Black Teens Murder Baby In Stroller In Brunswick, Georgia



Even for the Black Undertow, this is a new low:

 “West earlier told reporters that the incident occurred at 9 a.m. Thursday as she was walking home from the post office, pushing her son Antonio in a stroller.

“A boy approached me and told me he wanted my money, and I told him I didn’t have any money. And he said, ‘Give me your money or I’m going to kill you and I’m going to shoot your baby and kill your baby,’ and I said, “I don’t have any money and don’t kill my baby.”

The boy tried to grab her purse and opened fire when she said tried to tell him she had no money, West said, grazing her head. She said the boy then shot her in the leg.

West continued, “And then, all of a sudden, he walked over and he shot my baby in the face.”

West said she tried to perform CPR on her son and that the police took over when they arrived, but to no avail. “We lost him,” she said. …”

Note: The baby was half White/half Hispanic.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Defending Zimmerman might seem like a waste of time but if whites have dogs like him to kill blacks, then what is wrong with that?

    Nothing at all. Multiracial states tend to mitigate against class warfare, BRA’s devil-may-care defiance of that trend won’t last long. What’s wrong is when softheaded sentimentalists see these dogs as “us” and declare common cause; “it could have been you”…. Quit while you’re behind whitetards. Join a church, join a club, take some classes from your local community college…. Stop identifying with ghetto trash.

  2. So it’s what I have been saying all along. Obama’s big push for gun control is about the fact that the left athesist jewish gay mob running our government thinks decent straight white men are going to kill gays when they overturn DOMA. The timing all lines up. They started with mass controlled and fake shootings around Christmas creating hysteria around the country showing white males as mentally ill and killers but no effort to control gang violence or black crime in any city in this country. They got a two fer one They got their agenda pushed and Destroyed the spirit of Christmas for the year. Now here comes their big EASTER SUPRISE they are going to attempt to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act better known as DOMA for easter kicks for all their gay friends. Their is no coincidence that a face book prank featured child porn this Monday to all face book friends its because the perverted of this country are one step away from breaking down the walls of Jericho folks. They are using kind looking loving gay couples to push the case but what will be walking down your kind southern streets is every form of perverted northern sicko you can shake a finger at.

    So what will we do in the South?We will use all local legislation to protect ourselves. We will ban abortion like they are doing in North Dakota. We will pass Death penalty rulings to take gangs off our streets. We will bring in CHurches to get the negroes to settle down. We will allow the middle class blacks to have a presence to control lower class blacks. We will strengthen gun laws. We will strengthen marriage laws. We will fight illegal immigration . Obama and Bloombergs east European socialist vision for America will not win. The south will lead the way Obama will be the quickest way for Dixie to resurrect itself. The more the left does the more the right will win in the South. Push for states rights. Demand death penalty rules in southern states. Create stronger marriage laws, Ban abortion, Clean up our cities. Stop getting drugs and pot from black dealers. Ban homosexual activity through state legislation. It’s coming folks get ready for the biggest fight of your life.

  3. “Quit while you’re behind whitetards. Join a church, join a club, take some classes from your local community college…. Stop identifying with ghetto trash.”

    Yes, No-Man, instead of obsessing over crime statistics and details, let’s discuss practical solutions, and how WE should live to prevent more white racial stock degenerating into whiggerism or rootless cosmopolitan liberalism.

  4. No-Man says: “If you consider a mixed-race ghetto-trash family as even peripheral to your group, my advice is to alter your group identity…”

    A very astute statement.

    It’s unfortunate that some individuals here chose to mangle the cold facts and cold reality of what happened to that white woman and her mongrelized, non-white baby. The key word here is, of course, ‘baby’. It’s a powerful propaganda meme – baby. That’s why presidential candidates go out of there way to kiss babies during campaigns. You see, such campaigns are not about ‘truth’, but about appearances.

    And the appearance that some want to see is that a “cute little white baby was killed when no such reality happened. To go mushy over such distortions – and not see them for what they are, is one reason why white nationalists are so psychologically crippled.

    No-Man understands. Some others here as well.

    Others clearly do not.

  5. You know what else Presidents do? They capitalize on whatever marginal factual situation they possibly can to catapult their propaganda.

    The baby looked white, it had blue eyes. The mother was white. Blacks killed him. Nuff said.

  6. Why not use it? it’s all grist for the mill.

    The remarkable thing about Zimmerman is that he is considered to be white by blacks. Why not use his case as a human shield for yourself? The Nicola Furlong case is more ideal of course but there you go. The periphery is messy. Plessy used his Octaroon status as a weapon. Obama uses his white mother as a weapon. Use the half castes. The niggers use them as weapons.

  7. The Zimmerman case highlights the confusing nature of the Brazilification of the US. When I read the name I was expecting a Jewish gunman. That he turned out to be a mestizo with a black in the genology, well, that was fckn hilarious. There’s your multicultural miasma. Browns killing blacks. Yellows killing Browns and whites keeping their heads down while blacks kill everyone.

  8. Mixing between Hispanics and poor Whites will continue to increase, more than half of Hispanics in the US self-id as white. White identity is particularly prevalent among the Puerto Rican community.

    Niggers tend to regard any non-Asian creature with even a small chance of contributing in a small way to society as “white”. WNism being a “nonsense on stilts” American ideology reflexively accepts what the Nigger believes and plays defense. This explains how American Whites have used Niggers as a fulcrum to lift strange populations into whiteness over the centuries and makes sense when viewed in the context of American history. In the USA “White” was simply a juristic term that identified populations that had rights ie non-Slave non-Savages.

    So the White National is put in an awkward position: he grafts an immutable mysticism onto his white identity, yet he instinctively bestows whiteness upon any non-Nigger population when they come into conflict with Niggers.

    Do you understand that the niggers who attacked this woman and murdered the baby didn’t see whigger trash with a mongrel. They saw WHITE, a white woman and white baby.

    The kid had blue eyes. Blue eyes are a recessive trait (Start STUDYING GENETICS PEOPLE). The father is a Mestizo. Yes. The father is a mongrel. But he’s got Aryan genetics.

  9. That’s it pretty much the meme; if it ain’t black, than its white. Heck, the dotheads view themselves as pure Aryan.

  10. The obvious way forward is to jettison Americanism and its concomitant “whiteness”.

    Dixie Nationalism is a hundred steps in the right direction.

  11. Keep trollin’ trolls.

    Catholics, protestants, secularists, pagans, men, women, north, south, east, west, Italian, German, Irish, Anglo, rich, middle class, poor.

    You are right. These differences are very important.

  12. Now even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us, the spin masters, the negative ad peddlers who embrace the politics of anything goes.

    Well, I say to them tonight, there is not a liberal America and a conservative America — there is the United States of America….

    The pundits, the pundits like to slice-and-dice our country into Red States andBluStates; Red States for Republicans, Blue States for Democrats. But I’ve got news for them, too:

    We worship an awesome God in the Blue States, and we don’t like federal agents poking around in our libraries in the Red States.

    We coach Little League in the Blue States and yes, we’ve got some gay friends in the Red States.

  13. “More practical solutions, anyone?”

    Form a political party somewhere in Antebellum. Have that party first run in local elections that are usually not well contested and are usually won by republicans. This negates the “a vote for a third party is a vote for a democrat” meme. Over time, this party can take state office, then federal by building on prior successes and expanding outward. This political party will displace republicans either by vote or by defection. In time, people will come to understand that republicans can never again win the white house (or congress) due to immigration. Therefore, they will have no reason not to vote for a new party. Republicans cannot be co-opted, they are too well funded. This year’s CPAC demonstrated that.

    Party aims:

    a. secession

    b. coalition building with predominantly-white state and local unions (i.e. go after white working-class people): fire fighters, police, electrical workers, etc.

    c. pro-small business and job growth (advocate for right to work laws to bring them into the fold – no private sector unions but tolerate some government unions, even court those government unions)

    d. anti-immigration: eliminate illegal immigration and reduce/restructure legal immigration

    e. a new constitution to fix the nation’s ills (something that cannot be done within the current political system): for example, one reform might be to repeal the direct election of senators; this would instantly reduce the the ability of certain lobbies to corrupt the political system. It is a lot harder to bribe an entire state legislature than one individual. We could also term-limit those positions. This cannot be done within the current system. No amendment will ever pass that will allow it.

    f. the restoration of culture (use foreign countries such as Japan to point out to the masses what they are missing – that they can be more than just labor units) – a weekly column with pictures of those countries would help (it would also help to contrast that with pictures here of ruined neighborhoods and hamburger eateries).

    g. the end of foreign adventurism and endless war

    h. elimination of hate crimes laws, affirmative action, etc.

    i. the generation of our own media sources that promote “our people’s” point of view. We would have a version of the BBC here. First, it would start on Youtube and the internet, then move to broadcast. (This will be difficult, but it is possible – seek funding from foreign sources). After the revolution, we could diversify into entertainment; we would then have a powerful tool (guided by a new constitution) for preventing the disease of DWLs from ever returning: a well-funded network able to put together higher-quality programing than competing private sources. In the mean time, build a coalition with other internet writers and websites to write articles for the party’s web page – vdare, amren, countercurrents publishing, SBPDL, etc. Maybe a cross promotion deal.

    j. the elimination of out-of-state political donations (eliminates the Jewish lobby’s ability rig elections in Antebellum).

    k. abandon the idea of completely limited government and reform what government means, or should mean (defined by a new constitution). The current system allows certain lobbies to monopolize power against our people and brainwash them. I advocate keeping all of our hard-won freedoms, but I also know that government can be a powerful instrument of power – both for and against our people. For example, SNN once made the statement that the EPA should be eliminated due to this “limited government” idea. Well, at one time in the 1960s, rivers in Ohio were actually burning due to all the waste put into them. The public, even in the South, will not support eliminating the EPA; that is a fringe position that drives people away. A better suggestion: keep the EPA but ensure that our people run it – this can be done with secession. We would have clean water and rivers but also not adopt job-killing carbon taxes. Cut with the grain and not against it.

    l. etc. (I could go on all day – the point is to appeal to whites that republicans cannot or will not appeal to…build a broad coalition that encompasses more than just the race issue).

    *The first practical step is pretty easy and can be taken by Mr. Wallace himself. Instead of creating a duplicate “Confederate Renaissance” site or encouraging people to join SNN, etc., he could start a page here for this new political party.

    I would suggest the following: announce your new political party here and invite contributions from readers. State that you would like suggestions for the party’s name, symbols, ideas (remember, appeal to large number of ordinary whites), and constitution. Each goal will attempt to appeal to a particular segment: quasi-libertarians and conservative who fear the government (via new constitution), working-class whites who resent public handouts to racist ethnic groups and fear foreign competition (immigration stance), and students (the elimination of affirmative action), etc. All of those goals and symbols should eventually be placed on a webpage where people may publicly view them.

    HW will be the editor. In one year’s time, most of the above will be officially finalized (a version of the confederate flag adopted, party name, etc). At that point, for example, the party will be announced and people may navigate to that party’s page and actually read a constitution that is superior to the American version – a very thorough document that corrects the disaster of the loosely interpreted one they currently live under.

    One caveat , I’ve noticed that not everyone who posts here is of optimal cognitive ability. For example, the person who described the murdered child as “mongrel.” This does nothing to advance the interests of your people. It drives them away. Anyone with an IQ above room temperature can see that this story hit a nerve – over 20,000 CNN posts on this story yesterday. The public saw a white, blue-eyed child murdered by a thug – one of countless millions who troll the streets. That’s all that counts. Capitalizing on such stories is key to success. The elite understands this. Such posters should be marginalized and discouraged from posting here. On the party’s webpage, standards should be set – no N word, no mongrel babies, etc. See Amren’s posting guidelines.

  14. the White National is put in an awkward position: he grafts an immutable mysticism onto his white identity, yet he instinctively bestows whiteness upon any non-Nigger population when they come into conflict with Niggers.

    The complete dishonesty and sheer stupidity of some of you Southern Dixie Nationalists is amazing.

    Let’s see some textual evidence from any White Nationalist authority that white nationalism requires those perspectives.


  15. “The complete dishonesty and sheer stupidity of some of you Southern Dixie Nationalists is amazing.”

    WN is a doomed concept. I will believe anything that works. And American whiteness is an idea that is flawed. Whites are far too diverse for that to ever work. If it could have, it would have by now. Building a Southern-white identity is a superior strategy – similar to Persians and Arabs having identical physical appearances but claiming to be of a different ethnicity. Social constructs can be very powerful.

  16. “Lew makes an appeal to an authority of a laughable fringe internet ideology” – (Duke, David. My Awakening pg. 101).

  17. And no-man ducks the question.

    If the perspectives he mentioned at 6:36 are an essential component of WNism, it should be easy to show it using quotes from Duke, Pierce, MacDonald or another authority.

  18. Lew
    “The country sees a white baby gunned down by De’Marquise Elkins and crew.
    Somebody is working overtime on that CNN thread deleting comments.”

    Quite. Which ought to be enough to make a genuine white patriot see how this could be used politically even if they personally don’t care but instead we have anti-white trolls saying no, don’t use this political dynamite, let’s post links spreading white divide and rule instead.

  19. The American WN movements have been a day late and a dollar short. Euro nationalists and the Southerners, power that be fear the most.

  20. The idea different groups of Whites will pull together has no historical bases in the usa. These various ethics Whites showed up and got busy being anti Wasp, anti Southron etc. That is the reality WN’ s are ignoring.

  21. The extremist, reactionary, crypt-keeping strain of Southern Nationalism multiplies the number of enemies Southerners face, and Southerners already face many enemies.

    In addition to the usual suspects that want BRA, the crypt-keeping strain of Southern nationalism also seems to want to make enemies out of every person and dissident group in the country that doesn’t want BRA.

  22. Regardless of any arguments about WN vs Southern Nationalism or whatever else this case could be used by *all* of them to make their own version of the same point – even if they personally don’t care about the victims.

  23. When Lew grows up he’ll grow out of being White National. If you argue with a teenager like Lew he will keep rebelling longer.

  24. Do I shed a tear? No. But it is political dynamite.

    “Obama’s son shoots a blue eyes blond baby.”

    Political gold if it leads to a conviction.

  25. Most kids Lew’s age are experimenting with body piercings and drugs. We should be thankful he is at least racially aware.

  26. If any of you took the time to realize how Jewish you all sound right now….

    The country sees a white baby gunned down

    Do I shed a tear? No. But it is political dynamite.

    “Obama’s son shoots a blue eyes blond baby.”

    this case could be used by *all* of them to make their own version of the same point – even if they personally don’t care about the victims.

    You’d realize not only were my points correct about WNism but that you’re all creeps.

  27. 1.) Abandon the white identity: it’s murcan fool’s gold.

    2.) Embrace a European, white Latino, regional or religious identity; refer to yourself as oppressed whenever possible.

  28. Let’s be clear:

    Non-whites don’t let cultural and ethnic differences divide them. They maintain a unified front against whitey.

    Barack Obama grew up in Hawaii, lived in the wealthy Chicago Hyde Park neighborhood, and has Kenyan ancestry. Eric Holder has West Indian ancestry.

    Oprah Winfrey is one of the richest people in the world. None of them have anything socially, culturally and in two cases ethnically in common with black quota appointees working on the local PD.

    A middle class government worker like Shirley Sherrod, a mayor like Corey Booker, has nothing in common with a gangsta thug with pants down around his ass, crip-walking, street nigger, or a woman like the “Obama phone lady.”

    Yet despite MASSIVE cultural differences, they all maintain a strong BLACK identity, don’t throw each other under the bus, and above all a unified front against WHITEY.

    They don’t roll together socially in real life, or attend church together. They main stain their distinct cultural preferences, and probably don’t even like each other.

    But for purposes of POLITICAL struggle, they set aside cultural differences and come together.

    What do American blacks have in common culturally with South African blacks? Do they support South African blacks?

    You see Detroit or New Orleans niggers complaining about ethnic dilution when the State Department brings in Somalis or Nigerians? No. They see reinforcements coming in to fight Whitey.

    Jews are the great masters of not letting cultural differences divide them. Atheist secular Jews work fine with Orthodox Jews. Doesn’t matter if the latter prays all day and the former bangs hookers in the brothels of Tel Aviv when he visits Israel.

    You could extend this analysis to every ethnic group; Korean shop keepers in LA; Vietnamese dry cleaners in New Orleans; Chinese grad students at UC Berkeley.

    None of them have any problem accepting racial preferences for “Asians.” An even broader label than white masking an even larger number of cultural and ethic differences.

    Can anyone imagine them seriously telling each other “Asian-ness” is a loser, “Asian-ness” doesn’t make sense, let’s organize as Koreans and to hell with every one else?

    Of course not. They work together against Whitey to get a bigger piece of the pie for their kind (s).

    These people saying WNism is incompatible with white distinctions are TROLLS, spreading divide and rule. They have malicious intent toward all white people including Southerners.

  29. It has never existed in reality though.

    When various white ethnics arrived the first thing they tended to do was attempt to displace the founding stock. Talk about being undermined from within. Then the northEast and NorthWest simply re-nig and re-jig as soon as they can in 2012.

  30. The she boon you mentioned got her power from White woman everywhere

    The negro in chief got his power form White people up north.

  31. Oprah is the product of white housewives.

    She is the imaginary black friend for these stupid broads. She wasnt put in the income bracket she enjoys by the consumer power of the groidal herd.

  32. White Nationalism exists because Alex Linder and Don Black don’t want real jobs.

    Either that or they are both geniuses that have come up with an unimpeachable political formula.

  33. John and stonelifter:

    I get that, but sometimes you guys remind of the liberals.

    You bring up black crime with a liberal, and they’ll bring Emmitt Till or the Birmingham church bombing. It’s backwards looking. Try looking foward. White ethnic conflict was a reality in the past. Granted. It’s a different country now and world for that matter. These old-world divisions have to be left behind for purposes for political cooperation against a common enemy who only sees white, or every distinct white ethnicity will go down.

    There should be no problem with distinct white cultures cooperating for common political goals while retaining their cultural distinctions and preferences. Jews do it all the time.

  34. Americans reflexively undermined European dominion in Africa all through the 2oth century. The USSR (either as Russ or as Jew) did the same thing.

    You think that’s in the past? There is still bitterness.

  35. White crime rates are demonstrably low, the liberals are using a straw man argument

    The behavioral patterned of these other White ethics groups also have a demonstrable bent. In this case, as groups they are politically untrustworthy toward Southron Whites.

    The liberals argument can b refuted with statistics, my argument they are untrustworthy is provable by historical events, past and present

  36. I know you mean well Lew, but you have no argument beyond we must or it will be different this time. We’re I have a 100+ years of history to say it won’t work out like you think.

  37. Lew,

    There is no American context. There is only a white context apparently. Apparently.

    If the Yanks and Russians had no interfered in Africa the continent would be 20-30% white now.

    The universalism of the American Liberal and the Soviet Egalitarian doomed the project of colonization that was afoot.

  38. “Americans reflexively undermined European dominion in Africa all throught the 20th century.”

    – Bullshit. Europeans (primarily British) and their own fucking submissiveness in the face of confrontation is what brought the Colonial Era to an end. Your own governments betrayed your fucking colonies, not Americans. And Africa is not, and never was, your possession to “dominate”, you self-entitled British pig.

    “You think that’s in the past? There is still bitterness.”

    – Then get the fuck out of MY country, tresspasser. Quit trying to equate Britians dickless aquiescence to nigger communists in Africa, to the imagined grievance that a tiny handful of 21st-century American Southerners feel toward their Northern counterparts, you moron. Stop posting here. You’re a little rat provocateur, and I don’t believe one word of your phony racialist postings.

  39. White skin is a “kick me” sign in our wonderful country, especially under the watchful yellow eyes of our fearless leader: Count Chocula, that some WNs proudly voted for. White Nationals remind people about the sign on their back if they don’t get a swift-kick in the rear. They want attention. They are probably the only people that could make things worse for white people because instead of shutting up and letting BRA collapse they love to talk and talk and stir shit. Wn don’t realize a.) the vacuousness of their ideology and b.) when they lose arguments/are ignored it isn’t ‘victory’…… This leads to a psychopolitical disorder where the cocksure WN is confused; he always “wins” discussions but remains reviled by his community and society as a whole. He begins to resent White people outside of his ideology more than the initial target (non-Whites)…. In this thread the WN said: “Some of you are lower, more foul trash than the worst ghetto blacks.”

  40. Lew,

    Look at what Chris just said. Exhibit A. do you now see what I mean? Every single European state participated in a slice of Africa. Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Germany… The US sponsored Liberia no doubt with some angle on a rubber plantation.

    The Belgians in particular were hustled out of Africa with a hasty set of American sponsored coups and proxy battles with the Soviets. This is roughly the same time that the 1965 immigration laws were passed, civil rights liberation etc etc… In the global context it’s obvious that whites were being dumped on hard all over the place.

  41. Wn’s are similar to Marxists in that they demand unlimited chances to achieve their political goals and “it’s different this time”.

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