Going With White Italian Hispanics

Italian Americans are our most solid, pro White RACIST group. For our younger readers still learning the hidden truths of racial realities, please read up on Philadelphia, Italian American police chief and mayor Frank Rizzo. Black mobs rioted and destroyed most of Detroit, Newark, Watts, the West Side of Chicago in the late 1960s. But, they did not do so in Frank Rizzo’s Philadelphia (Link). On the international scene from Europe to the United Kingdom to Australia to South America, it’s the same positive story.

Italians are very racist, solidly in our White camp.

Thus, it is with great joy and much relief that we learn that the new Catholic Pope Francis is an Argentinean of Italian heritage (most Argentineans are Italians). He is apparently a solid, traditional Jesuit, not in to some cultural marxist abomination of Catholicism like “Liberation Theology”.

So the good news (“gospel”) is that the Catholic church has gone for White “Hispanic” leadership and the top of the church is back in Italian hands.

Steve Sailer has some excellent comments on this great White Hispanic choice for Pope and has added some funny (accurate) Italian soccer themes (Link):

“Pope Francis I: A Lionel Messi halo effect?

By Steve Sailer on March 13, 2013 at 11:52pm
I read in Grantland yesterday:

There was even a rumor making the rounds Tuesday afternoon that the cardinals in Rome trying to elect a pope conveniently called it a day a half-hour before the Barcelona-Milan game so they could catch the broadcast.
Barcelona’s great Italian-Argentine leader Lionel Messi broke out of a minor slump to score two goals to lead Barcelona to a 4-0 win over Silvio Berlusconi’s AC Milan.

Today, it was announced that the conclave had elected an Italian-Argentine cardinal, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, to be the new Pope.


Viewed in the crass terms of ethnic politics, this pick looks like a two-fer: satisfying the rising Hispanic tidal wave etc., while letting the Italians get back the Papacy, which they held for about a half-millennium up until the Polish Pope.”


  1. I intended THIS quote: “(T)he president of the World Jewish Congress, said the new pope ‘always had an open ear for our concerns.’ ‘By choosing such an experienced man, someone who is known for his open-mindedness, the cardinals have sent an important signal to the world….’ Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, as he was known before he became pope, showed as Buenos Aires archbishop an inclination to expand interfaith outreach to…Judaism…. He was widely praised for his aid to Buenos Aires’ Jewish community….”

  2. Jews have a vested interest in breaking nation states as a European understands the nation. To some extent this has gone so far in the US that BRA now exists. They don’t like checkpoints and tariffs. Unless they are Israeli checkpoints and tariffs. Instead of raising revenue from import and export duty income gets taxed. Merchants win. Producers and moderate consumers are punished.

    I only want to know one thing though, do they have Smaug’s treasure buried under their temple?

  3. Pope Francis said “The ideals of a pure race are the idols upon which the Nazis formed themselves.”

    He also decries those who place race on a higher plane than divinity. But I agree with him there. Race is not religion as such, and racial preservation is not eternal salvation of the soul.

  4. When is Smaug’s time coming to an end (Rome is not really eternal, we hope) and the kingdom of the Dwarves restored?

  5. The Temple in Jesus’s day was the Lonely Mountain, at least that’s what Cicero suggests.

    Ciaphas must have been rolling in gold.

  6. The pope is wrong.

    Blacks will not be able to run a civilization. In addition Jews can’t as they are parasitic. Asians, they have their own game going. Christianity is alien to the Hindu, Confucian, Buddhist mindset. Indeed the west could Adopt Shinto and be happier like the more homogenous Japanese.

  7. I’m not one for the tinfoil hat stuff but… sure is curious having a pope retire and a new one elected so quickly.

    I’m also not one for anti-Catholicism in and of itself. I have no axe to grind against any man for being Catholic but I distrust all large institutions and the Catholic church in NC is actively engaged in bring about BRA. Everything from helping the mexican invaders to supporting forced busing and gun control. What the Catholic church was, is not what it is today and as an outsider, I see no signs of it correcting course

    My brief exploration of the Orthodox church has been a pleasant surprise. Women are barred from certain parts of the church, they are dressed modestly, with heads covered, no non Whites in the congregation and the man in charge is no sissy

  8. The treatment they metered out to the Pussy Riot artistes, was nothing short of brilliant. Off to Siberia, Bitches!

  9. Possibly Orthodox. But that wasn’t an issue before 1050s anyway.

    The reality is that the English sent Peter’s Pence a special gift to the Pope every year in the 1000s. There was alsoa large English commune in Rome called the Burgo. The English were on excellent terms with the Papacy and the Byzantines and the English post 1066 seem to have been the majority of the personal bodyguard of the Emperor’s Varangians.

    The English could only look on and deal with the bullshit as it came at them and persevere.

  10. Before 1066 the English were Scandinavian orientated, and Russia, Gotland, Jutland, Danzig… Denmark, Frisia especially would have been seen as the ancestral mythical homeland or very closely connected by marriage.

    Harold I was the son of a Danish Princess. Godwin commanded English armies that were fighting in modern day Poland for King Canute.

    1066 brought the French onslaught.

  11. LLD,

    Not everybody outside the borders of the South is an enemy of the South, and not everyone within them is a friend.

    Just on this blog alone you have Jack Ryan, Rudel, Denise, Mosin Nagant, 313Chris and many others who are sympathetic select Southern perspectives, or they wouldn’t be here. The notion that any of them, or people who think like they do, ought to be kept out of the South if they were inclined to locate here is ridiculous. I’d take any of them over the indigenous, BRA-supporting Southern scum I run into every day.

    Drawing the circle based on strict geographic borders and ethnicity may have made since long ago, but not any more. Whites are not divided by ethnicity today; they are, again, divided by culture and ideology.

    BRA has opposition throughout America.

    Dwelling on religioius, ethnic and regional differences that are irrelevant in a 2013 context is a practice I am pretty sure stems from questionable motives.

  12. Lee, chris313 has not said one positive thing about the South, mosin rejoices in the damage yankee transplants have done us,Rudel is hit or miss, but I like the cranky yankee bastards any which way

    Basically you are wrong and your examples prove my point, not yours

  13. Chris hasn’t said a single good thing about Southerners.

    Rudel appears to be willing their apocalypse on.

    Mosin appears to believe the South is being damaged by divine vengeance.

  14. Re: “mosin rejoices in the damage yankee transplants have done us”:

    I do not advocate and have nothing to do with the NET migration, Stonelifter. You apparently “hair-trigger-reacted” in a swift misreading: I wrote that it is GOOD FOR NORTHERN CONSERVATIVES if those liberals (NETS) move south because otherwise, remaining here, they would only increase the pace of “Change” in the northern states.

    What I said was very much like (only in reverse) the suggestion by Southrons to “move them niggers north.” But it is NOT good for ANYONE, north or south of the Line, to be invaded by EITHER of these anti-white elements.

    “Rejoicing” in the damage that southern black migration has done in northern states is as annoying to northerners on this blog as rejoicing in the damage rich liberal NETS do in southern states is annoying to southerners. But I am sure that neither of our “sides” is rejoicing SERIOUSLY. I for one am very sympathetic to the southern secessionist cause, and I don’t believe that ANY southerners on this blog, Stonelifter included, REALLY rejoice in harm to northern white brothers — seeing Detroit and Philadelphia decline like Memphis and Birmingham, for example.

    After weeks of annoying, non-stop “Yankee” bashing and German bashing, I said “Send them NETS south!” and that it was a good thing liberal NETS are moving south because that means there are fewer of them in the northern states. But I was not serious at all, obviously I thought. I am AGAINST the southward migration of liberals, just as much as I am against them being HERE. I regret the southward spread of liberalism and the damage to your environment, culture, political systems, etc. by liberals from the northern states just as much as I regret the damage they cause here.

  15. “Mosin appears to believe the South is being damaged by divine vengeance.”

    A good observation. I think divine judgement for sin underlies ALL our troubles, south AND north, east and west — and that true Christian renewal is the ultimate solution, temporally and eternally. Stonelifter may doubt whether anyone can be a believer and yet not a “Creationist” interpreter of Genesis, just as many doubt whether anyone can be a true believer and not a Milliennialist interpreter of the Apocalypse. But Creationism and Millennialism are two great hindrances to the renewal of true Biblical Christianity.

  16. As long as whites south and north of the Line focus on entertainment media, sports and rat race materialism, neglecting the serious issues of life, they will continue to decline.

  17. Yes I rejoice in the harm done to my enemies. The difference is I am honest about it and you try to crawfish out of it

  18. “Whites are not divided by ethnicity today; they are, again, divided by culture and ideology (…) Dwelling on religioius, ethnic and regional differences that are irrelevant in a 2013 context is a practice I am pretty sure stems from questionable motives.”

    Ethnicity is still important, including areas where the newest, pan-European “American” white ethnicity has begun to develop after several centuries of mixing of original settler populations of Germans, English, Scots, Welsh, etc.

    Religion is also still important. Absolutely important.

  19. “Yes I rejoice in the harm done to my enemies.”

    Your enemy is not whites born and bred north of the Line.

    I have nothing to “crawfish out of.” I mean what I say. What is meant ironically should be taken ironically. “Move them NETS south!” was meant ironically. What is meant symbolically and figuratively in Scripture should not be interpreted literally either, or else the point of the teaching is missed.

  20. Some whites born and bred north of the Line are among your enemies, though. But not ALL whites born and bred north of the Line. There are better things to do on this blog than Yankee bashing, German bashing, etc.

  21. Since before 1860 Whites above the line have been at war against the South. Sometimes it’s a shooting war, sometimes propaganda but at all times political and hostile.

    The Good Books warns folks against people who say it was only a joke etc

  22. “The Good Books warns folks against people who say it was only a joke”

    “Move them NETS south!” was obviously (to most readers) an ironical retort, in the midst of a month-long “Yankee” bashing fest. It was not a “joke.” I agree that there has been continuous war or conflict since even BEFORE 1860, but only APPARENTLY between white people in states north of the Line and white people in states south of the Line — and I say “apparently,” because managing and profiting from ENDLESS WARFARE — economic, cultural, racial, political, and violent — is the programme of Antichristians, not of white Christians. The white Christian settling population of common Northwest European heritage of the thirteen colonies could not have been divided into “two different peoples at each others’ throats” by the surveying of a Line.

  23. So when have these “friendly” yankees shown their friendship? Did they rise up when lincoln wage his war of genocide against us? Did they vote down the civil rights acts? Your claim of friendship fails the test.

  24. “The divide that matters is for or against BRA.” The division of for or against Christ matters MORE, and it underlies the “BRA” conflict and other troubles. There is only ONE way to good final outcome.

  25. Off topic, but interesting: I just noticed on another thread this map of “diversity” on the county level http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/nation/census/county-by-county-diversity.htm showing the band of very low diversity running along the Appalachian Mountain chain from Maine to Tennessee, with the four least diverse, whitest states along it (Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire and West Virginia). Southeastern Pennsylvania is quite diverse (not nearly as much as northern New Jersey) — but the central and western parts of the state are clearly “Appalachian white.” Surprisingly, white conservative voting patterns and low diversity are not entirely directly related.

  26. The test of actions over words. What effective actions can the yankee point to as verification for this supposed friendship? Does those action out weigh the hostility, killing, pillaging, vilification etc of Southron Whites?

  27. So when have these “friendly” yankees shown their friendship? Did they rise up when lincoln wage his war of genocide against us? Did they vote down the civil rights acts? Your claim of friendship fails the test.

    Begging your forgiveness on behalf of my ancestors… but when the CRA of 1964 was signed, the 1967 riot in Detroit was still 3 years in the future.  The VRA of 1965 wouldn’t deliver Detroit to Black racist Coleman Young until 1973.  Most Northerners didn’t have a clue about Blacks, because they’d been immersed in propaganda without any personal experience.

    We no longer have that excuse, but please… accept the hand of those who can See now.

  28. “Did they rise up when lincoln wage his war of genocide against us?”

    – Northern white ethnics rioted against the Draft Act so ferociously that the Army and Navy had to open fire on them for three days to restore order.

    “Did they vote down the civil rights acts?”

    – You mean the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that your Southron son Lyndon Johnson signed into law on July 2nd of that year? Rocks, glass houses.

  29. My people have been telling your people the truth about negros for a 150+ years. Your people elected to ignore us so you could use negros as a weapon against Southron Whites. Your people could have listened to the subject matter experts but held us in to little regard, and thought to highly of yourselves. Yes your people are learning, it counts as way to little way to late.

    I’m fully aware of the copper heads. How many divisions did lincoln need to hold down all those friendly yankees? What did their action accomplish? They were numerous and did nothing or to few to be considered of any importance

    Once again apex fallacy; Johnson yes, but it passed with yankee votes, not Southron.

  30. As recently as last November, every vote cast outside the South that was not a re-nig was a vote in line with the South’s collective preference.

  31. Please adhere to the OD comments guidelines and make comments that address the main topic of this post:

    Relief that the Catholic powers that be chose a White “Hispanic” pope of Italian heritage.

    Please try to refrain from hobby horse obsessions, falling down in to foolish sectional grievances.

  32. They are not foolish grievances Jack; they are the underlying reason the South is in such poor shapes. The truth must be known if yankees want to really understand how they can fix their shit and Southron men must understand these truths to know why the only hope of a better life or Southron White men is secession

  33. “Rudel appears to be willing their apocalypse on.”

    Wrong again John. I willingly point out the bankruptcy of the federal government and see its inevitable disintegration as setting the stage for political devolution everywhere in the U.S. I applaud and support Southern Secession just as I have since I was a young man and realized that the North was wrong and had destroyed the Old Republic of sovereign States and the individual rights of free Whites everywhere by invading the South.

  34. I made a lose statement. You appear to be happy enough with the whites in the South perishing in the brown tide. There is nowhere to hide Rudel. The blacks and Briwn already have Malmo, Toronto, Buffalo. You think Portland is immune?

  35. Is the South a sectional grievance? The Argies are white or course. The pope is for all intents and purposes an Eyetie.

    Actually Stonelifter, have you seen the cattle stations in Argentina? It’s a great farming nation? Think about it. Jones and Williams are very common names in Argentina. The big ranchers are Welsh, Scot, English…

  36. Just on this blog alone you have Jack Ryan, Rudel, Denise, Mosin Nagant, 313Chris and many others who are sympathetic select Southern perspectives, or they wouldn’t be here. The notion that any of them, or people who think like they do, ought to be kept out of the South if they were inclined to locate here is ridiculous.

    I’m fairly new here so I’m not familiar with the sympathies of most of the people you mentioned, but I have never gotten the impression that Mosin Nagant is a Southron-sympathiser.

    Southrons are a nation. A nation is about common descent. Dixie is not a refugee centre for conservative Yankees. I appreciate the Yankees who sympathise with us, but if they truly sympathise with us then they will understand why we wish to exclude them from our country. We are in very real danger of losing our land in no small part because of the mass colonisation by Yankees; adding more Yankees to the mix just because they are politically-incorrect does not do anything to help us get back our land. The Southland is for Southrons.

    BRA has opposition throughout America.

    It also has opposition in North Korea, Iran, and Venezuela. Should we open our borders to them?

    Dwelling on religioius, ethnic and regional differences that are irrelevant in a 2013 context is a practice I am pretty sure stems from questionable motives.

    Spoken like a liberal.

  37. I’ve been to Argentina a number of times in the 90’s and had some friends their. I worked South America when I left the Army. Wonderful people outside of identifying as Hispanic. I think much of the leftist stuff can work in small, all White nations. thought about moving there, good gun laws, beautiful feminine women, rugged wilderness… but most of my friends have left the country.

    I have seen their mini cows too. Very good yield but I’m not sure if it ever took off. They have their own version of cowboys, with great stories. Real badass mofo’s

  38. “I have never gotten the impression that Mosin Nagant is a Southron-sympathiser.” It depends what you mean by sympathiser, LongLive. If you mean actively supporting, focused on Southron affairs, then I’m not. If you mean intellectually, morally supportive, then I’m definitely a sympathiser. I’m concerned mostly with my own region and locality, where my “roots” and kinfolk are, and my practical action and attention are focused here. I agree with you, very strongly, that southward migration of white people born and bred north of the Line, whether they be liberal or conservative, sympathetic or hostile to southern secession, is universally harmful. I agree that it dilutes and weakens your regional culture, community cohesion, political systems, etc. — even if the “transplants” are not liberal.

    Review some of my comments from months or years ago, or take my word now, on where I stand toward “Dixie.”

  39. @Long Live Dixie

    I have no desire to live in the South, and neither I wouldn’t say that I’m sympathetic to the South — I view it simply as one of several regions of the United States and no more or less distinct unto itself than any other. I would be supportive of Southern secession, if for no other reason than the act might hasten the contracting of Washington DC’s reach and power into something more in line with what our founders intended. But the issue of Southern nationhood simply isn’t alive anymore and hasn’t been for 150 years. The overwhelming majority of white people in the South consider themselves Americans — not “Southrons”, or “Dixians” or some other sillyness.

    “Southrons are a nation. A nation is about common descent.”

    Southrons are not a nation. You don’t speak a seperate language, your smattering of religious denominations are no different than those anywhere else in America, you don’t hold to different cultural customs, and your history is more shared with that of America than independent of it. And if “common descent” is the qualifier for nationhood, then you better include healthy portions of New England, because, like it or not, those Yankees whom you so despise, are pretty much your ethnic siblings.

  40. Stonelifter, you’ve been everywhere it seems, while I’ve been “rooted,” but always very interested in geography. I know Argentina has excellent soil and growing conditions for grain and livestock in large areas. The best conditions for orcharding, though, are on the other side of the Andes (Chile).

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