Going With White Italian Hispanics

Italian Americans are our most solid, pro White RACIST group. For our younger readers still learning the hidden truths of racial realities, please read up on Philadelphia, Italian American police chief and mayor Frank Rizzo. Black mobs rioted and destroyed most of Detroit, Newark, Watts, the West Side of Chicago in the late 1960s. But, they did not do so in Frank Rizzo’s Philadelphia (Link). On the international scene from Europe to the United Kingdom to Australia to South America, it’s the same positive story.

Italians are very racist, solidly in our White camp.

Thus, it is with great joy and much relief that we learn that the new Catholic Pope Francis is an Argentinean of Italian heritage (most Argentineans are Italians). He is apparently a solid, traditional Jesuit, not in to some cultural marxist abomination of Catholicism like “Liberation Theology”.

So the good news (“gospel”) is that the Catholic church has gone for White “Hispanic” leadership and the top of the church is back in Italian hands.

Steve Sailer has some excellent comments on this great White Hispanic choice for Pope and has added some funny (accurate) Italian soccer themes (Link):

“Pope Francis I: A Lionel Messi halo effect?

By Steve Sailer on March 13, 2013 at 11:52pm
I read in Grantland yesterday:

There was even a rumor making the rounds Tuesday afternoon that the cardinals in Rome trying to elect a pope conveniently called it a day a half-hour before the Barcelona-Milan game so they could catch the broadcast.
Barcelona’s great Italian-Argentine leader Lionel Messi broke out of a minor slump to score two goals to lead Barcelona to a 4-0 win over Silvio Berlusconi’s AC Milan.

Today, it was announced that the conclave had elected an Italian-Argentine cardinal, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, to be the new Pope.


Viewed in the crass terms of ethnic politics, this pick looks like a two-fer: satisfying the rising Hispanic tidal wave etc., while letting the Italians get back the Papacy, which they held for about a half-millennium up until the Polish Pope.”


  1. I am losing patience with Sailer lately. His comments are becoming more and more irrelevant. He wants to sound cool and funny. This “don’t take me seriously” attitude is OK for a while, but at some point you say enough.
    The other reason why he is boring is his odd obsession with IQ. Whatever he talks about IQ is at the center. This comment about the Pope is an exception to that rule.

  2. I am losing patience with Sailer lately. His comments are becoming more and more irrelevant. He wants to sound cool and funny.

    I enjoyed the snark in that piece, myself.

  3. DH,

    Sailer writes better articles for Taki’s Mag. The content in general is at a higher level than Vdare. Takimag is also easier on the eyes.

  4. Mr. Rational writes:

    “I am losing patience with Sailer lately. His comments are becoming more and more irrelevant. He wants to sound cool and funny.”

    JR responds:

    And what’s so bad about being cool and funny?

  5. “And what’s so bad about being cool and funny?”

    For a teenager there is nothing wrong.
    For Sailer it results in having a “credibility” problem. No gravitas. I just have a hard time believing what he says, no matter how many regression plots he pops up.
    It gets worse, because he also gives the impression, by the peculiar way he writes using terms such as “uh”, “cool”, “hip”, etc that he is trying to sound somebody that he is not. Artificial.

  6. Right wing, conservatives usually fail because they are old, have no style, can’t dance, have no sense of humor, repel artists, women and young people.

  7. “Right wing, conservatives usually fail because they are old, have no style, can’t dance, have no sense of humor, repel artists, women and young people.”

    Point taken. But what I get from Sailer is an ersatz humor. He comes up as an immature grown up kid.
    A great “cool and funny” right-wing/traditionalist writer/pundit was Joe Sobran. He could make you laugh writing about the Jews, Democrats or whatever he wrote, but without losing gravitas. You just believe what Sobran is saying.
    Of the vdare.com writers I prefer Brimelow. Simple, straight to the point, and usually much more historically grounded than Sailer.

  8. Given how Italians vote I call bullshit. Given how Argentinean folk call themselves hispanic and not European I call bullshit.

  9. Proud Globalist Race Traitor has been trolling, making juvenile toasts supporting White genocide.

    Hunter, how do we remove comment priv. for such trolls?

  10. We will see how Pope Francis works out? Should we call him Frank after Francis Sinatra? Remember the old Las Vegas Italian “Rat Pack” that included Sammy Davis Jr. LOL. Break through miscegenation. Or will Pope Francis turn out to be a White Hispanic like George Zimmerman?

    Pope Francis, maybe ok, or he may think sticking White American Protestants for the tabs of 40 some million Hispanics in the USA is OK. Only time will tell.

    There are reports that Pope Francis read the riot act to the Irish & Dago Cardinals from the USA, and the CFR isn’t wild about Francis either.

    If he doesn’t kiss Joe Biden’s Irish Catholic ass, or any Jew ass, he will be ok with me.

  11. So, do jews have a ceremony similar to the election of a new pope?

    I was thinking about all the smug bullshit that would be spewing from Jon Stewart (Liebowitz) and Bill Maher and wondered if its because they are jealous they don’t get to do something that mirrors selection of a pontiff.

    Maybe they check for colored menorah candles burning in the window of the BIS Headquarters in Basel when a new reserve currency is selected?

  12. I call bs on all bs.

    While the new pontiff is from Argentina, one of the whitest countries in the western hemisphere, the fact remains that he is fairly leftist in orientation. Most Jesuits these days are very leftist, comparatively speaking.

    May the Holy Spirit turn his heart toward his own people.

    Deo Vindice

  13. They had Ciaphas didn’t they ?

    There is a chief Rabbi. There is also Netanyahu. He’s well known rough to have auto correct on the iPhone too. Pope Fransis doesn’t have that auto correct yet.

  14. Your state, the one you were so sure was going to vote for the White guy renigged, NC did not. Do you have to study to be this foolish? Or are all 17 year old’s from the suburbs of Detroit this silly & pointless?

    Wow, Apu… when did that happen to the Jesuits? My exposure is limited but I felt the Jesuits were allright. Course that was 20+ years ago, when the ex was going to college

    Argentina use to be a great place by the way, but even in the 90’s they were walking away from being White and calling themselves hispanic.

  15. I am laughing my ass off right now. This here:

    “Italian Americans are our most solid, pro White RACIST group”

    Do you actually, like, KNOW any Italian Americans? Even the “Snow-white” Italians I know may talk a good game, but vote for each and every pro-black, pro-immigration northern asshole catholic policy there is. Another dirty secret, is that they seem to be very prone to miscegenation, more than any other race (except Hispanic) that I know.

  16. I love Italian Catholics (one Italian grandparent).

    I’m not Catholic myself and know very little about their traditions, but I am happy the new pope is White.

    I get the impression Jews are not fully pleased. There are unflattering stories popping up about the new pope’s supposed connections to some Argentine dictator.

  17. Conservatives are losers? Conservatism does not lose things that are GOOD. Conservatives are those who CONSERVE the Good that otherwise WOULD be lost.

    Besides, conservatism is, I thought, what OD is all about.

  18. Haha this is comical… One racist says: Italians are great, they hate black people the most and their from Europe… Next racist says: No they are liberal, race trading, Catholics that side with blacks on policy…

    I hope you all get that “White-only homeland” you dream of so you can all take each other out over what constitutes an actual “white” person.

  19. I didnt immediately think of the Malvinas.

    Crikey. The Argies will be pushing hard.

    Anyway, the Italians are unreliable soldiers. They look after their own skin, and their immediate relatives. Useful in some ways but it doesn’t make for a coherent nation state.

  20. They were lousy soldiers. Thank God. Otherwise they’d have swept into Suez and beyond in the very first campaigns. Instead they were clobbered by a ragtag colonial gendarmerie and some armoured cars.

    And your accuracy is well off Rudel you specious cunt. You attempted to correct a post joking about blue eyes and civilization, typical lack of good sense there. I said 6,000 you said no no no then said 10,000 or nothing. Most accounts suggest a band of 6,000-10,000 years. so your correction was pedantic and boorish and incorrect.

  21. It gets even worse. Had the troops in Africa in early 41 been allowed to keep advancing on the remnants of the Italians in Libya they could have secured North Africa in 41 and avoided the two extra years of campaigning.

    What happened? Churchill in his “wisdom” diverted the troops to Greece and gave the Italians a chance to call on the Germans to deploy an expedition of their own. Someone should have shot Winnie right after the Luftwaffe slacked off the fighter airfields and started to instead bomb London.

  22. If they had been left to clean up in Libya instead of propping up Greece , it would have been one of the most decisive events of the war. The Orbat is staggering and the casualties for the campaign even more astonishing when you think about how poor the British force was at that moment in early 41. It’s one of the most humiliating moments in the annals of Italian history.

  23. About this:

    Haha this is comical… One racist says: Italians are great, they hate black people the most and their from Europe… Next racist says: No they are liberal, race trading, Catholics that side with blacks on policy… I hope you all get that “White-only homeland” you dream of so you can all take each other out over what constitutes an actual “white” person.

    Yea, because like liberal socialist ass-licks we all march completely in lockstep, agree on every single point and leave nothing at all open to debate. Why are you even here?

  24. The issue of personal versus political is two different questions. Italians vote white, it’s just that most whites in the Northeast are liberals. Also, many NE Italians and Irish are in the police and fire departments. Many “conservatives” are reflexively anti-union and come from Wall Street, not Main Street. If Pat Buchanan was up against a black for mayor of New York, Pat would win the Italian and Irish vote.

    Giuliani was borderline reactionary in his approach to policing; Alabama would be in federal court and a “national disgrace” if it tried the same police tactics that Giuliani used in NY. Difference being that the media in NY wants to feel safe.

  25. These divides are cultural not ethnic. Peak Finance, quit stoking hostility between white ethnic groups. My Italian grandfather was a segregationist until the day he died. Italian and German communities in the South embraced Southern ways. Ask HW if you doubt it. Italians down here are not liberal I can assure you, nor have they ever been.

  26. “Rudel you specious cunt.”

    “The German soldier has impressed the world, however the Italian Bersagliere has impressed the German soldier.” – Erwin Rommel.

    And that’s “combat veteran cunt” to you twerp.

  27. Italian and German communities in the South embraced Southern ways. Ask HW if you doubt it. Italians down here are not liberal I can assure you, nor have they ever been.

    The only Italians in Dixie I have ever seen are first and second generation colonists from the USA. They have not embraced Southern ways (nor would I want them to) and are mostly liberals.

  28. Infantry Attacks by Rommel is essentially his story about the Isonzo campaign. The performance of the Italian troops were patently bad once you read between the lines.
    Bersagl…whatever are a selected group. Rommel was making a back handed swipe at the broad mass of the quality of the Italian by highlighting a quality selective Regiment.

  29. The most impressive troops in ww2 were probably the USMC. The Japanese were so brave and fanatical that I’m impressed by the various landings in the Pacific, which could have been disasters. Runners up: Polish armoured division in Normandy and the various Parachute regiments Fallshirmjaeger, Paras, Airborne whatnot of all armies.

    The Italians are pretty low on the scale and this most likely was the result of ideological
    Opposition to Mussolini.

  30. Sean,

    The discussion at least up to now was about Italians.
    What does Italy have to do with residing in America, might I ask?

    Are you Sean O’ Maggio Della Camera Kearny… Or something like that?

  31. Where is Dixie Girl?

    There ought to be 15 or 20 semi intelligible, long winded, anti-Catholic and anti-Italian comments by now.

  32. LLD,

    I’m talking about Italians that arrived in the 19th century.

    The only Italians in Dixie I have ever seen are first and second generation colonists from the USA. They have not embraced Southern ways (nor would I want them to) and are mostly liberals.

  33. The Italian army lacked leaderships. So, corruption and desertion was prevalent. According to David Irving,when Rommel command the African corps, the Italians fighting alongside the Germans there were subordinate, few desertion etc.

  34. Oh, I’m right here!

    @ Long Live Dixie “….The only Italians in Dixie I have ever seen are first and second generation colonists from the USA. They have not embraced Southern ways (nor would I want them to) and are mostly liberals….”

    Catholics see “the south” just the way their Tell-A-Vision taught them it is: They see it as “political.” “Conservative and southern” to the catholic NETS just means the follow the republican platform of “anti-gay, and anti-abortions.”

    They have no sense, whatsoever, (or respect for), the southerns as A PEOPLE with a different heritage THAT THEY CANNOT EVER SHARE. (Catholics in Louisiana are another story)

    If catholic Nets were REALLY RACIST, they would not even be here. They would have wanted to immerse themselves in their own land, culture, arts, histories, traditions, and so on.

    Not the case for the southerners (the real ones). The cleared off a few indians and LIVED AMONG THEIR OWN people.

    This is why southerners see the NETS as “re-colonizers” doing “reconquista.”

    The catholic understanding of what “southern” or “conservative” is, is totally different from a southerners understanding of those words. For the southerner, “sharing traditional values,” DOES NOT MEAN being against abortion, (LMAO), but rather means understanding themselves as A PEOPLE, (who share families, kinship groups, customs, came from the same handful of villages, religions, etc.)

    It is a deep enough ethnic group to constitute Genocide, when the community is flooded with other europeans.

    If English protestants flooded SPAIN, to the point that SPAIN was more than half English protestants in just 50 years—- that would be seen as horrible by SPANIARDS. But it is fine in Generational Americans (wasp) areas, to subject them to SPANISH LIFE, (white or not).

    Obviously, they did not care for the (ethnic) Americans genuinely connected to the u.s. founders, anymore than they have cared for the way of governance that was overturned.

    From what I know of him, I would not consider Hunter a “southerner,” although it’s hard to say. My guess would be Generational transplant, in the south long enough to feel “roots,” maybe 2-3 generations.

    Very few who post here seem to have ANY SOUTHERN PLANTER background. Most have no first-hand experience with owning slaves. Most do not have ancestors who fought in the WBTS.

    And so they use “the south” for whatever of their own agenda.

    LOL, this will be gibberish to “More of the Same.” Of course it will be! It would not suit his agenda to have any such voice for the most Generational Americans to gain traction in what used to be their own country, where they could live and reproduce children in a culture they could recognize.

  35. Oh, when I said (at least as far as I’ve read him) I would not necessarily consider Hunter a “southerner,” what I meant was he doesn’t particularly seem to have come from a heavily SOUTHERN PLANTER background, a slave owning family, and have people who fought in the Confederacy.

    One of his goals seems repositioning the southern ancestors “states rights” arguments with the idea that southerners were primarily motivated by black-white racism in WBTS.

    That’s more clear than the motivation.

    In terms of the “south,” he seems to identify more personally with the catholic Island experience and “Golden Circle” Empire, which is of little interest —as far as I have ever met them— to many in the upper south and mountain regions.

  36. —- my concern is for young people who will seek out their real heritage and be confused by the many co-options of the Virginia Battle Flag.

    This is not a criticism of HW—- since he’s fairly balanced in acknowledging there are a few different “souths.”

    But it is very hard to young people to find real PLANTER stock Confederates talking about their reality, as they have experienced it. Even less so, the hidden silent reality of the Ulstermen who settled the Appalachians, their reality having been totally re-written by people who ARE NOT THEM.

  37. Finally,

    Jack, you should walk into any Northeast Pizzaria (or however you spell that). They NEVER hire white people. Lots of polynesians and mexicans.

    But who cares? This Argentinian will mark the “turning point,” for the entire Romanization of the U.S.

    Already, it is not a culture the more Generational Americans even feel vaguely at home in.

    The only question— where to go?

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