Montgomery Prays To Change (Black) Culture


“Now it is not an accident that one of the great marches of American history should terminate in Montgomery, Alabama. (Yes, sir) Just ten years ago, in this very city, a new philosophy was born of the Negro struggle. Montgomery was the first city in the South in which the entire Negro community united and squarely faced its age-old oppressors.”
– Martin Luther King, Jr., How Long, Not Long, March 25, 1965

Here’s the latest in the developing homicide crisis in Montgomery: the City of Montgomery is praying for divine intervention to stop African-Americans in west Montgomery frm murdering each other:

“MONTGOMERY, Alabama – Of the 16 homicides on the books this year in the City of Montgomery, 81 percent involved a firearm. Of the 17 suspects charged for these crimes by the Montgomery Police Department, 13 are younger than 30 years old and eight are teenagers. The motives are evenly distributed between drugs, prostitution and domestic violence.

Montgomery city officials are calling on a higher power.

Faith leaders and city officials gathered in the City Hall auditorium on Wednesday for the “Change the Culture of Crime” Intercessory prayer hour. …”

Last week, we learned that the homicide crisis in Montgomery was concentrated in west Montgomery, which was described as being “like a Third World.” The Selma-to-Montgomery National Historic Trail runs through this predominantly black, blighted, crime ridden Third World area:

“Due to the efforts of his church, shootings in the neighborhood have stopped, Nettles said, but violent crime in the rest of west Montgomery seem to be on the rise. …

Blackshear said parts of west Montgomery are “like a third world.”

Just like in Birmingham, the “growing crime” problem in Montgomery is concentrated among “the young black male population” in west Montgomery, multitudes of whom have degenerated under freedom into a Lord of the Flies-style existence:

“Blackshear, who has partnered with the Montgomery Police Department, is working in his area of expertise to find a more immediate fix to growing crime in the young black male population. …

Nettles said the majority of the young black men committing crime come from impoverished neighborhoods. They have a lack of education, have a bad home life and want what others have.

“All they see is dollar signs,” he said. “They are not afraid of death or jail. They don’t believe in heaven and hell. It doesn’t bother them to take a life.”

He is trying to teach them that education is cool and try to develop a “black pride” by telling them things like the first universities were in Africa and show them role models. …”

Show them role models?

As John C. Bennett noted in “Civil Rights and the Collapse of Birmingham, Al.,” liberalism and civil rights don’t have a credible solution to cities like Birmingham and Montgomery which are plagued by black dysfunction.

Among other things, the City of Montgomery hosts Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic church on Dexter Avenue, the SPLC with its Civil Rights Memorial and Center (a civil rights organization dedicated to “fighting hate” with an endowment worth hundreds of millions of dollars), the Selma-to-Montgomery National Historic Trail, and the Rosa Parks Library and Museum (which contains the yellow bus in which Parks famously refused to give up her seat in 1955). There is even a historic marker now outside the Alabama Capitol which honors obscure black lawmakers from Reconstruction.

A section of I-85 in Montgomery has been renamed the “Martin Luther King Jr. Expressway.” Rosa Parks Avenue, where Rosa Parks lived in public housing with her husband in the Cleveland Courts apartments, stretches for three miles through west Montgomery, which also hosts the Booker T. Washington Magnet High School, and the $35 million dollar George Washington Carver High School.

In 2012, Montgomery inaugurated the Juneteenth CultureFest which celebrates the abolition of slavery in 1865. A Freedom Riders Museum was recently erected in the old Montgomery Greyhound Bus Station. Finally, around 200 marchers recently arrived at the Alabama Capitol from Selma to commemorate the 48th anniversary of the Selma-to Montgomery march.

In spite of all that marching, all those museums, all those monuments, markers, memorials, and national historic sites, 48 years of forced integration, the $35 million spent on George Washington Carver High School, the hundreds of millions raised by the SPLC to “fight hate,” the countless millions of dollars redistributed to the black community in Montgomery under the Great Society welfare state, etc …

A MIRACLE is needed in 2013 just to stop black people in Montgomery from terrorizing their own communities.

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “In spite of all that marching, all those museums, all those monuments, markers, memorials, and national historic sites, 48 years of forced integration, the $35 million spent on George Washington Carver High School, the hundreds of millions raised by the SPLC to “fight hate,” the countless millions of dollars redistributed to the black community in Montgomery under the Great Society welfare state, etc …

    A MIRACLE is needed in 2013 just to stop black people in Montgomery from terrorizing their own communities.”

    Excellent point.

  2. Ah, but this is the murder born of FREEDOM, Hunter. These Youths are being killed by bullets fired by their Free and Equal kin. There may have been far, far, far less crime under Bull O’Connor, but come on. Segregation crime is just worse. Dontcha know?

  3. “Segregation crime is just worse. ” – Its about status, which is why the only answer is separation.

  4. integration and true peace don’t mix. God was the first segregationist, at the tower of Babel. Even Heaven is probably semi-segregated–you’ll see blacks now and then if your white, but you’ll be with the whites most of the time. Except for James Byrd, all the white on black crimes i’ve heard of had some provocation. Emett Til was unexecusable, but he did flirt. Rodney king was a drug dealer, and the death of Trayvon was probably justified. Forgotten black on white crimes such as the Knoxville Horror, the Wichita Massacre, the Pearcy Massacre, the murders of the Straits, Esme Kenney, Emily Haddock, Christina Leann Neal, Tiffany Long, Kelli O’Laughlin, Emily Rimel, and about a hundred thousand others are not only completely unprovoked but just plain EVIL. If the media had told us about them, we would all be segregationists who wanted blacks back in africa.

  5. Martin Looter, the NeoConservative hero is an academic fraud, a liar, a whore monger, communist, black reparationist and worse. I-85 in Montgomery has a Martin Lotter section….how appropriate.

  6. Emett Til was unexecusable

    Emmett Till’s father was court-martialed for the rape of three Italian women and the murder of at least one.  He was convicted and hanged.

    It is very likely that the killers of Emmett Till prevented the murder of one or more Anne Presslys.

  7. “the City of Montgomery is praying for divine intervention to stop African-Americans in west Montgomery frm murdering each other:”

    It’s well known, God does not hear the prayers of the ‘goyim’ – or, if you are squeamish, the ‘unrighteous.’

    Blacks come under both headings. Ergo, Skies of brass.

  8. I didn’t know he was that bad. But did they need to torture him for hours? All the same, some Esme Kenney or Eva Helgetun might have been saved because he was killed.

  9. I didn’t know he was that bad. But did they need to torture him for hours?

    I don’t know; I believe Napoleon would say “pour encourage les autres”.  How much of a threat would it take to get the Black “community” to confine its criminality to itself once again?  If the law as written does not provide a deterrent to crime, what do you do?

  10. As I mentioned before there should be a White to non White exchange rate. Ex a negro rapes and kills a White woman, 10 negros are killed.

  11. I don’t believe children to be punished because their Fathers are evil. But still, I agree that good probably came of it, and Emmett Till was very likely going to commit a heinous crime. If Anthony Kirkland had been burned at the stake for killing his girlfriend in 1987, Esme Kenney would not have been taken advantage of and strangled to death and set on fire. If only Mr. Lincoln had lived and the slaves had been deported to Africa. Then there would be no civil rights movement, no black on white crime, and a lot more security.

  12. I just read today that Emmett Till actually did much more than “flirt”. He was pushy, kissed an unwilling white woman who was married and tried to date her. He probably would have become a rapist or a murderer if they had let him. If Trayvon had survived, how many white girls would have had their lives ruined, if not ended, before he received his reward? That’s the problem–Black on White killers can get away with anything, unlike white on black killers.

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