Black Teens Murder Baby In Stroller In Brunswick, Georgia



Even for the Black Undertow, this is a new low:

 “West earlier told reporters that the incident occurred at 9 a.m. Thursday as she was walking home from the post office, pushing her son Antonio in a stroller.

“A boy approached me and told me he wanted my money, and I told him I didn’t have any money. And he said, ‘Give me your money or I’m going to kill you and I’m going to shoot your baby and kill your baby,’ and I said, “I don’t have any money and don’t kill my baby.”

The boy tried to grab her purse and opened fire when she said tried to tell him she had no money, West said, grazing her head. She said the boy then shot her in the leg.

West continued, “And then, all of a sudden, he walked over and he shot my baby in the face.”

West said she tried to perform CPR on her son and that the police took over when they arrived, but to no avail. “We lost him,” she said. …”

Note: The baby was half White/half Hispanic.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “These various ethics Whites showed up and got busy being anti Wasp”

    It’s more like they emulated “WASPS.” Lots of Irish, Germans, Scandinavians, etc… are pretty well assimilated. Also some of the most anti-WASP WASPS are New Englanders. The same ones who waged the War of Northern Aggression.

  2. Imperialist Pigs be warned!

    “I venture to think that the Allied declaration that the Allies are fighting to make the world safe for the freedom of the individual and for democracy sounds hollow so long as India and for that matter Africa are exploited by Great Britain…”–Roosevelt in a letter to Gandhi.

  3. Had Roosevelt and Presidents after that allowed the Brits to kept the lid on Kenya for example you’d not have Obama ruling over you. Had the Belgians been encouraged to stick around in Congo the Rhine Delta wouldnt be overrun by Congolese today. Instead, whites would be steadily
    Increasing their grip and population in Africa.

  4. Put a sock in it, John. You don’t even live in Europe to be affected by the suicidal policies YOUR government WILLINGLY, OF IT’S OWN CHOICE, embraced. And you never lived in Africa to be affected by whatever you imagine Anerican presidents to be responsible for.

    If the pussy British and equally pussy Belgians had wanted to stay in Africa, no one would have stopped them — least of all America which was busy dealing with communism around the world. You cowards tucked tail and ran out of Africa because 1.) It was no longer profitable to stay, and 2.) The Africans weren’t using spears anymore, and we all know the British never fight anyone who stands equally equipped.

    Go home, Limey. If America has grieved you so badly as believe, then you don’t need to live here and contribute income taxes to it.

  5. The thing that fascinates me today is the plight of Germany in the grip of a Turkish invasion. I’ve heard that they are really in trouble these days. That’s the European heartland and it’s being terrorized by the Anatolians. I dunno if it’s true or not but about 7,500 German whites have been murdered by Turks since 1990. I’ve seen that number on a series of German language sites. It’s alarming. That’s a freaking war.

    On another note one of Hunter’s chums seems to have derailed the entire CPAC conference. Please read this. It’s a brilliant article. Brilliant. Hunter knows this fellow, I think it needs a thorough discussion on here. Heimbach seems to be a very interesting activist.

  6. No-man knows the anti-WNist cliches. Same trite bullshit has been circulating for years. Divide and rule Troll.

  7. Interestingly enough even Sayyid Qutb the Islamic extremist said white American culture was niggerized by “primitive” blacks back in the 60’s.

    The Saudi Arabians have had some success with deprogramming terrorists, perhaps WNs (cultural terrorists) can be deprogrammed and transformed into functioning people? Learning how to be racist without being a WN robot…. Worth considering.

    America was founded on White Nationalist principles. It didn’t workout so good, lots of dead white guys, political bodywork, self-hate hydraulics and national soul-searching to stay relevant. Nigger hero hood ornaments added in 1960’s, fuzzy dice from the mirror called civil rights. Top down, yourniggerpresident on cruise control. White Nationalists in BRA are horrified, similar to hardline Soviets that thought all the USSR needed was a reset to earlier, purer principles. August Coup – More Cowbell.

  8. This is also Fascinating. The Jewish Mayor of Chimpcongo is now bringing down the boom on the niggers in Chicago by closing their daycare sKoo.

    Basically Chicago is a small place and America is a big place, do he’s replicating the Isreali strategy of forcing out the blacks–this way by closing services. He’s a clever motherfucker. Except of course the problem is that the blacks will move elsewhere now.

  9. No man,

    You’re familiar enough with Don Black and Alex Linder to insult them. They don’t want to get real jobs. You know David Duke wrote My Awakening.

    How is it that you know so much about WNist figures but can’t cite any authority backing up your bullshit claims?

    You’re a dime a dozen lying troll.

  10. Whatever the problems with WNism, Don Black, Alex Linder and David Duke have dedicated thier lives to fighting for White folks.

  11. Moving the blacks elsewhere is what Rahm wants. To less affluent white communities than the expensive parts of Chicago.

    One of Sailer’s contributors said the key to getting away from blacks is to move to a city with a Jewish mayor who has no problem with double-standards.

  12. The Italian-Americans are making gains for their people. WN’s should get on the horn with the Italian-American institute, tell’em that they risk losing it all unless they start calling themselves White Nationals.

    Of all the universities and colleges that offer protections for minorities, CUNY appears to be the only one that has declared Italian-Americans an official affirmative action category in employment

  13. Is there a reason Italians or other sub-ethnics can’t do both?

    Asians, again, do this often (ex: Koreans working for their narrow community while working in coalition with other non-Korean Asians).

    There is no inconsistency there.

  14. 1(212)642-2094

    That’s the working number of the Calandra Italian-American Institute if anyone wants to call and suggest a pan-White coalition.

  15. No man ducks the question again.

    If Asians do it, why not whites?

    I’m happy for those Italians, but the article says CUNY is the only place that does it.

    Some common techniques used by dishonest trolls are avoiding addressing points, using snark and insults, giving exceptions that prove the rule, and distorting facts (ex: make it seem like sub-ethic organization is they way to go based on one small group of Italians making progress at a single university. The truth is Italians are viewed as white and shut out of AA everywhere else in NY and the rest of the country).

  16. A common technique used by people that subscribe to internet-ideologies is to dismiss non-adherents as “trolls”.

  17. If making common cause with other white groups is such a good idea why doesn’t a White National reach out to Italian-American rights groups that though modest to be sure have some victories under their belt? They have a real brick and mortar office; that number will connect you to a real live breathing Italian-American secretary. She sounds like a sweetheart.

    Books from Counter-Currents and Noontide Press can be mailed to:

    John D. Calandra Italian-American Institute
    25 W 43rd St # 17
    New York, NY 10036

  18. If making common cause with other white groups is such a good idea why doesn’t a White National reach out to Italian-American rights groups that though modest to be sure have some victories under their belt

    Because WNists are prevented from organizing. White identity is under constant, organized attack. You keep peddling the lie organizing around white identity makes no sense. Whites have nothing in common, etc. — the same canned bullshit that trolls like you have been circulating for years trying to keep whites divided.

    If organizing around white identity will never work, never do anywhere, why does the whole establishment work overtime attacking it? Why does the ADL and SPLC bother?

    Let’s hear it.

    Look, obviously there are many forms of identity:

    Business owner

    Participating in advocacy organizations geared toward any one of those group’s interests doesn’t preclude participation in the others.

    A given man, for example, can simultaneously particulate in a general men’s club, a father’s rights group, the Catholic charities, the Irish-Italian foundation and — should any one ever come into existence — white advocacy groups.

    Look again at that list. Do blacks participate in all kinds of groups based on identities other than being black AND advocacy groups based on black racial identity?

    Most black business owners are members of the general Chamber of Commerce and the Black Chamber of Commerce.

    Of course they do. Every group does except whites. But there is no White Chamber of Commence looking out only for white business people. The exact type of problem WNism is intended to address.

    I think when a person comes along and tries to convince whites not to do what every other group does to secure all aspects of its interests its safe to assume problematic motives.

    Now, you’re bringing up CC and other publishers? You seem to know an awful lot about WNism for a person who doesn’t understand WNist arguments.

  19. Because WNists are prevented from organizing. White identity is under constant, organized attack. You keep peddling the lie organizing around white identity makes no sense. Whites have nothing in common, etc. — the same canned bullshit that trolls like you have been circulating for years trying to keep whites divided.

    Who or what exactly is preventing you as a proud White National – at this very moment – from leaving a message with Mr. Calandra’s secretary? Maybe he’ll call you back and you can talk about his experience securing privileges for European-Americans, see what his thoughts are about Euro-coalition work.

    I think when a person comes along and tries to convince whites not to do what every other group does to secure all aspects of its interests its safe to assume problematic motives.

    I’m actually trying to facilitate communication between a White National (you) and an Italian -American rights advocate… You don’t seem interested.

  20. The entire establishment at every level works against whites organizing around identity.

    You like making calls; I’ll tell you what.

    The US Chamber of Commerce has a brick and mortar office.

    Call them up.

    Mention the US Chamber of Commerce has Black and Hispanic affiliates.

    Ask them if they’re open to affiliating with a White Chamber of Commerce.

    Also, be sure to mention the Pan-Asian Chamber of Commerce that is open to all Asian sub-ethnicities.

    Report back on their responses.

    I’m sure they have an very affable person ready to field questions.

    Then, call the SPLC’s brick and mortar office. Ask if the SPLC objects in principle to the white folks forming a White Chamber of Commerce since other groups have equivalents.

    Nothing stopping you.


    U.S. Chamber of Commerce

    1615 H St NW Washington, DC 20062

    (202) 659-6000

    ushcc com

    nationalbcc org

    uspaacc com

    Southern Poverty Law Center

    400 Washington Ave.

    Montgomery, AL 36104

    (334) 956-8200

  21. Most whites get a bigger kick out of organizing around principles than ethnic identity. Even Southerners here organize around Place over ethnicity. Most whites don’t even understand what living as an Ethnic even means. And insofar as taking the country back, it’s a much narrower identity than we need. I don’t want to be further confined, I want other groups to feel further confined and marginalized in face of Big, Fat, White (Western Civilization) Principles. Anything else smells like weakness and retreat.

  22. “Southerners here organize around Place over ethnicity”

    Of course place and ethnicity are virtually inseparable. Every ethnic group identifies with (and needs, belongs to) its own land, as well as its genetics, culture and religion.

  23. I give you the number of a European Rights advocate.

    You give me the SPLC hotline.

    The WN bluff has been called. WNs refuse to get off the internet and reach out to successful Euro-ethnic advocates despite big-tent salespitches.

    These old-world divisions have to be left behind for purposes for political cooperation against a common enemy who only sees white, or every distinct white ethnicity will go down.

    There should be no problem with distinct white cultures cooperating for common political goals while retaining their cultural distinctions and preferences. Jews do it all the time. – Lew.

  24. Mosin Nagant:

    Of course place and ethnicity are virtually inseparable. Every ethnic group identifies with (and needs, belongs to) its own land, as well as its genetics, culture and religion.

    You appear to be determined to dwell on ethnic, religious and geo-graphic divisions.

    You also appear to be disputing the essential correctness of Landshark’s point that history shows whites can be deeply moved by moral principles not linked to any place, religion, etc.

    Do you understand the concept of a common enemy?

    The country is a different place. The salient trait of the past is that it’s in the past. Do you think whites folks with various differences have an incentive for cooperation and alliance that didn’t exist in the past?

  25. No Man

    I answered your points in more detail than they deserve.

    Anyone running a narrow white ethnic group doesn’t have the option of choosing a white group because white identity is under organized attack. When someone tries it, they are attacked (ex: Jared Taylor).

    The SPLC and the usual suspects don’t attack Italian, Irish, etc. groups because it’s in their interests to keep whites divided.

    Remarkably similar to your position …amazing.

  26. No Man,

    I have defended WNism at a conceptual level, how it’s consistent with other forms of identity, and as model for political cooperation akin to Hispanic and Asian alliances both of which have umbrella orgs covering distinct ethnicites and cultures.

    Answer my conceptual point. What can’t what works for Hispanics/Asians work for whites?

    Deal with the concept first, then we can get into why WNism can or can’t happen in the brick and mortar world.

  27. As some of the commentators have already noted, America was founded on whiteness and that model proved to be a failure:

    1.) The people who insist on White unity insist that “the Jews are not White” … yet Jews passed as White on the basis of their physical appearance, were never excluded from America, and have always enjoyed all the privileges of citizenship even when America was a White Republic.

    2.) The White Republic was destroyed in the War Between the States, not because of the Jews, but because of Yankees elevating their moral beliefs and political self interest over the bond of racial solidarity.

    3.) In the final scheme of things, White America was undone in the 1960s because Jews and Yankees worked together to dismantle the Jim Crow system and “liberate” blacks and pervert our culture in all sorts of insidious ways.

    In theory, as Hinton Helper pointed out, White people in this country should be on the same side, but that ideal has always crashed on the shoals of the fact that Jews and Yankees are openly hostile to the idea of White racial solidarity, as we saw again in the 2012 election when every Northeastern state voted as a phalanx for Obama.

    Southerners have always been willing to work with Northerners to restore racial sanity in the United States. There is just little reciprocity from the majority of White people in the Northern states.

  28. Answer my conceptual point. What can’t what works for Hispanics/Asians work for whites?

    It does work for whites, just not whites qua whites. It works just fine for Yankees, overwhelmingly white male homosexuals, white feminists, white zionists, et al.

    “White” was a civic identity that functioned solely to confer rights upon non-Slaves and non-Indians. Jefferson was clear when he stated that the Muslim, the Jew, the Atheist, the Hindu and the Christian would be equal in the eyes of US law. In the absence of Slaves and an uncivilized frontier the classical “white identity” is toothless.

    The founders didn’t let things like “ethnic, religious and geo-graphic divisions” get in the way of “the dream”, neither do modern White Nationalists as you have gone to great lengths to showcase in this thread. You argue that “the country is a different place” now, yet you then say embracing a 200 some year old discredited and destroyed identity is the way forward…. If anyone wants to see what posterity a white nationalist state leaves for future generations, drive to the local urban center.

  29. America was founded during a time when all the various white ethnys and sub-cultures were not under collective attack. This is not true now. White Nationalism is a response to *new* conditions, collective attack, not conditions in the rear view mirror.

    Although, it’s worth noting that even in the 19th century there were instances of mutual cooperation among white folks despite major cultural differences when they perceived common interests at stake. In the Mexican American war, officers from the North and South fought side by side.

    I don’t know of any WNist who doesn’t grant that whites didn’t cooperate in the past. What WNists dispute in my reading of WNism is the relevance of this. They didn’t need to cooperate in the past, although, again, on some occasions they did to further common interests.

    The issues are, 1) whether they need to *now,* and, if so, 2) whether the WNism a good model for cooperation?

    Those of you objecting to WNism ought to explain how a collective attack against all white sub-cultures can be repelled without a collective response.

  30. Those of you objecting to WNism ought to explain how a collective attack against all white sub-cultures can be repelled without a collective response.

    Those of us that are not only not white nationals, but would like that distinction to remain stark ought do no such thing. This isn’t a White National blog; you’re ringing someone’s doorbell and asking them to prove how they can get to heaven without your cult. The burden is on you as a proselytizer for White Nationalism Inc.

  31. In the absence of Slaves and an uncivilized frontier the classical “white identity” is toothless.

    Why? I think you made my point.

    In the presence of slaves, whiteness made sense and worked fine. There was a common threat. The slaves. An us and a them.

    Today we don’t have slaves, but we have Jews, Mexicans, central Americans, blacks, middle easterners, Muslims and others.

    *Those* are the present day equivalents of the 19th century slave threat. This fact would seem to point toward whiteness as you define it being a perfectly viable option for political activity, no?

  32. Today we don’t have slaves, but we have Jews, Mexicans, central Americans, blacks, middle easterners, Muslims and others.

    Is there another White National here that can perhaps better represent WNism or is this guy really the WN-attache in these parts?

  33. In practice, the difference is that some “White” groups lack a sense of racial consciousness, are hostile to the idea of White racial consciousness, oppose White racial consciousness, and have systematically demonized and dismantled White America for the sake of their precious liberal abstractions.

  34. No-Man says:
    March 25, 2013 at 8:48 pm
    Convince us to become White Nationals. Make your next post impressive.

    Ryan will give this try:

    I am fairly confident I understand racial realities in America, racial political realities, racial crime realities, immigration, how the media presents these issues and there is frankly very little “DIVERSITY” of acceptable opinion by the MSM (mainstream media).
    I’ve been called “A RACIST” about six million times (OK maybe not that exact figure, but it just means “a lot”). I try to be fair with most everyone, my race, my kindred people and others. “kindness” means being kind to ones own kind, but also decent and fair with others.
    As for being “A RACIST” or a “WHITE NATIONALIST”, the reality is that any White person in this year 2013 who expresses any racial awareness, support for our White indo European people, opposes open borders immigration, the worst Black and Muslim criminals/terrorists, that White person is smeared as…


    Peter Brimelow the great editor of the fine immigration restriction web site, Peter wrote this definition of

    ” a racist”.

    “A Racist is someone who is winning an argument with a Liberal or sadly, with a Libertarian”.

    I agree.

    I also add this definition of “a racist”.

    “A White person (only Whites can be racist) who has some loyalty to his/our people and someone who isn’t a complete idiot or a complete traitor”.

    OK, just dare say, write or think anything against Black gang bangers, against Muslim terrorists, against corrupt Black pols like the Black mayors who ruined Detroit, Memphis, Washington D.C., Atlanta, New Orleans etc. Day, say or write or even think that mass Pakistani, Arab Muslim immigration to France, Sweden or Michigan might not be such a great idea – understand….


    And it’s just a minor variation on the slur to be called a “White Nationalist”.

    The correct response is something like…


    Or my favorite:

    “I’m not RACIST, some of my BEST FRIENDS are Islamic terrorists, I think it’s JUST GREAT to welcome Islamic Terrorist like Mohammed Ata in to our country, these people brings us just joys of DIVERSITY”.

    The best defense is a good offense.

    I hope that helps.

  35. What’s the difference between a Tea Party rally and White Nationalism? Nowhere do whites gather, enthusiastically, in such numbers. So what if they give lip service to some ridiculous multicult ideas. It’s the one mainstream wave that most minorities are scared to death to be around. It literally frightens them when whites gather like that for the Tea Party. That is white nationalism.

    How does your tribe frighten the enemy, No-man?

  36. HW,

    The notion that cultural and other differences among white people make a general WNism simply not feasible is one of a handful of objection to WNism that I have ever seen that makes sense. It’s a very legitimate and powerful criticism. There is a difference, however, between critiquing WNism and distorting it. There is definitely some of the latter going on here.

    I don’t see where there is any necessary incompatibility between WNism and SNism that justifies the intense hostility that sometimes appears here toward WNism (ex: Don Black doesn’t want a real job). Both camps want union breakup. That’s a powerful common goal right there. Wilmont Robertson talked about ethnostate(s). Conceptually, that implies some WNists see the possibility of partition in ways that accommodate the cultural distinctions.

    Taylor, Edwards and Duke are all Southerners. They have no hostility to the south. I think SNists really need to consider whether the South needs to multiply the number of enemies the South already has to include even folks who want union breakup. WNists are not out to subvert SNism or erase the stark distinction. Most of them wish SNism well.

    That said, I think this topic is played for now, so I’ll close with that.

    • I don’t have any problem cooperating with other Whites to solve mutual problems.

      Probably half the people who comment here are non-Southerners. I don’t have anything against them. My problem is with the millions of White people who live in the Northeast, Upper Midwest, and West Coast who actively try to make matters worse by voting for anti-White Democrats like Obama.

      WNs complain a lot about the Jews and understandably so. Why don’t the White people who live in the Northern and Western states stop voting for them? No one is forcing them to vote for Chuck Schumer or Diane Feinstein.

      How is White Nationalism supposed to work when every congressman from New England is a Democrat and the majority of White people there vote for Obama? Why would people who send a solid phalanx of pro-amnesty Democrats to Congress want to break up America because of changing demographics?

      If they cared about “whiteness,” they wouldn’t be acting that way. They destroyed Jim Crow in the 1960s. Is there any evidence they have changed their minds or ever will change their minds on race?

      IMO, no. “Worse is better” in the Northeast means voting for Clinton, Gore, Kerry and then Obama, moving further toward the Left, and dragging the rest of the country behind them

  37. Jack Ryan: Nothing is sadder and pisses me off more than seeing whites scream “racist” or “reverse discrimination”. The word “racist” as we all know describes a natural and healthy view of our own.
    These same colorblind blockheads are starting to scream “hate crime” to, which is yet another Marxist minnow trap for whites.

  38. Hunter: I’ve been deep diving into the beast called Communism, trying to find ground zero of it all. No doubt Jews are deep into it, but to my surprise, just as many Methodists, Quakers, Presbyterians, Jesuits, etc were as well.

  39. Separate actual real live communist regimes from utopian socialists from the west. It’s a useful excercize. Some of the early Puritan groups were essentially communists. The Spartans were in effect Commies. The Swedes were until recently communist-lite. Left wing politics per we are not the problem. Multiculturalism, multiracialism etc that’s the issue.

    In a round about kind of way Hitler was a type of socialist.

  40. White ethnic conflict was a reality in the past.

    And it still is. Yankees are actively dispossessing the Southron people right now; they are taking our land and making it theirs.

    These old-world divisions have to be left behind for purposes for political cooperation against a common enemy who only sees white, or every distinct white ethnicity will go down.

    How does forgetting who we are and co-operating with Yankees – who are arguably the most racially-destructive of all the white tribes and who do not wish to co-operate with us – benefit the Southron cause?

    You live in fantasy. There is no desire on the part of Yankees, besides a tiny fringe, to co-operate with us. The best they can do for us is to leave us alone, stay out of our land, and tell their neighbours to do the same. Southrons have always welcomed European support and welcome it today, although there is little the Europeans can do to help us since they are themselves drowning.

    Condemning Southrons for not co-operating with Yankees (whatever that even means) is political idiocy. You are writing off one of the most racially-aware white tribes for the sake of one of the most liberal.

  41. I don’t see where there is any necessary incompatibility between WNism and SNism . . ..

    White nationalism: the white race is my nation
    Southron nationalism: the Southron people are my nation


    . . . (ex: Don Black doesn’t want a real job).

    Has he ever had a real job? How much does running a website cost, anyway?

    Both camps want union breakup. That’s a powerful common goal right there.

    So does La Raza.

    Taylor, Edwards and Duke are all Southerners.

    I don’t think Jared Taylor is Southron.

    I think SNists really need to consider whether the South needs to multiply the number of enemies the South already has to include even folks who want union breakup.

    Union breakup does not equal Southron nationalism. White nationalists want Dixie to remain a colony for Yankeedom’s surplus population, whether Dixie is within the union or not. Real nationalism strongly conflicts with the make-believe racial nationalism of the white nationalists. Just look how strongly you object to Southron nationalism.

    WNists are not out to subvert SNism or erase the stark distinction. Most of them wish SNism well.

    Go post Southron nationalist ideas at Stormfront and see how many white nationalists really want Southron nationalism. You may find some Southrons who support you, but the white nationalist ideologues will condemn you ruthlessly and they’ll use the same buzzwords (troll, divisive, etc.) that you have used.

    White nationalism = Yankee imperialism.

  42. “Why don’t people who live in the Northern and Western states stop voting for them.”

    – Because many white voters prioritize local issues over national ones. And it might happen that the likes of Feinstein or Schumer support policies that benefitted their immediate constituents, in spite of their stance on larger, national issues.

    “Why would people who send a solid phalanx of pro-amnesty Democrats to Congress..”

    – As if there’s a single truly anti-amnesty Republican, Southern or otherwise, even in Congress…

    “..want to break up America because of changing demographics?”

    – Why should you expect Americans to want break up America at all? That’s the most selfish shit I’ve ever heard. Regardless of how you personally feel about this country, there are millions of complete strangers, who have done NOTHING to you, and are just trying to do their best in life no matter their circumstances. You don’t have the right expect that everything be rendered asunder just to redress your own personal feelings of having been deprived of some imagined perfect life.

    “If they cared about “whiteness” they wouldn’t be acting that way.”

    – Reality check: Southern whites today don’t care about “whiteness” any more than Northern whites do.

    “They destroyed Jim Crow in the 1960’s.”

    – No, Lyndon Johnson did.

  43. We’re I have a 100+ years of history to say it won’t work out like you think.

    White nationalists care nothing about history or experience. They are modernists. They live in the moment and without any historical context. So, it is no wonder that they lecture us to forget the wisdom of our ancestors and unite with our traditional foes.

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