Black Teens Murder Baby In Stroller In Brunswick, Georgia



Even for the Black Undertow, this is a new low:

 “West earlier told reporters that the incident occurred at 9 a.m. Thursday as she was walking home from the post office, pushing her son Antonio in a stroller.

“A boy approached me and told me he wanted my money, and I told him I didn’t have any money. And he said, ‘Give me your money or I’m going to kill you and I’m going to shoot your baby and kill your baby,’ and I said, “I don’t have any money and don’t kill my baby.”

The boy tried to grab her purse and opened fire when she said tried to tell him she had no money, West said, grazing her head. She said the boy then shot her in the leg.

West continued, “And then, all of a sudden, he walked over and he shot my baby in the face.”

West said she tried to perform CPR on her son and that the police took over when they arrived, but to no avail. “We lost him,” she said. …”

Note: The baby was half White/half Hispanic.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Racialism fails because this isn’t the first kid this mudshark has lost to violence. An older son named Shaun Glassey tried to stab a kid and ended up hoisted by his own steak knife….

    This is how her first son was remembered on his myspace death page:


    Life isn’t going to be the same with out you; you always calling me a stupid bitch or just beating I up all the time.


    i took one single rose petal and broke it up with some bud and smoked it with all yourr boys!<3

    A friend:

    Where we live, isnt the best, we have a good time, but we do it smart, truthfully, were dumb kids, but the part of town we live in aint that great. But its our home, you think were white trash, fuck you….

    My boy shaun is up in heaven kickin it with god, and yall are stuck here bitching and talking shit on my friend in which you had NO FUCKING CLUE WHO HE WAS.

    “All Hail the King”

  2. The country sees a white baby gunned down by De’Marquise Elkins and crew.

    Somebody is working overtime on that CNN thread deleting comments.

  3. “How do we encourage Southrons to stop watching television until a new public access network can be developed?”

    We don’t. We simply poison the well so that every time they do, they see bias. Every bias will confirm our assertions and drive them closer to wanting freedom from oppression.

  4. “We simply poison the well so that every time they do, they see bias. Every bias will confirm our assertions….”

    Solutions offered so far:

    Jack Ryan: an electronic TV controller

    M.N.: sledgehammer demonstrations, hopefully with multiple participants, conservative clergy leading or offering support

    Todd: “anti-white bias” glasses (lenses) for whites to wear, to see bias and oppression whenever they watch TV

    More practical solutions, anyone?

  5. Stonelifter – let’s indeed bury the hatchet. Hopefully in an appropriate head, and not each other’s .

    I mean what I said, with all my heart. I alas, will not have children in this lifetime. Since you still can have White children – that’s the best way to serve the Race.

    As far as moving out of this country – do whatever you must do to have a healthy place to raise kids. That is the ONLY thing that matters. Hell is going to rain down on this land. It’s coming. It’s palpable. If you and your gal can raise White children – then where-ever you are, it’s a White land.

    I will pray for the best for you and your gal, with all my heart. God speed.

  6. Lew – so what? We keep posting ’em…….I called CNN around the time of Zimmerman’s initial persecution, and I very quietly brought the Nigger fag that answerd the phone to a second away from tears. He hung up on me, before he began bawling – but my words cut deep. I was very quiet. I just stated facts. I didn’t call names, etc. I just spoke about how horrible his race is, and decent folk are getting sick and tired of his race. I told him that we don’t need him or hs kind at all. And he nearly cried. He kept gasping.

    I’m proud of that.

  7. Denise,

    What you can do is to set up a scholarship or two for poor whites.

    Get a few of them out of the way of the freight train that is heading into their neighborhood.

  8. Stonelifter, my counsel is to remain single-separated, based on the LITERAL reading of pertaining Scripture and thousands of years of supporting orthodox interpretation and practice. Life is short, eternity is much longer. I’ll pray as well.

    We can save white children being lost, not only procreate them.

  9. Once again: my apology for reacting to the Yankee bashing. It was a new experience for me, and I’ve become resistant to it now.

  10. John, thanks. That’s an idea. Thank you.

    I’ve bene takng a vacation from the “news” this week. Oh- I’ve been reading, but not writing. Not even on my blog. I just did a post about this outrage, though. I’ve been trollng websites, and I saw a comment that I thought was just beautiful. A fellow – not me – but a fellow wrote :

    “It’s time to decorate the trees”.


    Just cause something is bi-pedal, and speaks something that sounds like language, doesn’t mean it’s human, or has a soul.

  11. By “white children being lost” I meant this specifically: being lost to whiggerism, multicult, urban lifestyle, sodomy, all kinds of modern depravity. Whether we procreate or not, our chief duty is to preserve and bring up the next generation of boys to be men.

  12. Men are allowed more then one wife, unless it’s regarding church leadership, and the girl has never married. Besides the ex has shacked up and committed adultery which would put me in the clear. Better to marry then burn etc etc

    Getting my family to safety is important, and I have been looking to ex pat for years now. The ex wife trying to change the divorce terms was what shook the boys up enough to agree, but not all my family is going. If I could send my son’s and brothers and stay behind I would. My daughter’s belong to their husbands now and are staying behind as well. Joy and sorrow in equal lots is the fate of men.

  13. All due respect, stonelifter, I’ve been to eastern Europe and it sucks. Those nations turn on a dime. Do you speak the language of whatever nation you plan on going to?
    When I went to Greece, not far from the Albania, it was a bizarre place.
    You’d trade in acres in NC, for E. Europe?
    No thanks.

  14. stonelifter, are you really serious? Just curious, how many of your kin will be transplanting to Eastern Europe with you? How are you going to support them over there? Have they been there yet to get an idea of what they are in for?
    When I’m old, real old, I might consider retiring to Greece. But there is no way in hell I’d give up the U.S. for anywhere in Eastern Europe now.
    You may be well travelled enough and “get it” when it comes down to different cultures, societies, ect, but your kin? No effin’ way. They won’t last six months over there.
    Stay home, enjoy your acreage. Hunt, fish and do what ever you do. I promise you, this escapade you have planned won’t work out. You would probably be fine, but those with you will be on the next flight home within a few months.

  15. Denise is 100% right of course. Can’t really say much more on that subject without descending into mad swearing.

    The killer saw a white mother and assumed a white baby. If the shooter had seen a half-black kid he probably wouldn’t have shot him.

    The only reason this doesn’t happen every week to a white couple is every white person who can afford to do so moves as far away from black people as possible. At the same time the genocidal ruling class is doing everything it can to make that escape economically and legally impossible. They don’t need to build extermination camps. All they have to do is force a segment of the white population into being a minority in black neighborhoods one piece at a time until we’re all gone.

    Instead of making stupid comments about “mudsharks” people should have been out and about making the point that this is how the genocidal anti-white propaganda from the MSM ends – babies being shot in the head in the street.

  16. BTW, this is a disgusting crime. Shooting an infant, in the face, in front of the mother is about as evil as it gets.
    Taking a step back from this, not letting emotion get in the way. This is just another example of nigger hatred towards Whites. Niggers are naturally violent, but this brazen murder shows how out of control this worthless race is becoming.
    Unchecked nigger violence gets worse and worse. These fucking savage motherfuckers need to be given some hardcore payback.

  17. There were apparently no witnesses to this. She doesn’t look like she’s really crying in most of the vids, and has been making rather weird statements about the killing, like wondering where these boys got the gun while she’s trying to perform CPR on the baby. And killed on Thursday morning and cremated on Friday? She’s clearly a low-life and maybe she’s just odd, but there’s something strange about this. Aided by a description and a check of school attendance records to determine who was not in classes Thursday, officers searched for the young suspects and took them into custody, police said. That’s first class PO-leesin’ right there. Until the police release more evidence or the press gets off their lazy asses and winnows some out, I’d withhold judgement about this case.

  18. “I’d withhold judgement about this case.”

    1) A genocidal media elite pumping out anti-white propaganda 24/7

    2) A political elite dedicated to removing all legal methods of avoiding black crime apart from economic escape i.e. segregating by income.

    3) A business and political elite dedicated to impoverishing the middle class with immigration and off-shoring so white people can’t afford the economic escape either.

    The ongoing stealth genocide of the white population doesn’t need extermination camps.

  19. Added to this, she looks like any white left behind among the niggers. Shes one of the segments left in place to be consumed.

  20. She didn’t do it.

    She was shot in the let. There was no place for her to hide a weapon. Whites left in the ghetto do not deserve to die because they have adapted by having bad perms and whiggerish accents. Where could she have hidden the pistol? Otoh was she a dealer? If the cops are Trying to squeeze her by making her story public let’s wait and see. I think the murder was a little black bastard.

  21. Stonelifter, your exceptions for adultery and for non-leaders are mistaken, and have not been accepted by the vast majority of interpreters nor practiced by the church through all but VERY recent history. You are following modern liberal interpretation and practice, and evidently reading a modern Bible version. Read the King James or other OLD translations, and especially the Greek where the word “porneia” appears, which is (mis)translated “adultery” in modern English versions, but in the context (especially where the PROPER, specific term for adultery appears juxtaposed) clearly denotes only fornication before marriage, which when discovered may be grounds for breaking an ENGAGEMENT — as Joseph considered breaking his engagement with Mary “his wife.” Engagement is not a “steady dating” arrangement as it is generally considered today, but (except for fornication or dowry issues) an unbreakable contract. Finally, there is NO “exception for non-church leaders” on divorce, adultery or any other sin that church leaders are not allowed. Unlike Catholicism, orthodox Biblical Christianity does NOT recognise two levels of obedience — one level of “the religious” who do obey the rules, and the second, of “the vulgar,” who fail regularly but can be reclaimed through purgatory — like most Baptists and other evangelicals who also live “vulgar” but rely on their “born again experience” to “forgive” everything (“once saved always saved”) — and no wonder the southern states have taken the lead with the highest divorce rates!

  22. On the thread topic of the murder of the whigger child: The lesson is not to mix with them or live among them. Be separate from them physically, culturally and in every way. Don’t do business, don’t speak their “language” or learn to enjoy their “music.” Return to white civilisation.

  23. I counsel NOT to seek separation at a great distance, at great expense and risk and by breaking family and community ties, and causing disturbance to other, foreign white ethnies in the process — but to create the necessary separation as close to home as possible, and in the process reclaim our own promised lands, right here at home.

  24. The mother was white, she lived among blacks, and with a Hispanic. But women are less to be blamed, since they generally understand only prevailing trends and traditions as truth. Where were the white men who should have brought her up in the RIGHT tradition, or kept her out or rescued her of this place?

  25. Naggant,

    Stop nagging for a moment. Small sections of whites are simply being bitten off and chewed up. Rotated into the meat grinder one after another. Deracinated, stripped of ethnic identity, assimilated into black ways and then murdered physically. You have to address the full picture here.

  26. If the boy was murdered by the blacks, I’d like to methodically go through WN sites and look at people who claimed she did it, claimed she brought it on herself. Y being low class.

    Truth is the blacks
    Should be terrified of whites. A killing like this should result in pogroms.

  27. John, I’m not blaming the woman for being in that position. Women (most if not all) really can’t help themselves when it comes to following the prevailing trend or tradition. White men aren’t training, or re-training them in the WHITE tradition. The problem is from the top down. The main lesson I take from this is that WHITE (and white ethnic) culture must be made to prevail over anti-our-culturalism in the minds of women, who would bear the future members of our race.

    Of COURSE (!) I can see that while this isn’t happening or not happening generally or sufficiently, there are small groups and individuals like this woman being picked off and destroyed constantly. I also understand the comment “It is time to decorate the trees.”

  28. This is why it’s a good idea to try to go to museums and go to theater performances. These things are shot through with liberal interpretation but–Degas was a raging anti Semite. He was also a New Orleans white. Dali was a fascist. Scratch the liberal gloss and you often find a white genius with deeply racist ideas. Lots of artists toady are quite clearly white supremacists without being explicit about it. They reject sports as a point of pride. On plays, Shakespeare would be considered a nasty racist today. Go make sure folk see this instead of Lincoln. Othello is a great warning about coal burning. Tempest destroys the notion of the noble savage.

  29. I’m with you, John, on the benefit of white, European, especially northwestern European (OUR white ethnic groups) museums, performances and cultural events. I would add: white ethnic religious events. These experiences help to train our women.

    Withdrawal from exposure to anti-our-culturalism is also essential. Jack Ryan commented earlier on his electronic household TV limiter, and I “nagged” for total TV abstinence. “Nagging” in defence of our liberty is no vice.

  30. The mother was not “white”, whiteness isn’t just genetic. It’s cultural too, unless you’re a racialist dork. She was obviously whigger trash. Her son is in a better place now, we can tell by the short brutal life of his older brother he didn’t have a chance.

    Nagger blames white men. John wants a pogrom. That mestizo husband would have been strung up back in the good old days by white men if he ever looked cross-eyed at a virtuous woman. Now the death of his mixed child (via a gutterwhore) warrants a pogrom? Shitthink.

  31. Why not? This stuff is now happening at the margins of our group. It’s just gonna keep getting closer and closer until it overwhelmes everyone.

  32. If you consider a mixed-race ghetto-trash family as even peripheral to your group, my advice is to alter your group identity or brace yourself for a losing battle.

  33. John,

    You are right. The plan is clearly to cull / genocide the weakest and most impoverished whites first. The whites least able to defend themselves. Over time, they will work their way up the economic ladder. Eventually, they will come for the whites in the gated communities.

    Check out that Steve Sailer thread I left in the Trends With Benefits article. It’s explains how that Jew Rahm Emanuel is working with wealthy white liberals to push the nigs out of Chicago and into less prosperous outlying communities (white).


    There is a preaching, hectoring quality to a lot of your comments. Nothing personal. It’s true.

  34. No-Man,

    Do you understand that the niggers who attacked this woman and murdered the baby didn’t see whigger trash with a mongrel. They saw WHITE, a white woman and white baby. It could have been you or any of us.

    One again: it holds true. Trolls working overtime to divide whites by ethnicity, religion, geography and economic class.

    Great job. Meanwhile, nigs, Jews and beaners don’t see any of those distinctions. They see white. We have to come together or it’s over.

  35. One again: it holds true. Trolls working overtime to divide whites by ethnicity, religion, geography and economic class.

    You forgot gender. Indeed, WN is white bolshevism.

  36. Lew, I’m aware of the “hectoring” tone of some my comments, and religious references are bound to annoy some.

    No-Man, I do not BLAME white men, but only stated that ONLY white men can redirect their women from following the “whigger” trend.

    Stonelifter, I KNOW how the courts and lawyers are arrayed against white men. I can tell story after story of their evil IN-justices, in this area, so many good men ruined and women’s sin richly rewarded. Families broken and scattered, corrupt “churches” ignoring or taking the “winning” side. The Vlad Tepes solution: decorate the trees.

  37. Staying here means having 50% of my remaining wealth stolen, and possibly life time alimony to a woman living with another man who has kissed away millions in years

    Little brother #1 is facing similar situation as would my son’s and little brother #2 if they marry.

    What you advocate is staying in place and being a slave via taxes and family court. What a good little liberal you are

    Of course there is more to the decision then this, but this is the final straw.

  38. Lew and No-Man, both white ethnies (peoples, nations) AND a white RACE exist, and the acknowledgement of our own white ethnicity is not necessarily divisive, does not reduce or harm white RACIAL identity — but constructive — and it is also constructive, not divisive to remind to consider that for thousands of years the European white race was identified with the one religion that has always been opposed and threatened by the anti-Christs.

  39. One of our errors was to see white Southerners as an aberration in white history…instead of seeing them as a frontier. She was a peripheral outlier
    Of another sort.

    If you look at Brazil their ruling class, that just hangs on is basically white. Same with Mexican elites. Blonde blue eyed fair etc.

    Defending Zimmerman might seem like a waste of time but if whites have dogs like him to kill blacks, then what is wrong with that? Use the vulnerable groups that are being ground into dust to jam BRA’s gears. Next it’s us.

  40. Re: “What a good little liberal you are”:

    I’m fairly tall and not liberal, and either way you lose something, Stonelifter. If you are forced to flee with some of your family to a foreign country and lose your homeland, or if they steal your treasure (representing years of honest labour) as long as you remain.

    White men must band together in LARGE numbers to oppose these individual injustices, but it isn’t happening yet. There is a THEORY that an elected “good sheriff” could gather a posse to protect your property from confiscation, and it is slightly less unlikely that a good conservative pastor would gather a church to fight for you. I agree it is EXTREMELY dangerous to marry now. I won’t say you are doing wrong in fleeing from the robbing lawyers. I hate the corrupt lawyers, and slavery, at LEAST as much as you.

  41. Southron men have no homeland as long as it’s part of the union.

    Yes I understand there are trade offs, but I am taking the best parts of my life up to this point with me. As for the banding together, been waiting for that 2+ decades. Not going to happen. Let’s face it White men are driving the things that has made up my mind. White women, White judges, White lawyers, etc it would be White cops who show up to take what is mine

    Doesn’t play out that way the. Reality is judge waves his wand, lawyers and the like write things, and property is transferred. I don’t have to agree to it, cops do not have to show up etc etc.

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