Anti-White Unfair Campaign Shifts To Wisconsin


Remember the anti-White Unfair Campaign in Duluth, Minnesota?

It has shifted its operations less than ten miles away to the University of Wisconsin Superior. The Duluth metro area seems to be a real hotspot of Yankee White guilt and anti-White activism in the Deep North.

Update: Duluth is 90% White and St. Louis County, Minnesota is 94.86% White. Superior is 91.5% White and Douglas County, Wisconsin is 95.35% White.  In the 2012 election, Obama won 63.7% of the vote in St. Louis County (MN) and 65% of the vote in Douglas County (WI).

According to Wikipedia, the White people who live in the Duluth metro area seem to be mostly Scandinavians (Swedes, Norwegians, Finns) and Germans. The Irish and Italians are about 11% of the population.

Note: I will save some of our most devoted commentators the trouble and point out here on the main page that “anti-racism” is really “anti-White.” As for those who still doubt that anti-racists are committed to White genocide, see Michael Lind’s latest article “The White South’s Last Defeat.”

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Flaming Marxism! Anything to destroy the old order! Who exactly isbehind this shit? What’s the name? The West is infested with these cockroaches.

  2. And of course, comments are closed! Sad, because their lame logic is so so easy to dismantle.

    You know, this could be good. Maybe they should be encouraged. These dumb f@$&$ need to suffer, they need to see their children suffer, they need to lose their privilege.

  3. BTW, this is not Hispanics, blacks, Asians, or Muslims behind this. This is pure old Yankee Puritanism, egged on if not pushed, by the Tribe.

  4. Low dollar lefty castaways from the Twin Cities in MN are desperately trying to prove their SWPL street cred. I’m sure living around all the blue collar whites who populate the Duluth area makes them uneasy.

  5. “The self-titled Un-Fair Campaign, is sponsored and supported by the University of Minnesota – Duluth, along with several liberal organizations including the NAACP, YWCA, and The League of Woman Voters. . . .

    The Un-Fair campaign also held a series of lectures and events on campus last semester. One included a presentation by Tim Wise . . .

    These lectures were publicly endorsed by university Chancellor Lendley Black. Black sent amessage to the campus community in April describing his effort to “create an inclusive campus climate for all” through providing “support and… leadership to the Un-Fair Campaign.” ”

    From the article I quoted above, I get the impression that Lendley Black bears more responsibility for this than any other single individual.

    I did some digging and discovered that he is neither Lutheran Swede nor Yankee. He is a native of Memphis Tennessee.

  6. Easy answer to the problem of your white priviledge. Move to East St Louis. Sell your kid to a strip club and advertise your wife on backpage.

    What a bunch of pussified motherfuckers.

  7. I read his bio on the university’s homepage. He has a masters in theatre and a phd in the same. His research was in Russian theatre. He is white with a white wife and 3 kids and 3 grandkids. In short, I would say he is a typical self-hating anti-white Commie who hates Western civilization with every fiber of his being. Definitely an enemy.

  8. Rush – yes, Rush – went on a 15-minutes screed about this, and anti-white racism in general, yesterday, focusing on the massive anti-white indoctrination taking place in schools.

    I was so stunned all I could do was stare at my radio.

    Awareness of anti-racism has hit the mainstream. Booyah.

  9. Gayle as the gracious host of this website noted, “anti-racism” is nothing but anti-white, and if Rush went on about this and never said anti-white he is batting .100. We take “anti-white” into the mainstream we break through and then our little side issues we love to talk about will suddenly seem relevant.

  10. Black’s support was probably necessary to get the University of Minnesota as a key sponsor. It doesn’t tell us who brought the idea to him, or which creative types developed the images and content. I wouldn’t rule out the possibility that Jews, blacks or other non-whites were involved on the creative side. Of course, I wouldn’t rule out the possibility white Gentiles, people descended in spirit from Thaddeus Stevens, developed it from beginning to end either.

    I’m tired of this bullshit. It might have occurred to some people easier than ever to run down personal information. You never know when some asshole’s info might find its way to 4chan.

  11. OK, OK. It’s my state, and I am more than disgusted with it over this genocidal mania, as anyone.

    But, let’s put it all into perspective. Most Minnesotans are only one or two generations removed from some pretty dumb Swede farmers and Norwegian bachelor farmers- and that’s not counting the really stupid Finns!

    Here’s a column for youse guys.
    and some ‘connections’ between the Finns of Messabi area and the Jewish Bolsheviks-

    WHY? Because Czarist Russia kept the Finns under their autocratic thumb, (think Karelia region) and, because Finnish society/ universal education up until 1950 was not that ‘bright’, most of the Finns equated Communism, as the over-‘reaction’ against the Czar with being ‘patriotic Finns’. So, the Finns that arrived here literally formed the DFL with the Socialists, and today, the one area of the state of MN that is heavily DUMB-o- Crap-ic, is the Duluth area.

    Superior is that, only in name. The ‘poor sister’ city to Duluth, it doesn’t have any ‘real’ existence, and only does what Duluth does….. later. However, because Wisconsin has more ‘gay friendly’ laws, it has a fair concentration of lezzes up there, and fruits in the colleges on both sides of the river separating the towns.

    I stated I was engaging in a personal boycott on Duluth when this began, (my family wouldn’t vacation there) and that (obviously) included ‘Inferior, Wisconsin.’ I would say, now, with this crap action, you all should actively email the Mayor’s of both towns, and tell them you will boycott their area of the state- it’s parks, hotels, resorts, fishing, sightseeing, etc., too. Money is ALREADY really tight, unemployment in the area is very high, and the only thing doing a box office business are the bars, and casinos (indians, you see) in the two towns.

    Duluth is dying- a former business owner that just closed his business, told me so, to my face. WIth this action, they are SURE to accelerate the trend. And good riddance.
    White haters deserve to die.

  12. oops. Last sentence got cut off.

    “White haters deserve to die.

    That’s what they’re arguing for, anyway. Let’s just fulfill their death wish, sooner rather than later, and ‘decrease the surplus [liberal] White population.’

  13. Awareness of anti-racism has hit the mainstream. Booyah.

    White rightism is breaking out into public view everywhere I look. Anywhere feedback is possible. Rush’s actions probably just reflect that. The sea change we’ve seen since D’wan’s election. America’s got BO. There seems to be a lot more latent anti-black animus than I believed. I simply do not remember as much open white rightism, not even close, before BO became president.

    If this continues to gain steam, things could get interesting in this country much faster than I ever would have thought back in 07.

  14. Actually, whey don’t they fulfill their wish – and do everyone else a favor – and just hang themselves ?
    “I hate this Yankee Nation and everything they do”

  15. Re: the anti-Scandinavian rhetoric on this thread:

    What about those invincible barbarian Vikings? Where did THEY come from?
    Personal experience: Swedes I knew in Delaware who traced their ancestry back to New Sweden and certainly looked Swedish, tall, blonde, etc. were VERY racialist.

  16. I was doing a little research the other day on the origins of the Cold War which led me to download an article written by George Orwell in the 40’s entitled “You and the Atomic Bomb”. This article is significant because it coined the word “cold war”. But what struck me like a lightening bolt was something else it said, something to the effect of the great nuclear powers oppressing all the others for the foreseeable future, OR UNTIL DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE, WHICH WAS SLOW AND UNSURE, could take place. G. Orwell was a flaming Communist of the Trotskyite sect and wrote Animal Farm after Stalin purged his dear Commie heros.

  17. I will email the mayor of Duluth and tell him I support his city’s actions and will go on vacation there as soon as possible. I will get 100 others to do this also. Thanks for the idea.

  18. As most readers know, the term “white privilege” is nothing new in anti-racist academic circles. This is just an attempt to get the message out to people who didn’t go to college, or may have forgotten their college sociology and polisci classes.

  19. That Newark whipping video was apropos to the Un-Fair video. We just need to round up the Un-Fair scum and whip them until they assure us that they’ve been cured of their white privilege. Then another 20 lashes, just to make sure.

  20. One thing I know, and it may be heard to hear, though the truth(or most assuredly because it is the truth) is that damnyankees and southern alike ultimately in the past few generations nothing, to stop or defeat the wickedness that envelops the land, they did not 1 rebel against wicked rule 2 boycott or form organization to combat corporations who gave into diversity, abortion, faggotry, etc… 3 remove themselves and secede in person(stop paying taxes, use different currency, obey police, etc…).
    How can any land wish to secede from Union forced or not without first seceding in spirit and person?

    Oh and why the Scandinavian hate?

  21. “If you’d like some good predictive fiction about how to deal with this kind of thing….”

    I think Camp of the Saints is a more accurate picture than Unintended Consequences.

  22. Excellent comment, Man from Mars. It begins on the personal level (not internet boasting) before others follow.

  23. Scandi’s are shit, check out what is going on in what used to be their homeland – the same sort of suicidal servility. Stinking Arabs, Turks, etc rape their women and young girls and their cowardly men do nothing, find the U Tube video of the female Norwegian police chief excusing this crime (100% of which is non White) because these poor beggars came from “traumatized countries”. And the Scandi’s can’t import enough of this non White racial scum. These fools adopt pickaninneys so proudly, but all but executed the offspring of the German-Norwegian children after the Communist=American-British “victory”. In Sweden their school system is busy attempting to eliminate references to sex differences – no longer “his” “her” – astounding!
    These “Unfair” types are the same racial crap makeup of these Scandi losers – perhaps they had a few generations that were respectable a thousand or so years ago, but they aren’t worth a tinkers damn now.

  24. Re: “why the Scandinavian hate?”

    Why the German hate, Irish hate, Polish hate, etc., and general “damnyankee” hate? Why did the McCoys hate Hatfields, and so on?

  25. Mothra, what is your ancestry? If white, then what part of Europe do your kind come from who are worth more than “a tinker’s d—-” and less infected with multiculturalism than Scandinavia, and Britain, and Germany, and France, etc.

  26. The term White Privilege amuses me immensely. It’s a tacit admission that Whites are better than every-one else, simply for being White. This meme was started by the Jew Noel Ignatiev, in order to demonize Whites. The idea is to make Whites guilty for their very existence. It’s been kinda sorta effective. The only Whites that have been suckered by this scam are the Whites that are too stupid or naive to grokk the score. Whites are saying they are better than other – the Shitskins and Muds are saying this. Because they know it’s true. Every time a White Standard is lowered to accomodate the inferior abilites of a Mud – White Privilege is PROVEN.

  27. The whole idea that there is something unfair about our ancestors setting up a society for their posterity, just like the Chinese, Japanese, etc did is so preposterous that it could be torpedoed in 15 seconds of debate/rebuttal. The media and indoctrination centers formerly known as universities will never let this happen. The Left is the epitome of censorship and totalitarianism.
    Everything that is happening to our Western white societies today is enabled by one thing and one thing only–luxury. All this has been done while white countries, for the most part, were reveling in wealth and ease. Nobody cared about race, culture, or heritage, they were getting “east money”, buying McMansions, extending their credit cards to the max, traveling more than any group in history, and not having kids so they could extend their childhood into their upper 30’s. Meanwhile, the Marxists were working their projects, but as long as the idiots were making the almighty $$$$ it was all good.

  28. “I will email the mayor of Duluth and tell him I support his city’s actions and will go on vacation there as soon as possible. I will get 100 others to do this also. ”
    PigRot- you don’t even have 100 enemies, let alone 100 friends.

  29. Mothra stop shooting off your mouth about European cou tries that you don’t know anything about.

    Sweden has one of the largest street activist nationalist movements of any White Country.

  30. Wayne wrote: “Everything that is happening to our Western white societies today is enabled by one thing and one thing only–luxury. All this has been done while white countries, for the most part, were reveling in wealth and ease. Nobody cared about race, culture, or heritage, they were getting “east money”, buying McMansions, extending their credit cards to the max, traveling more than any group in history, and not having kids so they could extend their childhood into their upper 30?s. Meanwhile, the Marxists were working their projects, but as long as the idiots were making the almighty $$$$ it was all good.”

    The Scripture says “the love of money is the root of all this evil.” Add to that love of self, love of pleasure, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life, and rejection of God in the person of Jesus, apostasy from Christianity — and this is the result!

  31. “The term White Privilege amuses me immensely. It’s a tacit admission that Whites are better than every-one else, simply for being White. This meme was started by the Jew Noel Ignatiev, in order to demonize Whites. “

    Can anyone say: nationwrecking Jew?

    What are this rat’s views on Jewish privilege in occupied Palestine? Or African privilege in Zimbabwe? Etc.? No such objections! It’s just the hated White race and its so-called ‘privilege’ in the countries they founded and built that these nationwrecking Jewish subversives are focused on in their ongoing War Against Whites (WAW).


  32. Lord, I want to bitch-slap, and then some, every white fool in that video! The mere concept that a specific people that built a specific nation might have a right to anything appears lost on these honkies. More white fools doing the work for blacks and others who will eventually be their ondoing. No sympathy here. These fools are more dangerous to the white race that any non-white could ever be.

  33. Because the damnyankee began the destruction o what was good, which only speed up when ethics Whites were allowed to flood in.

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