Alabama Moves To Restore (Limited) Segregation

No one in their right mind would send their White children to Bullock County High School
No one in their right mind would send their White children to Bullock County High School


As someone who grew up in this area, I can say that the Alabama Accountability Act will have a far greater impact on the lives of White people in the Black Belt than Alabama’s now famous immigration law.

It will give middle class and lower income White families in areas of Concentrated Blackness a tax credit which will allow them to pull their children out of the dysfunctional integrated public schools and send them to White Christian private schools which were launched in the 1960s as segregation academies.

The spectacle of Union Springs (AL), a city between Eufaula and Montgomery on US-82 which has been utterly destroyed by the Black Undertow, has always loomed large here as one of the greatest influences on my racial views and one of the biggest motivators to wake up every morning and publish something new on this website:

“UNION SPRINGS, Alabama – In parts of Alabama, in the rural and poor Black Belt counties, there are few options for schooling. There are no complications, no non-failing schools to flee to, no nearby suburban systems. There are just two options.

An almost entirely black public school labeled as failing.

And a mostly white, small Christian school.

So how will the new Alabama Accountability Act play out? …”

As things stand today in places like Bullock County and Barbour County (AL), the wealthier and middle class Whites who can afford private tuition for their children (around $3,500 to $5,000 per child a year) largely avoid the integrated public schools, while the middle class and lower income Whites families who can’t afford private school tuition – such as the 10 White students marooned in the Bullock County public school system – are forced through necessity to subject their children to predominantly black integrated schools.

“In Black Belt counties like Greene, Sumter and Bullock, all residents, from the most affluent to the poorest, share a single school zone. And the high schools in all three counties have been listed as failing in the past and, given some reading scores, are likely candidates to be listed that way in the future.

That means the more affluent students who attend the private academies, opened decades ago in the face of federal intervention, will now be eligible for state support.

“What this law does is essentially say we’re now going to start subsidizing with state funds the private school attendance of those schools that were built to resist desegregation,” said Suitts.”

In Black Run America (BRA), the entire White population is forced to pay taxes to support the federal government’s integrated public schools, regardless of whether they use them or not, and those same failing public schools are showered with federal aid which is confiscated from White taxpayers elsewhere in the country, while the White private schools are underfunded due to having their local tax dollars diverted to the public schools which federal judges handed over to the blacks.

It is an inverted version of Jim Crow where White students now attend the underfunded private schools and black students attend the failing public schools which have greater resources due to federal aid.

About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’ll follow Hunter’s view that this is a very good thing for Alabama Whites trying to secure a safe, decent education for their children. But, I advise caution with all things “libertarian”, privitization etc. So often these libertarian economic conservative, “choice” education reforms are pushed through to try to help, “save” poor Black students who supposedly are being oppressed by public school monopolies. The push is on to give poor Blacks, under performing Black students access to effective (White) private and parocial schools. The realities is that White parents go to the trouble of paying for private and parocial schools for their children so their children aren’t terrorized by underclass Blacks or just Blacks. Put these same Black students in (White) private, parochial schools and you’ll get the same problems. It’s the system where Blacks demand “what’s mine is mine, what’s yours needs to be integrated”, since government forced busing is no longer in vogue, the usual suspects come up with some new Libertarian, “choice” plans to do the same – force violent, hostile, low IQ Blacks, non Whites to be allowed in to White schools.

  2. If it wasn’t for the existence of the Union with every public school in America falling under the Brown decision and the Civil Rights Act of 1964, this wouldn’t be a problem because there would still be two public school systems in Alabama.

    As things stand today, there are public schools and private schools in this part of Alabama, and the wealthier Whites who can afford private tuition use the private schools, and the rest of the White population can’t afford to send their children to private schools after getting soaked for taxes to pay for the black public schools.

    Giving them a tax credit will allow more White families to abandon the public schools. The effect will be more Whites in the public schools, not more blacks in the private schools. It will make it easier for young Whites with children to stay in this area.

  3. The real solution for whites is: form home-school cooperatives. There are enough unemployed and underemployed educated white people right now, who are perfectly capable of teaching children the basic foundations of a good education.

    Say, twenty white families get together and pool their resources. They rent some cheap office space, and hire a free-lance math geek, a free-lance science geek, a free-lance history geek, a free-lance literature geek, and a free-lance foreign language geek, a free-lance art/music/drama geek, and somebody with an “enforcer” mindset to act as the headmaster — all eminently available in today’s depressed labor market. The only other cost is background checks to make sure you didn’t hire Chester the Molester. But if a couple of parents split up their time to sit in on classes and monitor them to make sure Uncle Ernie isn’t fiddling about, you’re done.

    BAM! — instant school. Form a league of ten or so of these instant schools, and you’ve got yourself a cooperative ad-hoc athletic league, a transfer-student and guest-lecturer program, social networking, boom, you’re done, for a fraction of the cost of an expensive private school.

    As in so many other things such as news, the same with education — the future is in networked aggregators. Fuck, I’ll set it up for you myself.

  4. It says that only 10 of 1350 students in Bullock county public schools are white. Even if all 10 of those students moved to private christian academies, if 11 blacks do the same, how is this a positive move? I guess it keeps 3,500$ per student out of the hands of the black school boards.

  5. The blacks aren’t going to move their kids to the private schools because of 1.) the free lunch at the public schools, 2.) better facilities which comes from better funding, 3.) their peers are at the better funded public schools, 4.) the forethought required in saving $3,500 to $5,000 a year for private school tuition, and 5.) because the tax credit doesn’t cover the full cost of private school tuition.

  6. Whether this will aid additional whites to enter the private schools or serve as vouchers to bring Negroes into the private schools depends on how it is structured. If it is actually a tax CREDIT where you have to actually be a taxpayer to be eligible for the credit to reduce your taxes then it would assist whites who don’t make quite enough to pay tuition for the private schools after taxes currently. If it is a give-away like the Unearned Income Tax Credit then it would operate like a voucher.

    Hunter what are the incomes distributions like for Whites and Negroes in those areas? If it is the case that the numbers of Whites and Negroes are comparable as to income levels in that just below the cut-off line where private schooling isn’t affordable then Whites and Negroes would be more or less assisted the same. But if the distribution of Negro income is non-bell shaped and is instead better described as a lopsided dumb bell where there is a small number of high income elites (government employees and business cronies) and a large population wallowing in their natural condition of poverty then Whites will be the primary beneficiaries of this tax credit.

  7. The Whites who can get out of the public schools almost always choose to do so – unless, they simply can’t afford the private school tuition, which is often the case when middle class and lower income Whites have two or more children.

    From the article:

    “The median household income for black residents in 2010 in Greene County was just $19,715. The median household income for white residents was $47,944.”

  8. The blacks have no incentive to transfer from their lavishly funded public school to an underfunded White Christian academy. Whites have a very powerful incentive to keep their children, especially their daughters, away from the blacks.

  9. Either way it will take white money out of the black school systems which is a good thing in and of itself. W&C brought up a good point about how this will depend on how they setup the tax credit.

  10. “The blacks have no incentive to transfer from their lavishly funded public school to an underfunded White Christian academy. Whites have a very powerful incentive to keep their children, especially their daughters”

    You just, yourself, identified what the powerful black incentive would be: Where de fiiiiine white girls at? There’s also the sheer pleasure of ruining something that whites have built for themselves, for the sake of ruining it.

    Besides, blacks just naturally want to follow whites around; they always have this nagging suspicion in the back of their tiny little minds that the whites have some sort of secret unearned mojo (these days it’s now labeled “privilege”) which they are keeping from the blacks out of pure malice and spite, and daaaaamn, dey wants dem some o’ dat white secret magic. ‘Specially if it involves access to dem fiiiiine white girls.

  11. They’ll just demand the necessary money, citing that the inability to pay said tuition amounts to some form of discrimination, and the Obama administration will happily fork over the money, courtesy of white tax revenue. This is a total non-story. Side-door attempts at racial segregation have been attempted and quickly undermined a million times in past five decades. Alabama isn’t breaking any new ground.

  12. 313Chris is pretty much spot on here. What he described is exactly what would happen. They would cry this as another form of racism and the federal government would step in.

    I really feel sorry for those 10 kids in that school. Nightmare everyday they have to step into that hellhole.

  13. oscar the grinch says:
    April 1, 2013 at 9:27 pm

    The real solution for whites is: form home-school cooperatives.

    I have posted about this here, before. This is *exactly* what our community in Northern Va did when large blocks of blacks were being relocated here from DC and PG County.

    We “removed” ourselves from the public school system, and there were no private academies that weren’t at a minimum a 45 min trip one-way.

    We set up our homeschooling co-op in the Sunday School wing of our church, and attendance is by “invitation only”. The majority of our teachers are parents of the children attending, and volunteer for a background/criminal check. We have had no discipline issues – at all. Our costs are very low. The choices for the students is impressive – for example, foreign language choices alone include the typical French, German, Russian, Spanish but also Latin, Attic Greek, Koinic Greek, Mandarin Chinese.
    Our kids have enrichment clubs and field trips monthly. Some examples include a Sea Perch competition (underwater robotics as part of the Physics class) and geology hikes through the nearby Appalachians, as well as sponsoring a portion of the Chesapeake watershed for water quality monitoring and clean-up.

    The added bonus is, our numbers have increased so much that we are now able to advocate in blocks to systemically reduce the funding going into the local (majority-minority) public school system. The local teacher’s Union rep threatened to slash my tires as a result. 🙂

    In other words, win-win all round.

  14. I’m with Jack Ryan, (except for the fact that vouchers are a lamestream conservative idea/brain-fart, and true libertarians, for all their other problems, oppose vouchers). Even if the “voucher” is a pseudo-voucher via tax credit, and even if it’s limited to the state tax return, the Feds will STILL use that as a “hook” to control the curriculum and admissions standards of these good white private schools. It won’t be long until they’re the same kind of blackboard jungles that the public schools already are.

  15. “intergrated black schools” yeah uh huh. We mere citizens are always threatened with “change” but lo and behold the centralized school model is hanging around like a dinosaur.

    kudos to Liberty

  16. It will come down to busing. If the White private school had no bus system, like public schools have, there would be little to no negro attendance. It’s not like buck negros have much to do with their get, and sheboons either. Getting the niglets to private school would require effort on the full grown negros part. We know that does not happen often

  17. Hunter, giving whites the opportunity to get out of these ruined schools is the best idea I’ve seen yet. My Dad was born and raised in Mobile and went to Murphy High and graduated in 1939. Our whole family on my Dad’s side lived in Mobile since our Irish Catholic great great grandparents settled there in 1837 (are you reading Earl Butzhead?). Murphy high is now another groid snakepit from what I’ve read. We have a few relatives living in the area but they are now in Baldwin County

  18. If it were not the existence of the Union, we could create a White K-12 public school system funded by White tax dollars now squandered on BRA’s worthless integrated public schools.

    Similarly, if it were not for the existence of the Union, the border would have been secured a long time ago, Obama wouldn’t be president, and there would be an EEOC or “disparate impact” standard in employment.

  19. Federal control over the education system is the problem. Federal control over education was the raison d’etre of the civil rights movement, the prototypical backdoor Marxist movement if ever there was one.

    The de facto segregation that exists today is both necessary and good. Just not quite as good as the de jure segregation that existed before.

    The real solution is separation from the yankee BRA empire. Vouchers, homeschool coops and private schools are attempts to put a bandaid on a sucking chest wound.

    The federal beast is the source of woe.

    Deo Vindice

  20. Home school co-ops sound like a brilliant idea. I’m sorry we didn’t home school our own kids. In “social studies” (what they used to call History class) they had a “Holocaust” section EVERY FRIGGIN’ YEAR when they went to public school.

  21. “homeschool coops and private schools are attempts to put a bandaid on a sucking chest wound.

    The federal beast is the source of woe.”

    Although I agree that the federals are a major source of our woes the feds are going bankrupt in the process.

    Private education of whatever kind is not a mere “band-aid” but a legitimate tactic of resistance to BRA as are jury nullification, tax evasion/cash transactions, and state non-compliance with federal mandates. Many federal programs can be “opted-out” by the states and counties as long as they have the gumption to not accept the federal dollars that go along with them.

    BTW, sucking chest wounds are hard to treat in the field no matter what the size of the bandage. The internal bleeding doesn’t miraculously stop even after you plug/cover the hole.

  22. “As someone who grew up in this area, I can say that the Alabama Accountability Act will have a far greater impact on the lives of White people in the Black Belt than Alabama’s now famous immigration law.”

    Not after the SPLC, Eric Holder, and the Supreme Court get through with it. Good tactics though in passing it. Let’s the communist motherfuckers in Washington D.C. know that they haven’t tamed everyone yet.

  23. Federal control of everything, not just education, is the gaping chest wound because it is means by which the Judeo-Yankee Northeastern power structure imposes its will on the rest of the country.

  24. Perhaps.

    If so, it will reinforce the central argument made here literally every day that the Union ought to be dissolved because it is damaging to the South.

  25. “it will reinforce the central argument made here literally every day that the Union ought to be dissolved because it is damaging to the South”

    It is damaging to us all, Hunter.

  26. These sorts of things will destroy private schools just like churches and places of worship. Once a church or school accepts government monies it always has strings attached. Private schools and colleges are supposed to operate on private donations and the money of private groups/organizations. Once this is opened up to government funding it will become a carbon copy of the public schools. Oh sure, it will still be called a private school except in reality it will be no better or different from the failing public schools you left behind. This is just a way of saying these schools are too white and need to be colored up a little to be more reflective of our third world American heritage.

    • I believe it is a tax credit from the state government, not federal money with federal strings attached. The Republicans like Mike Hubbard who pushed through HB 56 are behind this.

      Billy Beasley, the piece of shit who represents the Black Undertow in my hometown, and the liberals at are crying “racism” and “segregation.” That tells you everything that you need to know about whether this bill is good for White people.

  27. “I believe it is a tax credit from the state government, not federal money with federal strings attached.”

    They will nail you on 1st Amendment grounds (separation of church and state) and 14th Amendment grounds (equal protection under the law.)

    All as currently interpreted by the Supreme Court. There is no way in hell that BRA will not attack this full bore. States Rights died in 1864 somewhere between Atlanta and Savannah in the late fall of 1864. Expect an immediate federal court injunction against it.

    Still a good effort though. I hope you Alabamans have enough money to pursue it all the way to the Supreme Court.

  28. $3,000-5,000 for a school YEAR@!?
    Umm, is there a huge disconnect here or what? That’s peanuts, IMHO.

    Where we once lived (suburban Mpls) tuition at a variety of different ‘private’ schools can be (and often was easily) Three-Five times MORE expensive, than such a pittance for Christian private school in the area under discussion!

    What IS the average salary for white folks down there, anyway?

    As information, private/religious schools in a ‘typical’ older, middle-class suburb in the Twin Cities, are as follows
    Nativity of Mary Catholic School- Bloomington, MN – cost/comparable
    “The tuition rates for the 2012-2013 school year are: Grades K-8 $4,150”
    http://school (dot) nativitybloomington (dot) org/tuition–financial-aid.html
    Bloomington Lutheran School – cost/comparable
    Tuition for non-members (they charge more if you aren’t in their synod) – $4365.
    http://www (dot) bllhschool (dot) org/tuition-fees
    Calvin Christian School – Chanhassen, MN (a ‘richer’ suburb) cost/higher
    Tuition (suggested) for grades 1-8 and 5-day K — $6,850
    http://www (dot) calvinchristian (dot) org/costs.cfm

    (I’m not including non-Christian schools in this comparison, and show a ‘mix’ of denominations, merely for reference)

    Then there are the ‘good’ schools:

    Minnehaha Academy – Grades 1 to 4 -$ 15,220.00
    the price goes up each year thereafter, to:
    Grade 12 (includes senior graduation fee) – $ 17,050.00
    http://www (dot) minnehahaacademy (dot) net/private-christian-school-tuition/

    Providence Academy-
    Grades 1 – 5 $15,225, Grades 9 – 12 $16,555 (incl. ‘other fees)
    http://www (dot) providenceacademy (dot) org/admissions/tuition_fees/

    Now, these are but two schools I know of. Out East (Yankee-land) I know some ‘prep schools’ can cost up to $40k a year (incl. room/board). In addition, these schools lack ANY/all truly Christian teaching, as most of them went liberal/multiculti/wacko DECADES ago, but they still have ‘a name.’

    For instance, the ‘anti-discrimination’ statemen of one such school (Episcopal) in my state, reads: “Shattuck-St. Mary’s School community, with its strong commitment to protecting human rights and dignity, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, national or ethnic origin in its admissions or financial aid programs, the administration of its educational, athletic, or other school programs, or its employment practices.”

    (note: What this means is, Your child (and heaven forbid, YOU) can’t tell a faggot father (or his ‘son’) he or she is going to hell, will die of STD’s, and will expect to have a short, vulgar life, at ‘orientation. Moreover, if your son/daughter finds that their ‘roommate’ is a pervert in places like this-and, with recent court decisions, a precedent has been set- it is YOUR kid that will have to ‘suck up’ to the Fag supremacists. In addition, someone else’s psychosis will end up causing YOUR kid to go to jail, if said ‘freak/lez’ decides to commit suicide while ‘sharing a room’ with your normal offspring- truly, the perversity of a nanny state knows no bounds.)

    And the cost for such ‘diversity’ at such a ‘prep’ school? St. Mary’s/Shattuck here in (rural, non-East Coast) MN, is:

    Domestic Boarding: $42,175
    Domestic Day: $28,100

    International Boarding: $44,175
    International Day: $30,100
    http://www (dot) s-sm (dot) org/admissions/affording-ssm/

    So, on average, I think that ‘worrying’ about 3-5k per student as a possible ‘drain’ on school systems, via voucher payments, from taxes we already pay, have paid, and will pay years after our kids are grown and gone, is pretty much NOTHING when it comes to the Mega-state, and their supposed ‘separation of Christianity from the State.’

    What this all is, is that they (FEDGOV) just don’t want any competitors for their State religion of multicultural/multiracial Babel, at any cost…..

  29. Some of those Christian day schools lack competent teachers, and rely on cheap “canned” (video) instruction and test-taking practice. Competent, dedicated, truly Christian teachers are much too rare.

  30. When my kids were growing up, there was no way we could have afforded sending them to private Jewish schools – but they all attended anyway. How? It was understood that the wealthier Jews would not allow poorer Jewish children to be left out in the cold. Scholarships were arranged. Ideally, this is how the private schools should be run, especially if there are only 10 white students in question.

  31. The jew above makes an excellent counter point to iceman’ s post but folks won’t put 2 & 2 together

  32. JAY, you can do that if your community is very close-knit, but Whites are more individualistic and expect people to be self-sufficient.

  33. These small, incremental developments that benefit whites in even marginal ways are important for many reasons, first and foremost because they help real flesh and blood people.

    I would expect the usual:

    – hysterical anti-white media coverage
    – all front attack by anti-white hate groups like SPLC
    – a law suit in federal court, followed by an injunction.

    People need to buckle up and prepare for a fight.

  34. First things first, we break the taboo that stops whites talking about what is in the interest in whites, then things fall into place.

    FTR the powers that be should relent, this would deprive the extremist factions of any appeal, and IMO non-whites and jews would probably appreciate whites acting like adults instead of the mean girls type we have been reduced to in this anti-white system.

  35. White folks need to start modeling Jews in many ways.

    How fortunate to be born into a community that takes care of its own in that way.

    It redounds to the benefit of the entire Jewish community.

  36. Indiana just had a major court ruling in favor of vouchers.

    Of course the Huffington Post was against it.

    And about what the Jew said, about Jews making sure less financially well off Jews don’t suffer for it, that is a prime difference between Jews and our people. It is why they outperform our people where it counts and in where the power centers of modern society lie.

    Our people are NOT going to put two and two together, however. We have been conditioned to be “rugged individualists. BTW, is there ANYONE who has not got the clue what, exactly, is explicitly meant by that term? It is clear from the context it is ALWAYS used in by neo-conservatives.

    A “rugged individualist” is a man who has been *successful* in starting a business and getting wealthy from it.

  37. Notice, of course, how “Conservatives” still don’t have a clue. Many of them support this because of, and blast liberals about “not wanting blacks to get an education.”

  38. “what do u think of this shit?”

    I prefer the term “illegal alien” to “illegal immigrant” or better yet, just plain “wetback.”

  39. that is a prime difference between Jews and our people. It is why they outperform our people where it counts and in where the power centers of modern society lie.

    I’m not disagreeing with you, Brutus. That difference also explains why our people create power centers and societies. Do you really want to see Whites become a judaized race of professional screechers and identity-politikers? I’m asking you, not Lew.

  40. “Do you really want to see Whites become a judaized race of professional screechers and identity-politikers?”

    There are no louder screechers of identity politics than some of the “Southrons” who post on this site.

  41. Blacks like a lot of things in big public schools – things like large football and basketball programs, social promotion, not too much stress and pressure from having to do rigorous academic work in subjects Whites promote like Latin, geography, English literature.

    A way to finesse getting persecuted by the “powers that be” is to try to offer these classical music lessons, Latin, chess clubs, AP geography and math courses to public school Blacks and then act disappointed and dumb founded that few if any public schools Blacks sign up.

    Also, feature sports that Blacks don’t like to do like cross country running, rugby instead of football, golf and tennis. You’ll be pleasantly surprised that Blacks will choose to self segregate, avoid Shakespeare and Dickens, Jane Austin (I wish I could have evaded Jane Austin). Always try to put some spin that your actions are trying to “help” the poor Blacks, give them access to higher education, better nutrition etc. Here in Chicago, elitist White Liberals managed to ethnically/class cleanse poor Blacks from our beautiful lakefront by putting in expensive sailboat yacht basins, prairie restoration & wetlands bogs in lakefront park areas where tens of thousands of low class Blacks used to enjoy BBQ, drinking and terrorizing unsuspecting White bicyclists.

    This was successfully done by offering to provide a safer, cleaner park system to poor people.

    Don’t write off the Liberals.

  42. My suggestion is modeling the Jewish practices that make sense not all Jewish practices.

    Not leaving the poor behind is a good one.

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