He Wasn’t “RACIST”…..


Dahmer Insisted He Wasn’t….RACIST

It’s not a very nice day in Chicago. The morning started with freezing rain, switching to sleet and snow. And the wind is now howling at my window, whipping off of Lake Michigan.

I went to vote today in this nasty Chicago weather, voting in a special Congressional election to replace my 2nd Congressional district Congressman Jessie Jackson Jr. Jessie Jr. was forced to resign his Congressional seat after misusing campaign funds to pay for expensive, personal pleasures like:

* A White bikini model mistress
* “Bling” like $40,000 Rolex watches, expensive elk head decorations from novelty stores in Vegas…

(What kind of Black African Americans decorate their homes with elk head wall pieces?)

Jessie Jr. supporters were also caught bribing convicted Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich to purchase Jessie Jr. a US Senate seat.

I am not too surprised about corruption in my Congressional district as the last two Black Congressmen in my 2nd Congressional district were also forced to resign from office – Mel Reynolds for having sex with an underage Black teenager and Gus Savage for…

Being the most low life, Black N(**#($@ elected to the US House of Representatives since the end of Reconstruction!

Oh well. I love my native city of Chicago, but I will admit that we have had some “issues” with political corruption, crime, Black flash mobs attacking White motorists etc.

Chicago area militant homosexuals are also in the news as they are demanding the State of Illinois pass immediate homosexual/”gay” marriage equality. Chicago has had certain “issues” with militant homosexuals for many years, which brings me to the main topic of this post:

Chicago & Milwaukee homosexual rapist, serial killer, cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer
Jefrey Dahmer who insisted that he wasn’t….. RACIST!

Jeffrey Dahmer was tried and convicted of abducting, raping, murdering, dismembering and yes, cannibalistic eating the bodies of 15 boys/teens – most Black, Hispanic and other non Whites.

But,in a 1992 interview with Robert K Ressler, Dahmer insist that he wasn’t…


Ressler writes:

“He (Dahmer) also wanted to set the record straight that he was not a racist. He says that the reason for the majority of his victims being a minority was simple location. Where he lived there was high concentration of Black and Hispanic people. He stresses that is was a simple location thing, and that he hopes “I hope that can get cleared up.” (Source “How to Interview a Cannibal” link)

Well, isn’t that nice. For a minute there we thought this Jeffrey Dahmer guy might have done something “hateful”.


And I left beautiful San Diego for this?


  1. Hey Jack-

    This is only semi-related to your article, but to be exact, Jesse Jr’s whore Giovanna Huidobro isn’t really white — she’s some sort of peroxide South American mestiza.

    Alright, I’m out for the evening. (I turned 36 today — I’m officially past drafting age LOL!!)

  2. Just more proof that many people are completely indoctrinated with the notion that “racism” is the greatest evil imaginable, worse than murder and cannibalism even.

    Awhile back I was watching that documentary, “Gangland,” or whatever it’s called. Anyway this episode was about violent biker gangs. One former leader of a gang, a man who cheerfully bragged and admitted to killing cops, even, among every other crime and other murders, nevertheless apparently felt impelled to deny he was ever a racist.

    In other words, it was ok and even good to be an armed robber, drug dealer and a murderer, something to be proud of, but when the interviewer accused him of racism, the murderer was upset and indignant.

  3. Hilarious. This is almost Onionesque: it’s the kind of thing that one would think is surely parody … were it not true.

    “I may be a paedophilic cannibalistic kidnapper, rapist and murderer. But I’m not racist!”

  4. Remnant says:
    February 27, 2013 at 10:05 am
    Hilarious. This is almost Onionesque: it’s the kind of thing that one would think is surely parody … were it not true.

    “I may be a paedophilic cannibalistic kidnapper, rapist and murderer. But I’m not racist!”

    Jack replies:

    I often attempt “Onionesque” humor. A good sense of humor can keep one sane in this insane world.

  5. “Oh well. I love my native city of Chicago”

    Why? The “world” is not insane, the PEOPLE in chicago are; they make what they live in.

  6. JR- you left San DIEGO for Chi-town?

    Hombre, what were you thinking? MB, PB, La Jolla, and Old Town. Kensington, Adams Avenue, Balboa Park. Star of India, ‘the Kiss’ Coronado.

    Dude, the ol’ gray matter must have been on a margaritaville bender, when you decided to move to ILL-in-Noise.


    (from one former SD’an to another.) But, at least— I moved to a ‘white’ state!

  7. JR- you left San DIEGO for Chi-town?

    Hombre, what were you thinking? MB, PB, La Jolla, and Old Town. Kensington, Adams Avenue, Balboa Park. Star of India, ‘the Kiss’ Coronado.

    Dude, the ol’ gray matter must have been on a margaritaville bender, when you decided to move to ILL-in-Noise.


    (from one former SD’an to another.) But, at least— I moved to a ‘white’ state!

    Jack responds:

    Agreed. I am probably the only person in San Diego to voluntarily decide to move out of San Diego to relocate to a Lib Min university community in Chicago. I think I saw a huge road sign in San Diego with my picture on it and text saying “love San Diego? Don’t be like this idiot!”


    I think the problem stems in large part from some screwed up Puritan tradition where we’re not supposed to enjoy life. My father always tried to explain away the bad things in Chicago that “It builds character”. Maybe there is something to be said for this, as I find most folks in San Diego can’t handle the cold at all, and their idea of really cold is 59 degrees F. Also, it’s hard to contemplate brutal racial realities in a place like San Diego where most everything is very, very nice and there are few if any Black gang bangers in San Diego, or Black hate Whitey Congresmen like the last 3 Black Congressmen in the 2nd Congressional district here in Illinois.

  8. White people are truly pathological. Here it is in print for all to see… Dahmer would rather be labeled cannibal than racist. It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad, mad mind er world.

  9. Of course he’s not racist! It would have been racist had he only killed whites. That is discrimination in the mind of Dahmer. He’s an equal opportunity killer and cannibal, don’cha know!? Those minorities had just as much right to be eaten as whites. My dream is that one day people will not be judged by how delicious they taste, but by the content of their character!

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