Black Teens Murder Baby In Stroller In Brunswick, Georgia



Even for the Black Undertow, this is a new low:

 “West earlier told reporters that the incident occurred at 9 a.m. Thursday as she was walking home from the post office, pushing her son Antonio in a stroller.

“A boy approached me and told me he wanted my money, and I told him I didn’t have any money. And he said, ‘Give me your money or I’m going to kill you and I’m going to shoot your baby and kill your baby,’ and I said, “I don’t have any money and don’t kill my baby.”

The boy tried to grab her purse and opened fire when she said tried to tell him she had no money, West said, grazing her head. She said the boy then shot her in the leg.

West continued, “And then, all of a sudden, he walked over and he shot my baby in the face.”

West said she tried to perform CPR on her son and that the police took over when they arrived, but to no avail. “We lost him,” she said. …”

Note: The baby was half White/half Hispanic.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. – Reality check: Southern whites today don’t care about “whiteness” any more than Northern whites do.

    That is complete nonsense. Our Yankee colonists are almost universally liberals.

  2. @Long Live Dixie

    “I don’t think Jared Taylor is Southron.”

    – Oh for Christ’s sake, his parents are native Virginians, and aside from having been born and reared in Japan and spent at Yale and in Paris and West Africa, Taylor has lived most of his life in Virginia and still resides there, you fucking moron.

    I don’t think YOU are Southron, or even American. Idiot troll.

  3. “Some of the early Puritan groups were essentially communists. The Spartans were in effect Commies. The Swedes were until recently communist-lite.”

    Nonsense. In all three of them private property and inheritance were sacrosanct.

    High taxation /= communism and even your cited examples only worked because they were small enough that everyone was a at least a distant cousin.

  4. Denise: You are 100% spot on about this baby, and race in this case would not matter, it is sick sick sick.

    I’d like to have seen a lynching within 30 minutes of catching these cockroaches. Not so much for revenge as prevention.

    My dismay was at seeing yet another Mexican in a once Southern town with a white woman and in the news. For God’s sake they must be everywhere! If this were a case of lice they’d be leaping off our eyebrows!

  5. And also, we can’t let people forget that this is the dream of MLK, LBJ, Rosa Parks, Freedom Riders, Abe Lincoln, etc come true. Thanks Civil Rights! Thanks Union Army. Thanks Glorious Union! Thanks diversity! This must be what they mean by “vibrancy” and “effervescence”, a baby getting his brains blown out.

  6. The levellers and ranters in addition to the diggers were types of Puritan.

    Your ignorance betrays you Rudel. Cromwell quite ruthlessly suppressed these branches of his own sectary.

  7. It’s not in and of itself the political problem, more their antifa antiracist baloney of course .

    Unless explicitly pro-family whether Hitlerian or Ceausescuesque, socialism destroys families. If a woman is guaranteed her basic needs outside of marriage/nunnery she will likely avail herself of government benefits until well past her prime. Women in welfare states postpone marriage, initiate divorces frequently, are overeducated, have less kids and are in general bitches that prefer high-T immigrants to native socialist cuckolds.

  8. Apex fallacy; if only Soutron congressional reps and senators voted it would not have passed. The yankees in congresses passed it. Not sure any voted against

    What White indemnity remains, remains in the South, what anti immigration laws are pushed and passed are done in the South and Southern states.

    Divorce statistics rose dramatically in the 20th century. In the early 1900s marriages rarely broke up. Today half of all marriages end in divorce.

    This rate has held since the 1970s.

    But this isn’t necessarily a sign of moral downfall. According to Swedish researchers it hinges on the expansion of opportunities for making do without a spouse and on fairer distribution of wealth among social classes.

  10. Lew wrote:

    “Mosin Nagant wrote: ‘Of course place and ethnicity are virtually inseparable. Every ethnic group identifies with (and needs, belongs to) its own land, as well as its genetics, culture and religion.’ You appear to be determined to dwell on ethnic, religious and geo-graphic divisions.”

    Lew, ethnic identification is not necessarily “divisive,” and again, “place” identity is a normal, essential part of ethnic identity — and ethnic identity is a normal part of, essential to, inseparable from, white racial identity. Ethnic orthodox Christianity is also the normal expression of the one Western faith.

    Acknowledgement of a white RACE and Western civilisation and faith and acknowledgement of distinct ethnies and their geographic and religious boundaries are not mutually exclusive.

  11. Stonelifter, anti-immigration measures are not initiated and passed by “Southrons” only, and MANY Southrons are among those who push immigration because they profit from immigration. They identify with money much more than blood and soil.

    No-Man, do you remember the divorce issue was “preached-on” thoroughly here, yesterday?

  12. Those of you objecting to WNism ought to explain how a collective attack against all white sub-cultures can be repelled without a collective response.

    Because we are not a collective people. What do we share with the Bulgarians, the Spaniards, or the Russians? There is only distant relation to those people and they are strangers to us. The fact that they are under attack does not mean that we are the same people as them. People fight for what they know, not for abstractions. A white nation is an abstraction. Nationalism is what works.

  13. “The levellers and ranters in addition to the diggers were types of Puritan (…) Cromwell quite ruthlessly suppressed these branches of his own sectary.”

    Quakers, a different type or outgrowth of Ranters, were also suppressed.

  14. We are BOTH racial and ethnic — and also tribal or familial, and even individual. No forest without trees. WN is subsumed in ethnic nationalism.

  15. Form a political party somewhere in Antebellum. Have that party first run in local elections that are usually not well contested and are usually won by republicans.

    This should be a priority for Southron nationalists. And it might be that the credibility and publicity will be more valuable than actually winning office.

    a. secession

    Secession already happened and we were in a voluntary union when it happened. An occupied people can not secede from their occupier. An occupied people can re-assert their independence. But secession, by its nature, is something done when voluntarily within a union.

    d. anti-immigration: eliminate illegal immigration and reduce/restructure legal immigration

    Better still, eliminate immigration entirely. We are not under-populated and have no compelling reason to accept immigrants. A few exceptions can be made, especially for those from the British Isles, but it is necessary to abandon the idea that we need a steady flow of immigrants.

    e. a new constitution to fix the nation’s ills . . ..

    I agree entirely, but how do you convince the people to abandon the basic foundations of the US constitution when even most nationalists treat it with semi-religious admiration?

    f. the restoration of culture (use foreign countries such as Japan to point out to the masses what they are missing – that they can be more than just labor units) – a weekly column with pictures of those countries would help (it would also help to contrast that with pictures here of ruined neighborhoods and hamburger eateries).

    Maybe a country in Europe would be a better choice than Japan.

    Instead of creating a duplicate “Confederate Renaissance” site . . ..

    What happened to that site? The link is gone.

    The public saw a white, blue-eyed child murdered by a thug – one of countless millions who troll the streets. That’s all that counts. Capitalizing on such stories is key to success.

    Do you think we should capitalise on this story by presenting the child as white? Won’t we lose credibility with all the people who know better?

  16. The Bulgarians are many things. Not really white in a recognizable way. Lots of extremely Mongol and Middle Eastern elements.

  17. Maybe a country in Europe would be a better choice than Japan.

    Or better still, our own country before its conquest by the Yankees.

  18. Wasn’t claiming that they are darkies. Swarthy mostly. Nothing out of the ordinary in the Eastern med and Black Sea. There is heavy Turkic/Tartar caste to them. They look distinctively different from Montenegrins or Macedonians.

  19. I’d like to clarify that. Bulgars are not that much different. However the country is full of
    Other groups.

  20. Re: Bulgarians:

    At one of the boundaries where one race begins to fade (or darken) into another.

  21. Yes, John, white and brown groups interspersed. Ethnic and religious consciousness keeps them mostly separated.

  22. Mosin Nagant:

    Acknowledgement of a white RACE and Western civilisation and faith and acknowledgement of distinct ethnies and their geographic and religious boundaries are not mutually exclusive

    I agree. But we have at least two malicious trolls here denying it, spreading divide and rule, making enemies out of a movement that has complementary goals to SNism, and repeated lying about WNists. The net effect is create needless divisions among dissident groups that harms SNist efforts.

    I think HW himself has said there is no reason for SN to fight with groups like Northwest Front. Why? They want the same outcome and thus have complimentary goals.

    Stonelifter is in a class by himself; I respect him for among other reasons he sticks to *founded* reasons when criticizing WNism as far as I can tell: no history of white unity in the past, and most anti-Southerners do indeed reside in the north. Those are factual objections. Unlike these others, Stonelifter doesn’t descend into caricature, insults and distortions.

    We know these other two clowns are liars because they’ve exposed themselves as knowing about Duke, Counter Currents, etc. but parody WNism anyway. A major theme at CC in fact is defending traditional cultures from an ultra anti-modern perspective. The exact opposite of what LLD just lied about.

    We know for a fact that narrow definitions of nationhood centered ethnicity, common culture, and close genetic relatedness don’t in and of themselves facillate joining together against common threats any than a more a theoretical general nationalism that incorporates racial identity. If it did, nationalism would be sweeping Europe. However, there is strong opposition to nationalism in France, Germany and elsewhere.

    No, there is something defective in the white psyche, a deep spiritual crisis affecting many people, even in places where such commonalities exist. It seems to prevent from cooperating against enemies bent on their destruction.

    So the criticisms of WNism from these clowns No Man and LLD that race is too thin to be a meaning rallying point fail. The problems they point to with American WNism don’t exist in Europe yet nationalism with a few exceptions isn’t going anywhere there either.

    Of course the other barrier in Europe is just like here nationalism is under relentless organized attack. Arguing France for the French might get you prosecuted for hate crimes.

    Over here, SPLC has KMD, Jared Taylor *and* Dr. Hill on their enemies list for DHS. SPLC doesn’t care that Dr. Hill is pushing a limited goal of a Southern Nation only. They represent the establishment’s hate for whites, all whites, and this proposed distinct Southern Nation would be for whites, a subset of Whites with very particular cultural preferences but still Whites.

    So, again, a major barrier to a victory for SNism is that its in the line of fire against the attacks on all whites collectively.

    So to get their Southern Nation, Southern Nationalists will have to surmount the collective attack on all Whites first. Are they leaving Dr. Hill alone? No. He too is under collective under attack on all whites.

    Given this reality, WNism emerges as the only possible way any white sub-culture in America can preserve itself. WNism is the movement for meeting a collective attack with a collective response, and therefore defeating that collective attack so all the white subcultures can then live as they see fit.

    It should be common sense. These guys disputing it with misrepresentations of WNism (not stonelifter) are fuckin trolls. No doubt about it.

  23. Romani and Turks are around 12% of the population. Tartars another 2%. Jut to make the distinction between the civic nationals and the Bulgars themselves. It’s a multiracial society. Virtually no blacks of course.

  24. The Gypsies in that region are essentially like dark like blacks. They live filthy, they are often diseased and criminal. I’ve been to a few refugee camps in the Balkans and the local whites despise them. A multilingual Montenegrin guided me throught the various fault lines. The Girls in the Dinaric Alps are Amazons. They seem to start at 5ft 9in.

  25. They breed natural volleyball players in those mountain areas.

    I can well imagine that these women were the Greek’s Titans or Olympians.

  26. And according to that article, the Romeike family could have rather easily moved to neighboring Austria, which does allow homeschooling, where they would have spoken the same language, integrated into an identical culture, and probably would not have had to worry about the threat of deportation. The lowlife fuckers just wanted to come here because, like everyone else, they think America is ripe for the taking.

    This country has no obligation to take in every weepy-eyed stray from around the world, and I don’t give a shit even if they are white. America is for Americans, not post-1965 parasites. Rare hats-off to nigger Eric Holder for this. Don’t let the door hit ya where nature split ya :). And don’t come back!

  27. I still haven’t gotten a satisfactory, No-man, as to which group, implicitly or explicitly white, that has put the fear of God into the MSM and our enemies like the Tea Party has, and continues to do. The Tea Party, in spite of its faults, is like Holy Water to every vampire we hate.

    Why would I want to associate with any group that promotes LESS fear among our enemies?

  28. “Well said, Lew.”

    You stated your position well, and I generally agree. LongLive and No-Man also have valid points, and I don’t think any of you are trolling. Was it Shakespeare who said something like: “Everyone’s a troll but me and thee….”

  29. Landshark, thanks for the good word for the hapless, poorly informed but mostly very good hearted, faithful Tea Partiers.

  30. We know these other two clowns are liars because they’ve exposed themselves as knowing about Duke, Counter Currents, etc. but parody WNism anyway.

    Your thinking is pitiful.

    I still haven’t gotten a satisfactory, No-man, as to which group, implicitly or explicitly white, that has put the fear of God into the MSM and our enemies like the Tea Party has, and continues to do.

    Apparently I haven’t made it clear I don’t give any political credence to whiteness or its “enemies”. That said, the Tea Party is certainly a more respectable outfit than WNism. Make a funny sign, get some fresh air, have fun.

  31. An enemy of whiteness in the American sense is a wagon-burning Indian, or an unruly Nigger slave. “White Americans” as a political group no longer have a monopoly on culture and Christianity. Many WN outright reject culture and Christianity. “White Nationalism” in modern America is an absurdity along the lines of “Etruscan Nationalism” in ancient Rome.

  32. Overstatement after overstatement here, including Stonelifter’s claim of NO anti-immigration laws outside the southern states — but he inadvertently admitted one of the exceptions. Stonelifter did not open my link, which was about an ENGLISH girl (NOT German, the name is “Bell”) and I did not even notice the German (Romeike) case until this morning, when I saw Chris mentioned it. Again, I am labelled “a yankee,” at least not a “damnyankee,” but still a Southron curse. For many years of my life I never encountered the word Yankee except in reference to a sports team. I have no idea what he means by “give props to a nigger.” What is that about? Is this another “*founded*” argument as Lew calls it? Whatever that means. Confounded? Confounding? There is little functional communication in these comment threads.

  33. The largest white ethnic group in America is still the Germans, Stonelifter. They are everywhere, even in southern states, even in YOUR background, and Hunter Wallaces’, and fully half of mine. However, I respect ethnic purity, don’t recommend inter-thnic mixing, not even inter white ethnic. But Germans are a considerable part of the Anglo Saxon heritage. The “confounded” argument is carried to the point of absurdity.

  34. “inter-thnic” is a typo. I meant inter-ethnic.

    I KNOW that “Germans are a different people,” NOT the same people as the English, or as the “Ulster Scots,” etc. But I DO believe that many areas, especially URBAN areas, in the United States, so much interethnic mixing has gone on for so many generations that a NEW ethnic identity is emerging (or was beginning to emerge before the post-1965 invasion) called “the American people,” of mostly combined German, British Isles and Mediterranean white genetic heritage.

  35. I agree. But we have at least two malicious trolls here denying it, spreading divide and rule, making enemies out of a movement that has complementary goals to SNism, and repeated lying about WNists.

    It is white nationalists who make enemies of Southron nationalists when they say that race is paramount to nation (when there really should be no conflict between race and nation), that Southron nationalism is merely cultural, civic, or geographic nationalism, and that Yankee colonisation of Dixie is good because it increases Dixie’s white population. Why don’t you critique white nationalists for opposing Southron nationalism?

    I think HW himself has said there is no reason for SN to fight with groups like Northwest Front.

    I agree with that. The Northwest homeland, even though rooted in fantasy, encourages Yankees to move far from Dixie. I have no quarrel with Yankees who stay in their land and who mind their own business. If they want to try to carve some white nationalist utopian state out of the Pacific northwest, and assuming that such a state will not interfere in Dixie, then more power to them.

    We know these other two clowns are liars because they’ve exposed themselves as knowing about Duke, Counter Currents, etc. but parody WNism anyway.

    Do you deny that white nationalists accept, and in many cases, support the Yankee colonisation of Dixie? Do you deny that race is so paramount to many white nationalists that they are supportive of multi-cultural white states? You are the liar for saying that those things are parodies of white nationalism. Go talk to some white nationalists and see what their opinions are of these things. I’ll help you get started with Stormfront’s FAQ:

    “Q. Would all Whites be welcome in your separate state?

    “A. Absolutely. There would be no restriction by country of origin, and no genetic tests, skin color or hair color tests or any nonsense like that.”

    So the criticisms of WNism from these clowns No Man and LLD that race is too thin to be a meaning rallying point fail. The problems they point to with American WNism don’t exist in Europe yet nationalism with a few exceptions isn’t going anywhere there either.

    Western Europe is far more liberal than Dixie, so any comparison is not a good one. Nationalism is on the rise in eastern Europe. See Golden Dawn, Jobbik, and Ataka. Those parties are nationalists, not white nationalists. They live in the real world and support their people first and they do not talk about the make-believe and abstract “white race as a whole” nonsense that white nationalists spout. If not for Putin’s ban on radical nationalist parties from taking part in elections, then Russian National Unity would also be successful.

    Can you cite a single white nationalist movement that has achieved any level of success or has any broad appeal?

    Given this reality, WNism emerges as the only possible way any white sub-culture in America can preserve itself. WNism is the movement for meeting a collective attack with a collective response, and therefore defeating that collective attack so all the white subcultures can then live as they see fit.

    That simply isn’t logical. Just because the enemies of the white race see all whites as a collective does not mean that we should see all whites as a collective. What you are arguing for is that we should view ourselves in the way that non-whites view us – that all whites are the same. How will it help our struggle to view all whites as the same or to take on the struggle of every single white nation? The best way to resist the enemies of whites is to resist as nationalists. That is what has worked in the past and is working (in relative terms) today.

  36. Why don’t you critique white nationalists for opposing Southron nationalism?

    Better still, instead of trying to convince Southrons to co-operate with (read: submit to) Yankees why don’t you try to convince Yankees to stop fawning over Obama?

  37. Many WN outright reject culture and Christianity.

    Dr. Pierce, who at the time was chairman of the leading white nationalist organisation, said that victory did not mean the survival of Western culture. Victory meant only the survival of one healthy white man and one healthy white woman.

    But, we’re trolls for saying that white nationalists reject nation and culture.

  38. I rarely follow links posted but where are the news stories about immigration laws up north that mirrors Al & Az at the state level? Should be an easy claim to refute if it’s an over statement

    As proven over and over agin Germans were 10% tops of founding stock but their immigration here was a major push forward for leftism and consolidation of power. They are bad for individual liberty and now the biggest race mixers going

  39. No Man,

    No need for the repeat. We get that you reject your fabricated version of “whiteness” as meaningful and your parody of WNism as absurd.

    Many WNists are not Christians; this is true. Many also *are* Christians. It’s false to say they reject culture. That is lie. You can’t seem to comment on WNism without throwing in a lie.

    It might be fair to say they talked mainly about race in the 1990s, but that isn’t true now. You’re at least 15 years behind giving you the benefit of the doubt you’re operating under misunderstanding and not just lying.

    Your ideas aren’t grounded in anything but your own mind, and even taking your ideas on their own terms they make little real sense.

    Whiteness has political credence next to a 19th century black slave but not a 21st century black thug in Birmingham or a Central American MS13 gang-banger in Atlanta.

    Explain that a little more.

    Also, your thoughts on these matters seem incompatible with Dr. Hill’s ideas on what SNism is all about. Part of Dr. Hill’s vision for the South requires rejecting the United States, human rights, homogenized American consumer culture, and such things, pretty much the WNism wish list.

    As far I know, Dr. Hill has never said anything along the lines of whiteness has no meaning. He emphasizes that Southern stock is Euro stock (white). If Dr. Hill has ever ridiculed WNism they way you have, I’d be interested in seeing it.

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