Conservatism, Inc. Ponders GOP Crackup

District of Corruption

I’ve noted many times here the growing disconnect between the “GOP establishment” or “Conservatism, Inc.” and the conservative base in the South and West which has been growing more restive and which has been coming around to our view of things on issues like black crime, secession, and immigration:

“And yet, the heart of the matter extends beyond the GOP. My conversations this week with two Republican officials, along with a Democratic strategist’s timely memo, reflect a growing school of thought in Washington that social change and a disillusioned electorate threaten the entire two-party system.

Seem like a lot to swallow? Allow me to describe my last few days at work.

Between bites of an $18.95 SteakBurger at the Palm, one of Washington’s premier expense-account restaurants, Republican consultant Scott Reed summed up the state of politics and his beloved GOP. “The party,” he told me, “is irrelevant.”

He cited the familiar litany of problems: demographic change, poor candidates, ideological rigidity, deplorable approval ratings, and a rift between social and economic conservatives.”

“It’s leading to some type of crash and reassessment and change,” said Reed, who ran Bob Dole’s 1996 presidential campaign and remains an influential lobbyist and operative. “It can’t continue on this path.”…

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Should we be taking political advise from people who can regularly afford $18.95 steakburgers whose resume includes running that oh so successful Bob Dole campaign?

  2. @MARS

    Simple: They tried to take on “social conservatism,” whatever that is. They tied it to the religious right and from there continued down the path to irrelevance. Because they chose to voice their strong felt opinions on gays, drugs, abortions, marriage, etc. on the national level through the Repubs/Tea Party they got mired and attacked on these superficial social issues by Democrats. Rules for radicals shit. Thats why last election, and current discussions, are almost completely social. The liberals know what to use to keep Republicans on the defensive by painting them broadly as out of touch neanderthals.

    Instead, the Right should’ve divorced itself from silly social issues that are better handled at the State level anyways, and focused solely on fiscal/economical conservatism. This would’ve forced the Democrats to face their terrible Keynesian policies. But no, social issues were too important and they got distracted trying to repel to the “war on women” and gay marriage nonsense.

    That’s why they are shams. Their leadership has no backbone, and the lemmings all think it’s the Federal governments job to meddle in socials affairs when it cant even create, let alone keep, a budget. Numbers are easy compared to abstract concepts of morally right and wrong…

  3. Maxx, you sound like a Jew. If only you Jews could get the damn goy to give up the social conservatism than you’d give us our money back, right? And I’ve got an oceanfront lot in Nevada to sell you.

    They don’t have us because we’re broke, they have us because we lost our last sense of self respect.

    When we regain that through social conservatism, the money issue will take care of itself.

    Popular movements become such shams not because the people want the wrong things, but because the power brokers are always there to be sure we don’t get it.

  4. Because they’re afraid of the r word. Instead of treating niggers, ass pirates ans communists like the filth they are, they try respectfully disagree. Got to keep those shekels flowing in to eat steak for lunch after all.

  5. So Maxx, you don’t think flooding ALL White countries and ONLY White countries with hundreds of millions of 3rd worlders and FORCING Whites to integrate and “assimilate”, a.k.a. intermarry, with them constitutes social meddling? I didn’t see this one on your meddling list.

    Do you deny that governments in ALL White countries and ONLY White countries are pursuing policies calculated to result in White genocide, mainly through “assimilation” with non Whites?

  6. But the reality is NC DMV giving licenses to illegals.

    This makes many WANT amnesty, since then maybe they won’t pore into new areas, but stay put elsewhere. But NC is where the NETs, (Northeast transplanted storm troopers for the left and catholicism), have taken over previously local governments, precisely in order to “Change the demographic,” as with this. (I.e., Genocide of the American population).

  7. countenance says:
    Should we be taking political advise from people who can regularly afford $18.95 steak burgers…”

    THEY can’t afford it. You can. It’s in Washington, so they are all on public jobs, feeding on your money. That’s what YOUR money buys.

  8. The Hagel blockage reveals the “GOP” are the Kike-Worshipping whores that they are. Yes, YT – it’s all aobut Race. Until Whites stop fearing calling Niggers “Niggers’ and Kikenvermin “Spawn of Satan” – then nothing will change. I don’t know.

  9. YT says:
    Because they’re afraid of the r word. Instead of treating niggers, ass pirates ans communists like the filth they are, they try respectfully disagree….”

    But all these changes are mostly about Latinos, not blacks. The “black, black, black,” is all you hear (from the “right” or the “left”)—- it is all you are SUPPOSED TO HEAR. Meantime, the whole world is going on all around you. Asians are the biggest crossover group to Protestantism, and you’re slated to live in a Brazilian style, catholic-run, Latino “country.”

    People should be wondering about the new “face” of the papacy who’ll be running it, but they don’t even think about it.

    LOL— revisit NC DMV gives licenses to Latino illegals. (This ONLY APPLIES TO LATINOS, not blacks.)

    THIS ONLY APPLIES TO LATINS, not blacks—- b/c it is only for people “brought as children” illegally. This is significant in the Latin population, not in the black population. (Most of those were brought as adults by programs).

    So, the law is specifically for Latinos.

  10. So—- much of the “right” is just running interference for Latinos, (the real purpose of that “right”) by pushing the “black” issue all the time (TO THE EXCLUSION OF ALL ELSE).

    It’s a Distraction tactic, while they do what they most want—- giving their friends driving licenses.

  11. If voting changed things they woudn’t allow it.

    Notice how agitation is always approved of when leftists do it, but if any nationalists try it, they are “advised” to not engage in such “fruitless” tactics, ie Golden Dawn.

  12. The left can take its minutate loving little cultists and form an unified front, though not without some difficulties (see the Kostard kids). The Right lost that once the dastardly Commies did the wrong thing and went tits up.

    I agree that the tea party should have remained fiscal in nature, kind of like a Perot diffused sort of campaign. We can fight for our social issues and stuff mana e mano thru the culture wars.

    But then came along Glen Beck and Palin to destroy the TP by turning it into a cult for nice women to think nice things and feel nice about themselves, and poof there it went.

    But I have a plan, we need to encourage the Jewsers to write more 5000 word essays on how they alone have figured out the jew problem, and then we can diffuse that thruout the internet by typing “kike” and “jewlover” till at least the laws against hate are passed.

  13. True. Good point. It’s not the black issue to the exclusion of all else. There is the N&J. Why TOO can’t afford to take comments.

    Meantime— both ensure the u.s. can be a fat Brazilian Welfare state, with a Latin “cult-ture,” which is the whole main point of it all.

  14. —– How can “out-groups”—- the Southerners (often just a code for Wasp, as Lind pointed out), the wasps, the mid-western peoples, the rural peoples—- in other words, what WE USED TO CALL “Americans”—

    How can they survive and thrive, without losing their Identity, in Brazil (which Rubio and the laws he is passing) tells us is “inevitable?”

    Why fight the inevitable? Why push a river?

    Instead— HOW can the real out-groups bond together and create a coalition that will allow them to survive and thrive in BRAZIL? (Despite the fact that nothing could be more alien to them than the south american and latino culture?)

    What should Americans do, if they do not wish to be in “the neo-golden circle” of Latino south. I.e, the ENGLISH SPEAKING populations, the genuinely upper-mid south, the midwest, nordic lutherans who adopted English and are ok with it, the flyover country people, ex-pat-WASPs, the previous Colonial Peoples, etc, etc….

    There is an opportunity for them to bond and create their own minority culture within the u.s. Brazil, (which is what they are living in).

    Spanish is the main language, (Portuguese and Italian, also, as people with those home languages can easily understand the Spanish speakers).

    Never let a crisis go to waste!

  15. The Tea Party wasn’t so hated in the MSM because it was pro fiscal conservatism. It was hated and feared because it was culturally white. It was a “mini south” rearing its head. So it had to get turned neoconservative by putting Beck and Palin up front.

    There will be no fiscal conservatism until there is social conservatism. Fiscal conservatism is only possible when the politicians fear the people. Politicians fear the people when the people are socially conservative. In other words, when they have a culture separate and before government. Like that remaining portion of the cultural South defended here. That is the one thing that scares the shit out of the commies. Not people yelling “stop the spending.” There will always be a reason to ignore them.

  16. Seriously—– remember HOW INTENSIVELY speaking GERMAN was suppressed in the u.s.?

    From wiki on German language in u.s.:

    “….An internal battle over conducting services and religious instruction in German divided the Lutheran churches.[9]
    On April 9, 1919, Nebraska enacted a statute called “An act relating to the teaching of foreign languages in the state of Nebraska,” commonly known as the Siman Act. It imposed restrictions on both the use of a foreign language as a medium of instruction and on foreign languages as a subject of study. With respect to the use of a foreign language while teaching, it provided that “No person, individually or as a teacher, shall, in any private, denominational, parochial or public school, teach any subject to any person in any language other than the English language…”

    Now, we pass laws that make Spanish (de facto) the only language. Encouraging non-English speakers to change the language.

    Seems they worked on getting rid of the Saxons first, then honed in on the “anglos.” The lutherans then the others.

    At least that’s what the laws, and history of the laws, seems to show, if we can talk reality.

    Ok, will shut up now.

  17. And HW should know this, being Austrian. And Jack Ryan should know it, as he goes on about “austrian painters.”

    Anybody really from Austria remembers well the suppression of some languages, and encouragement of others—-

    English will be outlawed LIKE GERMAN was, just like in Miami.

  18. The Democrat focus on social issue BS is a kind of inverse dog whistling for leftists and centrists. When people see the gay rights and a war on women garbage in Obama’s left hand, they don’t pay attention as he uses his right to push a non-liberal economic agenda. Which he has been doing for 5 years. Dodd Frank protects the highest level Wall Street banks; Obamacare will a boon to huge corporations, pharma and insurance companies.

    The Tea Party can’t go anywhere because the GOPs congressional agenda is controlled by GOP lifers in the tank for corporations and globalism. It doesn’t matter if you elect 225 tea party Republicans if Boehner won’t bring their agenda to the forefront.

    This is all kabuki anyway. Rand Paul is a lying sack of shit angling for 2016.

  19. The Democrat focus on social issue BS is a kind of inverse dog whistling for leftists and centrists. When people see the gay rights and a war on women garbage in Obama’s left hand, they don’t pay attention as he uses his right to push a non-liberal economic agenda. Which he has been doing for 5 years. Dodd Frank protects the highest level Wall Street banks; Obamacare will a boon to huge corporations, pharma and insurance companies.

    The Tea Party can’t go anywhere because the GOPs congressional agenda is controlled by GOP lifers in the tank for corporations and globalism. It doesn’t matter if you elect 225 tea party Republicans if Boehner won’t bring their agenda to the forefront.

    This is all kabuki anyway. Rand Paul is a lying sack of shit angling for 2016.

  20. The majority of the nation has definitely moved beyond Mormon, Bible-belt and traditional Catholic perspectives on social issues. Polling shows solid pluralities and in some cases big majorities for same sex marriage, gay rights, permissive abortion and all the other crap. These are not fringe positions anymore, like it or not. I don’t, but this is how it is. The takeaway is that secessionists nationalists need to delink their core agenda from social conservatism. Linkage to religious social conservatism is an albatross.

  21. DixieGirl:

    This Scott Reid is a lobbyist/operative, so he’s probably buying this overpriced food on the expense account of whatever special interest hires him to be a lobbyist. Notice the article says that this choke-and-puke is an “expense account restaurant.”


  23. “Linkage to religious social conservatism is an albatross.”

    There are many who say this and perhaps the polls show it but I will never be convinced the way forward lies in its acceptance. In fact, it is accepted because schools, governments and the MSM want it to be so, but schools, governments and the MSM will never push anything that would loosen their own leash on the people. So anything they want is meaningless.

    The people will never be taught or told the way to their own liberation via the usual avenues. The fact that THEY DON’T WANT you to be socially conservative should tell you that’s the very poison that decreases their authority.

    There is no such thing as socially liberal/fiscally conservative. It’s another lie like “social justice” that is meaningless and never complete, yet allows the speaker to feel like they are fighting for something without having to have any skin in the game. Yet no battle is ever won by those without skin in the game.

    Don’t ever believe the BS. We all know there is no such thing as a free lunch. Fiscal conservatism is an offshoot of social conservatism. It’s what you get for being good. Not something that is bestowed upon you by a benevolent government “just because.”

    The vast majority of Americans are involved in net of massive lies that is Americanism. Of course it’s reflected in the polls. And of course we don’t accept it simply because it’s the way things are, especially if we wish to change it.

  24. Not “religious” social conservatism per se. But social conservatism that is spoken of as religious by TPTB. Most so-called “religious” socially conservative positions are easily buttressed by common sense arguments. I disagree wholeheartedly with Huckabee and the like style actual religious conservatism. That is a non-starter for sure.

  25. It’s true out here as well. But it hasn’t been good for us. It’s divisive.

    You can be politically conservative without quoting the Bible or believing the Constitution was “inspired by God.”

  26. I also have a deep suspicion that although many Protestants talk a good game, they don’t actually feel that government has a job in protecting social conservatism because they feel it reeks of Catholicism. As if you can only see God truly at work when the entire weight of the world is against it. Unless the Bible touches a man’s spirit in the bottom of a dumpster, we can’t be sure if he’s a true believer.

    I wish if this were the case they would just admit it. Not constantly run as social conservatives merely to get the social conservative vote so they can keep the country from becoming socially conservative (and thereby too Catholic).

  27. Land Shark is spot on, Maxx is a Libertarian, another sect that should rot in Hell.
    The TP was hated because it was overwhelmingly white and was feared because it was an implicit manifestation of what was good for whites. It’s the same reason they hate the South as well, and the same reason the want the 2nd Amendment taken away–it is a rural, white identity issue.
    The TP was hijacked by Conservitism, Inc. I knew that when Glen Beck was crying over MLK. Any person or organization that does not explicitly name the Civil Rights Movement/Act as a Marxist, anti-white Trojan horse is part of the problem.

  28. Lots of hand wringing around here over sequestration…what government employee is going to get furloughed and how long. How much would it take for this to take a racial overtone when whites are given the Uncle Sugar boot?

  29. “The majority of the nation has definitely moved beyond Mormon, Bible-belt and traditional Catholic perspectives on social issues. Polling shows solid pluralities and in some cases big majorities for same sex marriage, gay rights, permissive abortion and all the other crap. ”

    Where are these polls showing solid pluralities and big majorities? I’d like to examine them. I’d like to examine the ones conducted outside a very few well defined localities.

  30. Dixiegirl,

    Under the FDR administration he also outlawed both German and Italian. The government posted signs in the post offices across the country during WWII not to speak the enemies language.

  31. If you give up on the Christian religion, the connection between it and this country’s founding (stick it up yours, Deists, and mason apologists!), and the long history of only White English Christians able to keep this country going, then you’ve ALREADY capitulated to the “dark side” (in more ways than one).

    You might as well start calling all us White kinists, ‘mudbloods’ and start throwing curses, for all your Yankee Supremacist ‘cameraderie,’ folks.

    It’s either Christendom, or Satania. No other option.

    And garbage like this: “Asians are the biggest crossover group to Protestantism, and you’re slated to live in a Brazilian style, catholic-run, Latino “country.” is merely disinformation propaganda. Neither of these groups (especially if they countenance miscegenation) are Christian. They are CULTS. And little more.

  32. WTF is Whitaker teaching?

    News and Jews, Jewsers, etc. Who invents such nonsense?

    I don’t think Whitaker is all he is cracked up to be. He seems to have coined his own snarky terms designed to trivialize the JQ and deride people who discuss it. This decision reflects poorly on his judgment.

    Maybe it’s time to debate whether Whitaker’s ideas are overrated and counter-productive (not here but somewhere).

  33. WTF is Whitaker teaching?

    News and Jews, Jewsers, etc. Who invents such nonsense?

    I don’t think Whitaker is all he is cracked up to be. He seems to have coined his own snarky terms designed to trivialize the JQ and deride people who discuss it. This decision reflects poorly on his judgment.

    Maybe it’s time to debate whether Whitaker’s ideas are overrated and counter-productive (not here but somewhere).

  34. Pew research, Gallup, etc.

    Where are these polls showing solid pluralities and big majorities? I’d like to examine them. I’d like to examine the ones conducted outside a very few well defined localities.

  35. Here is some recent homo marriage polling from Wikipedia. Time to move on from social issues if you want a mass political movement.

    A November 26-29 Gallup poll found that 53% of Americans favor same-sex marriage while 46% are opposed.
    A November 16-19 CBS News poll found that 51% of Americans support same-sex marriage while 40% are opposed.
    A November 7-11 ABC News/Washington Post poll found 51% of respondents support same-sex marriage while 47% are opposed.
    A June 6 CNN/ORC International poll showed that a majority of Americans support same-sex marriage being legalized at 54%, while 42% are opposed.
    A May 22 NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll showed that 54% of Americans would support a law in their state making same-sex marriage legal, with 40% opposed.
    A May 17–20 ABC News/Washington Post poll showed that 53% believe same-sex marriage should be legal, with only 39% opposed, a low point for opposition in any national poll so far.
    A May 10 USA Today/Gallup Poll, taken one day after Barack Obama became the first sitting President to express support for same-sex marriage, showed 51% of Americans agreed with the President’s endorsement, while 45% disagreed. A May 8 Gallup Poll showed plurality support for same-sex marriage nationwide, with 50% in favor and 48% opposed.
    An April Pew Research Center poll showed support for same-sex marriage at 48%, while opposition fell to 44%.
    A March 7–10 ABC News/Washington Post poll found 52% of adults thought it should be legal for same-sex couples to get married, while 42% disagreed and 5% were unsure.
    A March survey by the Public Religion Research Institute found 52% of Americans supported allowing same-sex couples to marry, while 44% opposed.
    A February 29 – March 3 NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found 49% of adults supported allowing same-sex couples to marry, while 40% opposed.

  36. “I don’t think Whitaker is all he is cracked up to be. He seems to have coined his own snarky terms designed to trivialize” — like “Wordist,” neologism of Eric Hoffer, for someone who “uses words.”

  37. But I have a plan, we need to encourage the Jewsers to write more 5000 word essays on how they alone have figured out the jew problem, and then we can diffuse that thruout the internet by typing “kike” and “jewlover” till at least the laws against hate are passed.

    I have a plan: instead of commenting, write a C++ program that repeats the following until the heat death of the universe: Wordism. Jewsers. Anti-racism is anti-white. Break the taboo on racism. Talk about what’s good for whites. The mantra

    If you can teach a monkey to type, that will work too.

  38. What are the memes and mantras, and scripts and talking points really, but “using words”!

    Exactly. His ideas are incoherent.

  39. I said I would like to examine them, Lew. Everyone knows there are polls and statistics that will support any position. A poll on VNN will clearly show a majority of Americans support extermination of Jews.

    I deal with numbers, scientific publications, graphs, curves, statistics, studies, charts, etc. etc., every day. I hold off judgment of accuracy and relevance until I see method and description of how the author or authors collected their data and calculated their conclusions. Data concerning age, income level, education, locality, sample pool size, urban, rural, race, etc., is more than cogent when it comes to determining how much weight to give a poll or statistic.

    I would very much like to see that information before concluding a statement of over half of Americans support and favor homosexual marriage is accurate and truly representative.

  40. Clearly time to move on from the Jewish Question since ANY actual poll or statistic would show somewhere around 0.001 percent support for anti-Jewish policies or even serious discussion.

    Yet you are telling us, Lew, to back off of social issues? Pardon my French, maybe it’s just late and I’m cranky tonight but how the fuck am I supposed to reconcile one thing you have been saying with the other fucking thing, Lew? This is the kind of shit that would make me want to kick some of you guys on these sites square in the face sometimes for the bullshit and contradictions and nonsense I hear from you.

    Yeah, stop with the anti-gay marriage and concern for “social issues” but let’s ratchet up the Jew bullshit since that will resonate with the public so damn well. What the fuck, man. Are you drunk tonight or something?

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