Conservatism, Inc. Ponders GOP Crackup

District of Corruption

I’ve noted many times here the growing disconnect between the “GOP establishment” or “Conservatism, Inc.” and the conservative base in the South and West which has been growing more restive and which has been coming around to our view of things on issues like black crime, secession, and immigration:

“And yet, the heart of the matter extends beyond the GOP. My conversations this week with two Republican officials, along with a Democratic strategist’s timely memo, reflect a growing school of thought in Washington that social change and a disillusioned electorate threaten the entire two-party system.

Seem like a lot to swallow? Allow me to describe my last few days at work.

Between bites of an $18.95 SteakBurger at the Palm, one of Washington’s premier expense-account restaurants, Republican consultant Scott Reed summed up the state of politics and his beloved GOP. “The party,” he told me, “is irrelevant.”

He cited the familiar litany of problems: demographic change, poor candidates, ideological rigidity, deplorable approval ratings, and a rift between social and economic conservatives.”

“It’s leading to some type of crash and reassessment and change,” said Reed, who ran Bob Dole’s 1996 presidential campaign and remains an influential lobbyist and operative. “It can’t continue on this path.”…

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This link is to a v-dare article on Sam Francis and his work that has and is being co-opted by ConInc. Francis wrote about whites advocating for white interests and Whitaker has given us the tactical useful tool to accomplish this.

    The Mantra breaks down the big taboo and after its broken down then these tertiary issues such as jewsing (a religion where its adherents have the special occult knowledge) and seccession will be able to disseminated to a much larger and effective audience.

    But as it stands now these tertiary objectives are occupied by few who have slipped past the guards of the taboo gate, who then howl for the masses to pass thru the well guarded gates as they did. (understandably the masses being cowed by establishment and its perjorative “aracistwhowantstokillsixmillionmorejews” are stuck in place no matter how much howling by the early adopters.)

    The Mantra destroys the gate and its guards.

  2. RRS makes a good point. I was just talking about the jewish problem withy parents last night who rolles their eyes at the whole thing. But i saw a glimpse of understanding when i reframed it as an antiwhite movement that will endanger thwir grandchildren.

  3. Also, i wonder if the better strategy for pro whites longterm is to support israel. Because then the hebes will have a place to fuckoff to. Seems like aa national movement of nationalism for whites, beaners amd jews would get more traction than trying to get whites to kill the other races.

    America for whites,.africa for.blacks, israel for jews and california for Mexicans. Something for everyone

  4. …a growing school of thought in Washington that social change and a disillusioned electorate threaten the entire two-party system.

    Hadding says something which should be obvious to everyone here:

    …Political compromise falls under very different considerations in a country with proportional representation, like Germany or Greece, than in the U.S. system. It’s much easier under proportional representation for a party to be honest and still win some representation in the government.

    Using initiative and referendum to switch to PR with a low threshold (the same system used in Weimar Germany and in Israel for the whole of its existence) at the local level is a way for anti-Regime forces to get a foot in the door. We have seen this proven across Europe for the last two decades. You can even get Christian Zionists to vote for it based on the fact that it thoroughly Kosher approved -just like strict immigration enforcement.

  5. PR would allow a 10% nationalist party to exist at the Federal level.

    It would be healthy.

    The GOP is moribund as far as it goes in effectively representing white interests.

  6. PR would allow a 10% nationalist party to exist at the Federal level.

    It would be healthy.

    The GOP is moribund as far as it goes in effectively representing white interests.

  7. Brutus,

    Go to the citations in Wikipedia, run down those details, and knock yourself out. I’ve done my part to support my claim by posting numerous national polls that show substantial support for homo marriage in this country.

    I am assuming those polls are methodologically sound. Let’s see some evidence from you they’re not.

    Attitudes toward SSM are obviously going to vary by region. I’m not suggesting otherwise. I am suggesting there is enough support for it to call it a mainstream rather than a fringe position.

    I understand that polling firms can shape outcomes by using methodological games. They don’t do this in every case, however. Sometimes the best explanation for consistent results across numerous polls is that those particular polls are accurate.

    I don’t know if you were one of them, but many people claimed the polls that consistently showed Obama leading Romney had to be methodologically rigged. Whoops.

  8. RRS makes a good point. I was just talking about the jewish problem withy parents last night who rolles their eyes at the whole thing. But i saw a glimpse of understanding when i reframed it as an antiwhite movement that will endanger thwir grandchildren.

    RRS makes a lousy point. His point, apparently derived from Whitaker, is to avoid the Jewish issue like conservatives do.

    Why does it have to be one or other? It doesn’t. That’s a false alternative. It’s necessary to do both: talk about the danger to white children and other related matters (like the JQ).

    Whitaker is the only one promoting gross oversimplification on a single concept, not Jewsers.

    Of course your parents rolled their eyes. They’ve most likely lived their lives submerged in Jewish propaganda the main goal of which is to elicit exactly that reaction.

    Once you convince them there is a danger to their grandchildren, you can ask them how they think it got this way. Once you start to unpack that question, you’re right back at Jewish influence.

  9. RRS is right, Lew is lost. I visit Whitakers website often, and though I don’t agree with all his points, he certainly shows the way to out of the box, off the establishment thinking. His teachings sure cut me loose from the establishment brainwash, this site did as well. Before them I was just a “freedom is the answer, Constitution is the savior, country of immigrants” moron with a bad feeling about what was happening.
    If we look out for the good of whites, and other whites do the same, we won’t have to obsess so much about Jews or anyone else, and we might have a few join us…maybe…
    All our various groups fight against one another. It is ok not to agree on every issue, but we have to establish a common theme that ALL can get behind. I cant think of anything better than the Mantra. It hits immigration, cultural preservation, dispossession, and the long term survival of Western Civilization. Can’t we at least all agree on those?

  10. RRS,

    Who are these Jewsers? Where are their books? Where are their web sites? Where do they congregate? Who are they? Which nationalist leaders among the living or dead has ever called for the Jewser approach to advocacy?

    You bring up Jewsers pretty often. They seem like reasonable questions.

    I argued a similar matter with Chechar a while back when he was focused on this idea there is too much JQ “monocausalism” in WNism. I asked him, in effect, the same question — who are the “monocausalists”? — and from what I remember he came up with nothing specific. I fully expect you to do the same.

  11. I read this comment recently:

    Since the only thing you can’t talk about is the Jewish issue, the only thing you can talk about to maintain your integrity is the Jewish issue. In other words, if you feel like talking about the Jewish issue, you’ve got to talk about it or you’re just a chicken shit.

    And to reiterate, I think the polls are easily explained on social issues. Obviously nobody wants to discuss them. The dialectic is set up that if you want to discuss social issues you’re probably deeply flawed yourself. Accept we’re all deeply flawed to start but that it doesn’t mean we have to live by the rules of deeply flawed people.

    Anyway, I think it’s very easy to turn people back towards the social issues. You just have to constantly reiterate that you’re not holding yourself above anyone. Though the homo marriage thing is probably lost forever. How do you turn back the clock on that? The younger generation honestly doesn’t give a crap — the schools got them. But focusing on heterosexual problems like divorce, pornography and abortion is totally game.

  12. If the Mantra ever breaks out to a political party, I think it will make a huge impact. We all know that all current US politics centers on race, everything else is really only a proxy. Just like the Cold War where the two sides fought each other indirectly through proxy wars, there is an on-going cold war on whites fought through the proxies of taxes, government spending, immigration, gun control, etc. Only thing is, the side under assault refuses to recognize it for what it is. That’s why Rand Paul makes statements like he did in the TP response to the SotU–notice that he felt it necessary to say America is not about race. He could have made the same point just as well without that, but he was clearly firing a shot across the bow of any consevatives who had any hopes that their children’s futures would be secured, and a signal to the left that the “right” will stay on the reservation.

  13. I’ve got a real serious feeling this debate is about to bust wide open. I can smell it in the air. There is a fear building in the heart of the progressives I know. In November it was all “white America is done.” Now it’s dawning on them that may have been their high point.

  14. Let the jewsers make war on me, whatever. I in no way will spend my time trying to convince them, my target is those disillusioned white looking for a better way.

    If a jewser (who quite frankly is correct with every fact) wishes to stand on the other side of the well guarded gate of taboo and howl at other whites and call them chickenshit that is their problem. Its a waste here Denise, since HW has all but said he is not going to be the next internet fuherer and start howling “jew” and be a “namer” hero outcast.

    So do you whites who realize that there are problems want answers, then destroy the gates of taboo.

    Destroy the “racist” perjoritive and set your people free. IMO if “racist” was destroyed Amerikwa would fall within weeks.

  15. Lew, nobody is ignoring the Jews. They are simply classified as another one of the Anti-Whites, then we get right back to what is good for whites. More can be done in this manner than any other. Example (if we had politicians with a spine): Left wanks about the rich not paying their fair share. We agree, and identify the entertainment/media industry as the greediest and richest, and the ones who provide the least jobs while cultivating the worst habits in the people. We then raise a crushing tax on entertainment and media of all sorts. No need to squeal about Jews controlling the media, etc. And as a bonus the leftist propaganda mill takes a hit. I know, I’m dreaming, right? But you don’t need to take on any ethnic group head on.

  16. So we little band of hero outcasts standing on our side of the gates of taboo, how do we use the brainpower and energy of all those whites standing in the pen on the other side? Do we taunt them into running the gaunlet of “anotherracistwhowantstokillsixmillionmorejews?” Or do we disarm the guards and destroy their weapons of mass taboo?

    But NO, make war on RRS. Hell I would make all them high falutin jewsers full profs in my republic, but because I refuse to be an ineffective early adopter single issue man I’m hated by the purists. I wouldn’t doubt the jewsers would side with the anti-whites to destroy the mantra so long as they can be pure. Oh thats right the anti-whites want to be called “anti-racists”, the jewsers can respect that.

  17. But it’s not really “racism” that’s stopping us. It’s something different.

    For example, it’s not anti-racism that keeps affirmative action alive, it’s the belief in social justice – that previously wronged people deserve “justice.” It’s the same belief that keeps the Jews untouchable. So it’s deeper than anti-racism. It’s a dialectical prison.

    I definitely don’t think it’s all that important to discuss Jewish influence on the whole. As with everything, there are ways to discuss these issues without mentioning “trigger words” that make our enemies deeply, deeply troubled — more troubled than if you had actually used the words.

    But the end of freedom of association, for example, isn’t bad because it’s anti-white, it’s bad because it’s stupid. The anti-white meme only chips away at it’s fundamental rationale. To take it apart based on logic other than a racist rubric would be far more powerful.

    Whitaker doesn’t do anything for me, and acceptance of the memes he comes up with hasn’t made me any more capable of arguing a point in a way I like. I’m pretty sure the left has no problem at all with the fact that they are anti-white. Living with cognitive dissonance has never been much of a problem with them.

  18. Wayne, Whitaker’s arguments are based on the idea that the left gives a crap about congruence. Obviously they don’t. They simply slaughter people to make congruence.

  19. I would encourage anyone to visit the Youtube Mantra posting. I did the other day and the comments are many and revealing. First, most comments are from young college age whites. These are exactly the target audience we want. Non whites were there to, but frankly, we know how they feel and discount them directly. Second, a good number of the comments were knee jerk revulsion and hatred toward the message. This is good because it clearly shows the hypocrisy of the supposedly tolerant, loving, open minded left, and that none of their happy thought apply to whites. Third, a good number of the comments agreed with the message but refused to accept it. This is fear rising up, their revulsion at the message is because it is explicitly stating what deep down they have always known, and shattering their comfort zone. Lots of women in this group. Fourthly, some of the braver ones hear and believe. They will likely talk about it later.
    Fifth, it’s fun to see the knee jerk name calling from our tolerant open minded college students–they call us ignorant with no explanation of what is being ignored. They are as stupid as bags of hammers. The occasional Vietnam Vet chiming in to wag his condescending finger is funny too, such an irrelevant group of baby boomers who don’t realize the country don’t give a damn about their war anymore..

  20. RRS,

    No one is making war on you. You’re the one who keeps derisively snarking about Jewsers. Take your halo off.

    You can’t define what a Jewser is or say who they are. Figures.

    You also implicitly trivialize the contributions of great men like William Pierce and Kevin MacDonald as meaningless howling at other whites on the other side of the gate. By doing this, if your audience is in fact people in need of waking up, you are doing them and white people a horrible disservice.


    What you’re talking about isn’t shrewd messaging but self-censorship. It’s not effective. You ought to know that as an ex-conservative.

  21. Land Shark: You are right, the left does not care if they are antiwhite, but we are not after them, we are after whites. Our message is for them. Like the old apostles, cast your seed, some will take root.
    We don’t need to obsess over what the core issue is either. I agree with your diagnosis, But the sheeple can’t think for themselves. We need to only get them thinking about what is good for whites. Is being a minority good? Is surrendering your country good? Is giving up opportunity good? Right now whites are trapped in a puritan, self-sacrificing moralizing ego trip because they have been spoiled with luxury. That is changing and fast. Active and explicit discrimination is going to become widely evident and impossible to cover up. Whites are happy to sacrifice when the sacrifice doesn’t affect them. We have lots of work to do–evangelism, so to speak.

  22. Lew, no it is not self-censorship. I support both those people you mentioned. But we need to fight like the left until we gain enough troops for a frontal assault–we need to shrewdly fight by proxy. Read Mao to see how it is done. The Jewsers want an all out frontal assault made into the left’s line of artillary, which is dumb and suicidal.

  23. I think the time is ripe, or even over ripe, for a few young fellows who are hustlers to start a “Jeffersonian Republican” political association of some sort.

    You would have to spend hours a day cold calling people on the telephone, and visiting them in person to establish relationships & raise money. Pick a city, pick a county, and just do it.

    Most of those doing it today, are purely self interested hustlers, but, a few honest fellows working the game would be refreshing.

  24. As a Dedicated Namer of Die Juden – my plan is to Name Die Jude. Die JudenTuefel. I do go step by step, in 3D world. I realize I am a handful of people who are doing this – because a lot of “Awakened Whites” are too cowardly/lazy/defeated to point out the source of the problem.

    The White Race is the Creative, INDIVIDUALISTIC Race. Creativity and individualism are intertwined. Alas. In a Whitey word, it’s tops. But in Multi CULTi-Mud world – it’s murder. Our own murder

    How do we deal with this dilemna I dunno…..

    I prefer to deal with causation.

    Whitaker is right about repetition of a meme. A Social Soundbite. Introducing the very concept of “White Identity/Interests. Getting the most squeamish/let’s not make a scene!/go along to get along/”I Love Every-one” Whites to begin a to ahhh….uhhhh….errr…actually THINK about the concept that…errrr…maybe just maybe Whites sohuld have thier own country, and identity, since no one is advocating that African Nations be flooded with non-Africans, etc…blah blah blah..

    Whitaker is all about cracking the chains of White isolation and….the “idea”/scam that we are all just precious individuals, with indivual gifts and talents – INSTEAD of members of specific Race, with specific Racial group interests.

    The Mantra is very important. I DO NOT FEEL THE NEED TO REPEAT THE MANTRA ON WHITE WEBSITES. My Plan is to not waste MY time preaching to the White choir. Any Newbies that show up here can get the spoonful of sugar from the likes of Rob Roy.

    My plan, in 3D land, is to go step by stap. I USE the Mantra in 3D Land – but I use the Mantra conversationally. As in a part of a conversation – not a chant.

    I quick-march my targets. I find that a combination “sincere, soulful, loving, searching”gazes, deep into the eyes and heart of my Target, and then some SIFY HARD kicks to the Ego/Methphorical ASS of my subject – whne I get any resistance at all, moves em right along. I have learned that switching on and off as Good Mommy Cop/MEAN RACIST COP works pretty well for me. My Targets may not love me – and some do – but my Quick March moves ’em right along ot where they need to be.

    I am finding that is VERY easy to target Niggers, as objects of loathing and derision, now. MY Plan is to teach “civilian” White that YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE FAIR TO ANY OF THEM. THAT “THE GOOD ONES” ARE NOT YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. YOUR OWN PEOPLE ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY”. That I wish the …ahem…”good ones” well – but that Being Nice to The Good Nigras” has NOTHING to do with ANYTHING in your world, Whitey, and that the Good One or Two ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS bring their hordes of Nigger trash in with ’em. ALWAYS. WITH OUT FAIL. That YOU, Whitey, have wasted TRILLIONS of dollars, ENDLESS hours, and thousands of lives TRYING and FAILING to make Niggers White. That you have to STOP IT NOW. STOP IT NOW.

    I have spoken these words, right up in thier faces, to the Whites I know in the real world. The Whites I know, in the real world, who are “not Racist” are at the point of accepting these rock bottom truths. Some ar eat thep oint, or past the point, of sayng these words. Even if they HATE giving up their “feel-good” “It’s a Small World After All” Racial Utopianist ideological “crack”. Cause things are getting real now.

    But Niggers aren’t the problem.

    Niggers are the symptoms. Jews ARE the Disease. Study their real history. It’s GLARING.

    Come on. We all know this. Even BUGS knows this. Even RR Retard Even Tamer.

    I know the illness is deeply, deeply imbedded in the White Psyche. Kikenvermin Devils have bene parsiting off us for so long that…it’s normal to the limbic system of most of us.

    But we don’t need them, and never have.

    Nigras don’t own the “Fed”. Nigras don’t own the Media. Nigras don’t write the Anti White/Anti Free Speech/Anti Sanity/Anti-ANTHING That’s Healthy or Human “laws”. Nigras were never a part of the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxist Marx Was a Jew Create Tactics to Destroy Whitey.

    That’s all Jews.

    Nigras have just been their Tools. Their Farm Equipment.

    If you want to solve a problem, you have to go to the source of the problem. Eyes on the Prize, people.

    My Prize is a White country, filled with White People. Purged of the Parasites. Not just in our lands, but in our very Selves. Will I reach the Mountaintop, Oh Lord, in my lifetime, and see the Promised Land? I don’t know – but I must keep going, since I’ll never get to the Promised Land unless I keep going.,,,,,

    That’s my Plan. Eyes on the Prize . Tell the TRUTH – no matter how uncomfy, unpleasant, and ….embarrassing. No matter how much spittng and hissing and Grand Mal Knish Out-ing tries to knock me off my path. The Truth is my Shield, and my Weapon, and my Path to the Promised Land.

    There ya go.

  25. There will never be another chance for Jeffersonian Republic. 1. The nation is no longer rural agrarian. 2. the Constitution has been so monkey-rigged that States have zero power over anything that truly matters. 3. The only thing the young crowd knows about Jefferson was that a. he owned slaves, b. he screwed slaves, c. he was a hypocrite (all men are equal, but slave owner), d. did I mention he owned slaves? 4. Anything that is not explicitly pro-white is open to infiltration and take over by the Consetvatism, Inc. with their Chamberpot of Commerce colorblind crowd.

  26. Denise, I agree with everything you say. We, and probably every pro-white shares your goal, it is the prize, as you say, just different wsys and means by which we wnt to get there.
    I believe truth is on our side, as you say. Truth is a powerful ally, if we can learn to effectively wield it.
    Adam Smith, in his Theory of Moral Sentiments makes a great point about the importance of the third party (detached observer) being able to enter into your sentiments. He says that sentiments of anger are the most difficult to sway observers over to because it requires not only the observer to recognize and sympathize with you, but to overcome his sympathy for the person/group being accused. In other words, it is more effective if we can lower our passion to a point that the observer can enter into.
    Of course, I understand you play passion pretty well, but most don’t.

  27. Wayne – I change up my approach as needed. I can be very funny, too. We are al Free Agents. WE are not beng bankrolled to get our message out. We do not control ourt own Media outlets – although we are playng catch-up, decades too late.

    I can be gentle with Newbies – but I get really fed up, too. Dear GOD how congnitively disconnected can you be? I don’t want certain types on “our side” since they are so genetically defective they STILL cling to ideologies that are getting us kilt off. Some are Damaged Goods, and must be flushed. They wiegh us down. Even the most idiotic Costumed Knaaaazees, as Done Black calles ’em, and the thickest Skins still “get it”.

    As I wrote – some can spoon out the sugar, and other must kick ass. We can do both. Let’s tag team. I’ll draw fire….I don’t care. I’ve always done that. I think it’s fun! Others can be the “Good cops”, and sooth the ruffled feathers, after folks like me “soften ’em up”. I do that with the Hubster now. I shock the Hell out of people, and he “splains”. “Oh….well..alright…” is wot they sez.

  28. “But we need to fight like the left until we gain enough troops for a frontal assault–we need to shrewdly fight by proxy.”

    Correct. Here’s an example of how we can avoid the suicidal frontal assault: win the governorship in a Southern State (or a number of legislative seats), then pass a law requiring that all political donations originate within that state or a contiguous state. That would severely hamper the ability of New York Jews to interfere in our elections. There are MANY such measures that can be taken over a few years that would cripple their ability to make war on our people.

    At the end of the day, these people hold tremendous power – in the media, journalism, entertainment industry, education (see Ron Unz’s “The Myth of American Meritocracy” to see how they rig Ivy League admissions to favor their own), in control organizations such as the Armenian-Genocide Denying Abraham Foxman run ADL, and the government. In order for secession, they must be challenged and replaced with our people – in the same way that they replaced the old WASP elite. Pursued from a white nationalist or neonazi perspective, that effort would badly fail. In order to do this, two lines of thought must be pursued (I’ll put this very simplistically): 1. we are good 2. they are bad. WN cannot incorporate both – it can show that they are bad but it could also negate our claim of being good at the same time. An independence movement could do both. Focus on that. Make EVERYTHING about that and make EVERY issue revolve around it.

  29. Wayne,

    Lew, no it is not self-censorship. I support both those people you mentioned. But we need to fight like the left until we gain enough troops for a frontal assault–we need to shrewdly fight by proxy. Read Mao to see how it is done. The Jewsers want an all out frontal assault made into the left’s line of artillary, which is dumb and suicidal.

    It might or might not be self-censorship. It’s situational. Consider a specific topic such as Hollywood. Suppose you’re in a conversation dealing with anti-white content coming from Hollywood. In this context, Jewish influence is relevant. How can it not be? Hollywood is run by Jews. So how, exactly, is it not self-censorship if you don’t say it? Self-censorship is exactly what it is. You know who is behind the “anti-white” content in Hollywood but won’t say it.

    These are hard issues in general. It’s not always clear when a fine-tuned message targeted at a specific audience ends and lies by omission and self-censorship begin. Bob Whitaker appears to be encouraging the latter path.

  30. Denise

    I’ll take you one up on the “good negro” issue. I’ll say that not only are they not my problem but really they don’t even exist.

    I think Walter Williams wrote an article not too long ago on The Censored Race War where he basically supported censoring black on white crime because in his words a two sided race war is “worse” than a one-sided race war. So in other words he would rather whites just be left totally unaware and defenseless than see black people get “stereotyped” or God forbid whites fight back.

    As far as I’m concerned I have no black friends unless and until I see at least one take a clear and unequivocal stance against anti-whites.

  31. @Wayne

    You could call it Wayne’s World, or any damn thing that you think will float. LOL.

    The idea is to get together with a few of your friends, and put your own political machine together. Get on the phone and contact a few hundred people in a likely geographical area, and give them your little pep talk. See what kind of followers you can attract. What kind of money you can raise. Identify people who agree with you to some degree.

  32. Another idea is to comment under your own name on your local paper’s website, build a following, then run for office.

  33. Jennifer – thank you. Bless you.

    I was having a conversation with Aryan Goddess earlier this week. We think that Awake White Women are MUCH more “hard-assed” and absolutist than White men. She and her hubby were in a place of business last week. She is a petite little thing. Very cute. He is a great big handsome fellow. Some Orc, behind the counter of the business, was jerking every-one around. The Hubby tried to be genial (he’s one of ours, who is NOT “online”, but very savvy – but way too polite, at times) – but AG told him to stop trying to be pleasant with the idiot; it’s waste of time, and that the Orc doesn’t have the basic intelligence to do the job properly. She then told the Orc to GT MOVING. She then declaimed to to the Establishment that she very very tired of low IQ trash (or word to that effect. She made a point of pointing out the racial element of the dysfunction) messng everything. Apparently some Yid was waiting to be waited on. She told me he threw her a disgusted look, and was about to say something. She said, “You have something to say to me Schlomo? Mind your own damned business, Hymie, and shut up”. And then stared him down. And he DID. The Orc employee started moving pronto.

    That’s how you have to treat certain types of inferiors. Stop being “nice” and stop “tolerating” them. The Orcs and the kikes percieve kindness and “live and let live” as weakness, and “come and take everything I have and kill me”. AG has a big mouth, like me, and is not afraid to use it. Neither of us are afraid to make a scene. We are NOT worried about “Being Nice or Ladylike”. We can both be lovely, charming gals. When appropo. We can be Hell on Heels when needed One thing on that point, on being Hell on Heels – you have to mean it, you have to enjoy it, and you have to be prepared ot back it up. We do, we love it, and we are always ready to fight to the death.

    The Orcs read that. It’s an animal thing.

    You get it. God bless you. I’m so thrilled that you are past the need to “make nice”. We need to get every-one past that “I Know A Good One” mind-fvck meme. No you do NOT know a good one!

    Bless you, Jennifer!

  34. “LandShark says:
    February 16, 2013 at 9:17 pm
    Another idea is to comment under your own name on your local paper’s website, build a following, then run for office.”

    Ya think? No kidding…….I never ever ever ever ever would have thought of getting involved on a local level……..

  35. Rudel – we call them perogies. Sour cream is good. So are sauteed onions.

    FYI – the German bakery in my town makes the BEST bagels on Earth. It’s all about the water. We don’t need any Orc for anything. We have their recipes now.

  36. YT says:
    February 16, 2013 at 2:44 pm
    Also, i wonder if the better strategy for pro whites longterm is to support israel. Because then the hebes will have a place to fuckoff to. Seems like aa national movement of nationalism for whites, beaners amd jews would get more traction than trying to get whites to kill the other races.

    America for whites,.africa for.blacks, israel for jews and california for Mexicans. Something for everyone

    Jack responds:

    Been there done that.

    It’s the same with attempted alliances, gentle men’s agreements with lower caste NW Muslims. They just never keep their part of the bargain end up forcing their way, bribing their way, sneaking their way in to all White countries, countries they’ve endlessly moaned were horrible places for Jews to have lived. Jews had a big scam in the Reagan 1980s that Jews were being held captive in Russua- the evil empire Communist USSR, “refuseniks” and Russian copies were just acting lie the NaZis, (American White a conservative always like being told they are currently fighting some foreign foe that is just like the Nazis – Saddam is Hitler that sort of thing). Jews in Russia in the 80s were whining that they weren’t being allowed to immigrate to Israel the Jewsih holy land, instead most were trying to set up shop as porn merchants in Vegas, derivative ponzi scammers in New York City.

    The only solution is to do what Putin’s Russia does now, no public anti Jewish talk, but all Russian power is watched for Jews behaving badly. occassional some Jew oligarch has to be tried on Corruption charges , put in a public cage. Russia media is kept very, very White, regular White Russians are allowed to insult Jews a bit. Russian foreign policy is pro Russian, doesn’t suck up to Israel. There is no Russian equivalent of AIPAC.

  37. Really folks the “race card” beats you people day in and day out and your best ideas are secret conspiracy talk? Destroy the fraud known as “anti-racism” free our people. As for Landshark your reading comp sucks I said the “racist perjorative” not “racism”. Stop being ineffective get on a consistent message

  38. Denise said:
    “Stop being “nice” and stop “tolerating” them. The Orcs and the kikes percieve kindness and “live and let live” as weakness, and “come and take everything I have and kill me”.

    YES. ^^ THIS!

  39. RRS, I understand what you are saying. Whatever you want to call it, the Mantra is about race. Destroying the racist pejorative is in itself racist, of course. Work on your own reading comprehension.

    I don’t live around black people, so the race argument doesn’t often come up. My only point is that if I can get someone to believe in closing the borders, deporting, decreasing government school hegemony, homeschooling, that Christianity is different than Judaism, and other generally socially conservative memes, I really don’t give a flying fuck what they think about race. They can keep their pet beliefs all they want.

  40. All your wordist principles fall to people who scream “racist” at white people. Its what they do and you complain about it endlessly and yet you keep trying to find another set of code words so white people won’t be called “racist”. Here is an idea destroy the race card. You won’t need long essays when the phrase “anti-white” will suffice. I’m not trying to take peoples conservative play politics away I am trying to make them more effective.

  41. What secret conspiracy talk, RRS? There is someone here discussing conspiracies other than you? Where? Let’s hear it.

  42. I personally don’t complain about being called racist — I am racist. But it doesn’t come up often. If it does, I don’t hesitate to use the Mantra or a derivative thereof. I just don’t choose to go there if I don’t have to.

  43. “Whitaker teaches his crew not to debate ideas just repeat the same statements over and over again.”

    That reminds me very much of something. Let’s see…hmmmm…what is it?….hmmmm

    Oh, yeah. The dominant political force in the white world today and the method used by the people who have run the white world for a hundred years or more. Yeah! Celebrate diversity. The rich diversity. Racist! Hate! Ignorant!

    And it’s Martin Luther King Day, Malcolm X Elementary, and a hundred thousand other things. Members of the Weather Underground work in government and are professors of universities today. Morris Dee’s outfit has magabucks in resources.

    Yeah, ridiculous methods. Clearly David Duke and Alex Linder and 5,000 previous leaders know more about getting their way and taking power. I’m at work on a ten thousand word essay now that details negro crime statistics and Jewish control of the media and ZOG. I’ll let you know which of you I will select for my cabinet.

  44. “LandShark says:

    I personally don’t complain about being called racist — I am racist. But it doesn’t come up often. If it does, I don’t hesitate to use the Mantra or a derivative thereof. I just don’t choose to go there if I don’t have to.”

    How can you say “I am racist.” when the term is so imprecise? It is used many different ways. There is the sort of hater definition of the term. Someone who hates people of different racial groups. You don’t meet these kind of people often but they are around, and they are usually pretty stupid uninspiring people. I kind of doubt you are like that. Then there is the implicitly White use of the term, where Tea Partiers are called racist simply because their group comprise a super majority of Whites. When people call me a racist I have to take some time with them and unscramble what exactly they are trying to communicate. If what they are trying to say is in fact accurate I am the first to admit it, unless of course they are not worth the trouble.

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