is one – and encourage them to strengthen their state by urging their state legislators to write and pass nullification bills (the 2nd amendment overreach by the left has been invaluable in getting states off their asses where nullification is concerned).

    Secession can be approached from many angles; we’re all aiming for the same thing, eventually.

  7. The Republicans are just an organ of a larger leftist juggernaut.

    at this juncture we shall have amnesty but not gun control. That way, while the Republitards are high-giving about saving their gun rights, they won’t mind the cave on amnesty. In their pea brains they do not understand that the war on the 2nd Amendment was not won, rather, the enemy executed a tactical retreat in order to gain reinforcements in the way of demographics.

    Excellent points, Wayne.

  8. Conservative want to conserve the status quo. 20 years from now conservatives will swear to defend the rights of queer marriage and chicks in ground combat rolls.

    Stuff like this makes it impossible to give credence to those who think they can “save the union” and do so within the current political system, but 4 years from now all manners of OD readers will be telling us we have to vote for the gop for whatever reasons they can conjure out of thin air

    As a boomer of the 1963 variety, I cannot fault the younger generation anger at us or the so called greatest generation

  9. Anyone who thinks it is possible to “Take Back America” by voting Republican is an idiot. These people are never going to stop pushing this shit. If we could only separate ourselves from them, there would be no electoral pressure to constantly move to the Left on every single issue.

    That’s just a symptom of our growing minority status.

  10. God Bless you, Yankee57. But get a better handle!

    Conservative want to conserve the status quo. 20 years from now conservatives will swear to defend the rights of queer marriage and chicks in ground combat rolls.

    Yep. It’s time to take a cue from the muslims in BRA…. Do you think they care about queer Amrikeen? Not our culture anymore boys, hasn’t been since we used Negroes against good men down south.

  11. Landshark, you’re generational divide stuff is nonsense. Boomers did not pass the 1965 immigration Act or the Great Society. There are a lot of us who are not on board with the lib crap.

  12. Work for practical “Southern autonomy”, something similar to the Swiss canton system, with lots and lots of practical laws, but much more important, customs, systems, organizations to ensure that virtually everything in Southern states is run by local Southern men and with some exceptions, Southern women.

    Here are some practical suggestions:

    Local ownership of Southern media – no more media monopoly of Southern media by New York, NorthEast, Hollywood media cartels. All news talking heads on Southern TV have to live and work (1 week manual labor) in the Southern towns they serve. Jews want be on Southern media, they have to be Jewsfrom the South.

    Lawyers in the South are strictly regulated, have to have law degrees from accredited Southern law schools, no more Harvard Law School tyranny in the South.

    Debts and government obligations of NorthEast, LeftCoast,Land of Lincoln states are not put on Southern tax payers.

    Citizenship in Southern states is modeled after Swiss system, foreigner are allowed to work, study in Southern States/Swiss cantons, but citizenship is only granted by 3/4 majority vote of locals. Birth right citizenship ….gone with the wind.

    My main point is to be practical and not try to bring back the past. Going local always has great appeal. Be a local boy/girl.

  13. Funny as hell Hunter you just called damn near 50% of your readership idiots. The funny thing is all the fools touting the gop won’t own up to their idiocy. Not sure why these folks think we’re on election away from a better union, but there it is.

    What we need to turn our minds to is how to use the action of the gop ( which gave us BRA), yankees and their pet negro in chief as propaganda for our cause. Amnesty, gashes in combat, queer marriage, gun control etc are all great things for us if we spin things our way. yankees etc all will do what they do, our actions must be about using their action to rally support for our cause

  14. About this:

    “Boomers did not pass the 1965 immigration Act or the Great Society.”

    You need to have your head examined. The boomers, which were 20-somethings at the time, absolutely agitated for both of these issues and were tireless in their promotion of them.

  15. Getting back to reality, notice what Georgia’s Roman Catholic political leader Newt Gingrich had to say:

    “When I said as a candidate we’re not going to deport a grandmother if she’s been here 25 years, we had a nominee who said yes, we would, that she would self-deport,” Gingrich said. “I think at that point we lost Asians, we lost Latinos. You can’t lose Asians, Latinos, African Americans and young people, and think you’re going to be competitive.

    “I think we have to come to grips with the reality,” he continued. “We have to learn to communicate in the world of young people on their terms but we also have to understand that we need to be a country of immigrants where Republicans are seen as welcoming, hard-working, competent people, not prepared to kick grandmother out.”

  16. I’m not a GOP touter, I’m a GOP router. On the whole, that’s where I find my kind of social conservatism best reflected. I didn’t vote GOP except for a couple candidates I liked. Here in Montana the neocons got routed. In the Senate and Governor’s races the people refused to vote for the moderates, and gave the offices to the Democrats instead (the libertarians split the republican vote). We now have a good Representative. We sacrificed the Governorship and the Senate seat on principle. And we will continue to do so. We’re ideologically slaughtering the boomers out here. Absolutely slaughtering them. The conservatives in the State legislature have marginalized the moderates this session. We are taking no prisoners. We don’t need to spit on soldiers, engage in unmitigated depravity, or wear leather fringe jackets. But ideologically we need to be no less willing to lay it on the line. And we are.

    If you can’t even do this, you’ll never be able to secede.

  17. Jack Ryan, also alone your line of thought the following should be in a new Southorn Constitution. No Jew or Muslim is allow to hold any public office or service on any judicial bench. Freedom of religion is fine with me.

    As far as a military, local militias no standing army.

    Is this the type of stuff the LOS is working on? Can anyone answer that question for me.

  18. Boomers – avoiding responsibility since the 60’s. Keep on denying it’s your fault Peter Pan generation. We wouldn’t want you to start taking responsibility now.

  19. The logic of secession is universal. The Quebecois are your allies, as are La Raza in California. As the libs say, think global, act local.

    A South within the U.S. must be insular to protect itself, a South within a Confederacy/states’ rights union with other states (or independent) should be very open to the world. You must decide whether your goal is to preserve the small or the large, the Southern identity or the political ideals. One can do both, but the political ideals do not require an identity. The example of the Swiss Canton’s is clear: there are parts of the country that speak German, others Italian, others French, yet they are united and live in peace.

    One can achieve the objective without making it the focus, thus confusing the enemy. That’s how the left always defeats conservatives, they propose a small step and conservatives attack the end game, and come across as out of touch, loonies, etc.

  20. Ray – the Byzantine Empire did not allow Jews to enter the Government, law, finance, or education. This Empires thrived for CENTURIES.

    Yet we never hear a word about this regime…..hhhmmm….I wonder why….

  21. “They are absolutely incapable of “conserving” anything. ”

    The only thing they care about conserving is themselves.

    Respectable Conservative mindset:
    “Do whatever it takes to win one more election and I’ll have the money to pay off the mortgage/put the kids through college. Sell my principles out, to win one more election and I am set.”

    Respectable Conservatives are born losers. They have been losing forever.

  22. Question I’ve always been dying to ask Southerners: When you secede, are you going to keep the huge population of blacks that you have?

    I’m going north.

  23. @JP

    These jackasses believe the niggers will just leave on their own, which is of course, tragically delusional.

    Come to Michigan, dude. This is about to be the first “blue” state to ever turn “red”.

  24. Denise said: “Ray – the Byzantine Empire did not allow Jews to enter the Government, law, finance, or education. This Empires thrived for CENTURIES.
    Yet we never hear a word about this regime…..hhhmmm….I wonder why…”.

    The Law Source you mention, Denise, is called the Rudder. It is the compilation of the decisions of the Seven Ecumenical Councils. Byzantium did not call, or see itself as such, either. They were known as ROMANS- East Romans, if you wanted to draw straws, but ROMANS. The papal state held no patent on that moniker.

    The other reason you never hear anything from the East, as a model for a MILLENNIUM-long Reign (shades of Rev. 20!) was that the Papacy did not WANT Western Europe to consider/think of Byzantium as LEGITIMATE.

    Now that Rome (the Whore) is all for a) inculturation, b) immigration of the golden horde, and c) the decimation of the Europhilic/Caucasoid culture that gave us Christendom, she, along with the ten-headed beast of the Multicultural EU (among other apostate states/regimes) it’s all peeling off, like old wallpaper before the steam machines.

    What the US needs is a clearly segregationist, protestant/orthodox, anti-Jew nation state, tied to the Bible, Common Law, the Rudder and patriarchy.

    Nothing less. Let the sodomites, the Jews, the Liberals, the Hagarenes, and the rest go to hell…. they already are. Let us save the REMNANT who still can build the Kingdom ‘on earth, as it IS (present tense) in Heaven.’

  25. Cold Dead Hands eh Landshark? Poor Boomers might want to be careful of that.

    No one here is going to lay a hand on them, not our way but all those funny faces you brought in diapers and food and health care and all that and with the economy the way it is. Well, sorry someone has to take the hit and its you. Clocks ticking and in 15 years when the big retirements hit (actually it might be 12 or 14 now) well the fans gonna get hit …

    The Death Panels in Obama care will just want them to get out of the way for the vibrant new population.

    To what our OP says, we need more than just Dixie, Westerners like myself have a lot in common, like a lot of the same things and would do fine there but we aren’t Southerners at least not to the Southerners. Not for some generations and even the far more modest friction of our two folks would be a distraction no one us need,

    Might be good we have our own place and maybe a 3rd place for the decent Northerners and Midwidester’s who aren’t Damn Yankees

    The rest, we take it back when we can.

  26. You know, the anti-boomer thing is way past getting old.

    A couple of facts (for those few who care about those inconvenient things):
    The oldest boomers were born in 1946, after the end of the War (WWII). That means the eldest ones are now 67 or soon to be. The youngest ones, depending on how you divide the generations, are 50-something.

    Do the basic math: the first boomers were teens when the Hart-Celler Immigration disaster happened in 1965. As such, they could not vote; the voting age was 21 then, not 18 as now. Got that? Most boomers started voting in the 70s, and very few reached national – level political offices until Clinton’s presidental tenure (1993 and later). The rot was already well-advanced by that time, though most of those in political office were of the ‘Silent Generation’ and the ‘Greatest [sic] Generation.’

    But if it suits y’all to keep spewing venom against your parents and grandparents, go right ahead. You will, regardless.

    Another thing to remember: the present regime despises those eeevil boomers as much as you do, so take heart. Those in power will be sure (via the ‘Universal Health care’) to hasten the demise of old people, especially as the are a mostly-white generation. When they are gone, the White population will be more outnumbered than ever. Hooray. Better to have millions of diversities and Obama-voting youngsters 18-30 on your side, right?
    Good luck with that future you wish for. The ‘boomers’ will be history soon enough, so have your champagne bottles ready.

  27. When are we going to start doing things on a major scale instead of just writing about it on blogs?

    We needs videos, stickers, and other projects to promote our cause. In the upcoming 2014 elections we need to have secession candidates in every ex confederate/southern state.

    This serious talk of secession needs to start in the upcoming 2014 elections. Candidates need to be ran to promote southern Independence. Secession is the only answer to our problems. People like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh Mark Levin and other “respectable conservatives” are and even more threat then the liberals are too reaching our goal.

    Secession now. No talks of reform or any of this other nonsense.

    • When the people who read these blogs join organizations and start doing shit to promote secession in the offline world.

      I’m a member of two organizations: the CofCC and the League of the South. These groups have stood the test of time. There are good solid people in both groups. They just need more publicity and members.

  28. No, we definitely don’t want to literally peel the baton from their cold, dead hands. We want them fully alive. Our talking them out of it is what will sharpen our awareness, and it is only in so doing that we will rightly reclaim what they rent asunder.

    Besides, you haven’t tasted how sweet victory can be until you see the sweat pouring off a boomer’s brow. It’s then when we contact our history, and from behind the trees and up from the grass creep the ghosts of those they destroyed. The old classics professors vanquished from the academy, the taunted soldiers, the patriarchs of the destroyed families. You name your ally, they will appear. Is it a friend slaughtered by “freedom of association,” the ghosts of decency that haunt the destroyed neighborhoods of our forbears, or some other sad remnant of their march of chaos and destruction? They will appear. And root you on to ideologically dissemble a boomer like a drill sergeant. Scatter them like they scattered the ancient truths. Turn the lights on them and watch them run like cockroaches.

    Tune in, turn on, and drop in to fixing this mess; Get on the bus.

    We shall part the boomer sea and reclaim our birthright.

  29. “..the ghosts of decency that haunt the destroyed neighborhoods of our forebears..”

    – I know them well.

    • The blacks were flooding out of here until the Civil Rights Movement and the Great Society reduced the incentives to move to the North.

      In much of the rural Deep South, the exodus continues. There are now fewer blacks where I grew up than at any point since the introduction of slavery in the Alabama Black Belt. There are actually more total blacks in Michigan than Alabama.

  30. Wow! Are boomers going to replace Jews, blacks or Catholics as the favorite object of derision around here? Anyway, I think it’s kind of funny.

    BTW, I’m a boomer myself so start piling on!

    Hunter, with all due respect, are your commenters drawing more people to you or driving more of them away?

  31. More of the same – here’s the thing -it’s really really EASY to post “Happy Talk” stuff, “in order to draw people to you”, if you want to sell them something. It doesn’t matter s oyu care about truth, or reality on the ground. All the Multi Culti Diversity “It’s a small World After All” Happy Talk sounded just WONDERFUL!!!! We were all gonna stop slaughtering each other, and every-one would just looooooooooove one another – and everything will be just terrific! We’d Like to Teach the World to Sing, in Perfect Harmony………

    How’s it all workng our?

    The REALITIES we discuss and debate to NOT lend themselves to “Happy Talk”. It’ weird how discussing alternatives to avoiding your own people’s extermination, and total civilizational collapse kinda alarms folks ,cause ya can’t get to discussing alternatives to extermination without getting poeple to understand that this IS what’s happening- hey – the Super Bowl is next weekend! Super! Let’s have a party!

    I’ve just created a fragment of a lyric, in my new Hit Song called, “Whitey You are Being Genocided”

    Hey Whitey!
    Your Race is dying!
    The genocide is planned
    You’re being (beep) canned
    And you don’t matter at all!
    Hey Whitey
    You are headed towards the Long Dark Nighty
    But that’s kewl
    Cause you’ve been a fewl
    And you don’t matter at all! Ta da!

    I know it’s kinda rough. I just made that up now – so I need to work on it. Perhaps you can offer a few ideas on how to coat that with sugar. I’m not that clever. A spoon full of sugar makes the medicine do down, the medicicne go down, the medicine go dow-wown…. Perhaps if I set words to a catchy, sprightly upbeat tune – it will draw people to us.

  32. more of the same says:
    January 28, 2013 at 1:46 pm

    “BTW, I’m a boomer myself so start piling on!”

    The people that liked being called the Greatest Generation, are also responsible, because they gave birth to and raised the Hippies.

    Ole Bob Whitaker calls the Greatest Generation, the Weakest Generation, because they didn’t stand up to their own kids. And he calls the Baby Boomers, the Worst Generation.

    The Baby Boomers have the numbers to change things right now, but they won’t, because they are selfish morons for the most part.

    Obviously you aren’t one of them, because you are HERE.

  33. One thing about the Southern sessecionist movement its not totally reactionary. It had a close call with death when it went Black Confederate tall tale to soothe the Grannies butt hurt for being called racist meme, but its making a rebound.

    Once the intellectuals stop tailgating and learn how to crush the anti-white’s use of the word “racist” Southern freedom will go exponential.

  34. The boomer thing is just an ideological hook, and they happen to have the power as well. I’d apologize all day long for making them be the whipping post though, if the characterization were’t true most of the time.

    We’re not getting through this without someone getting their feelings hurt. The beauty of it is, they hurt a lot of feelings themselves and never really got called out for it. No, instead they pretty much run the entire country.

    The boomers used generational warfare because it WORKED. No, it’s not the be all and end all to all of our problems and they have not been the only problem. There are plenty under 50 that share the boomer worldview. But it’s an honest enough picture of the reality on the ground, and it is not unfair. Karma’s a bitch.

  35. Also why do boomers get so unbelievably butt hurt when their generation gets called out? As a GenXer I’m fairly certain not a single positive word has been written about my generation. The main word that comes to mind is “slackers.” Who cares? But for some reason the boomers care. The boomers are deeply, deeply vested in their generational validation. This is no matter what side they are on. It’s like “you call out one boomer, you call us all out.” It makes them seem even more weak and pathetic.

  36. It’ s the so- called Greatest Generation that did most of the damage. Boomers, though despicable, could have been stopped had the “Greatest” been as concerned about them as they were about their no fault divorce and social security.
    The Greatest Generation made the world safe for Communism.

  37. I agree, but the greatest generation honestly didn’t know any better. The trust of government was unbelievable back then. FDR was like a God. Plus, they aren’t in power.

    Lastly, ragging WW2 and old men is a cultural blockade that’s not worth scaling in the short term. Long term, after we regain power, we can retake the academy, and the rest will fall into place.

  38. Landshark,

    Ignore the naysayers. The NPD in Germany call themselves “a party for grandparents and grandchildren”. They have the right idea. A good boomer doesn’t defend boomers.

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